Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 184 Destiny, Bloodline, Attack【Please subscribe~~】

Chapter 184 Destiny, Bloodline, Attack【Please subscribe~~】


Orthanc Tower.

As deep and thick as a tower, it spreads all over the black marble hall.

After chatting for a while, the two wizards fell into deep thought.

The standing Gandalf in gray robe had a heavy expression and his brows were tightly furrowed.

Saruman in white robes sitting on the bench seemed to have a hint of gloom under his calm expression.

"As long as we move fast enough, we still have time to deal with Sauron."

After being silent for a while, Gandalf said without hesitation.

Even Saruman is pessimistic about the current situation in Middle-earth.


Saruman raised his face from the shadow of bowing his head and asked Gandalf, "Where did we get the time?"

"Sauron's strength has almost been restored."

"Although he hasn't completely succeeded in reincarnating, his soul still has powerful magic power."

"Although he is enclosed in the fortress, he can know everything."

Saruman continued on his own: "His vision can see through clouds, shadows, land, and even flesh."

Gandalf frowned and looked at Saruman in front of him, but he clearly noticed something strange.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come to look for Saruman."

Hearing Saruman's completely different attitude from his own, and the words that started to change from the other side's mouth.

Gandalf secretly regretted coming to Isengard this time.

At this moment, Saruman suddenly turned his head and stared at Gandalf and said slowly, "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"A gigantic eye surrounded by flames."

Gandalf answered softly, "That's the Eye of Sauron."

"It is gathering evil forces, and soon, it will gather enough troops to attack Middle Earth"

Gandalf frowned and asked, "How do you know this?"

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes"

Saruman spoke lightly, and Gandalf immediately thought of one thing: the Palantir gem, also known as: "The Crystal Ball of True Knowledge".

"Saruman, you used the crystal ball of true knowledge?"

"It's too dangerous!"

Gandalf was startled, and as he spoke, he immediately looked left and right, and saw a round sphere covered by a black cloth on the stone platform at the corner of the hall.

Then strode forward.

Saruman followed Gandalf's footsteps, walked to the stone platform, raised his hand and lifted the black cloth covering it.


"Why be afraid to use it?"

Saruman spoke indifferently.

"Because the other crystal balls of true knowledge are missing, we don't know if anyone else is using them."

As Gandalf said, he immediately took the black cloth from Saruman, and quickly covered the deep black crystal ball on the stone platform.

It was just the moment when he covered the black cloth and the palm of his hand inevitably touched the crystal ball of true knowledge.

Suddenly, Gandalf saw a terrifying giant eye burning with flames.

"That's the Eye of Sauron!"

"Why did it appear on this true knowledge crystal ball?"

"Could it be that Sauron was watching here just now?"

At this moment, Gandalf reacted suddenly, and he realized a terrifying possibility.

It seems to have noticed Gandalf's strangeness.

Saruman walked towards the bench in the corner with a playful expression, and looked at Gandalf: "Time is running out, Sauron has already started action."

"Those nine have left Minas Morgul."

"The nine?"

Gandalf looked at Saruman in surprise.

"It was the nine who crossed the River Eshin, disguised as black knights, on Midsummer's Eve."

"Have they reached the Shire?"

"They will find the One Ring and kill its bearer."

Saruman spoke indifferently.

"No, Frodo."

Gandalf's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately turned around and walked out of the hall.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Saruman's mouth, and he just waved his hand.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The four thick stone gates were immediately closed.

"You don't really think the hobbits can stand against Sauron, do you?"

Saruman on the bench spoke slowly.

Gandalf turned to look at Saruman with incredible anger and disappointment in his eyes.

"This time, no one can stop Modo from winning."

Ignoring Gandalf's eyes, Saruman finally spoke his purpose: "Let us join them, Gandalf."


Deep in the woodland kingdom.

In a hall with exquisite shape and exquisite decoration.

A group of elf girls with long brown hair, tall stature, and delicate appearance were playing musical instruments.

Not far away, the elf king Thranduil was reclining on the couch, tapping his fingers and closing his eyes.

At this time, an elf adjutant wearing silver armor walked quickly to the side of the elf king and whispered a few times.

Thranduil left and frowned, pondered for a while, then sat up, looked at the adjutant and ordered: "Let Legolas come to see me."


The elf lieutenant left quickly.

Thranduil waved away the band of elf girls who were playing. After sitting on the couch and meditating, he immediately found a piece of paper and quickly wrote a letter.

Not long after, the figure of Legolas appeared at the gate of the hall.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

"Well, you go to Rivendell and give this to Lord Eldron."

Thranduil nodded, and handed the envelope to Legolas.

after an hour.

Armed Legolas came out of the woodland kingdom.

He galloped towards the vast forest ahead.

Morning after rain.

Everything on the washed earth has become extraordinarily fresh.

The eastern sky dawned white.

East of the small town of Bree.

In a sparse forest.

A team of six is ​​marching.

Two tall and four short, this team is naturally the Morgan team who just came out of Bree Town.

Last night, he escaped the tracking of the ring spirits.

Early this morning, the six-member team left Bree.

Because the rest are the reasons for the wilderness mountain road.

So don't even think about riding a horse.

Before Morgan left, he bought a lot of food supplements at the Black Knight Tavern and put them in the Dimensional Ring.

This time, everyone in the team only needs to carry their own small carry-on bags.

Everything else was put into the Dimensional Ring by Morgan.

This miraculous scene naturally fell into the eyes of Aragorn who had just joined the team.

But after he just glanced at the ring on Morgan's hand, he didn't pay attention.

"Where do you think we will go this time?"

"how could I know"

"Just ask Morgan and you'll know?"

"Why don't you ask?"

Listening to the back of the team, the four little hobbits kept talking.

Morgan, who was walking in front, couldn't help but suddenly thought of those dwarves in Lonely Mountain.

Back then, when the Lonely Mountain Expedition Team and the dwarves gathered together, they chattered tirelessly like this.

Didn't expect these hobbits to gather together in the same way.

Come to think of it, this trip to Rivendell won't be boring anymore.

"Uncle Morgan, where are we going next?"

Then suddenly Frodo's voice came from behind.

Morgan looked back at the four little men behind him, and said, "Rivendell."

"Our next destination is Rivendell."

After Morgan finished speaking, the four hobbits started talking again.


"Is it the residence of elves?"

"Morgan is taking us to meet the elves?"

"The legendary elf?"

"I haven't seen what an elf looks like, how about you, Merry?"


"Have you ever seen an elf?"


"And you, Frodo?"

"Neither have I seen it"

Joyful voices continued from behind.

In front, Aragorn, who was walking side by side with Morgan, suddenly turned his head to look at Morgan and asked, "Morgan, is yours also the Lord of the Rings?"

"Why do you ask?"

Morgan turned to look at Aragorn and smiled.

"The ability of your ring is amazing. Apart from the Lord of the Rings, I can't think of any other rings that have that ability."

Aragorn also laughed.

For a ranger like him who spent most of his career in the wilderness.

He understands better than anyone how useful equipment with magical storage capacity can be.

"I do not know either."

"But probably not, I showed Gandalf."

"It's a pity he didn't find anything."

"But it's okay, I've had this ring for so long, and I haven't noticed anything unusual."

Morgan shook his head with a smile, and continued: "Maybe it's just a magical magic ring."

"After all, there are too many secrets in this world."

Hearing Morgan's words, Aragorn also nodded: "Even Gandalf couldn't find out, it seems that this may be the case."

Indeed, even Gandalf, who has lived for countless years and is extremely knowledgeable, has not been able to find out, which is probably the case.

But Aragorn just asked casually.

After all, with Morgan's strength and great reputation, if there was any abnormality in the ring in his hand, it would have been exposed long ago.

What he actually wanted to ask was Morgan's true identity?
With a human body, he can live from the expedition and war in the lonely mountain to the present, and he still looks extremely young.

In the whole world, apart from the Dúnedain whose lifespan far exceeds that of ordinary humans, there is no other race of humans who can do this.

Now Aragorn, as the No. 16 patriarch of the Dúnedain, naturally has the obligation, responsibility, and necessity to find out Morgan's true identity.

Regardless of Morgan's own strength, what makes Morgan even more powerful lies in his strong relationship network with Thorin Oakenshield's Erebor dwarf kingdom in the north, the king of the valley state, and the elf king of Serandil in the dark forest.

Aragorn could fully imagine the powerful terror hidden behind Morgan.

It would be great if Morgan was really of the blood of the wandering "Dunedamn".

It's just that Aragorn thought a lot in his mind, but he still didn't speak easily.

Because he once asked Gandalf if Morgan had said his identity, or something else.

But Gandalf said that Morgan was not interested in those, whether he was a Dúnedain or not.

It was because of Morgan's attitude that Aragorn couldn't speak rashly.

Because this question may be fine for others to ask, but as the current chief of the Dunedain, it is difficult for him to ask.

After all, his relationship with Morgan is far from reaching the level of Gandalf and Morgan.

After thinking about it again and again, Aragorn didn't ask.

The six-man squad moved on.

As the sky grew brighter, the red sun rose in the eastern sky.

The warm sun shines on the earth in autumn.

It has been raining for several days.

Finally saw the sun again today.

Walking on the sparsely forested hills and mountains.

The mood of the whole team brightened up like the sky.

half a month later.

The six-member team walked out of the vast Chit Forest and arrived in front of Weakwater Swamp.

The sky was overcast.

Looking at the stinky swamp that can't be seen at a glance.

Except that Morgan and Aragorn couldn't see any extra expressions on their faces.

The four hobbits looked at the dense skeletons that could be seen everywhere in front of them, the huge blood-sucking gadflies hovering above the smelly muddy water, and a muddy path that was not a road at all.

The faces of each of them immediately became hesitant and difficult.

"Can we make a detour?"

Merry asked, looking at Morgan with her ponytail beside her.

"No, we avoided the avenue."

"If we bypass it, our travel time will be at least one month longer."

Morgan shook his head and said.

He naturally knew that the swamp in front of him was difficult to navigate.

But in order to avoid the ring spirits, the team gave up taking the road, and this swamp is the only way to go.

Hearing such words, several hobbits immediately gave up.

"You don't have to be afraid. This swamp is not too big. Let's hurry up and get out in about three days."

Aragorn answered and smiled to comfort the hobbits.

Compared with other larger and more dangerous swamps he had walked in, this swamp was only a small swamp.

"Let me lead the way, I have experience with these."

Aragorn said and stepped forward.

Morgan nodded, he was familiar with the road from Shire to Rivendell.

But this swamp, he did not walk through it.

Aragorn was familiar with this.

He once went deep into the larger and more terrifying death swamp of Mordo, and even caught Gollum there.

Aragorn stepped forward, inserted a few times with the stick in his hand, and was the first to step into the stinky swamp.

Four days later.

The team of six walked out of the Weak Water Swamp.

ten days later.

Walk on the bare wilderness.

The six-member team could see a huge mountain top in front of them from a distance, and above the top of the mountain stood the ruins of various tall and man-made buildings.

On a vast and boundless barren wilderness, the ruins of the towering high mountaintop in front of it are naturally eye-catching.

The hobbits were a little surprised.

But in Aragorn's eyes, his gaze was full of complexities, emotions, and embarrassment.

This Fengyunding is of special significance to him, who is a descendant of King Arnor's royal family, Aserdan.

"That's Fengyunding."

Aragorn looked at Fengyunding and said softly, then looked to his side: "Morgan, shall we rest there tonight?"

Morgan, who had already seen the change in Aragorn's mood, only hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

He is no stranger to this Fengyunding.

After all, every time I go to Shire, I can always see this majestic ruined mountain from afar on the avenue.

Morgan, who has a memory plot and is afraid of accidents, originally didn't plan to go up.

But this is the first request that Aragorn made to himself along the way.

Morgan is not good at refusing.

at this time.



A dull thunder suddenly sounded from the dark sky.

It was getting darker.

Morgan looked up at the sky, which was a sign of heavy rain.

Now there is no reason to reject Aragorn.

after an hour.

Fengyunding, under a huge ruin on the summit, the six-person team looked at the open space a few meters away with heavy rain, panting and thankful.

"Huh, huh, huh."

The heavy rain was wantonly washing over the whole world.

The six-member team hid under the ruins, ready to start today's dinner.

at the same time.

It was getting darker.

In torrential rain.

A dark team is galloping towards Fengyunding.

(End of this chapter)

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