Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 185 Battle of Fengyunding!

Chapter 185 Battle of Fengyunding!

wow wow wow
It was pouring rain outside.

Below the ruins of a huge weathered rock building.

The team of six started today's dinner.

In such a rainstorm, it is difficult to find even dry firewood, let alone lighting a fire.

Each of the six people spread blankets against the wall.

Then, they sat side by side on the blankets and started eating jerky and drinking wine.

Because there is Morgan in the mobile warehouse.

So there are still a lot of drinks left because of the replenishment at the Black Knight Tavern in Bree more than a month ago.

On the contrary, there is not much food left.

But there is no need to worry about food. With Morgan and Aragorn, hunting is easy.

It was almost late autumn at this time.

The weather, which was already noticeably cold, was even colder now.

"I really want to drink a bowl of hot soup."

"I think so too, but with such a heavy rain, the firewood we saw when we came up was already wet"

"Hey, Merry, tell me, what if Morgan's magic equipment could be packed with dry firewood like food? Do you think he would agree?"

"That's a good suggestion, Pippin, why don't you ask?"

"Uh, forget it then."

"Would you like to go?"

"Suddenly I don't want to drink soup."


The little hobbits on the side chattered quietly.

Morgan sat by the side, smoking a pipe, looking at the rain curtain not far in front of him, thinking secretly.

In the memory plot, the hobbit team led by Aragorn was discovered by the chasing Ringwraiths because they secretly raised a fire above the top of the storm, and the fire light illuminated the darkness.

But at this moment, Morgan felt that with such a huge ruin on the top of the mountain, even if a small bonfire was raised in the middle, it should be difficult to be noticed.

Because the ruins of Fengyunding are too big.

Of course, under such a heavy rain, it is naturally impossible to start a fire.

Nor would Morgan use the Dimensional Ring space to hold firewood as the Hobbit Pippin said.

What he's thinking now is, will those ring spirits catch up like in the memory plot?

Also, will Frodo be stabbed by the Witch King of Angmar with the sword of Morgul?
Morgan wasn't sure about the former.

Because in this vast wilderness, if it is not raining, you can find a place to rest.

But if it rains, the only place around here is Fengyunding, which has something to hide from the wind and rain.

If the ring spirits happen to catch up here.

With the current weather, they are really likely to come up to look for it.

As for the latter, whether Frodo will be stabbed by the sword of Morgul.

Morgan thought it was impossible.

Because this time not only Aragorn did not leave, but also a stronger himself.

In short, there is a possibility that the Ring Spirits will catch up tonight.

But it shouldn't be big.

The night was darker.

When a few little hobbits on the side purred evenly.

It was still raining heavily outside.

In the darkness, only a spark flickered on Morgan's pipe.

at this time.

There was a trace of other sounds suddenly mixed with the sound of the rainstorm falling.

Morgan's originally closed eyes opened immediately, and then he listened carefully in the direction of the sound source.

At this time, Morgan could also clearly notice a sudden change in Aragorn's breathing rate not far away.

Obviously, both of them who hadn't fallen asleep noticed something strange.

"There seems to be movement?"

Aragorn lowered his voice and spoke.

"Well, there's something in the rain."

Morgan looked in the direction of the sound to focus, and then he recognized it.

"It's the sound of horseshoes, something is coming towards the top of the mountain!"

Morgan's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately yelled at the four hobbits: "Quick, get up, get up!"

"Frodo, Sam!"

It had been a long time since they left Hobbiton, no matter how sleepy they were, the hobbits had already reacted to wake up immediately after hearing the sound.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Aragorn pulled out the elven sword from his waist, and said, "Of course those monsters are catching up."

"Such a rainy day, such a late night, except for the group of ring spirits who linger."

"I can't think of anyone going on the road in the rain at this time."

Morgan nodded, staring at the entrance of Weathertop, and immediately said to the four little hobbits, "Frodo, those monsters are afraid of fire, you should find a way to light it up."

Before the words were finished, a pitch-black figure quietly appeared at the entrance.

Holding a long sword, tall, and covered in black robes, who is the Ringwraith who has been chasing him all the way from Hobbiton?

The first the second the third.
Looking at the Ringwraiths that kept coming out, Morgan was counting the heads carefully.

Finally, when the last Ringwraith walked out, there were exactly seven of them.

"Two fewer than at the beginning at Hobbiton?"

"Did he get killed by himself, or where did he go?"

Even though the entire Fengyunding was pitch black, Morgan could clearly see the seven Ringwraiths in front of him.

The leader was the Witch King of Angmar, the tallest Ringwraith leader Morgan had seen twice.

In the dark sky.

The distance is not far.

At this moment, the four hobbits apparently also noticed the terrifying figure attacking from the darkness, and their complexions changed drastically.


Morgan pulled out the elven sword and watched the ring spirits who came together slowly walk into the heavy rain.

Soon, Aragorn and Morgan, holding long swords, stood together.

Two against seven!

The little hobbits also reacted immediately. Thinking of the fire that Morgan said just now, they immediately searched around.

But there is no dry firewood in the small rain shelter.

There was nothing else but a few withered and yellowed leaves piled up in the corners.

The hobbits were in a panic.

Ahead, in heavy rain.

Morgan and Aragorn also ushered in the first joint confrontation with the enemy.

"You left and I right."

Morgan grinned as he watched the Ringwraith approaching in front of him and spoke.

Aragon nodded: "Good!"

After the words fell, the seven ring spirits screamed and rushed forward.

Aragorn rushed to the left Nazgul.

Morgan turned to the right, and the leader of the Nazgul was the Witch King of Angmar.

"Mental shock!"

Morgan did not hesitate to launch a special skill, and an invisible spiritual energy quickly gathered and condensed into a needle shape and shot towards the Angmar Witch King who was rushing straight ahead.

At such a distance, the mental attack is extremely fast.

In an instant, the Angmar Witch King, who was running wildly, stopped and immediately screamed with his head in his hands.

This time, he was guarding against the sword that was the first time he fought against the human in front of him, but he failed to notice this move.

Even if he was prepared, it was useless, because he couldn't prevent it.


The Witch King of Angmar hugged his head in pain and screamed.

Last time, Morgan's mental shock was divided into three parts and was able to deal with the three ring spirits.

One can imagine the power of the Angmar Witch King who was gathered together this time and was immune to physical attacks.

Although the Witch King of Angmar reacted extremely quickly, he stopped and held his head and was about to step back.

But it was still a little late, and the prepared Morgan attack had arrived.

"Dragon Power!"

In an instant, the huge energy crazily gushing out from the limbs and bones of the body poured into the hands instantly.

Morgan rushed forward quickly, slashing at the Witch King of Angmar with swords in both hands.

Attacks from the spirit, the damage to spiritual life is almost far higher than the damage to creatures with flesh, comparable to critical strikes.

The Witch King of Angmar covered his painful head with one hand, and was about to back away.

At this time, Morgan's attack followed closely behind, and the Witch King of Angmar had no choice but to hastily raised the long sword in his hand again to block in front of him.


A loud bang.

The long sword in the Witch King of Angmar's hand was instantly split by Morgan, and his whole body was staggered by Morgan's powerful sword.

Morgan swung his sword again, ready to strike the head of the Witch King of Angmar.

At this time, the attack of the Ringwraiths following the Witch King of Angmar also arrived.

Morgan's sword completely decapitated the Witch King of Angmar, and he wanted to see if the other party would die.

However, waiting for Morgan is also another sword.

At this time, there is no need to choose at all, and Morgan's action quickly changed from a slash to a kick.

He stepped forward and kicked the staggering Witch King of Angmar to the ground. At the same time, the elf sword in his hand was facing the ring spirit sword attacking beside him.


When the two long swords collided, sparks exploded immediately.

Morgan's strength at this time has reached LV7, and the strength of each sword is far beyond ordinary people, even if the opponent is the Nazgul.

Higher than the opponent's strength, if the opponent does not have more exquisite skills or other abilities to make up for it.

It will be quickly suppressed, and the opponent will accumulate advantages until it is finally defeated.

The ring spirit in front of him is like this.

The moment the two long swords touched each other, Morgan knew clearly that the ring spirit in front of him was far less powerful than himself.

The incoming ring spirits were immediately cut back by this sword, and Morgan, who had the upper hand, was about to step forward.

At this time, the attack of the third and fourth ring spirits arrived.

Two long swords struck from two different directions.

Immediately, Morgan lost the thought of chasing, swiped a sword, and dodged it sideways.

Then quickly backed away to avoid the possibility of being besieged.

There is constant confrontation here.

Not far away, there were also fierce battles.

Aragorn was wielding his long sword to deal with the three Ring Spirits. Although he didn't have the upper hand, he had no chance of losing.


The four hobbits had all gathered together all the dry leaves for the fire.

But there were too few fallen leaves. The four hobbits knew that Morgan would use flames to attack those monsters, but the fallen leaves were far from enough.

These fallen leaves can only be used to ignite the fire, and I am afraid that they will be burned out soon.

Just when the four of them were in a hurry to get angry.

Frodo took off his cloak at once in his quick wit.


"Sam, light the fire!"

Seeing Frodo's movement, the other three hobbits reacted immediately.

Sam immediately took out the ignition tool and lit the dry fallen leaves.

The moment the fire was lit, all the ring spirits on the battlefield looked over immediately.

"Kill them!"

The Witch King of Angmar, who had recovered from the mental shock, hid behind his back and immediately pointed at the four hobbits and yelled.

Soon, two ring spirits left Morgan and Aragorn and walked towards the hobbit.

"Quick, undress!"

Frodo lit his coat, looked up at the two tall Ringwraiths approaching quickly, and shouted anxiously, "Uncle Morgan!"


A sword slashed at the chest of the ring spirit in front of him, and the ring spirit was immediately cut back, but there was no other scar on the opponent's body except that the black robe was chopped into pieces.

Morgan's long sword once again met another Ringwraith.

At this time, the Ring Spirit who had been knocked back and stood firm again rushed up fearlessly.

"bang bang bang"

On Fengyunding, the sound of fierce steel collisions continued to resound.

The rain was getting smaller and smaller, but no one noticed it at this time.

"Uncle Morgan."

At this moment, Frodo's voice alerted Morgan at once.

He turned his head and saw the two ring spirits heading straight for the four hobbits, his expression changed.

"Dragon Power!"

In an instant, huge power frantically rushed from the limbs of the body to the hands.

Morgan moved his feet, turned around and swung his sword horizontally.


There was a sudden ear-piercing sound.

The Nazgul rushing from the side had his head cut off instantly by Morgan's reverse slash.

"Bang bang."

The black hood immediately flew up with a round thing wrapped around it, then fell to the ground with a dull sound, and immediately stopped moving.

At this time, a cold wind blew past, and the hood of the black robe was blown up, revealing the oval steel helmet with a terrifying shape and a dark color underneath.


The tall body of the ring spirit whose head had been severed immediately fell to the ground.

At this time, Morgan didn't bother to analyze whether the ring spirit in front of him was dead or alive.

Turning around, he rushed towards the two Ringwraiths who were rushing towards the four hobbits behind him.


Morgan sprinted like the wind behind one of the Ringwraiths.

The attacked Ringwraith reacted quickly and left, realizing that the enemy was coming from behind, and turned around immediately.

It's just that Morgan has jumped up with the huge momentum of the charge, and suddenly slashed down with the sword in both hands.


The elven sword slashed along the ring spirit's shoulder, and immediately sparked a large amount of sparks.

Although Morgan was powerful at this time, the armor on the ring spirits that was specially built to accept the soul body of the ring spirits was too hard.

Morgan can cut off the relatively slender arm of the Nazgul with one blow.

But if you want to break through the armor on the ring spirit, you can only do it with the blessing of using the special skill "Dragon Power".

Just like the ring spirit in front of him, he was knocked straight to the ground by Morgan's sword, and his chest was still unscathed.


At this time, another ring spirit screamed and swung a long sword and rushed forward.

Morgan immediately dodged the sword sideways, and at the same time quickly moved behind the opponent, slashing the sword on the back of the incoming Ring Spirit.


Although it couldn't really hurt the opponent in the slightest, this sword immediately staggered the ring spirit, and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, the Ring Spirit who had been knocked down before stood up again.

Morgan ignored it, and headed straight for the bonfire the four young hobbits had lit with their coats.

Quickly rushing to the fire, two slender torches wrapped in oil-stained cloth appeared out of nowhere in Morgan's hands.

Because the last time I realized the usefulness of flames against Ringwraiths at Buckleberry Ferry.

These are two torches he bought in Bree's Black Knight Tavern a month ago, just to prevent this situation from happening today.

"Bang bang."

The torch wrapped in oil-stained cloth immediately burned violently the moment it touched the flame.

The two torches were quickly ignited.

At this time, the two ring spirits rushed forward again brandishing their long swords.

Morgan blocked the attack of the Ring Spirit with a sword in one hand, and immediately stabbed the Ring Spirit in front of him with two torches in the other hand.


The robe on the ring spirit was really unusual, even though it was wet, it was still covered by Morgan.


The ring spirit whose robe was lit immediately backed away screaming, and at the same time hurriedly took off his robe.

When he finally took off his robe with force.

The other Ringwraith that attacked Morgan was also ignited, and then the pain monster screamed and quickly backed away.


The two Ringwraiths were repelled, and Morgan immediately roared and threw a torch in his hand at the besieged Aragorn.

He held a sword in one hand and a torch in the other to meet the ring spirits who attacked again.

10 minute later.

The wind stops and the rain stops on the top of the wind and clouds.

On the wide ground.

The Ringwraiths vanished.

Only Morgan and Aragorn were left standing in front of the entrance, holding torches and panting heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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