Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 183 Seeing the Poor Picture Dagger 【Subscription】

Chapter 183 Seeing the Poor Picture Dagger 【Subscription】

The night was getting darker.

The torrential rain outside the window showed no sign of stopping.

inside the room.

Hearing the sudden knock on the door.

Morgan pulled out his long sword and immediately asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

"it's me."

A slightly muffled voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Morgan frowned first, and then seemed to remember something quickly, with a smile on his face.

Step forward and open the door.

He saw a tall figure in a black wet robe standing in front of him.

Long black hair, black eyes, and a beard full of vicissitudes, who is it not the Aragorn he was looking for before.

[Aragorn: also has the aliases of "Human Emperor", "King Eliza", and "King of the White Tree"]

[Son of Arathorn, No.30 ninth-generation descendant of Isildur, No.16 and last Dúnedain patriarch; he is the founding king of the reunion kingdom of Gondor and Arnor; he is the Lord of the Rings One of the nine members of the expedition team, and also a core figure during the Holy War of the Lord of the Rings]

"Long time no see Morgan."

Aragorn smiled.

"It's been a while, come in first."

Morgan nodded with a smile, and greeted Aragorn to enter the door.

The first time they met was the year before last.

At that time, Aragon caught Gollum in the death swamp in the northwest of Modo and sent it to the Woodland Kingdom for custody.

It was then that Morgan met Aragon.

Looking back at the only bench and long table in the room filled with leftovers from the previous meal, Morgan looked at Aragorn: "Why don't we go down and have a drink first?
Hearing Morgan's words, Aragorn took off his wet black robe and hung it by the fireplace. He hung several robes of the same color but obviously smaller on the hanger, and looked at the sound asleep beside him, snoring evenly. The hobbit nodded: "Well, I'm just hungry."

Not long after, in the lively and noisy tavern lobby on the first floor, near the corner next to the stairs.

Morgan and Aragorn sat around a wine table.

In front of the two of them were several appetizers and two full glasses of beer, which were comparable to giant wine glasses the size of a jug.


The two raised their glasses and clinked.

Immediately, each of them gulped down half a glass.

Only then did he put down his glass.

"We're leaving early tomorrow morning, thinking you won't be able to keep up this time."

Morgan wiped the wine stains from his mouth and said.

"You guys go too fast"

Aragorn smiled and said, "As soon as I arrived at the Prancing Horse Hotel, the boss told me that someone was looking for me."

"But it's a good thing you left quickly."

"Otherwise, you will have to be caught up by those ring spirits."

Thinking of the group of Ringwraiths in front of the Prancing Horse Hotel after sneaking out before, Aragorn quickly turned serious: "Why did those Ringwraiths find you just after you arrived?"

Faced with Aragorn's doubts, Morgan shook his head: "There was an accident there before."

"It's not surprising to be found by those ring spirits."

"They've been following us all along."

"You know, the Lord of the Rings has awakened, and it doesn't want to go back to its owner all the time."

"Come on, have a drink."

Morgan raised his glass, the two touched it, and then drank it down in one gulp.

Aragorn waved his hand to ask the attendant to refill the wine, and looked at Morgan: "Why isn't Gandalf with you?"

"He went to Essinger and said that he would consult the white-robed wizard Saruman."

"The original plan was to let us wait for him here, but now it seems that it will definitely not work."

Morgan cut a piece of grilled lamb chops with a knife and fork and stuffed it into his mouth, and continued: "Although I think it would be better to bring that ring to Rivendell and ask Lord Elon to decide."

"Gandalf is always so busy."

"I also think it would be a good idea to bring hobbits to Rivendell."

Aragorn nodded with a smile.

His beloved "Princess Muxing" Arwen was in Rivendell at this time, so he was naturally very happy to go to the valley.

At this time, two tavern maids in revealing clothes came to the wine table with enchanting steps.

Set down a jug-sized full glass of beer.

Immediately, the two big bear maids with white blossoms sat next to Morgan and Aragorn one by one.

The tavern maids have vicious eyes and experience.

Although these two rangers looked dangerous, they were also the ones most willing to spend money.

After all, I often walk in the danger of life and death, and the greater the pressure, the more I need to vent.

For them, they are not afraid of these "dangerous" rangers, and the more "dangerous" the rangers are, the happier they are.

Only this time, the two maids lost their eyes and found the wrong partner.

Morgan looked at the maid next to her who was naturally hugging her arm and leaning against her chest, and waved her hand very calmly. The maid next to her immediately let go of Morgan consciously, and stood aside in embarrassment.

Aragorn on the opposite side was similar, and immediately stretched out his hand to push away the maid who was sticking up beside him.

For a true ranger like him who has been wandering the wilderness and taverns for many years, this situation is too common.

The two maids looked embarrassed and prepared to leave.

If a normal man treats them like this, they would scold them a few words.

But facing the two handsome but dangerous rangers in front of them, they dared not speak, and even apologized.

at this time.


There was a pleasant sound.

Morgan popped out two silver coins casually, and one of them happened to land on the chests of the two maids who bowed their heads and were about to leave.

The two maids immediately looked overjoyed, grabbed the silver coins on their chests, and quickly thanked the two rangers.

The maid left quickly.

The wine affair between Morgan and Aragon continues.

Anyway, the two of them didn't intend to sleep. Instead of sitting upstairs, it's better to drink here.

At this time, you can see the benefits of having a suitable travel partner.

Anyway, they were sitting on the stairs.

I believe the four hobbits upstairs will sleep better.

When the torrential rain outside stopped.

When the crowded crowd in the tavern continued to disperse.

When the eastern dawn sky glows with white clouds.

The Ringwraiths failed to find the Black Knight Tavern in the end.

Early the next morning.

The four hobbits who woke up were immediately surprised when they saw that there was a human being in front of the fireplace in the room.

But there is Morgan, who is majestic and uncompromising in the team.

The four little hobbits quickly accepted Aragorn's existence.

After having breakfast.

The team of six hit the road.

At this time, there was a powerful human ranger in the team.

The hobbits felt more secure and looked forward to the next trip to Rivendell.

lonely mountain.

Within the kingdom of the dwarves of Erebor.

Thorin Oakenshield, who was dressed in a luxurious robe, and his nephew Kili, who was regarded as the heir, were inspecting a large number of newly released weapons and equipment in the underground equipment forging and smelting area.

At this time, the dwarf Gloin wearing brown exquisite leather armor walked quickly to Thorin Oakenshield and said, "The raven going to Shire brought back Morgan's message."

"What did he say?"

Thorin Oakenshield turned his head and looked at Gloin beside him.

"He said let's take the armor and weapons to Rivendell, and he'll be in Rivendell soon."

Ge Luoyin spoke truthfully.


Thorin Oakenshield thought for a while, then continued: "That's just right."

"I'm also going to send someone to Rivendell to tell Lord Eldron something."

"Why don't you make a trip this time, Groin, just to bring Morgan's equipment."

The king under the mountain spoke, and Gloin naturally had no reason to refuse. He nodded and smiled, "Then I'll bring Jinli along with me."

"It just so happened that he was clamoring to go out and see him."

"Of course, you can bring anyone you want."

Thorin Oakenshield said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of Qili standing beside him immediately lit up.

Thorin Oakenshield naturally saw his nephew's gaze, and he immediately added: "Except for Kili."


Kili spoke immediately.

"You still have a lot to do."

Thorin Oakenshield ignored his nephew's thoughts, looked at Groin and continued, "You should leave as soon as possible, the sooner you need to tell Rivendell about that matter, the better."

"I know, I'll be leaving soon."

Groyin nodded, and then strode out of the equipment smelting area.

South of the Misty Mountains.

There is a great stronghold: Isengard (Isengard).

In the center of the Isinger Rock Square surrounded by huge high walls, stands a huge dark black tower "Orthank" built by the Dunedain in the second era, with a height of more than 500 feet (166 meters).

At this time, at the top of the "Orthank" stone tower.

Two thin old men, one gray and one white, were wearing long robes and holding staffs. One was sitting and the other was standing, with serious faces.

The gray-robed figure that appeared here was naturally the gray-robed wizard Gandalf who came to Isinger day and night.

And a figure in a white robe, even with a white beard and hair, is the master of Essinger, the president of the Holy White Council, and the white-robed wizard Saruman known as the "wise man".

At this time, Gandalf suddenly looked eagerly and walked towards the black temple door.

Saruman sneered and waved his hand.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There were four loud bangs in a row.

The four gates of the black hall were instantly closed.

 Thank you "kuchiki Rukia, Reading Page, My, My, My, My, My, and Book Friends 15055906" for their rewards, thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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