I can see the finals

Chapter 502 Raid!Champion VS Temporary Battleship!

Chapter 502 Raid!Champion VS Temporary Battleship!
On the other side, the five members of Yan Luodian wiped out another team in the E area. The surrounding players were almost wiped out by them. There was hardly a single gunshot heard from a long distance away, and the surrounding area was eerily quiet.

"No, it's too inefficient to kill like this." Emperor Song was very dissatisfied with their progress, and was also thinking about what kind of strategy they could have to kill more people within the specified time.

The stipulated time is before the plum blossom pile in the finals, and it is now the end of the second stage. From the past elimination information, it can be judged that there are no other professional players or teams besides them.

No matter what the purpose of professional players is to play ranked, their information will definitely appear in the early stage, and they will never play together. Therefore, on the premise that there are no other professional players in the same field, they know that they will definitely be able to eat chicken , needless to say.

Killing 15 before the third stage, this number does sound a bit exaggerated, but considering the tasks assigned by the coach, they are still far behind, and after the third stage, they can't attack blindly, and they have to charge for everyone. Plan for the safe zone.

After all, no matter how invincible they are, they can't stop the system's sanctions. They can't put themselves in a disadvantageous situation in order to kill people, which will affect the subsequent entry into the circle.

Emperor Song thought for a while, and decided to adopt a very old-fashioned trick...fishing!
Of course, the so-called fishing is not real fishing, but using the long-range in the team as bait, shooting randomly at a very exposed and dangerous place, so as to attract the surrounding enemies to approach and enter their ambush circle, saving time and effort. Defeat a team.

In a formal professional arena, this strategy is undoubtedly very stupid, basically no one will be fooled, but in the ranking, those passers-by must not be able to bear the temptation of the head, and when they hear the gunshots, they will most likely follow the gunshots. up.

Song Diwang said this little strategy, and everyone had no objection, so the five of them continued to drive and came to the center of District E. They deliberately picked a group of low bungalows in the nearby snack street and spread them out.

King Biancheng in position [-] found a bungalow that could go up to the roof, and then stood on the top and shot with a light sniper every few seconds.

However, he didn't just stand there casually. Even if he was selling flaws, he was very particular about his position selection. Normally speaking, if he stood on the roof of a first-floor building in the center of the city, he would definitely be attacked by enemies in the surrounding buildings above the second floor. See, naked and exposed in front of them.

However, King Bian Cheng used the unique building behind him and the undulating eaves under his feet to block a blind spot in the north direction, and this bungalow was also specially selected by him, and he only needed to face long-range attacks from three directions.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he is down, even if he is shot in the head by a heavy sniper, as long as he is not shot, he can climb down from the north.

The remaining four people waited patiently for the bait to take the bait.

They are not only good at single-click selection, but also take care of them in the circle. Now that the E area has not been wiped away, if the fourth stage is still there, many people will definitely rush to the center of the E area.

Three phases come.

The first small fish took the bait, and a passer-by player who might be in the second position secretly watched the eye-catching King Biancheng in the dark.

After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't resist the temptation and chose to shoot. He fired more than a dozen hidden weapons erratically. Although the technique was very eye-catching, he finally 'barely' knocked down King Biancheng.

According to the plan, King Bian crawled from the north side of the roof, and then fell down.

Seeing that there was no one to fill, the passer-by player was of course very anxious, but he also looked around carefully, and after finding the silence, he summoned up his courage and sneaked over here.

He doesn't know the ID of Yan Luodian. There are 100 regions in this world with tens of thousands of teams. If they are not in the same region, who would know who Yan Luodian is.

Of course, his end was also expected, he thought the route he took was very hidden, but after a short passing point, King Chujiang found an opportunity and the five darts took him away neatly.

"Hey, why is there only one person?" King Chujiang felt so boring and very disappointed: "Where are his teammates, why don't they come together to take the head?"

Emperor Song immediately comforted: "Don't worry, wait a little longer, there will definitely be a full formation."

The frequency of losing players in this game is not high, and most of the players who were eliminated were eliminated by them. They still have a great chance to complete the tasks assigned by the coach.

After a few minutes, two more people took the bait, adding two more missions to Yan Luodian.

After being rescued, King Biancheng climbed up to the roof again.

He has fallen to the ground twice, and the bleeding rate will become faster and faster each time he falls to the ground, but it is not a big problem. His teammates are by his side and can pull him at any time.

He continued to do the same thing, picked up the gun and was about to fire into the air, but at this moment, a figure flashed quickly in his sight.

King Bian Cheng could see clearly that the figure was near the cake shop tens of meters away from him, but he deliberately pretended not to see it, and fired casually, creating the illusion that he was concentrating on shooting the target.


Two shots with an interval were fired in sequence.

But the strange thing is that he was not attacked. The player in the dark seemed to be very vigilant and did not rush to make a move.

"Hehe, being cautious is a good thing."

King Biancheng didn't take it seriously, and the frequency of shooting gradually increased. He didn't believe that some passers-by could resist the temptation of the easy-to-get head. Although the other party was a little more vigilant, King Biancheng was still sure that he would do it.

At this moment, King Taishan, who was ambushing at the farthest point in the west, suddenly said suspiciously: "Wait, don't shoot, there seems to be footsteps beside me—"

Before he finished speaking, the man with broken glass came out of the voice.

"MD, there's lyb! They're going to steal me!"


The expressions of the other four people moved slightly, but they didn't panic. Emperor Song said calmly: "How many? If there are not many people, you will call them."

"Only two."

King Taishan replied, and the sound of clashing swords echoed in his voice.

"Leave me alone, small things, I can handle them."

Only two...

Hearing this number, the four of them didn't panic any more. If it had been fully edited and posted until King Taishan came closer, they might still be worried, but if there were only two...

It's not that they look down on the level of passers-by, but to be honest, if King Taishan couldn't get rid of two people, it would be unimaginable and impossible.

He can definitely knock them all out, the difference is how long it will take him.

King Chu Jiang smiled and said, "Let's bet one, I'll bet for 5 seconds."

Emperor Song shook his head: "It's too long, do you look down on King Taishan, I bet 3 seconds."

King Chujiang laughed: "You're right, then I'll bet—"

King Taishan's health dropped a lot!

He immediately closed his mouth, and asked suspiciously: "Hey, what are you doing, are you sleeping?"

"It's not right, it's not right!"

Unexpectedly, King Taishan's exclamation came from the voice, he panted heavily, and shouted in horror: "These two people have problems, they—"

His words came to an abrupt end, because his blood bar dropped a lot like a roller coaster, becoming... completely empty!

Fortunately, he is not dead, he has the amulet.

But this didn't change anything, and he didn't have time to speak, desperately waving the long sword in his hand, fighting to the death with the nearby enemies.

The four of them couldn't see what was happening on his side, but in the end it was the champion of the 20th district. King Chujiang immediately dispatched and strode towards King Taishan.

But within a few steps, his complexion changed, as if he had sensed something, he suddenly jumped to the side and rolled behind the trash can on the side of the road.

A scimitar flew in circles, cut across his back, and returned to the attacker's hand in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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