I can see the finals

Chapter 503 Raid!Champion VS Temporary Battleship!

Chapter 503 Raid!Champion VS Temporary Battleship!
Then, King Chujiang heard the sound of rushing footsteps, and quickly approached him!

The opponent was extremely fierce, and after a successful blow, he pressed forward, not giving King Chu Jiang any time to breathe.

Although King Chujiang is not the No. [-] player in the team, his melee level is not comparable to that of ordinary players. Moreover, as the No. [-] player in a dual position, he can go far and far, and he will never only have one attack method.

Facing the opponent's fierce attack, before he got up, he quickly took out a handful of locust stones, listened to the sound to identify the position, and threw it desperately at the sound of footsteps!
These hidden weapons do not seek to injure people, but only to force the enemy back temporarily.

Sure enough, the sound of footsteps became chaotic, and the other party seemed to be avoiding the locust stone, not wanting to be hurt.


King Chujiang got the chance to get up, quickly got up from the ground, then took out the ink knife in his backpack, and looked at the person who came.

A female player in black tights and wearing a dog's head appeared in front of his eyes.

When he saw that she was a female player, King Chu Jiang couldn't help being startled. Such a fierce style of play turned out to be a woman?
But he didn't hesitate for too long, because the teammate's elimination message had already sounded.

"The player who reads your name_抐一莈蓝蓝の used an ink knife to knock down the Temple of Yama丨Taishan King!"

What the hell?
Professional players will have this kind of ID?

A big question mark jumped out of the hearts of everyone in Yan Luodian.

After all, King Taishan failed to resist the attack of the two opponents. He thought he could hit two in a row, but who would have thought that he would fall so soon.

But this is not the worst news for Yan Luodian.

Immediately afterwards, a dull sniper shot came from the end of the street. King Bian Cheng, who had not had time to get off the roof, was shot in the head on the spot and fell directly from the roof.

"Player Tiangong丨Chang'e knocked down Yan Luodian丨Biancheng King with a heavy snipe!"

It's Jiang Tong!
Since she was a trumpet, she did not change her ID, so she was instantly recognized by Yan Luodian.

"He's really a professional player!"

Several people's hearts jumped, aware of the seriousness of the matter.

They actually caught a fish, and a big one at that!

But the opponent seems to have carefully arranged, whether it is the target of the raid or the position of Yan Luodian, everything is in the calculation.

Of course, the position of Yan Luodian was intentional and exposed on purpose. It is reasonable for the other party to see it, and it is not very surprising.

Speaking of Jiang Tong, this is an old opponent. They often meet each other in the world competition, and they are very clear about the horror of Jiang Tong's sniping!
However, they didn't know much about the teams in District [-]. They only knew that Tiangong, where Jiang Tong was located, failed to qualify for the World Championship, and then she transferred.

I heard that she went to the team that won the seven district championships this year. It seems to be called... Dark Fairy Tale?
But her teammates in this field don't seem to be. The long ID doesn't have a team prefix, and it doesn't look like a name that a normal person can name.

Therefore, several people feel that she is leading the way, or leading fans.

If this is the case, the situation has not reached the point of no return for Yan Luodian, even though...they have already lost two.

But... so what!
They are the champions, the strongest in District 20. Jiang Tong might be a bit tricky, but not necessarily her teammates.

"I want to make a quick decision, hurry up and support them."

King Chu Jiang cared about his teammates, and decided to end the battle as soon as possible, so he rushed towards the female player with a knife.

At this time, the other party also avoided the locust stone, raised his head, his eyes exuded a strong fighting spirit, and greeted him fearlessly!
The two swords met, the two fought against each other for the first time, and neither of them took advantage.

"Are you picked up?"

King Chu Jiang looked surprised, as if he found it inconceivable.

This female passerby can do it, Jiang Tong still has such powerful fans?
He thought it was very interesting, so he made another knife!

However, this time there was no sound of weapons colliding, the opponent's figure was shaking, without any professional movement skills, but like a ghost, he walked around behind King Chujiang in a few steps, and slashed out with a single blow!

King Chujiang slashed at nothing. Although he had a strong fighting instinct, he tried his best to dodge to the side, but the opponent's knife was surprisingly fast. He had just moved to dodge, and he was slashed in the back!

His face suddenly changed instantly!

Is this a passerby player, a fan of Jiang Tong?

This kind of knife speed and footsteps is obviously a professional player who specializes in close combat!
King Chu Jiang is not an ordinary melee player. Apart from King Qin Guang, he is the well-deserved No.1 melee player, but he also felt deep pressure facing this female player.

After being hit by a knife, he immediately adjusted his figure quickly, and just avoided another knife in the midst of danger.

But in the short melee fight, he had already lost his initiative and was suppressed by the opponent, and he couldn't turn back at all.

So after avoiding the second knife, he could only rush forward, hoping to get out of the opponent's attack range.

"It ran away?"

Fang Luoqing stared in amazement at King Chu Jiang who was desperately fleeing, and couldn't help but feel a little dull. Before she even started exerting her strength, the other party was about to run away, which is too boring.

But she didn't plan to let King Chu Jiang go, even if the other party ran away, she couldn't only fight in close combat.

She was about to put away the ink knife, switch to the scimitar of the East Walker, and give the opponent a second, but at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed towards her, and appeared in front of her eyes in a flash!
The bright knife light suddenly rises!
Fang Luoqing's eyes flickered, a knife had attacked her face from the front!
As soon as she raised her hand, she took the knife neatly,

A deadly knife with a sliding step.

A man in a novice suit appeared in front of her.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the two at the same time, one was surprised at the speed of the opponent's knife, and the other was surprised that the opponent was able to catch it.

The fleeing King Chujiang also stopped and looked this way.

"You are not his opponent, I will come."

'New Gloves' looked at Fang Luoqing cautiously, and at the same time said to Chu Jiang Wang Wang: "Go to support Song Emperor, leave this to me."

King Chujiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and ran towards Emperor Song.

"Xiao Fang, don't be careless, he is King Qin Guang."

On a high-rise building more than 100 meters away, Ding Wen stood in front of the window, holding a telescope, and looking down at the battle below: "In last year's No. 8 ranking, his overall combat power was [-]th in the world, compared Wu Zhan is even stronger."

Stronger than Wu Zhan?

Hearing this, Fang Luoqing, who was originally disappointed, couldn't help becoming excited again: "So, if I beat him, I'll be No. 8 in the world?"

"Uh...not really, because no one ranks you."

"never mind."

Fang Luoqing stopped talking nonsense, and slashed at King Qin Guang three times.

The gorgeous plum blossoms bloom in mid-air, the knife light seems to be hidden in it, but the poignant beauty contains murderous intent!
Fang Luoqing used the 'trick' of a man with a knife for a long time.

This is a trick she doesn't use very much in the league.

After all, the opponent was No. 8 in the world, a melee enemy stronger than Wu Zhan.

To deal with him, Fang Luoqing naturally had to use all her firepower to take him down as quickly as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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