I can see the finals

Chapter 501: Future Opponent

Chapter 501: Future Opponent

Area E, in Jiamu Hospital.

The people in Hades Hall are cleaning up the battlefield, and are scraping the spoils on the ground.

"Hey, when will it be big?" Qin Guangwang in the team suddenly complained and sighed.

King Chu Jiang in the second position also echoed: "Yes, we have played more than 20 games, and we are always close."

Yan Luodian is the champion of District 20 this year. Teams of their level usually don't come to the new server to play rankings, unless there are special circumstances.

They... came with a mission.

Generally, the stronger the club, the stricter the coach's requirements.Yan Luodian is the most typical example. They play ranking not to score, but to complete the task of the coach.

Today, their task is to rank 50 kills, and not one person dies, and everyone survives until the end to eat chicken.

What is the concept of 50 kills? Even if they are as strong as the division champions, it is still a heavy training for them. It is really very difficult to kill half of the players in a game.

Moreover, not to mention that they still have to maintain a full schedule and get No.1 perfectly, which is undoubtedly even more difficult.

In any case, 50 kills is indeed a bit too high. Usually, the coaches are tasked with 50 to [-] kills, which they can basically complete in half a day, but this time they have been fighting for [-] kills all night.

Started at 6:[-] p.m. and continued until now. Although there were many times to eat chicken in the middle, but because the number of kills was not enough, I had to continue to fight hard.

So they changed the server at twelve o'clock, from the old server to the new server.

Fortunately, the coach didn't stop them, otherwise it would be very difficult for them to complete this task even if they played for another day.

This is their third game in the 50th server. In fact, when the server opened, they all created accounts, played casually for a few days, and reached a good rank. In the second game, they almost completed 11 kills, but it is a pity , In the end, [-] heads were missing, and I couldn't get off work.

And the third team started off very smoothly. They eliminated a passerby team without any injuries in the first stage, and they also determined the location of another team. They only went to find that team after picking up the equipment.

"I hope it goes well this time." After Qin Guangwang complained, he couldn't help yawning again. He couldn't help it. He was really sleepy. Sleepiness strikes.

At this time, Song Diwang in the third position suddenly asked: "By the way, have you paid attention to the elimination information? Is there any other professional team here?"


"Did not notice."

"Hey, if there is, we're out of the game again."

Emperor Song's mood was also very low, and he was very worried.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to beat the opponent, but that he was worried that if he met a professional team, the pace would be slowed down and they would consume too much time.

Yan Luodian is not a dark horse. They have always been the strongest in the 20th district. They are at the top of the league all the year round. Everyone is extremely strong. By.

But precisely because they are too strong, the coach gave this demanding task that is unlikely to be completed.

"Brothers, cheer up. If there is a professional team in a while, we will eliminate it as quickly as possible. Don't trust us, we can't afford to waste our time."

"Naturally." Everyone agreed one after another. Although they found it troublesome, they were full of confidence and didn't take it seriously.

After all, they came to the new area to complete the task faster and came with the purpose of massacre. Even if they encountered a strong team in a certain competition area, they didn't think they would be defeated, but the processing time would be a little longer.

Two minutes later, the five men completed their equipment and immediately set off to find another team whose location was determined.

There are very few people with outstanding decision-making in the road platoon team. After they choose a place, they often stay there for a long time.

So that team was quickly found by Yan Luodian, and then swept away by the latter like clouds and clouds, without any parrying power during the whole process.

A new round of elimination appeared on the screen, and Ding Wen and the others on the other side naturally noticed it.

"Are they looking for someone to kill?"

Bai Mu couldn't hold back immediately, he knew that Yan Luodian's ability to come to the new server must be mostly related to the coach's mission, and at the same time, he also knew very well that this team is very strong.

Just last year, Wu Xing had teamed with them in the World Championship, but that time they were beaten badly. Not only was Wu Zhan, the No. Known as the best at stealing people, it is also difficult for him to find a breakthrough in the Temple of Yama.

No matter how he finds his side, it will always be strictly guarded by Yan Luodian, and there is no chance at all.

Therefore, after the five elements were strengthened, Bai Mu also had the purpose of wanting to avenge his shame. He didn't count on the dark fairy tale. After Jiang Tong, they could no longer compare with their opponents.

However, it is still Yan Luodian with the old lineup, Bai Mu thinks there is still a big chance.

Unexpectedly, they met in qualifying before the World Championship started.

For Bai Mu, this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity, because their seemingly random team is actually stronger than Wuxing in terms of combat power.

So he couldn't help but said: "Let's go, let's go get them and try their strength this year."

"Go?" Ding Wen was stunned immediately, and then asked, "Where are we going?"

Bai Mu also froze for a moment: "Why, you don't know where they are?"

You really think I have clairvoyance, don't you?

Ding Wen couldn't help feeling speechless: "Brother, I'm not a god, how could I know their location."


Ding Wen thought about it carefully, and then asked, "Area E?"

Bai Mu cheered up, and said with a smile: "Yes, I also think it is the E area! Even if they want to complete the task, it is absolutely impossible for them to choose a corner as the birth point."

"Okay, let's go." When he heard that they were going to make trouble, Jiang Tong instantly became more energetic.

She basically has the same idea as Bai Mu, this is an excellent opportunity to test out future opponents, and since they form a scattered team, they won't reveal their own team's strength and plans, which can be regarded as both beneficial and harmless.

In fact, in the past World Championships, the pressure on Tiangong against Yan Luodian was much lower than that of Wuxing, because Yan Luodian's No. [-] position was no match for Jiang Tong, and it was not difficult for them to find a breakthrough every time they wanted to attack.It's just that other teammates are not so good, and generally they lose more and win less.

But this time the teammates are so strong, no matter Bai Mu or King Zhou, they are the absolute core of their respective teams, so no matter what they say, Jiang Tong will not give up this opportunity.

Since their fighting spirit was so strong, Ding Wen certainly wouldn't refuse: "Okay, let's set sail and look inside Area E to see if we can find them."

(End of this chapter)

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