dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 92 Cooperation (please collect, please recommend tickets)

Chapter 92 Cooperation (please collect, please recommend tickets)
Luo Lan naturally accepted all the generous gifts from the Lanna star Aiboya. Although he himself did not need a spaceship because of his ability to teleport, he certainly would not refuse Aiboa's kindness.Furthermore, such a huge spaceship would be quite exciting to drive out at that time.

If Taisi knew about it, she would definitely get on his spaceship crying and shouting.

Tsk, that girl who sometimes makes people lose their wits, I don't know what she's doing now... Luo Lan's mind began to wander, thinking of Taisi's big sister-like appearance, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

In a luxurious dinner, Gu Weisha's uncle and nephew hosted Luo Lan, which marked a symbolic starting point for the cooperation between the two parties.

The food on the table was very rich, but to Luo Lan, who was used to eating food from the earth, these strange and weird things in front of him were like dark dishes, which were far from the taste and taste of his own cooking. After all, in the universe, there are very few people who can meet The food Luo Lan requested.

So he took out some things from the different-dimensional space, then lightly poured a glass of wine, shaking the glass and sipping.

"Brother Luo Lan, I don't know what you need now. My uncle is famous as a rich man. As long as you open your mouth, you will be satisfied." Gu Weisha looked like he was not short of money at all, his orange skin was shiny and shiny Liang, coupled with his fat body, looks like a cheating dude.

"That's right, if you need anything, just ask." Ai Boya said very generously.

"I do need some things." Luo Lan thought for a while, but he was not polite, and directly said what the planet Sharada lacked now. At present, the planet Sharada is still very primitive and urgently needs something to improve the quality of life.

When the Lanna Stars Ai Boya and Gu Weisha knew that Luo Lan only wanted some aircraft, nutrient solution and combat suits, they didn't care at all.

"That's all. It doesn't cost much at all. I'll let the company prepare it."

"If it's convenient, buy me some recuperation cabins and childcare cabins, and I'll give you the cost." Luo Lan said again.

"It's just a small amount of money. I don't care if I give it or not." Eboya is very generous. To him, it doesn't matter if it is a nursery cabin or a combat uniform.

You must know that Lanna people do business in the universe, and it is often a transaction of tens of thousands of Hijin. The value of a few nursery cabins and aircraft is not money at all to them. There are several.In order to win over the Saiyans, even if they pay some price, it is worth it.

What a rich man... Luo Lan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

Picking up the wine glass, he slightly nodded at Gu Weisha and his nephew.

This exchange can be described as a happy event for both the host and the host. The Lanna star Aiboya received the support of the Saiyans and strengthened his backing. Luo Lan also used the Lanna star's financial resources to get what he wanted.

After the next round of purchases, all the materials needed for Planet Sharada were ready.

All the supplies, including recuperation cabins, nursery cabins, aircraft and combat uniforms, were all packed into the light blue giant disc spaceship presented by Epoya, and every compartment of the spaceship was full of supplies.

Gu Weisha asked: "Brother Luo Lan, are we going directly to Planet Sharada?"

Luo Lan said: "No, you go to the planet Sharada first, I will get in touch with it there, so you don't have to worry about being attacked when you land. And I'm going to see what you call the 'Planet of Cultivation'."

Gu Weisha's uncle Aiboya said at this time: "Yes, it's good to actually go to the 'Cultivator Planet' to have a look. Do you need me to arrange a spaceship? From the planet Tange to the star field where the Cultivator Planet is located, there is a long way to go. Even if it is to fly an aircraft, it will take a lot of time."

Luo Lan shook his head and declined: "No need, I'll go directly."

Just when Ai Boya was wondering how Luo Lan went to the cultivation planet, Luo Lan had already locked the starry sky where the cultivation planet was located according to the coordinates, and then launched teleportation under the eyes of everyone, a burst of blurred light and shadow, and the whole person disappeared like this not see.

"Hey, where's the person?" Eboa exclaimed with wide-eyed surprise.

Gu Weisha said: "Little brother Luo Lan has a method of fast movement, he can instantly jump between different planets, he used this skill to bring me back from the alien planet to the 'Planet Situnuo' of."

Gu Weisha still remembered how Luo Lan brought him back to his private planet.

After hearing this, Aibo Ya stared straight at her eyes, feeling incredible, "There are such miraculous skills?!"

At this time, Aiboya's bodyguard said: "There are indeed many races in the universe with magical superpowers. This kind of teleportation ability may be the ability mastered by the Saiyans, but I have never heard of it before. It is a terrible nation. , possessing such terrifying power at such a young age, is worthy of the title of a fighting nation."

"Lipe, brother Luo Lan's fighting strength is really above [-]?"

The bodyguard named Lip said solemnly: "Yes, despite his small body, the opponent is extremely strong. If there is a real fight, I am not his opponent."

Eboa nodded after listening, trusting her bodyguard very much.

"Well, the relationship with the Saiyans must be handled properly, such a powerful race will not be unknown in the west of the Northern Galaxy." Turning to look at Gu Weisha, "You and I will go to the planet Sharada , build a good relationship with them, maybe they can help us at a critical time."

"I see." Gu Weisha responded loudly.

The Saiyans of the planet Sharada are still not well-known in the west of the Northern Milky Way. To establish a good relationship with them in advance is also to find a strong backing for their race.Lanna stars with rich business acumen are the best at investing, and they provide appropriate sponsorship when the other party needs help, and the harvest is not a little bit.

This is also the reason why they can occupy a place in the universe business headquarters.

The wind rises from the end of the Green Apple, and the waves form between the slight waves. Any race has the hope of rising, and grasping the right timing is the criterion for the survival of the Lanna Stars.

Obviously, the uncle and nephew Alboia will definitely be grateful for what he did today in the future.

Pom Pom Pom!
A gust of bitter wind rolled up, and the giant cyan disc spaceship lifted off slowly, and soon left the atmosphere of Planet Tanger, and then with a flash of light, it sailed toward the deep and remote depths of the universe, the destination——Planet Sharada!

 Recommend a book, "Super Saiyan of a certain beauty"


(End of this chapter)

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