dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 93 Sonori Adventure Group (please collect, please recommend tickets)

Chapter 93 Sonori Adventure Group (please collect, please recommend tickets)
An asteroid belt in the depths of space.

Here are the wreckage of the broken planet. Scattered meteorites move in the starry sky irregularly, and collisions between meteorites are staged from time to time.These small stars are thousands of kilometers in size, and the small ones are only the size of a fist. The small black meteorites travel at high speed, and under the constraints of the star's gravitational field, they have never left this circular orbit.

On the main belt, a meteorite with a diameter of [-] kilometers shone with crystal light on its surface. The dazzling light was so bright that it was definitely not natural starlight, because there was no such luminous celestial body in the asteroid belt.


Dazzling flames flickered, and ellipsoid-shaped maintenance robots extended their arms to maintain the spaceships docked in the harbor.

This place belongs to the space fortress of the space adventurer Sonori. The entire asteroid belt has been transformed into an iron wall. Various high-tech defense systems are arranged on meteorites, large and small. The muzzles of black holes are fixed on the meteorites. The dark muzzle is consistent with the outside, and the shiny tube wall is ferocious and horrifying.

As long as an enemy enters this range, countless energy rays will be emitted in unison, forming an impenetrable energy network like a storm, destroying all enemies.

Inside the Space Fortress, in the busy corridors, small cleaning robots are working hard, and the guards are patrolling back and forth, watching the surroundings dutifully.

The adventure group headed by Sonori is the largest adventure group in the nearby star fields, with tens of thousands of people.

"Deng dong dong!" A blue-haired cosmic man hurriedly paced over, his crisp voice echoing in the corridor from time to time.

Walk through the long corridor and come to the main hall where the leader is.

The blue-haired cosmic man pushed open the thick door and came to the inner room, and said to a green-skinned cosmic man on the high platform of the main hall:
"Boss Sonori, those Lanna Stars are making moves, I feel like they are going to leave us alone."

The man in the green universe took a piece of fat and gnawed it roughly. Hearing what his subordinates said, he tore a mouthful of fat with all his strength, and asked while eating, "What's going on?"

"The Lanna Stars may have found a new partner, and they have no plans to develop a 'cultivating human planet' with us."

"What?!" Sonori threw away the fat in her hands angrily when she heard this, and said in a bad tone, "What's the matter, Pray, please explain it to me in detail."

The cosmic man named Prey immediately explained what he had monitored: "...According to my observations, those Lanna stars are heading towards the planet Sharada, and it is very likely that they are from Sai there. What kind of cooperation has the Asians reached? If this is the case, our Sonori Adventure Group will be completely left behind."

"Saiyans? That so-called fighting nation that just popped up recently? How dare they compete with our Sonori Adventure Group for business?!" Sonori's face turned cold, and her pink eyes flashed with cold light.

Sonori is a green-skinned cosmic being with white fluffy hair. Although she is a woman, she has extraordinary fighting power.

Relying on its strong strength, Sonori has gathered talents over the years and formed the largest employment organization in the nearby star field. The combat-type cosmonauts under his command alone have thousands of people, plus logistics, business and other personnel, the scale is even larger. It is as large as tens of thousands of people, and other adventure groups have to detour when they meet them, and they have a well-known name in the west of the Northern Milky Way.

It's just that the scale of the adventure group is large, and the expenses are also high. They usually make a profit by undertaking tasks from other rich people, especially the one from the Lanna Stars, which can be said to be a major way for them to make money.

Never lose it easily.

"Boss Sonori, what should we do now? Don't we just watch our business being taken away by those Saiyans?" Pray asked his boss's opinion. If the cultivator business is obtained, the profit will be considerable.

Sonori thought for a while, and sneered, "Of course not. How can the business I'm aiming at be taken away by others? Immediately organize staff, and I will go to the planet Sharada to have a look in person."

Prey was a little worried: "Recently, the star field of Planet Sharada is not very peaceful. Many adventurers tried to enter Planet Sharada, but they were all repelled by the Saiyans there. To be cautious, should we stop observing?"

"Hmph, can we be the same as those trash? My mother is the boss of the Sonori Adventure Group, a master with 20000 fighting power, and she is also a famous big shot in the universe. Plus you guys, why are you afraid of Saiyans? !"

Sonori had an arrogant face, and her rosy eyes showed strong confidence.

You must know that as long as a planet has a master with a combat power of 5000 or more, it is enough to be called a high-level planet. Even in the Vegeta period, the strongest fighters only had a combat power of more than 10000. Or, even Frieza's right-hand men - Chambo and Dodoria, in terms of combat power, are no more than this value.

Although the blue-haired cosmic man Pray felt a little uneasy, he couldn't help but calm down when he thought of the super strength of the boss.

"Understood, I will inform you and let the adventure group get ready."

"Well, you go, don't worry about any Saiyans, how could those people be our opponents." Sonori gnawed on the fat indecently, and said with a slurred speech, "...if those Saiyans use it , I want to take them under my command, after all, the fighting nation should have some strength."

Pray showed a smile: "In this way, the scale of our Sonori Adventure Group will expand again."

Sonori laughed: "That's it, my boss has always been very lenient to masters." As she spoke, her tone changed and became a little indifferent: "Also question those Lanna stars for me, don't think they are rich You can let the strong obey at will, after all, the universe is ruled by the weak, and being polite to them is nothing more than the pity the strong show for the weak, so don’t be ashamed.”

"What the boss said is that they should be taught some lessons."

The blue-haired cosmic man Prey smiled, turned and left Sonori's room.


Just when the Sonori Adventure Group was ready to go to the planet Sharada, Luo Lan had already found the "cultivator planet" not far from the planet Sharada according to the star map given by the Lanna star Ai Boya.

This planet is located in an empty and barren star field. It is only a seven-day journey from the planet Sharada. Because the surrounding stars are very rare and the supplies are insufficient, few people have set foot in this star field.

If Aiboya hadn't entered by accident, she would never have discovered that there is a "cultivation planet" hidden here.


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(End of this chapter)

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