dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 91 Lanna Starman (please collect, please recommend tickets)

Chapter 91 Lanna Starman (please collect, please recommend tickets)
"This is my uncle Aiboya, a cosmic rich man who can speak at the Cosmic Business Headquarters." Gu Weisha proudly introduced to Luo Lan.

Luo Lan hummed, and glanced at the five people in the room with sharp eyes. The fierce force immediately alerted everyone except Gu Weisha's uncle Aiboya.

"Boss, be careful, this Saiyan is not simple, his combat power is at least 10000 or more." The bodyguard reminded.


Ai Boya looked at his bodyguards in surprise. These bodyguards are all employees of his company, so their strength is naturally clear, so when the bodyguards said that about Luo Lan's strength, he immediately paid attention to Luo Lan in his heart.

Originally, he invited Luo Lan over, but because Gu Weisha had mentioned to him that the Saiyan Sephilia had very terrifying power, he was willing to meet Luo Lan for the sake of winning over the strong.But he didn't expect... the Saiyans really surprised him, as his younger brother, Luo Lan, was actually that powerful.

According to Gu Weisha, this Saiyan's sister has a terrifying combat power of 18000, and the combat power of the two siblings is above 10000. These Saiyans are really terrifying.

You have to get it right.

In an instant, various thoughts flashed through Ai Boya's mind, and he laughed loudly: "Little brother, I have heard of the prestige of Saiyans a long time ago. When I saw them today, all my bodyguards were frightened by your fighting power."

"It's only tens of thousands of combat power, not worth mentioning." Luo Lan calmed down, and sat down beside the Lanna star Aiboya very naturally.

Ai Boya was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Luo Lan to answer like this. Thinking of what his bodyguard said, he couldn't help but tremble: Could it be that the Saiyans are really such a powerful race... Tens of thousands of combat power are not taken seriously?

Because I am located in the west of the Northern Milky Way, although I have heard of the name of the fighting race Saiyans for a long time, it is the first time I have actually met them, so Aiboya is not very clear about what the Saiyans have. Strength.To be able to have a name resounding throughout the universe like a fighting nation, the strength should be impressive.

Giving an awkward yet polite smile, Eboa asked cautiously: "I heard that the planet called Sharada reappeared in the west of the Northern Milky Way. Is that the planet of your Saiyans?"

Luo Lan said: "That's right, Planet Sharada is the home planet of Saiyans."

Ai Boya's eyes lit up, and he pondered: "The reappearance of the planet Sharada has attracted the attention of many people. It seems that many people are thinking about that starry sky. I don't know if you need my help. The bodyguard company has many masters."

A cold light flashed in Luo Lan's eyes, he shook his head indifferently, and refused: "No, Saiyans are not so easy to provoke, let them just come, the Saiyans of planet Sharada will tell them with the cruelest means. , anyone who offends a Saiyan has only one way to die."

"Yeah, the Saiyans are very strong." Gu Weisha echoed, he still remembered the unforgettable moment four years ago when Sefilia said that his combat power was 18000.

"I've also heard of the fierceness of Saiyans."

Ai Boya showed such an expression, turned around and whispered a few words, and asked his bodyguard to bring a map.Spreading it out, it is a very old star map. Many planets on it are marked with simple coordinates, and are not presented in three dimensions like modern star maps.

"What kind of map is this?" Luo Lan asked.

"This is a map marked with the coordinates of the 'Cultivated Human Planet'. You should have heard of Cultivated Humans, which is a strange species between artificial life and natural life. It is a good fighting tool It's a pity that the seeds of cultivating people are too difficult to pick, so they are relatively rare in the universe."

Luo Lan nodded. When he was on Planet Barney, he bought three cultivar seeds from a boss for 2 heejin and gave them to Tais.

"What are you doing with this map?" Luo Lan asked calmly.

"I hope to cooperate with you Saiyans. We will develop the 'Cultivate Human Planet' together. You are in charge of harvesting, and I am in charge of sales. The final benefits can be shared equally." Aibo Ya touched his cheek and offered a very generous offer. Promise of.

The combat power of the cultivated people is generally around [-], this is a small opportunity to train Saiyans.

Luo Lan asked: "You have so many subordinates, why do you need to cooperate with me?"

Ai Boya said: "I am in the bodyguard business. Although there are many employees under me, they all have their own tasks, and you know the situation of our Lanna star people in the universe. I got the shelter of the Cosmic Business Headquarters, but in the eyes of other forces, it still looks like a piece of fat..."

"Although the reputation of you Saiyans in the universe is not very good, I have heard of the style of doing things with money. If I cooperate with you, I don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back."

In fact, the value generated by mere cultivation of human planets is completely ignored by a rich man like Aibo Ya. The reason why he did this is to establish a relationship with the Saiyans on Planet Sharada. It is best to be able to reach some kind of cooperation.

The only admirable thing about the fighting race Saiyan in the universe may be the guarantee of the completion rate of the mission.Because they like to fight, Saiyans seldom engage in conspiratorial planning, and often like to deal with any disputes directly and with their fists.This is the nature of the race, which is why Aiboa, a Lanna star, believes in Saiyans.

Luo Lan pondered for a while, and agreed: "I can replace the Saiyans on Planet Sharada and agree to develop and cultivate Human Planet with you."

"Don't you need to contact your home planet?"

"No, my sister is the queen of the Saiyans, and I can make decisions for her."

"So that's how it is." Ai Boya was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect Luo Lan to have such an identity, and he was full of confidence in the cooperation between the two parties. "The planet that cultivated people is located in the northwest of the Northern Milky Way. The coordinates are ..." Eboa pointed to the position of the planet on the ancient map.

Luo Lan looked at it in surprise, "This planet is not far from Planet Sharada, um, it's only about a seven-day journey, so no one usually finds it?"

Eboa: "No, that star field was originally a barren area with very few stars around it. If I hadn't strayed into it by accident, I wouldn't have discovered that there was actually a planet there."

There are many planets in the universe that produce and train people, but such planets will be occupied by large forces as soon as they are discovered. If private individuals do not have enough strength, they will only attract the covetousness of other forces, and eventually lead to death .

Luo Lan discussed with Epoya, the richest man in the universe, and finally decided on a cooperation plan on behalf of Planet Sharada. The Saiyans were responsible for picking the cultivating human seeds from the "cultivating planet", and the Lanna stars were responsible for the follow-up channels and sales. The final interests of the two parties will be decomposed according to the amount of contribution, and it is tentatively determined that both parties will account for half.

After the cooperation plan was finalized, the Lanna Star Ai Boya laughed and generously asked his subordinates to bring a few gifts. Luo Lan was a little surprised when he saw it. It turned out that Ai Boya gave Luo Lan a blank universal capsules.

It was he who auctioned off this item, but he did not expect that the buyer would be Ai Boya.

In addition, in addition to a universal capsule, Apoya also gave Planet Sharada a large spaceship, which is a light blue disc-shaped spaceship with 24 thick crab-like claws stretching out around it. The huge supporting arm is as mighty and huge as Frieza's car.

Like Frieza's car, the performance of the spaceship is also one of the best in the universe, and its speed is not inferior to the spaceship of the Galactic Patrol Organization.


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