dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 83 New Generation (3)

Chapter 83 New Generation (3)

Noel is a Saiyan who was judged unfit to be a warrior shortly after birth.Because his parents were not great fighters, he was exiled to live on a low-level planet by the management of Planet Vegeta when he was three years old.

When Luo Lan found her, she was only four years old. Because she was young at the time, she was coerced and lured by Luo Lan, so she was quickly brought to Kaxia Planet and became one of the Saiyans who were lucky enough to live on Kaxia Planet. .

As he grew older, Noel realized how lucky he was to survive.

If Luo Lan hadn't found and rescued her, she might still have lived a hard life on the original planet, and it was more likely that she would be discovered and killed by the Frieza army personnel who came later.

Although the life in Kaxia star is also very hard, and a lot of training is required every day, but being able to live with the tribe every day, and the physical strength continues to increase with the training, this is destined to be no big deal for a person who is exiled. It is a very lucky thing for the successful girls.

On this day, after finishing the training, Noel took off his clothes and jumped into the pool with a "plop", his little tail spinning like a propeller, playing happily in the lake water.

"Hee hee, my fighting power is about to reach 200. Brother Asa said that I also have the opportunity to exceed 1000 fighting power in the future and become a real fighter."

Noel squinted his eyes and floated on the water, his big eyes looked at the constantly changing clouds in the sky, his breathing became smoother unconsciously, and then... fell asleep.

"Noel, Noel..." There were shouts in his ears, and Noel was picked up from the water.

"Brother Asa, why are you here?"

"You're sleepy. We agreed to eat barbecue at Sister Naris' house. I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to fall asleep in the water." Asa looked at Noel speechlessly, Get dressed.

Asa and Noel were the first few Saiyans brought here by Luo Lan, and their ages were not much different, so the relationship has always been very good.

The little girl giggled, her eyes lit up like light bulbs when she heard that she was going to eat barbecue at Sister Naris's place, and she yelled for Asa to take her there quickly.

The two flew up in the air and flew towards the place where the Saiyans gathered. They met many people along the way, and they nodded towards the two little guys one by one.When they immigrated here, there were only 60 adult Saiyans. Now that four years have passed, the number of adult Saiyans has reached more than 100, which is not a small development.

When they came to Naris' residence, they found that the door of the house was slightly closed, and there was no one inside.

"Strange, why is Sister Naris not at home?"

"Could it be at the training ground? Sister Naris is usually so busy."

"It's possible, but the training ground should be over now." Asa shook her head, "Let's wait inside, there's no way Sister Naris will forget the agreement she made with us."

So the two little guys waited at Naris' house, but when the sky gradually darkened and Naris came back, Asa and Noel's stomachs were already rumbling with hunger.Just when they couldn't bear the hunger, Naris returned to her home with a smile on her face, as if she was very excited.

"Sister Naris, why are you coming back now? We are almost starving to death." Noel rushed over, hanging on Naris' body.

It was only then that Naris remembered that she had invited the two children over for a barbecue, and she actually forgot about it.

"I'm sorry, my sister encountered something happy and forgot about you." Naris apologized quickly.

"What makes my sister so happy?"

Naris recalled the scene when she saw Sefilia and the others, and she became excited again: "Do you know, I met Lord Sefilia, that adult's aura is still so strong and domineering, standing beside her In front of me, I felt that all the strength in my body was being suppressed."

"Sai... Lord Sephilia, the one who transferred us here?!"

Asa's eyes widened, and he still remembered the experience of being coerced by the other party. Although from the current point of view, Sefilia threatened him for his own good, but he was really scared at the time.

"Yes, that is Lord Sefilia, and Lord Sefilia's younger brother, Lord Luo Lan, is also back."

Naris' expression was a little red, and her eyes were filled with admiration.

For the Saiyans living on Kaxia Planet, the most majestic in their hearts is naturally the Lord Sephilia who overwhelms all Saiyans with great strength.As for Luo Lan, except for a small number of adult Saiyans who have experienced his power, most young Saiyans do not have a clear understanding of his strength.

"I heard that Lord Sephilia is stronger than Lord Hertz!" Asa exclaimed.

"Well, that's how it is." Naris nodded vigorously, turning into Sefilia's fan girl, "I heard that Lord Sefilia will announce something important tomorrow morning, I don't know what it will be! "

"Sister Naris, don't care what it is, I'm hungry now, let's eat first!" Noel pulled Naris' arm and looked up pitifully.

"Yes, let's eat first." Naris chuckled, and then prepared the food.

The next day, early in the morning.

The sun is shining directly down, and it will soon give people a hot feeling.

On the big square where the Saiyans live, all the Saiyans who received Hertz's notice gathered together, and after a while, the large square was full of scattered figures.They raised their heads and whispered to each other, discussing the reason for calling them, but obviously, nothing came of the discussion.

These Saiyans are all young men and women, and there are a total of 240 of them, half of which are adult Saiyans, which is a very good start for the reproduction of a group.

Most of these Saiyans are lower-level fighters, and the number of intermediate fighters is also very small, and a few are not even as good as lower-level fighters.When he was on Star Vegeta, they were all neglected characters.

Of course, at this stage, the level of Saiyans is no longer the main obstacle restricting their growth.

(End of this chapter)

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