dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 82 New Generation (2)

Chapter 82 New Generation (2)

"The once powerful Saiyan clan now has only a few hundred members left. If Lord Sephilia and Lord Luo Lan hadn't transferred us to Planet Kasha at a critical moment, the Saiyan clan might have been wiped out .”

Naris closed the survey book that recorded the growth of young Saiyans, and said quietly.

Today is different from the past. The surviving Saiyans on Kasha are far from as good as the Vegeta period in terms of potential. In order to ensure the strength and prosperity of the Saiyan family, we can only target the life of each Saiyan. Carefully manage and grow.

Naris and the "Kom" she mentioned before are the only Saiyans transferred by Luo Lan who have the potential to be rated as intermediate fighters, and they are also the first batch selected by Herz A fighter who has received "breath" training and first mastered the use of "breath".

Naris, who just came of age, now has a combat power of 2400, a rare master among the younger generation.

Because he is relatively careful in handling things, he is now assisting Hertz to take care of the Saiyan warriors on Kasha.

The place of residence of the ethnic group.

Rows of buildings full of Saiyan characteristics are arranged in an orderly manner. From a distance, these buildings look like big stones built directly, with hollows in the middle and windows on both sides, full of ancient and primitive flavor.

In fact, the Saiyans have never had much demand for housing, because it is common for fighting nations to eat and sleep in the open when performing tasks.As long as there is enjoyable fighting and enough food, Saiyans don't care too much about other living conditions.

At this time, in an open space not far from the residence, a dozen or so young Saiyans were sweating profusely under the leadership of Hertz to receive training in new martial arts.They were all tied with ringing bells, and if they moved casually, the bells would jingle, and Hertz's stern reprimand would sound at this time.

"Calm your mind, breathe gently, and feel the energy in your body seriously. Only by fully mastering the movement of energy can you exert stronger strength in battle."

"Pay attention to the changes in the airflow around you, and don't be deceived by your eyes. When you shoot, you must move steadily, and you must predict the enemy's next move at the moment you shoot."

"Okay, that's it for today's training."

Following Hertz's soft drink, the tense faces of the dozen or so Saiyans present relaxed immediately, and then began to discuss in whispers, talking about the effects of today's practice.

Hertz narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.He has a wealth of "theoretical knowledge" with the knowledge of martial arts of the gods, and after several years of mastering, he has been able to control the power of his body well.Now as an instructor, he is working hard to train the new generation of Saiyans.Although there are not many Saiyans who have mastered the use of breath, the boys and girls in front of them are the most promising group of Saiyans.

"Evelivia, Uffia, you two enter the gravity room to practice, temporarily set it to 20 times gravity, and the time limit is 3 hours."

Hertz said kindly to the two girl-like Saiyan warriors that this is the treatment only given to the students who perform best every day.But considering that super-gravity is a great test for the body, Hertz strictly controls the practice time of these new generations.

"Yes, Lord Hertz."

The Saiyan girls named Evelive and Uffia immediately smiled, and it was obvious from their appearance that they were about to reach adulthood.

Hertz's arrangement immediately attracted envious eyes from the surrounding teenagers.

"I'm so envious, Eve Liwei and the others will definitely improve a lot in strength after they have practiced in the gravity room."

"Their combat effectiveness is close to 1000!"

"Yeah, it's already far ahead of us, and it can still accept the tempering of the gravity room."

"If you don't accept it, go beyond them. As long as you perform outstandingly in martial arts training, you will be the ones who will enter the gravity room next time." Hertz said flatly with a fixed face. He was very happy to see Sai Subhumans compete with each other.


"We must never give them another chance."

Many Saiyan fighters clenched their fists to cheer themselves up secretly.

Originally, in terms of their potential, reaching a combat power of 1000 when they were adults was already very good—after all, during the Vegeta Star period, many low-level fighters probably could only reach more than 1000 combat power in their entire lives.But after accepting the magical "breath" practice, they broke the limits of their bodies one after another, and their strength continued to rise, three hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, and a feeling that "the original [-] combat power is nothing more than this" was born in vain. .

The limit of combat power is no longer restricted by the quality level, which was unimaginable before.The continuous breakthroughs of each fighter also gave these lower-level fighters great confidence.

"Lord Hertz!"

At this moment, Naris appeared beside Hertz.

Seeing Naris coming, Hertz smiled and said, "How's the assessment for those children?"

Naris said: "All of them have passed the examination."

Hertz said: "Then we can teach them the practice of 'Qi'."

"I've asked Kom to arrange it." Naris made arrangements for Hertz in an orderly manner. Hertz nodded with satisfaction, and Naris said again: "Master Hertz, I think we should establish our own After all, we will leave Kaxia one day."

The Saiyans are naturally advocating fighting, so it is obviously impossible for them to live safely on a small planet.

Hertz also has such a plan, but because Sefilia and Luo Lan haven't come back, he can't make up his mind: "You can start to form the team first, as for when you will leave Kaxia, you have to wait for Saifei Leah and the others will talk about it when they come back."

"Yes." Naris nodded in response.

At this moment, the space in front of them suddenly distorted, and after a while, two beautiful figures stepped out of the distorted space, it was Sephilia and Luo Lan!

"Master Sephilia, Lord Luo Lan!"

Naris opened her eyes wide and exclaimed in surprise.

Luo Lan looked at the slender female Saiyan in surprise. He didn't remember such a person among the Saiyans he rescued.

"Luo Lan, you're back." Hertz smiled heartily when he saw Sephilia and Luo Lan, pointed to Naris and introduced, "Her name is Naris...you were transferred from other planets back then." One of the tribe."

Naris said excitedly: "Hello, Lord Luo Lan, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, you were a girl back then. I haven't seen you for a few years and you've grown up." Sephilia said lightly. Saiyans will stay in a baby state for a long time before they enter adulthood. This Naris in front of her, when saving her She is still a little girl who has only grown up rapidly in the past few years.

Sephilia herself had such a growth experience, so she quickly recognized Naris.

"Yes, Lord Sephilia." Naris looked at Sephilia with reverence.

(End of this chapter)

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