dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 81 New Generation (1)

Chapter 81 New Generation (1)

"What is this?" When Luo Lan handed the large and small bags to Sefilia, Sefilia's eyes were full of surprise.

Luo Lan said: "The clothes I bought for you, try them on."

Sephilia opened her pocket and took a look. Under Luo Lan's strong request, she began to try it on. When she came out wearing the purple windbreaker that he and Taisi had chosen together, Luo Lan's eyes lit up. There is a feeling of being amazed.

Clothes of appropriate size were put on Sefilia's body, perfectly showing her tall figure, well-proportioned, slender and full of charm.Sefilia asked: "It fits just right, but I'm afraid it won't be convenient for fighting. This material is too fragile."

"By the way, how did you know my size?"

"I can probably estimate your figure!" Luo Lan said.

"It seems that you took a lot of advantage in the previous sparring." Sefilia's face changed, but she was not angry. She put all the sets of clothes into the universal capsule, and Sefilia said: "Come on. Come on, let me see how much you have grown during this time."

Luo Lan said: "Let's forget it, I'm afraid it will damage the clothes on your body."

"I will control my strength so as not to damage the clothes on my body." After speaking without doubt, Sephilia's figure flickered a few times, and came to Luo Lan's side, grabbed his shoulders and took him to an empty and deserted place. area.

"No, I like to smell your fragrance."

"Then keep on smelling, you'll feel better after a while." Sephilia warned, but didn't say anything. Perhaps because of the frequent contacts like this, Sephilia gradually became more interested in Luo Lan. The act of being too close becomes less of a concern.

Sometimes getting used to it is a very scary thing.


Kasha star.

The morning sun crossed the horizon, and the sky had turned fish-white. The warm light shone through the clouds, passed through the leaves of the treetops, and sprinkled loose spots of light on the ground.

The day begins early in the morning.

After a few years, the more than 200 Saiyans who were transferred to Kaxia by Luo Lan at the beginning have adapted to the current life, and the number has also increased compared to a few years ago, reaching 240.It is mainly in recent years that a group of Saiyans have grown up and then combined with each other under Hertz's arrangement.

Even Herz himself had a pair of children with his wife Ashita.

"Boom", the ground trembled violently.

Suddenly a cloud of smoke rose from a lush virgin forest, followed by violent explosions one after another. Looking closely, it turned out that three young Saiyans were dealing with a giant beast with three horns.The giant beast was about 30 meters high, and its long neck protruded above the forest.

In front of this giant beast, the three Saiyans were as small as ants, but even so, facing the fierce attack at this moment, the giant beast still let out a tragic scream, and the low-pitched roar echoed continuously over the forest, and the sound waves continued. Spread out.


Two afterimages came to the front of the giant beast's head, and the hands condensed energy to attack.

In an instant, a straight energy ray pierced through the air, making a low cry of "Chi Chi Chi". The energy ray hit the giant beast's eyes, and the painful wailing sounded continuously. Several Saiyans roared angrily, and the ground heaved up and down disturbed by it.

And at this moment, another Saiyan also flew over, and a thin energy blade emerged in his hand.

"Pu Chi!" The energy blade slashed across the giant beast's neck, and the sharp blade collided with the hard leather of the giant beast, sparks burst out like metal, and blood spurted out.

The triangular behemoth let out a miserable cry, its huge body fell down suddenly, and the waves rose suddenly, overwhelming a large piece of thick trees immediately.

"Bayat, Kus, Shayara, you have passed the assessment." With a clear voice, a girl wearing a battle uniform from the Star Vegeta era stood on a big tree and looked at them.

The three Saiyans looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in surprise: "Miss Naris!"

The Saiyan girl named Naris nodded: "You have completed the assessment tasks assigned to you by the ethnic group very well. Next, you can go to the station to find Kom, and he will teach you the basics of 'ki'."

Bayat held his breath and said excitedly, "Miss Naris, can we learn the technique of 'Qi' already?"

Naris nodded: "Yes, anyone who passes the test is eligible to learn, 'Qi' is a profound knowledge, you must study it carefully, it can greatly increase your combat ability. Go, and by the way, inform the resident Others, let them move this beast back."


"we know."

The three young Saiyans nodded happily, then soared into the air with a crash, and disappeared into the sight with a few streamers of light.

"Kuss, Shayala, Bayat, pass the test!"

After the three left, Naris chuckled and wrote the verdict on a booklet.

This is the rule formulated by Hertz in order to train young Saiyans after the Saiyans moved to Kasha planet. More than 200 Saiyans will be arranged in groups of three or five every few days. field examination.There are various kinds of these assessments, including cooperative combat, individual strength, and sometimes martial arts skills, aiming to strengthen the quality of Saiyans through each assessment.

If the assessment results are excellent, they may even be taught more magical martial arts by the powerful Mr. Hertz. The kung fu called "Qi" is said to allow people to perceive the enemy's movements without eyes, which is really amazing.

It's just that for so many years, there are still very few Saiyans who have really been taught "qi" and mastered the use of breath.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for collection, ask for income book list!

(End of this chapter)

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