dragon ball god saiyan

Chapter 84 Planet Sharada

Chapter 84 Planet Sharada

Hertz stood in a building on the side of the square, counting the Saiyans below. The fighting strength of these Saiyans generally ranged from a few hundred to several thousand.Some older Saiyans have a fighting power close to two thousand.

"Hertz, the strength of these people has improved a lot compared to four years ago." Sefilia calmly looked at the Saiyans below, all of which were inseparable from Hertz's training over the years.

Hertz chuckled: "They are working very hard, otherwise, no matter how much I train, I can't grow too much. By the way, I found a few good seedlings among these people. Focusing on training may produce some outstanding talents. Warrior." To be called outstanding by Hertz, it must be a superior fighter comparable to Vegeta's time.

Sefilia was slightly surprised: "Oh, then you have to train them seriously in the future."

Hertz said, "Of course."

At this time, Luo Lan was teasing Hertz's sons and daughters. Seeing this, he said: "If you want to become a truly powerful warrior, the most important thing is understanding. If the goal is to become a real strong man in the universe, you can only rely on your blood to return you." not enough."

Hertz nodded slightly, deeply agreeing with what Luo Lan said.At this stage, the bloodlines of the Saiyans on Star Kasha are not very prominent. If the standard of Star Vegeta is still followed, these Saiyans will all be eliminated. Now, He who has the method of cultivation on the earth Erz, wants to change the way of life of Saiyans.

"I will select fighters with good understanding to focus on training." Hertz said seriously.

Looking at Hertz's serious expression, Luo Lan chuckled, "Let's go, those Saiyans have been waiting for a long time."

Immediately, Sephilia, Luo Lan, and Hertz circled vigorously, and their bodies came to the center of the square lightly.The plaza, which was still noisy just now, suddenly became quiet. Sefilia glanced at them coldly, and the majestic coercion suddenly crushed like a stone wall. The terrifying momentum descended from the sky, making them unable to breathe.

These Saiyans raised their heads one by one, looking at Sephilia and the others, with admiration, horror, and a little... fear in their eyes.

"Everyone, I believe you all still remember me!"

Sefilia's eyes scanned the crowd, and her cold voice was very loud and clear even without a loudspeaker.

"Of course I remember, Lord Sephilia!"

Some adult Saiyan fighters looked at Sefilia in awe, but Luo Lan beside Sefilia did not attract too many people's attention.Saiyans worship the strong, and Sephilia's decisive and domineering attitude is still vivid in my memory. These Saiyans never thought of resisting her.

When I don't exist?

At this time, Luo Lan snorted coldly, and glanced at everyone below with a little dissatisfaction. Under the effect of the spirit technique, the faint eyes pierced into their hearts like two sharp daggers.

The hearts of these Saiyans froze, cold sweat broke out, and they woke up suddenly... This younger brother of Lord Sephilia is also an amazing master.

As for those Saiyans who have learned breath sensing, they have already sensed Luo Lan's strength from his aura.His face was awe-inspiring, deeply immersed in Luo Lan's thrilling aura, and he thought in horror: This is a master who is definitely not weaker than Lord Hertz. Doesn't that mean that the Saiyans who seem to have declined now? In the clan, there are actually three fighters with a combat power of more than 10000?
These Saiyans couldn't help but become excited, and their gazes towards Luo Lan became filled with awe.

Even at the peak of Star Vegeta, the high-end combat power is only at this level!

"Brother Asa, that's Lord Sephilia!" Noel stood excitedly in the crowd, and the boy named Asa nodded and looked up seriously.

"The two adults are still so powerful." Asa was very glad that he had met them back then, otherwise he might not have even found the corpse. "

"Evelivia, it turns out that Lord Sephilia's younger brother is so powerful, I feel like I can't breathe anymore." In the new generation team, Uffia clutched her chest, Evelivia said: " I knew a long time ago that Lord Luo Lan saved me from Frieza's army."

"Ah, there is such a thing, tell me quickly." Uffia looked at his companion in surprise.

"There is nothing to say, anyway, many people have such experiences."

Eve Liwei fell into memories. At that time, she was carrying out the mission assigned by the headquarters on a planet, and then people from the Frieza Legion suddenly appeared and attacked her without saying a word. At that time, Luo Lan suddenly appeared and rescued her. For herself, Eve Liwei has always kept this in mind.


"I've heard what Hertz said about the situation in the past few years. Your performance is very good, and I am satisfied!"

Stared at by countless adoring eyes, Sephilia didn't take it seriously at all. She smiled faintly on her fair face, and suddenly held her breath and became serious, and said seriously: "Now, I have something to announce! You should all know, North Galaxy There are people from Frieza's army everywhere in the south, so if you stay here, you will not be able to go out in a fair manner, and you will be trapped forever on this mere planet Kasha."

"As a member of the fighting nation, I think you are definitely not willing to do this."

"Yes, I don't want to!"

The Saiyans shouted loudly.

They are eager to fight, not confined to a small planet.

Sephilia narrowed her eyes slightly, "You need to fight, you need to grow, and you need to enjoy the fun of fighting. Now I can help you realize... In the far west of the Northern Milky Way, there is a planet called Sharada. planet, which is the origin planet of our Saiyans, but it was destroyed by a stupid war in ancient times."

"Now I want to tell you that the planet Sharada has been restored, and we will move there! Starting today, we will return to our hometown."

"Planet Sharada?!"

The Saiyans present were stunned. They didn't expect that the legendary planet of origin still existed, but after a brief surprise, they all came back to their senses and looked at Sephilia even more in awe.

This leader can even restore the lost planet.

Immediately there was a burst of ecstasy, because from today onwards, they are the Saiyans of the planet Sharada, and they will get rid of the past of the Saiyans of the Planet Vegeta and gain a new rebirth.

"Planet Sharada!"

"Planet Sharada!"

The high-pitched and eager shouts continued to echo in the square. Luo Lan and Hertz stood together, looking at Sephilia in a lavender uniform, with a faint smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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