A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 92 Proposal (seeking first order 45)

Chapter 92 Proposal (seeking first order 45)

"But anyway, we're left with one."

Steve turned his head to look at the black dwarf at Lin Yi's feet.

The cross-section of the broken body of the black dwarf has long been scabbed with blood, but the unwavering body indicates that this powerful alien creature has died completely.

"It looks like this guy doesn't have the ability to heal himself."

While talking, Tony picked up the small half of Lin Yi's body that had been cut off.

"Jarvis, scan it."


Light blue light shot out from the eye sockets of Tony's visor and swept across the severed arm.

"Lin Yi is right. This guy is indeed very hard. His skin has a unique arrangement structure, so it has a super high density, but he is still far behind the title of black dwarf!"

"Take them all away."

Barton walked to the edge of the pit and looked at the people below.

"Fury just sent a message that Thor has caught Loki..."

"Loki... yes!"

Hearing Barton's words, Lin Yi was suddenly taken aback.

"These two guys came to Earth in the same way as Loki?"

"...Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, it should be so."

Tony nodded.

Steve also sighed when he heard the words, and said, "Saul is right, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not something that the current Earth should have."

"That guy named Thanos holds the key to the Rubik's Cube. I don't want a few strangers to appear in my home from time to time." Tony said.

"Thankfully, there seem to be only five of these guys," Steve said.

"Now there are only four left..."

While talking, Tony grabbed the black dwarf's body and threw it from the bottom of the pit.



On the aerospace aircraft carrier that has been repaired.

Except for Dr. Banner who didn't know where he fell, everyone appeared in this conference room again.

Natasha and Button sat at the conference table, waiting for Nick Fury to appear.

Steve lowered his head, frowned, and played with the large-screen smartphone that Lin Yi gave him, with a vibrating gold shield at his feet.

Tony Stark is scanning the body of the black dwarf with an instrument.

Lin Yi was leaning against the wall beside Tony, discussing with him how to use the skin of the black dwarf to make a suit for himself.

After a while, Thor walked in with Loki who was restrained by handcuffs.

"Look who's here."

Tony raised his eyelids, then put down the scanner in his hand.

But Loki didn't care about Tony, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yi coldly.

"You went to London?"

"That's right..."

Lin Yi nodded and said with a smile
"Destroyed a really cool contraption by the way, I guess that's yours?"

"... Are you proud?"

Loki sneered.

"Trust me, you'll regret it."

"Do you think everything will be fine if you stop me?"

"No, their goal is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

"As long as you hold it, they'll be after you!"

"No matter how many years, they will come, believe me, they will come!"

"By that time, all of you will be humming..."

Sol covered Loki's mouth with some embarrassment, and a steel mask automatically extended and confined the lower half of Loki's face.

"I'm very sorry, I accidentally knocked on his head just now, so... you know!"

Lin Yi: "..."


Tony pouted, then looked at Loki.

"As for them in your mouth, do you mean the big man behind me?"

With that said, Tony pointed behind him.


Looking at the huge body of the black dwarf comparable to the Hulk, Loki suddenly opened his eyes wide.

It turned out to be the five obsidian generals under the command of Thanos?

Could it be that he already knew his failure, so he sent his subordinates again.

But I didn't expect that the famous Black Lunar Five would actually fall into the hands of these people...

For a moment, Loki's mind flashed with thoughts.

Similarly, seeing the black dwarf's body, Sol couldn't help frowning.

"I said long ago that the Rubik's Cube is not something you should have now."

"you're right!"

Nick Fury walked in immediately, carrying a suitcase in his hand.

"So we decided to return it to Asgard."

With that said, Nick Fury handed the suitcase in his hand to Saul.


Solton was a little stunned.

Although he said so, he never thought that these people would hand him such a treasure as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube so easily.

"You... really think so?"

There was a hint of doubt in Sol's eyes, and he took the suitcase unreal.

"Yes! But..."

Nick Fury suddenly elongated his tone.

"...my father said that anything before a 'but' is meaningless."

Saul said with a look of as expected.

"Say it! You can make any request at will, believe me, no matter what kind of request it is, it is nothing compared to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

Everyone: "..."

Loki turned his head and looked at Sol like a fool.

It's not just him, Lin Yi, Tony, Steve and others all have some doubts about who the one who was hit on the head just now...

Looking at such a bold Sol, Nick Fury said without changing his expression.

"But I have a request, no, it should be said to be a proposal..."

With that said, Nick Fury looked at Tony.

"That was one of my ideas, a very risky one, and Tony should know about it."

"...The Avengers." Tony said suddenly.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Tony.

"I thought the project had been scrapped."

Tony frowned, looked at Nick Fury and said.

"And, didn't I fail your test?"


Nick Fury turned around and looked at Black Dwarf's body.

"But what happened this time gave me the confidence to restart the Avengers. I believe that bringing together the most outstanding people in this world will definitely play a greater role..."


Unsurprisingly, after Nick Fury finished his proposal, everyone fell silent.

Tony leaned against the table behind him, rubbing his chin and thinking carefully.

Natasha and Barton don't need to think about it, they will definitely obey Nick Fury's arrangement, and the US team should also join, so the problem is Lin Yi, Banner, Saul...and himself.

"I'll join!"

A bold voice broke the deadlock.

Everyone looked at Sol who made the voice.

"……What's wrong?"

Saul met everyone's gaze, looked left and right, with a smile on his lips.

"If this is what you request for returning the Rubik's Cube, I will join~"

"You are the Crown Prince of Asgard..."

Lin Yi asked subconsciously.

"so what!"

Saul said nonchalantly.

"It's just an alliance of brothers who help each other. Believe me, in Asgard, I don't know how many alliances like this I have joined..."

Everyone including Nick Fury: "…"

"……How about it?"

Nick Fury's eyes swept over Steve, Tony, and Lin Yi.

"I know, you need time, I will give you time to think about whether to unite or fight on your own..."

After speaking, Nick Fury was about to walk out of the room.

"Wait a moment!"

Tony suddenly called out Nick Fury.

"...Changed your mind?"

Nick Fury turned around.

"No, I mean, your equipment is too outdated, you need to bring this guy's body back to Stark Tower for further research..."

"...Of course, if Lin Yi doesn't mind, this is his trophy."

Nick Fury turned around blankly and walked out of the room.

Tony shrugged, then walked up to Lin Yi, patted him on the shoulder, and suddenly lowered his voice.

"After sending Saul away, I asked Steve to come to my Stark Tower together. We need to have a good talk."

After speaking, Tony patted him on the shoulder again.

Lin Yi understood, smiled slightly, and then raised his voice slightly.

"No problem, as long as my clothes are in place..."

(End of this chapter)

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