A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 93 Influence (seeking first order 55)

Chapter 93 Influence (seeking first order 55)

In the underground meeting room of the Trident headquarters.

"So, you just let them take the Rubik's Cube?"

The MP on the central screen said blankly.

"I just let it go back to where he was supposed to be."

Nick Fury said calmly.

"You have no right to make such a decision!"

"That's right..." Nick Fury was noncommittal, "But God can."


The people on the screen fell silent for a while.

"where are they?"

A congressman asked suddenly.

"Who are you referring to?"

Nick Fury looked at him.

"There's no need to hide, you know who I'm talking about—the Avengers you summoned..."

"Oh, I need to correct a little bit about that."

Nick Fury said calmly,

"Not everyone has embraced the Avengers proposal... at least not yet."

"It doesn't matter, in the eyes of the entire alien army waiting outside, they are already."

The MP said lightly.

"You choose to let them go rather than keep them in sight ... it's dangerous, both for them and for us."

"Of course I know it's dangerous."

Nick Fury said seriously.

"But believe me, it's much more dangerous for the guys out there watching in alien space."



Regardless of whether Nick Fury's proposal can be established, the videos of Lin Yi and others on the streets of New York have become popular all over the Internet.

Too many people saw the scene where Lin Yi, Captain America, and Iron Man fought against General Deathblade on the street. Even if the government and S.H.I.E.L.D. planned to block the news, it was already too late.

Nick Fury simply let it spread, and at the same time hired a navy to CP the superhero group in these videos on various forums and video sites.

Everyone was discussing the few videos circulating on the Internet. Among them, the most eye-catching ones were Lin Yi, who almost destroyed a building, and Captain America, who came from legend to reality.

They even opened a new forum for Lin Yi under the name of "Swordsman" that day. Countless young people discussed Lin Yi's nickname fiercely in the forum.

At the same time, the Captain America forum, which could only be regarded as a historical figure, suddenly became popular again.

On the contrary, because Iron Man has disclosed his identity a long time ago, he is not so eye-catching... In other words, such a hot discussion is the normal state of Iron Man's topic.

The media that was moved by the news also began to speculate on the video on the Internet. For a while, various news such as alien invasion, government secret research on chemical weapons, and mutants planning to start a full-scale war began to spread rapidly on the Internet.

Any story that involves New York and superheroes gets hits at an astonishing rate.

With the passage of time, the popularity of discussions on the Internet did not decrease because of this, but became more and more heated because more and more videos were posted on the Internet.

Except for the earliest NYC street fights and halfway up videos of buildings.

The video of Iron Man and Black Dwarf fighting in mid-air, and the video of Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye and General Deathblade fighting on the top of Stark Tower were all posted on the Internet.

Among the subsequent videos posted online, the most striking is the lightning and thundering sea in New York Harbor.

In Storm and Thunder, the figure wielding Thor's Hammer loomed in the video, causing many discussions and quarrels.

At the same time, someone analyzed and compared the video of New York Harbor with the video of Stuttgart, Germany through some technology, and judged that the guy who killed many people in the crowd with a scepter in his hand was the target of the attack in the video of New York Harbor.

At this moment, many people became excited again, and began to list this guy accompanied by lightning and thunder as the party of justice.

However, as more and more videos appeared, Lin Yi's reputation was somewhat mixed.

First of all, the video of Lin Yi intimidating everyone to line up obediently with force, and the video of destroying many luxury cars with sword energy in Germany were also posted on the Internet.

This led to two extremes in the comments below the video.

Those who agree with Lin Yi think that he saved the lives of these people, while those who hate Lin Yi think that Lin Yi is a violent element with the supremacy of force and is a factor of social instability.

But the vast majority of young people are ecstatic after seeing these two videos.

More than 80.00% of the people began to use the "Sword Master" in Warcraft as Lin Yi's code name, and Lin Yi's fan forum changed its name accordingly.

Regarding this matter, Lin Yi once wondered if Nick Fury found the navy for him.

In addition, the owner of that building also voiced on Twitter, claiming that Lin Yi needs to take full responsibility for the damage to his building.

In this regard, Stark Industries CEO and spokesperson Pepper Potts stated on Twitter that if the other party continues to pursue the case, Stark's legal department will take full responsibility for this lawsuit.

Of course, no matter how hot the Internet is, it has nothing to do with Lin Yi and others.

After some negotiations, Sol finally took Loki to leave the earth.

In an open-air park chosen by Saul, everyone gathered again in casual clothes, except Bruce Banner.

After the aircraft carrier almost fell, Banner rejected Nick Fury's invitation, and with deeper worries about Hulk, he lived in seclusion somewhere in Brazil.

Of course, it was under the remote monitoring of S.H.I.E.L.D., but this time, Banner voluntarily.

He thought that if Hulk went crazy again, this group of guys he had just met would come to stop him.

"Control the nearby blocks, and make sure that no one is allowed in."

Coulson held the walkie-talkie in his hand and directed the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to disperse the surrounding crowd.

Two sports cars stopped on the side of the road, and Tony, wearing a white suit and brown sunglasses, stepped out of one of them.

Lin Yi, who was wearing a gray sweater, went up with Steve together.

"This dress suits you quite well."

Tony patted Lin Yi's arm with a smile, and then looked at Steve, who was wearing a brown leather jacket with a 40s atmosphere.


Tony pouted, then gave a thumbs up.

"Perfect match..."


Steve suddenly laughed and reached out to shake Tony's hand.

"Stop teasing me, I know I'm dressed like an old man from the last century."

"……Oh yes!"

Tony turned around and took out a silver suitcase from the car, and handed it to Lin Yi.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

Lin Yi asked aloud while reaching out to take it.

"That's right, in order to prevent this thing from being activated again, it's better for you to watch it."

Tony straightens his tie and casts a sideways glance at Steve.

"After all, I don't wear armor all the time..."

"Okay! I'll apologize." Steve smiled helplessly, "If you want to hear it."

"But I believe you will do it in the future." Lin Yi said with a smile, "For example, nanotechnology..."

"...That's right." Tony nodded thoughtfully, "That's a good idea."

While chatting and laughing, the three walked towards Sol and Loki who were waiting there.

In addition to the two who were about to leave, Natasha, Hawkeye, and Dr. Eric, Sol's friend, stood by.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Yi took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and handed it to Sol.

"If you have time, you can visit Asgard. Believe me, with your strength, you can definitely enjoy yourself in Asgard."

Saul looked at Lin Yi and said.

"I will."

Lin Yi smiled.

no you won't...

Loki, who was unable to make a sound, rolled his eyes.

He can guarantee that he is definitely one of the people in the world who knows Lin Yi best.

This guy would never rashly run to a strange place that might kill him, such as Asgard!
Looking at Dr. Eric with a complex look on the side, Saul couldn't help but smile.

"Don't take it to heart."

He patted Dr. Eric on the shoulder.

"I should be the one to apologize..."

Before the words were finished, the two people in front of them turned into two blue lights and disappeared from everyone's sight.

 Thank you very much for your first order, the basic five changes are completed, go to the code word, and see if you can make up for the owed...

(End of this chapter)

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