A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 91 [5 Section Cuts] (For the first order 35)

Chapter 91 [Five Section Cuts] (For the first order 35)

Seeing this, General Death Blade quickly stretched out his hand, and the double-edged sword flew back with Lin Yi on it.

"Sure enough, I can't hold it."

Lin Yi let go of the spear, swung the blade with his right hand and slashed at General Deathblade's head.

General Deathblade lowered his head in time, but a small piece of skin was still cut off by Jianfeng.

"Damn earthlings!"

General Death Blade slammed his long knife and wrestled with Lin Yi again.

The violent clash of swords echoed in the street.

Along the way, countless footprints and cracks were stepped on the ground, the street lamps were cut off by the wind of knives and swords, cars were smashed and torn, and the wind of swords blew towards the shops on both sides from time to time.

The billboards on the top of the building continued to fall, and the onlookers who were filming the outside scene through the glass also began to realize their own danger and gradually became agitated.

Iron Man, Captain America and the others took the opportunity to open the door, and let the people who had piled up in the shops on the street quickly leave the street.


Not long after, the voice of asking you came from behind.


Lin Yi felt relieved when he heard the words, and the long sword knocked away the increasingly heavy double-edged long knife, and jumped back to open the distance.

"Why, don't you want to fight?"

General Deathblade narrowed his eyes and stopped moving.

To be honest, it was him who really didn't want to fight anymore.

The earthling in front of him is indeed a bit stronger than he imagined. If he didn't rely on the weapon in his hand, he would definitely not be the opponent of the earthling in front of him.

Now he can still fight with this guy with the sword, just because the guy hasn't seen through him yet.

Once the secrets are seen through by the enemies around him, General Deathblade feels that he may be finished like the guy at the bottom of the pit.

"No...it should be said, it's just started..."

Lin Yi looked at General Deathblade coldly, and the [King Slayer] in his hand suddenly disappeared, replaced by a sharp sword.

"There's one thing I'm curious about..."

Lin Yi slowly raised the Taidao in his hand, and the blue light circulated on his body surface and the Taidao.

"If I cut off your head, will your body grow out of the head, or will another head grow out of the body?"

"Let's take a look!"

As soon as the words fell, layers of white cloud waves exploded on the spot, and the glass of the surrounding shops also burst instantly.

"So fast!"

General Deathblade's pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to raise the double-edged long knife in his hand, but before he raised his arms, the severe pain had already spread all over his body.

【Five paragraphs · step forward cut】!
With a violent speed several times faster than the speed of sound, the blue figure completed four turns in an instant.

The entire street that Lin Yi cut across became a mess, and the strong wind suddenly swept the street, and all the gravel, metal and car wreckage on the ground were blown to both sides by the air wave.

The next moment, Lin Yi's figure appeared behind General Death Blade, and the Taidao in his hand suddenly shattered.

Five lines of blood appeared on General Death Blade at the same time.


General Deathblade turned around, without even finishing a sentence, he knelt down on the ground, his upper body split into three sections.

"Sir, just now Mr. Lin's speed exceeded Mach [-] at least."


Hearing Jarvis's voice in his ear, Tony fell silent.

Although the top speed of his armor can reach Mach [-], but that is the flying speed at high altitude, and it takes a long time to accelerate.

But Lin Yi was different. He was able to reach such a speed almost in an instant, and he was able to complete four changes of direction at such a speed, which was indeed somewhat beyond Tony's expectations.

Steve, who was huddled behind the shield, stood up, frowned at the messy street, then walked over and looked at the hideous head on the ground.

On General Deathblade's severed head, the three lines of blood on the nose, forehead and mouth healed about two-thirds, but the scars on the neck and chest did not heal at all.

"Well, it looks like you chose to heal the wound."

Lin Yi walked over with the broken knife, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, looking at the dead General Deathblade.

"But the wound caused by the Taidao is not so easy to heal..."

This is the first time he has fully used the Taidao style [five-stage cut] after he changed his profession. This feeling of being able to do it with all his strength made Lin Yi feel comfortable for a while.

The only shortcoming is that Taidao style pays too much attention to sharpness, even the air waves carried by supersonic speed seem to disappear on the blade strangely, leaving only the sharp cutting line.

However, the "flowing power" and bleeding effect carried by the Taidao style are still very useful in the face of such a person with self-healing ability.

"It seems that his self-healing ability is really limited."

Steve said softly.

"I already said..."

Tony Stark flew over and glanced at Lin Yi who had already changed into a pair of pants.

"It's quick...but I guess you might need a pair of sturdier pants later on."

"I think so too."

Lin Yi sighed.

At this time, the Quin-style fighter in the sky folded its wings and slowly landed on the street.

The rear hatch opened, and Barton's figure appeared there.

"Guys, put those two aliens on the plane, we're leaving!"

Barton stood there holding a bow and arrow and shouted.

But in the next second, Barton's face changed, and he almost instantly raised the compound bow in his hand.

The three of them reacted instantly and turned around immediately.

An arrow passed through the gap between the three of them with the sound of piercing the air, and was cut in half by the blade.

"Almost, almost..."

Holding the double-edged long knife, General Dead Blade panted heavily, his face full of panic and joy.

The broken marks on the chest and neck were joined at some point, and although they were still bleeding, they had obviously started to heal gradually.

"... isn't this dead?"

Lin Yi was speechless for a moment.

"...I said a long time ago that you can't kill me!"

General Deathblade grinned grimly.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Lin Yi immediately threw away the broken knife, and another big knife appeared in his hand again.

"……and many more!"

General Deathblade's face suddenly changed.

"What else do you want to say?"

Steve reached out and stopped Lin Yi.

"Damn it, it's all your fault for trying to stop my lord... If it wasn't for that Asgardian loser, Chitauri's army would have taken this world for my lord long ago!"

General Deathblade gritted his teeth and looked at them.

Judging from the current situation, he has already failed.

In the dark order, the loser has no good fruit to eat.

Originally, he planned to rescue the black dwarf, but now it seems that he is lucky to be able to escape by himself.

escape!Must escape!Before they can figure it out...

Thinking of this, General Deathblade took a deep look at Lin Yi, holding the double-edged long knife with both hands at the same time, and a blue light suddenly covered his whole body.

"Earthlings, I will come back!"


Lin Yi was startled, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared in the original position of General Death Blade, but General Death Blade who was still there just now had completely disappeared.

"This guy was teleported away..."

Tony frowned and flew down.

"General Deathblade...Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier!"

Thinking of the scene where General Deathblade was teleported away just now, Lin Yi kicked Black Dwarf with some annoyance.

"What do you mean?"

Tony asked aloud.

"Did you forget, that guy said before that Thanos named his servants after stars, so the generals of Black Day Five should be named after stars!"

Lin Yi said loudly.

"Like a black dwarf!"

After Lin Yi mentioned something, Tony suddenly understood.

"so what?"

Steve looked puzzled.

"But Corvus Glaive is different! In addition to the Corvus in his name, he also has a long knife!"

Tony then said firmly.

"If I'm not mistaken, a large part of that guy's self-healing ability comes from the weapon in his hand!"

"That's right!"

Lin Yi nodded.

He also suddenly thought of this crop just now. Of course, unlike Tony, what he thought of was the Chinese translation of the previous life, General Death Blade.

The Chinese translation in the previous life always liked to highlight the key points, death blade death blade... He should have thought that the blade is the key point!

(End of this chapter)

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