A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 52 [Heart of the Storm]

Chapter 52 [Heart of the Storm]

In the wooden fortress under the crow's nest, Maester Aemon, who could no longer be seen clearly, was sitting on a chair, surrounded by a burly man with one arm.

Although he couldn't see the appearance of the person in front of him, Maester Aemon could tell from the voice that he was a very young man.

"Young man, with all due respect, your age makes it hard for me to believe that you are the rumored master of swordsmanship."


Lin Yi was not impatient at all. The blind old man in front of him was a hundred years old. Even if Tywin Lannister stood here, he was qualified to call a young man.

"How do you want me to prove it."

Lin Yi seemed very cooperative.

"I heard that the current King of the North gave you the Kingslayer's sword. It is a two-handed sword imitating [Guang Xiao]..."

Maester Aemon's words were already very obvious, and Lin Yi was naturally willing to cooperate.

He took off the [Kingslayer] around his waist, and placed him on the table so that Maester Aemon could touch the lion's head at the end.

When Maester Aemon was stroking the carved lion head, Lin Yi said.

"Maester Aemon, I have a question..."

"You speak."

"When I left Riverrun, I asked the King of the North, Robb Stark, to deliver the raven to Castle Black for me. If nothing unexpected happened, I think that letter should be enough to prove my identity..."

There was a hint of doubt in Lin Yi's eyes.

"Oh! I know the letter—you want to go north of the Wall?"

Maester Aemon let go of his hand seemingly suddenly, and fumbled on the table with his withered arms, as if trying to find the letter.


Lin Yi frowned and nodded. He finally felt that something was wrong. Maester Aemon's attitude was really strange.

"Why? Except for the ice, snow and cold wind, there are only savages left."

While Maester Aemon was groping, he asked suspiciously.

But Lin Yi didn't answer Maester Aemon's question, he said sincerely.

"I am not here on behalf of Stark, Maester Aemon. I know who you are. You don't need to be so defensive, let alone tempt like this."

"Oh...forgive my presumptuousness, Mr. Lin."

Maester Aemon's expression didn't change in the slightest, not even the movement of fumbling with his hands.

"But since you've said that, let me be blunt - I'm not worried about Stark, I'm worried about you."

With that said, Maester Aemon seemed to have finally found the letter he wanted.

"Early before Lord Robb sent the news, I already knew of your existence. The Academy has investigated your information. Your appearance is very strange, and the style and means of your actions are also unpredictable, except that you can be sure that you are going all the way north. Besides, they don't have any other clues."

He handed over the letter with trembling hands.

"This is also the reason why I received the news immediately. Your goal is the Great Wall. There is no doubt about it. Therefore, I must personally confirm your character and attitude. Forgive my temptation. After all the young and middle-aged people are gone, only us old, weak, sick and disabled are left here, and I am responsible for the Night's Watch."

Xuecheng?Investigate me?

Lin Yi was a little surprised to accept the letter from Maester Aemon. He really didn't know that he had already been noticed by the school city.

Opening the letter, Lin Yi saw many things he had done since King's Landing, including buying all the bread in Flour Street, killing Joffrey, joining the Night Watchman recruiting team, killing the golden robe, defeating Jaime Lannister, etc. .

Except for the killing of Amory Lodge, almost all the things that have been witnessed and can be investigated are listed above.

Of course, the incident on Flour Street was investigated after killing Joffrey, so the above descriptions are somewhat distorted.

Although Lin Yi has never really intentionally covered his tracks, this is an era of war after all, and it is considered good for ordinary forces to be able to collect undistorted information.

And Xuecheng can actually integrate many of his actions and traces. In this era when the fastest way of long-distance communication is the raven, such intelligence gathering ability can be regarded as terrifying.

"Please don't be jealous, Mr. Lin."

Maester Aemon spoke with a sigh.

"The power of magic has not appeared in the world for many years, but just after it appeared, it killed a king on the Iron Throne, and even started a chaotic era of war. How can such a sign not attract the attention of the Academy City? The power you possess shouldn't exist in this world..."

People in the City of Emotions think I started this war?
Lin Yi was really angry and funny, but he still asked his own question.

"Why did you give me the letter? Didn't Xuecheng ask you to test me?"

"I'm just a blind old man with one foot in the coffin." Maester Aemon sighed. "As I said before, I am responsible for the Night's Watch."

He just tried a little bit, and Lin Yi showed a little dissatisfaction, which made the old man dare not continue to test, and could only choose to be honest with each other.

"I understand."

Lin Yi nodded, then shook his head again.

"With all due respect, the Citadel thinks too highly of me. I killed a king, but the war in the south has nothing to do with me. It was the Lannister who plotted against Robert, and Joffre who cut off Ed's head. Here, the Iron Islands are coveting the northern border, Highgarden is ambitious, and Dorne has never really surrendered... The princes have long had grievances, and the outbreak of war is only a matter of time."

"Then what is your purpose?"

Maester Aemon was unmoved, he asked gently.

Lin Yi suspected that he already knew these principles, but just wanted to use them to disturb his thoughts and rhythm.

"Then I'll just say it straight." Lin Yi said seriously, "I'm here for those dead people who can move."


Maester Aemon fell silent for the first time.

After a while, he spoke.

"Castle Black did have moving dead people. They attacked Commander Mormont. Jon cut off an arm, but even after leaving the mother's body, the hand was still alive and kicking. I have seen countless things in my life. That's what scares me the most."

"Magic is recovering, but it's not just magic that's being recovered."

Lin Yi said calmly.

"I can feel that something dark is being conceived north of the Great Wall, and this is also the purpose of my trip."

Lin Yi restrained himself to finish this shameful line.

I don't know why, he can make up in front of Arya in a serious manner and enjoy her admiring gaze, but it is a bit difficult to tell in front of Maester Aemon.

But Maester Aemon couldn't see Lin Yi's expression. Hearing Lin Yi's description, his expression became solemn.

"It seems that you have received a systematic education, do you still have a complete legacy of magic inheritance?"

With that said, Maester Aemon asked sincerely.

"Can you tell me where you are from? I've met people from all over the world, but I can't hear your accent, only that your mother tongue must be a very calm language."


The corners of Lin Yi's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he said something, and he was calm, and he really didn't lose to anyone in Mandarin.

But to be honest, after living in the United States for many years, his Chinese accent has become very light, but this old scholar who has been blind for many years can still hear it.

"Your hearing is very keen, indeed, I am not from any place you know - do you ever know what lies beyond the Shivering Sea?"

"The great navigator Corlis Velaryon once led the fleet eastward and explored many sea areas that Westeros had never touched, but even he only turned around when he arrived at the Thousand Islands."

There was a hint of excitement in Aemon's tone, implying that no one knew what the end of the Trembling Sea was, not even the greatest sailors and navigators.

Under Maester Aemon's expectant look, Lin Yi smiled slightly.

"As you can imagine, I come from the continent on the other side of the Shivering Sea."

"Is there a continent on the other side of the Shivering Sea?"

Maester Aemon was a little shocked when he heard that.

"I don't know either, this is just my guess..."

Lin Yi shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Maester Aemon was confused again.

"I came to this world suddenly one night." Lin Yi said with a wry smile, "According to my guess, it may be that I accidentally triggered some leftover magical powers, which caused me to travel halfway across the world. Arrived here."

"Suddenly shuttle? No wonder you appeared without a trace."

Maester Aemon was stunned for a moment, but then he asked.

"Then how did you know you came from the other side of the Shivering Sea?"

"I checked the books related to the Shivering Sea, and found that there are legends about ice dragons on the Shivering Sea. Coincidentally, there are also legends about ice dragons in the western seas of my continent."

"Ice dragons... yes, and only such creatures can cross the storms of the Shivering Sea."

Aemon murmured.

Lin Yi said sorry in his heart.

Of course he didn't know what was at the end of the Shivering Sea, these things were all excuses he just made up.

After hearing the news that Xuecheng was investigating him, Lin Yi had the idea that he needed to use the mouth of Bachelor Aemon to record his own affairs and legends into the records of Xuecheng, which is more important than folk rumors. way of insurance.

Lin Yi believes that Xuecheng will definitely attach importance to the exploration of the sea because of this, and his words will also become the biggest motivation for these people to explore the unknown sea.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Yi might be able to make another piece of equipment.

But... what kind of equipment should I get?

Lin Yi suddenly found himself in trouble.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and he took out a .40s&w bullet.

"If I'm not wrong, this is the culprit that caused me to shuttle."

Lin Yi solemnly handed the bullet to Maester Aemon.

Maester Aemon quickly took it, fumbling for the .40s&w bullet in his hand as if looking at some treasure.

"Donal, describe its color for me."

"Uh..." Donna looked at it carefully, "The whole body should be brass in color, but it is brighter than brass, and the head is rounder, with a little redness."

"This round feel...is this a magic product?"

Maester Aemon sighed and returned the bullet to Lin Yi.

"It's convenient to let me know what effect this magic item has."

Hearing Maester Aemon's question, Lin Yi decided to blow it up as much as possible.

"Its name is [Heart of the Storm]. It is rumored that at its peak, [Heart of the Storm] has the magical power to control the wind and rain and stir up the sea. Whoever owns it will own the sea."

Lin Yi said in a serious tone.

"Manipulating the wind and rain? Stirring the sea?!"

Isn't that no different from a god!
Maester Aemon was shocked.

"But that's just a legend." Lin Yi sighed, "Now it can only control a little breeze, making people jump higher and run faster."

"But what does this have to do with space travel?"

Maester Aemon was a little puzzled.

"I don't know either." Lin Yi shook his head and said, "But this is the only thing on my body that may have such power."

"I see."

Maester Aemon nodded.

"If possible, I hope that the Academy can help me investigate the legends and myths related to [Heart of the Storm]. If the Academy can find a few words about [Heart of the Storm], I am willing to lend it to the Academy for research."

Lin Yi's tone was very sincere.

"I will..." Maester Aemon nodded.

"Of course, in order to let you understand that this is not a lie, I also want to prove to you the magic power of [Heart of the Storm]."

With that said, Lin Yi stood up, held the "heart of the storm" with one hand, and said "Leaping Sky" silently in his heart.

A faint fluorescent blue instantly covered Lin Yi's whole body.


Seeing this scene, Tang Na couldn't help screaming in shock.

"Donald, what happened?"

Maester Aemon hurriedly asked, grabbing Donna's arm with a trembling hand.

"Blue... blue light..."

The one-armed man Tang Na suddenly looked at Lin Yi in surprise, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

"What blue light?"

Maester Aemon's questioning made Tang Na calm down. He stared at Lin Yi's clenched right hand with complicated eyes, and said in his mouth.

"A moment ago, this lord's body was covered with a layer of blue light, a very clear light, definitely not my illusion."

"This is the power of [Storm Heart]."

Lin Yi smiled and sat down again.

"With its blessing, I can jump to the top of a tower more than ten meters away, and I can also surpass the best war horse in the world...but that's all. Compared with its power at its peak, this is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Can I use it?"

asked Maester Aemon.

"I'm afraid not." Lin Yi shook his head, "Magic power is needed to activate the magic props."

"I understand, I will report these things to Xuecheng."

Maester Aemon was obviously disappointed, but he quickly said seriously.

"The school city is over, and Castle Black is next. As a bachelor of the Night's Watch, let me ask you one last time, are you really going north of the Great Wall?"

"Of course! That's why I'm here."

Lin Yi also said seriously.

"The legend of the long night does not only appear in Westeros. My continent also has similar rumors and crises. Isn't it strange that two continents that are far apart have the same legend. I want to know why."

Lin Yi was talking nonsense seriously.

Maester Aemon was silent for a while, then spoke.

"I believe in you, Master Lin."

Lin Yi was a little ashamed when he heard this, and he said solemnly.

"I came because of magic, and I will definitely go because of magic. I don't know how long I can stay here. Therefore, if you want to really eradicate the scourge, in the final analysis, you still have to rely on yourself."

"I understand." Maester Aemon nodded, "Do you want to rest at Castle Black, or leave immediately?"

"The night is long and the dream is full, I'd better set off immediately."

"Alright, Donna, go get someone to open the tunnel gate."


 happy dragon boat festival
(End of this chapter)

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