Chapter 51 Castle Black

After Anser left, Lin Yi ignored the turmoil and disputes in the south.

With the part of the "prophecy" he told Arya, and another weapon that crossed the century, if the northern border of this world still returns to the original plot, then even if Lin Yi does more, it will be useless.

After leaving the tavern, Lin Yi walked in the "Last Hearth City".

This city is the home castle of the Umber family, and the lord is Jon Umber, known as "The Great Jon", who is one of Robb's loyal supporters.

His son, also named Jon Amber, known as "Little Jon", is currently the close guard of Robb, King of the North.

This city is closer to the Great Wall than Winterfell. It is close to the Last River and the New Grant, and is the northernmost castle in Westeros except for the Great Castle.

The Amber family has always been a strong supporter of the Stark family, but Lin Yi did not ask Anser to notify the acting city lord here, because of the troops left here and the many savages who smuggled in from Seal Bay.

As the eternal guest of the Stark family, Lin Yi is of course entitled to receive preferential treatment as a guest in this city, but he does not plan to meet the acting city lord who is staying here.

He heard that the Amber family still has some bad habits from the old century. Even today, some members of the Amber family are still fulfilling the lord's right of first night.

The next day, Lin Yi left the last hearth city.

From here, go north along the Mo River, and you will arrive at Mole Village, where not only everyone knows how to get to Castle Black, but there will also be many young crows running from Castle Black, so you don't have to worry about not being able to find Castle Black.

Walking on the road, Lin Yi put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

When Lin Yi's palm touched the [King Slayer] at his waist, an inexplicable force gushed out from the hilt of the sword, and merged into Lin Yi's original power like milk and water.

His own strength was boosted by the equipment, which was boosted in an instant.

This feeling of soaring power is really intoxicating.

Anser left, and Lin Yi could finally vent the strength he had held back for so many days.

After a few vertical leaps, he came to the dense forest on the north bank of the Mo River, pulled out the [King Slayer] and used it to his heart's content.

All of a sudden, sword lights crisscrossed the forest, trees fell and birds flew, and loud noises continued.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yi walked out of the woods with a smile on his face, leaving behind a mess like a meteorite falling to the ground.

Lin Yi shook his right hand, feeling the power that belonged to him.

In the past, because the personal panel had not been unlocked, Lin Yi could not see his specific attributes.

But now, he can probably feel his true power attribute.

During the venting just now, Lin Yi could clearly feel that the 15 points of strength that [Kingslayer] blessed him was at least one-fifth of his original strength.

This shows that his strength attribute is about 75-80 points.

But Lin Yi is still not sure about physical attacks, after all, this thing is not easy to describe, and can only be vaguely felt.

Taking a sword as an example, a physical attack is probably a combination of destructive power and sharpness.

The physical attack carried by Lin Yi must be the destructive power added by the power attribute. The increase of equipment like [King Slayer] is probably the sharpness.

Of course, as a giant sword, [Kingslayer]'s physical attack will naturally carry some destructive power caused by its own weight, there is no doubt about it.

After getting acquainted with the surge in power, Lin Yi resumed his journey contentedly.

Without Anser, Lin Yi could use his skills to travel again, and this time with the MP bonus of [King Slayer], his durability has also improved a lot.

As a result, a blue phantom appeared on the north bank of Mojiang.



After a day's journey, Lin Yi has arrived at the intersection of Mojiang and King's Road, and then he only needs to go north along King's Road to reach Castle Black.

When you get here, even if the road is as crazy as Lin Yi, you can't make a mistake - there is only one way to the north from here.

After crossing the Mo River, the King's Road became narrower and narrower, and now it is only about the width of a carriage.

Surrounded by a dense forest, the forest is full of oaks and evergreens, from time to time there are a few wolf howls coming from the forest.

The road further north felt less like going to Castle Black than going deeper into the Dark Forest, into the black mouth of a gigantic monster.

Of course, this is for people who are on the road.

Lin Yi usually hurried on the top of the tree.

Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes came, Lin Yi frowned slightly, and stopped at the top of the tall oak tree.

"These kings know how to worry about their business. If you want me to say, put some goddamn things over the wall and go south and scare them!"

"It's a pity that we only left a ghoul's hand, and it was taken to King's Landing by Thorne."

"Yes, there are so many kings in the south now, at least one of them must be given away."

"Don't be stupid, once there are more of that kind of thing, our brothers will be the first to die."

Two knights in black galloped past on the road, leaving only a few indistinct conversations.

Lin Yi flipped and fell from the top of the tree, looking at the backs of the two thoughtfully.

This should be the night watchman who was sent to various places in the south to ask for help. Originally, he only needed to go to King's Landing to ask for help, but now there are too many kings in the south, so the night watchman had to send some people to each house.

And the two brothers in black had obviously just set off, so Castle Black might not be far away.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's feet moved.

After leaving the Black Forest, the hills in the distance gradually became steeper and turned into mountain ranges. From a distance, they looked like giants carrying Chen Xue and Heiyan on their backs.

After walking for another half day, before evening, Lin Yi finally saw human traces in the white snow and black mountains.

It was a tall wooden city gate, inlaid with iron rivets, and on both sides of the city gate were walls carved from black rock.

The city wall is integrated, but it is not tall, and there are a few wooden ladders piled up in the corner.

When he saw the city gate, Lin Yi knew that the builders never considered the enemy's invasion from the south.

Lin Yi took off his mask, put one hand on the hilt of his sword, and walked slowly towards Castle Black.

Before he got close, the night watchman standing guard on the city wall saw him.

It was a one-armed man. Lord Commander Mormont took away all the young and middle-aged men, leaving only a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled in Castle Black.

Lin Yi saw from a distance that the one-armed man on the city wall raised his hand, and the tall city gate suddenly moved.

When Lin Yi approached Castle Black, the one-armed man looked at his handsome foreign face in surprise.

"Where are you from, pretty boy?" he asked with a smile.

Having said that, none of the night watchmen would think that the one coming from the south was the enemy. Even though Lin Yi hadn't replied, the city gate still opened slowly.

"My name is Yi Lin."

Lin Yi pulled out the [Kingslayer] from his waist, and then lifted it up so that he could clearly see the carved lion head on the hilt.

"Your Majesty Robb should have sent a raven to identify me. Brother in black upstairs, please take me to Maester Aemon."

"You are Master Yi?" The one-armed man was shocked when he heard the words, "The swordsman who defeated the Kingslayer?"

"Looks like you know me."

Lin Yi smiled.

"Then things will be much easier..."

(End of this chapter)

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