A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 53 The Heart Tree and the Green Prophet

Chapter 53 The Heart Tree and the Green Prophet
Amidst the bang, the tunnel under the Impassable Great Wall was pulled up by pulleys.

Lin Yi walked out of the tunnel alone, under the watchful eyes of Maester Aemon and the Night Watchman behind him.

"Will he come back alive?"

Donna asked in a low voice.

"I bet he won't live two days," said a cobbler. "He hasn't brought a loaf of bread with him."

"He'll be back."

Maester Aemon turned and walked towards Castle Black with Donal's support.

The cobbler shrugged noncommittally.

While whispering to each other, the night watchmen lowered the heavy gate and followed behind Tang Na.

After walking out of Castle Black, Lin Yi looked back at the Great Wall of Desperation.

Looking at the towering Great Wall, Lin Yi pouted.

Forgetting to go to the Great Wall to punch a card, or urinating on the Great Wall like Tyrion, what a mistake.

While Lin Yi was thinking this way, he walked into the gloomy ghost forest ahead.

The Haunted Forest is the only forest in Westeros where more than two weirwoods can be seen in the same place.

The weirwood is a tree with red leaves. Its bark is as pale as bone, and its sap is as red as the leaves. There is a human face carved on the trunk, which is said to have been carved by the children of the forest in ancient times.

The descendants of the ancestors in the north not only inherited the belief in the old gods, but also inherited this tradition. They would plant a weirwood in the godswood, carve a human face on the trunk, and sometimes use the sap of the tree Dye the carved eyes red.

This kind of weirwood is called the heart tree by them. The heart tree is very sacred to those who believe in the old gods. They will swear and get married in front of the heart tree, because they believe that no one can lie in front of the heart tree.

Originally, Lin Yi thought that only the descendants of the noble ancestors in the northern border had such particularities, but now he discovered that these savages north of the Great Wall actually had the same custom.

Standing next to a weirwood, Lin Yi carefully studied the terrifying tree face.

"To be honest, it's okay for adults, don't children have nightmares when they see this?"

While complaining, Lin Yi took out his phone and took a photo.

Just when he was about to leave, a sense of peeping came to him.

Lin Yi frowned, and suddenly drew his sword and turned around. The tip of the sword pointed at a crow standing on the branch of the weirwood tree.

"A skinchanger? Or a greenseer?"

Lin Yi frowned and looked at the crow that was still agile under the target of his sword intent.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Lin Yi inserted [Kingslayer] back into his waist, looked at the crow and asked.

Regardless of whether the crow in front of him was a skinchanger in the wildling team or a green seer hiding in a cave, it was good news for Lin Yi.

The ghost forest is really too big, and he has been here for a long time.

If this is the skinchanger in the wildling team, it means that the wildlings are not far from here.

If this is the Green Prophet, with his performance in the play, he should be willing to point himself out of the haunted forest and hunt the ghosts.

The crow on the branch flew up, and Lin Yi stretched out an arm to let him stand on it.

Looking at the curious Lin Yi, there seemed to be a flash of surprise in the crow's agile eyes.

This is the north of the Great Wall, the cold wind howls all year round, and the glaciers are frozen by it. If ordinary human beings don't wrap themselves up thickly, they may not be able to survive a night.

But the person in front of him was only wearing a solid black suit, yet he still had a ruddy complexion and could move freely.

This is an unbelievable thing for people who live north of the Great Wall all year round.

This is definitely not an ordinary human being!
It made a judgment, then shook its head and flew up, and its sharp beak touched Lin Yi's forehead.

In the next second, Lin Yi keenly felt that something wanted to enter his mind.

No, rather than entering, it was more like knocking on the "door" outside Lin Yi's mind, as if asking to communicate with him.

Can we still communicate?

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

But before he could take any action, an aura full of tyranny and chaos suddenly emerged from behind Lin Yi's "door", swallowing the "person" who knocked on the door without saying a word...

Swallowed... swallowed...

Lin Yi's smile froze on his face.

This action came so fast that Lin Yi didn't even have the slightest chance to react.

The crow with bright eyes in front of him rolled his eyes and fell down on the spot.

"What are you doing!"

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched as he caught the crow that was unable to fall down in mid-air. He couldn't tell whether he should complain about Kazan being too naive or the Green Prophet being too weak...

That's right, feeling the desire to communicate just now, Lin Yi can already confirm that the one who controls this crow is the Green Prophet.

There can only be one skinchanger in a thousand people, and only one green seer in a thousand skinchangers. The skinchangers in the wildling team can only manipulate animals, and they don't have the magical ability to send messages.

There should be only the "Last Green Prophet" who has such a strange method.

Lin Yi guessed that the Green Prophet probably wanted to use this crow to send a message to him just now, and the approximate method should be like dreaming of Bran.

But Lin Yi is not Bran after all, and there is a terrifying ghost that cannot even be mentioned by name sealed in his left arm.

It seems that the green prophets of this world have been invincible on the spiritual level for too long, and they don't know the horror outside the well at all.

Lin Yi looked at the unconscious crow in his hand with some confusion, thinking whether to keep it or serve it as dinner tonight.

"Forget it, let's keep it for now. Maybe this guy will recover after a while?"

Lin Yi sighed, and rejected the latter option with great perseverance.

He put the crow in his arms and continued on his way.


On the other side, in a certain cave in the Ghost Forest.

Among the tangled weirwood, the last green seer suddenly withdrew his vision, and bright red blood flowed from his eyes.

"what is that?!"

The Green Prophet spat out a few words dryly, his heart filled with astonishment and horror.

He hadn't spoken with this body for a long time, but he couldn't express the horror in his heart without uttering these words at this moment.

How could there be such an existence in this world!

Compared with the tyrannical and chaotic atmosphere, the Night King he has been worried about is simply a cold cat!

"What's wrong, Green Prophet!"

A little girl in a leaf cloak ran over and looked worriedly at the Greenseer who had become one with the weirwood.

The little girl has a pair of clear and bright eyes, the pupils of which are roughly golden yellow with a little bit of green, and under the cloak is fur that is full of spots like a doe.

Obviously, she is not human, she is a child of the forest.

"It's all right, kid."

The Green Prophet didn't speak, his words directly appeared in the little girl's mind.

"I just saw a very strange guy who could be the key to this long night."

"But you bleed."

The little girl's big eyes looked at him worriedly.


The Green Prophet was at a loss for words, but he could only comfort the little girl.

"It's okay, it's just that the controlled crow was accidentally hunted."

Hearing the words of the Green Prophet, the little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Greenseer has also died while manipulating the minds of animals in the past, which had no effect on him other than a little pain.

The little girl also knew this, she let go of her heart, and walked up with the cloth collected from the corpse of the savage, and wiped the blood and tears from the corners of the green prophet's eyes.

Looking at the little girl who came forward, the Green Prophet smiled on the surface, but in fact he was extremely solemn in his heart.

In the past, other than the pain, his death had no effect on his abilities, but this time it was different.

This time, he completely lost an "eye"!
 Thanks to book friend Yu Yu and book friend 20190623144118766 for their rewards

(End of this chapter)

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