Chapter 46 Mission
"……His Majesty?"

Lin Yi showed a puzzled expression on purpose.

Caitlin smiled faintly upon seeing this, and said softly.

"The gods have witnessed that the princes of the North jointly embrace Ed's son, Robb Stark, as the King of the North."

"Really? Congratulations, Mrs. Caitlin..."

Lin Yi bowed in surprise, and then showed doubts.

"But why does His Majesty Robb want to see me?"

Edmure on the side said with a smile.

"Your Majesty and Arya have had a close relationship since childhood, so we sent the Raven to Your Majesty as soon as we got the news. Before that, Your Majesty was still marching in the field, so we didn't receive His Majesty's reply until just now."

"I see." Lin Yi smiled, "I understand, it's just a matter of waiting a few days, and I still have something to tell Arya."

"Ah, speaking of which," Catelyn said suddenly, "Arya and I will set off with me to the Twins in a few days to choose a bride for her brother."

Lin Yi was slightly taken aback, and then reacted.

No wonder Arya wasn't involved in this conversation, lest he might smuggle her away!
It is not surprising that Caitlin has such doubts. Although she is not a qualified duchess, let alone a qualified queen mother, she is definitely a qualified mother.

"Please rest assured, Mrs. Caitlin."

Lin Yi shook his head and said seriously.

"Believe it or not, north of the Wall is more dangerous than you think... Arya is my student, and I will not put her life in danger."

Caitlin nodded slightly, but her worried expression remained the same.

In fact, Caitlin's thinking is somewhat different from Lin Yi's. What she is worried about is not that Lin Yi will take Arya away, but that Arya will secretly follow Lin Yi away.

From the stories Arya tells on horseback, Catelyn sees Arya's adventurous nature.

Compared with the life in the castle, she yearns for the free and dangerous outside world more.

This is not a child to lock down.

Lin Yi also knew this, but he didn't care.

Because in his heart, Arya is always a nine-year-old girl. With the three views cultivated in his traditional Chinese family, how can there be a nine-year-old girl whose parents can't control her?
Edmure didn't care either, he didn't think a nine-year-old girl would like a dangerous life outside.

But seeing Lin Yi's seemingly serious expression, he still couldn't help asking.

"Although my wisdom makes it hard for me to believe your words, since the north of the Great Wall is as dangerous as you say, why do you still go?"

Lin Yi laughed when he heard this, and he asked back.

"The food and grass in Riverrun is not enough to feed all the refugees in the river, right? Then why did you recruit a large number of refugees when Lannister was burning, killing and looting everywhere?"

Edmure said seriously, "Because they are all my people."

Caitlin on the side showed helplessness. Her brother had been soft-hearted and soft-tempered since he was a child, but she just liked this.

"Me too." Lin Yi said with a chuckle, "This is my task."

That's right, it's really a mission.


Caitlin and Edmure looked at each other.

Edmure smiled and bowed to Lin Yi.

"I have no problem, Mr. Yi, you will always be the guest of Riverrun."



"Teacher, what did uncle ask you?"

Arya scratched Lin Yi's arm curiously.

She is no longer wearing the tattered attire she was wearing before, but is replaced by a black skirt with cumbersome folds.

The hair was also neatly trimmed. Although the part that Yoren had roughly shaved before was not too long, it happened to be made into a layered and fluffy hairstyle, and she looked like a normal short-haired little beauty.

Well, it must be the best barber in Riverrun who did it.

Looking at Arya's hair, Lin Yi thought so.

"It's all about things north of the Great Wall. There's nothing to talk about."

Lin Yi touched Arya's head lightly, and this time the feel was indeed much better than the previous messy hair.

"Cultivation requires relaxation and relaxation. Today, you are allowed to take a day off and take Teacher and me to visit Riverrun City."


Arya was a little surprised when she heard that.

"Let's go then."

Lin Yi stepped out of his room.

With Arya leading the way, Lin Yi's itinerary in Riverrun can be said to be unimpeded.

Caitlin brought them back with great fanfare, causing almost everyone in Riverrun to know that Stark's second lady escaped from King's Landing alive, and everyone was talking about it for a while.

What left Lin Yi speechless the most was that there were even some nasty jokes about Miss Stark and the swordsmanship teacher circulating in the market.

Of course, these rumors would not be popular in a castle under the compulsory control of the army. It didn't take long for the source of the rumors to be snuffed out.

Lin Yi took Arya to the bottom of the city wall. He raised his head and looked at the dead man hanging on the city wall. To be precise, it was the bright red robe behind the dead man.

"Who is this hanged?"

Lin Yi grabbed a soldier casually and asked.

The soldier frowned just now, and when he saw this recognizable duo, his expression instantly became respectful.

"It's Sir Cleo's entourage, Mr. Yi, Second Miss."

"What are they here for?"

Arya asked, frowning.

"I heard that they came with the order of the Queen Mother from King's Landing."

"Ah? An envoy? You actually killed the envoy?"

Arya was shocked when she heard this.

"Where are they envoys!"

The soldier immediately retorted loudly, but after realizing that it was the second Miss Stark in front of him, he lowered his voice with some panic.

"On the first day, they promised to guarantee peace and handed over all weapons, but on the second day, these guys sneaked into the dungeon, trying to rescue the kingslayer!"

Speaking of this, there was a bit of gnashing of teeth in the soldier's tone.

"That tall bastard, he killed my two brothers empty-handed when we were unsuspecting, and the thinner one, he pried open the door of the dungeon with only a wire."

"So the Kingslayer is gone?"

Arya asked in surprise.

"of course not."

The soldier next to him said with a smile.

"If that bastard runs away, it's our brothers who are hanging on it now."

"well done!"

Arya patted them like an adult, but because of her size, she could only pat them on the forearm.

"Where is the kingslayer being held now?"

Lin Yi asked curiously.


Just as the soldier was about to speak, he was pulled away by his companions.

"It doesn't matter," he said to his companion with a smile. "The kingslayer is now locked in a dark cell, chained to the wall, handcuffed and fettered. No one can rescue him in Riverrun!"

Unless it's an insider.

Lin Yi added something in his heart, and then he asked with a smile.

"I heard that the Kingslayer is the best swordsman in Westeros?"


Hearing these words, the two soldiers immediately looked at each other, and then the older one on the right sighed.

"Although we are enemies, in this regard, he deserves it... On the night of the escape, we accidentally let him get the sword. Gods, it was a nightmare..."

The tone of the soldier seemed a little embarrassed.

"He is not the best swordsman in Westeros, but my master is!"

Arya said suddenly.

The two soldiers didn't care much. They had seen James' sword before, so they didn't think that the second lady's swordsmanship teacher would be stronger than the Kingslayer.

Lin Yi laughed when he heard this, and the two soldiers also laughed when they saw this. They began to think that this guy was a little self-aware.

"What do you say?"

He stroked Arya's head.

"I'm not from Westeros."

(End of this chapter)

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