Chapter 45 Riverrun City

"After... that incident happened, I escaped from the castle and met the brother in black who came to King's Landing to recruit soldiers. He cut off my hair, changed my clothes, and stuffed me into the night watchman's bed. Team, mother, did you know..."

"...God! The Night Watchman is formed like this, why didn't you tell me earlier, and sent Jon to the Night Watchman without telling Jon!"

"...Most people are actually pretty good by nature, they just come from bad backgrounds and don't have the opportunity to receive education...Of course, not all of them are good, and there are a few people I really hate..."

"Teacher Yi suddenly appeared in the team later. Uncle Yolun said that he jumped the queue forcibly and wanted to go to the Great Wall with him. Uncle Yolun was unwilling at first, but there was nothing he could do, because he couldn't drive Teacher away..."

Accompanied by Arya's not very clear narration, Caitlin smiled and looked at Arya tenderly, watching her sometimes laugh, sometimes annoyed, sometimes expectant, and sometimes muttering.

Seeing this scene, Brienne on the side was also filled with comfort.

These days, she had never seen Caitlin with such a touching smile.

But the Cavaliers are always prepared for danger in times of peace.

Brienne turned her head to look at Lin Yi who was at the side.

The "magic recovery" that he heard from his mouth was the most concerned issue for Brienne.

Anyone else might not have cared, but unlike Brienne, Catelyn had seen a shadowy monster kill Renly Baratheon.

That is by no means the means of war.

Brienne clutched the reins tightly in her hand.

Arya is still telling what she has seen and heard. Compared with the monotonous and formal life in Winterfell in the past, the experience of these few short months is extremely rich, and it seems that there are endless stories to tell.

Of course, Arya was reluctant to ride the same horse with her mother, and she was eager to show her mother the riding skills she had practiced these days.

But Caitlin said that she wanted to hear her tell stories about these days, and Arya immediately put her previous thoughts behind her.

In this regard, Lin Yi said that there is nothing to say, your mother is still your mother.

Probably just after noon, everyone arrived outside the city of rushing.

On the road outside the city, there were batches of civilians going to Riverrun City to take refuge. Some of them brought livestock and some brought goods, but when Caitlin and the others passed by, they all gave way without exception. the way.

"Long live Stark!"

"Long live Tully!"

The civilians cheered, which made Arya very happy, and looked at Lin Yi proudly.

But Caitlin couldn't be happy, she looked out of Riverrun, full of worries in her heart.

On the banks of the Red Fork and Vinestone Rivers outside the city, there are camps everywhere, with various family crests and banners fluttering in the wind. They are all vassals of Stark or Tully.

This means something very important - Duke Tully may have a final battle with Lannister.

After entering Riverrun, Caitlin took Arya to meet her grandfather and uncle, and Brienne took Lin Yi to the guest room of the castle.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Brienne."

Lin Yi sat down in the room and smiled at Brienne.

"If your eyes are right, you should be able to tell that I'm not a lady."

Brienne frowned.

"My eyes are fine, so I can tell that you are a woman."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Brienne seemed to understand the meaning of Lin Yi's words, she shook her head.

"I don't know about the Far East, but in Westeros, a woman is not the same as a lady."

"Is that so?"

Lin Yi showed a thoughtful expression. Of course, this was pretending. Lin Yi didn't even know this bit of common sense.

Looking at the handsome foreign face, Brienne hesitated for a while, and said.

"About what you said..."

"That's not something to discuss here, walls have ears, Brienne... knight."

"I'm not a knight."

Brienne first made an excuse, and then repeated Lin Yi's words.

"Walls have ears... It makes sense, I understand, and I will see you again when Madam greets the Duke."

Lin Yi smiled slightly.


That night, I don't know what Caitlin said. When Lin Yi came to the hall of the castle, besides Caitlin and Brienne, there was a man Lin Yi had never seen before.

"This is my younger brother, Edmure Tully, the first heir to the Duke of Riverrun."

After Caitlin finished her introduction, she quietly waited for Lin Yi to greet her.

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Yi, who had always been very polite before, just sighed slightly at this moment.

"Ms. Stark, I will tell you such a secret thing because you have the smell of shadow, so I know you will believe it, but your brother, with all due respect, I don't think he will believe me the words said."

Although Lin Yi spoke respectfully, his tone was very blunt.

Caitlin frowned slightly, then spoke.

"I understand Mr. Yi's dissatisfaction, but you have to understand that we are only women after all, we cannot..."

"and many more."

Edmure Tully suddenly interrupted his sister Caitlin, frowning slightly, looking at Lin Yi.

"You are Arya's teacher and savior, I won't be rude to you, but you'd better explain clearly, what does the smell of shadow mean?"

Lin Yi smiled lightly.

"Perhaps you should ask your sister this question."

Edmure Tully frowned and turned to Catelyn.

Catelyn and Brienne looked at each other, sighed, and told him about Renly being killed by a shadow.

"What? So those bizarre rumors out there are all false? Renly wasn't killed by his sister...or some Southern woman?"

Caitlin nodded.

A certain reflected southern woman said with a blank face.

"Lady Caitlin's words are all true. I would like to swear by the name of my sword, and ask the old and new gods to bear witness."

Caitlin shook Brienne's hand apologetically.

She didn't tell her brother before because this incident was really outrageous, and it was hard for normal people to believe it.

But it's different now. It was Lin Yi who first raised this issue "without knowing it", and then let her tell the truth, which became very convincing.

Edmure Tully frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Lin Yi.

"I believe what my sister said... So, the so-called 'magic recovery' is also true?"

"of course."

Lin Yi nodded without any psychological burden, because it was true.

At this point in time, Mother Long's three little dragons should have hatched. According to the setting of this world, the recovery of magic is closely related to dragons.

"Then why did you go north of the Great Wall? Did something similar happen there?"

"Of course." Lin Yi said with a smile, "The recovery of magic does not distinguish between the south and the north."

Edmure didn't care about Lin Yi's teasing at all, he thought for a few seconds, and then spoke.

"I can't completely believe what you said, but I am willing to help you. You are Arya's swordsmanship teacher and savior, and you are also a guest of Riverrun and Winterfell. Therefore, no matter what you say is true or false , I will do my best to help you."

"That's really nice."

Things went more smoothly than Lin Yi imagined.

"Riverrun will send a team to take you to the Wall."

Edmure continued.

"That's not necessary, I just need a guide."

Lin Yi rejected Edmure's offer.

"And it's not too late, it's better to start now."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Edmure, who was upbeat just now, suddenly showed embarrassment.

Seeing this, Lin Yi frowned.

Edmure and Caitlin looked at each other, sighed, and said.

"Our majesty has sent a raven. He wants to see you and thank you personally."

(End of this chapter)

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