Chapter 47 The King Killer

"Is that him?"

"Yes! Although he has a beard, I will definitely not admit it!"

The voice from outside the prison opened the eyelids of the emaciated prisoner.

There were two people standing outside the prison, the tall one was well-proportioned and handsome, but his facial features were exotic, while the short one was a little girl dressed in black...

Wait, little girl?

Jaime Lannister's eyes widened suddenly, and he stood up suddenly, his ankles jingling.

"Arya Stark?"

James' eyes widened, staring out at Arya.

He recognizes this face!

But Arya wasn't afraid of him at all, and she even gave him a playful salute.

"We meet again, Ser James."

After saluting, Arya stood up and complained to the man beside her.

"That's why I don't like these seemingly beautiful etiquette. Just now, as long as someone pushed me lightly, I fell down. It's not as good as the posture and footwork you taught..."

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched, he casually said a few perfunctory words to the young apprentice, and then looked at James.

James' eyes widened. After seeing Arya return safely, but Stark and Tully did not return him to Lannister, he thought of a terrible thing.

"The Lannisters lost?"

James leaned against the wall a little dispirited.

"Sooner or later!" Arya said calmly. "Grey Wind will kill all Lannisters."

"That means you haven't lost yet."

James' eyes lit up when he heard this, but then dimmed again.

It has nothing to do with him whether Lannister wins or loses. All the lords in the city have a life-and-death hatred against him, and Arya returned to Riverrun alive. He can't escape to die no matter what.

"Thank you for the information, dear Miss Arya."

James' tone was languid and sarcastic.

"Perhaps I should ask you to sit down, but your uncle didn't leave me a chair."

But Arya didn't care at all when she heard the words, she was still as calm as before.

"Don't think that this will embarrass me. I just said this so I don't want to hurt your heart, lest you lose and say that we are taking advantage of others."


James was slightly taken aback, and turned to look at the two people outside the cell.

Of course, it was mainly the man in black.

After taking a few glances, James was sure that this was a very good swordsman, no matter his body shape, stance, or eyes, he was full of confidence.

If it was the past, when he met such a person, he would definitely draw his sword and compete with him.

but now……

James sat in the corner indifferently, his fluffy beard covered half of his face, looking like a dozing lion.

"Leave, little girl, this is not the place for you to come. If you have to interrogate me with a woman, it's almost as good as your mother."


Arya glared instantly.

Now she can't tolerate anyone insulting her family, especially her mother Caitlin.

"I'm going to challenge you!"

She pulled out the sewing needle from her waist, her eyes were as cold as a lone wolf on an ice field.

James looked at her in surprise, then laughed.

"Little girl, I like you very much. The Stark family will always have some weird little girls like you. Go away. I shouldn't spit on you with the nonsense I have been holding back."

Lin Yi patted Arya's shoulder lightly, put his hand on the cell door of the dungeon, pushed hard, and the simple structure of the iron lock in the black cell was instantly destroyed.

The cell door creaked open.

James frowned, stood up slowly, and stared at Lin Yi closely.

"what do you want to do."

Hearing James' question, Lin Yi smiled.

"I heard you are the best swordsman in Westeros."

"So you're challenging me?"

James looked at Lin Yi with interest.

"not me."

Lin Yi shook his head.

"It's me!" Arya walked into the prison door, "Didn't I say that I want to challenge you."

"So it was a thin little girl who was going to hit me?"

James' eyes moved to Lin Yi, with a hint of disdain.

"I thought it was this strong swordsman!"

"You are not my opponent."

Lin Yi shook his head again.

"Oh?" James smiled, "Then give me the sword at your waist, and let me weigh you."

As soon as the words fell, a fine steel sword was thrown over.

James caught the hilt of the sword accurately with his handcuffed hands, raised his head, and looked at Lin Yi with some doubts.

"are you serious?"

"What do you say?"

Lin Yi looked at him indifferently.

James was beginning to think this was a fledgling.An overconfident swordsman, he laughed and took a step forward, and the iron chain behind him stretched.

James spread his handcuffed hands and sneered.

"Ha! Then I'm really doomed!"

Hearing James' sarcasm, Lin Yi also laughed.

"Are you insulting my intelligence, Ser James?"

James curled his lips when he heard that.

"It turns out that he is not a fool."

Arya frowned too, she whispered.

"Teacher, this is not a fair duel."

"Stupid boy." Lin Yi laughed, "You won't win if you take off the handcuffs!"

"is it?"

Arya didn't doubt Lin Yi's judgment at all, she said with some frustration.

"It seems that I am not good enough."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Yi comforted, "You are only nine years old. When the guy in front of you was nine years old, he might still be playing with urine! Believe me, the future number one swordsman in Westeros must be you .”

"Of course!"

Arya had no doubts about this.

"Before you reach the upper limit, the King Slayer will be your best opponent, but after surpassing him, if you want to find another suitable opponent, you have to pray to the gods to revive the Sword of Dawn... "

About to go north and leave, Lin Yi babbled like an old woman, wishing to pave the way for Arya for the next 20 years.

Looking at the two masters and apprentices opposite, James was full of absurdity.

He admitted that Lin Yi's evaluation of the Sword of Dawn surpassed him, but he didn't think the little girl in front of him would be his opponent, even though he was in handcuffs.

In his eyes, this is undoubtedly a ridiculous farce.

"never mind."

The steel sword in Jaime's hand was thrown to the ground by him, and the ragged kingslayer sat in the corner uninterestedly.

"Even if I kill all of you, I won't be able to escape. Go away. I don't want to waste any more effort. The food in Riverrun City isn't very good."

"You think I'm humiliating you?"

Lin Yi smiled.

James didn't want to pay any more attention to this guy who jumped out of nowhere, but what happened in the next second made him have to open his eyes wide.

Just as he lowered his head and raised his head, an identical fine steel sword appeared in the hand of the man in black opposite him.

James lowered his head again, and found that the sword he had thrown to the ground had disappeared without a trace.

No!The sword didn't disappear, it just returned to the guy's hand again.

There was an uproar in James' heart.

Just that moment? !

He didn't notice it!
At this moment, Lin Yi moved.


In an instant, a few real sword lights filled James' field of vision. James felt his wrist loosen, and when he lowered his head again, the handcuffs and shackles were all broken.

"On the contrary, I admire you, Jaime Lannister."

Lin Yi looked at James calmly, and suddenly a fine steel sword appeared out of thin air in his empty left hand.

"It's not my intention to humiliate you. Since you want a fair fight, I can give it to you, but..."

Lin Yi didn't finish, but his meaning was very obvious.

……You dare?

James laughed immediately. This time, he didn't feel how arrogant Lin Yi's words were. On the contrary, after seeing such a scene, James felt that he had the qualifications.

This is a swordsman who has gone further than the Sword of Dawn.

"I apologize for my previous arrogance."

He put away all his foolishness, shook off the handcuffs and shackles on his body, and looked at Lin Yi seriously.

"I am willing to accept... no, I want to challenge you."

He would rather die at the hands of this person than die in some corner of this prison in obscurity one day.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, threw the iron sword in his left hand over, and said to Arya beside him.

"Remember the quick sword I said?"

"Remember!" Arya's eyes lit up.

James took the iron sword, danced a sword flower casually, and stared at Lin Yi expectantly and seriously.

Just when James was about to draw his sword, a voice came from outside the cell.

"Please wait!"

The sound of hurried footsteps followed.

"Mr. Yi, please be merciful."

Arya's eyes widened in surprise when the familiar voice in her memory sounded.

She couldn't wait to run out, and the cry of surprise sounded outside the cell door.


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(End of this chapter)

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