Chapter 13 Swordsman
The journey from King's Landing was far less smooth than the arrival.

In the caravan, the adults never paid any attention to the orphans—because the Night's Watch didn't want girls, and the orphans hated the little mangy.

That's right, after just one day on the road, Diarrhea became Arya's nickname.

She hated the nickname as much as she hated Green Hands and Hot Pie.

The green hand was called Romy, a dyer's apprentice, and was dyed green from hand to elbow.

And Hot Pie was a nasty fat man, because his mother was a baker, and every day she went down the street selling "Hot Pie, Hot Pie! Hot Pie!"—that's how he got his name.

Normally, the convoy would be dense, surrounded by those adults, and these two would not act too much.

The only time they squeezed her out was when she was out of the way of getting water, making a fire, and so on.

Like now, when fetching water from the river at the camp, these two nasty guys came to taunt her head again.

Several times Arya wanted to pull out her needle and strike him with a sword, or find Yoren to cry and complain, but she held back.

Unfortunately, what Arya didn't know was that even if she found Yoren, Yoren wouldn't care about children's disputes at the moment.

He has more distressing things to deal with.

"How on earth did you keep up?"

Yoren frowned tightly, looking at the man next to him wearing a half mask, with his palm behind his back, he quietly grabbed the dagger at his waist.

At first, he thought it was a son of a nobleman, and after hearing some bad poetry written by some whore-bred bard, he believed it and rushed to join the night watchman—this was a very common thing before.

But then Yoren suddenly remembered that Robert was dead, even the new king Joffrey was dead, and everyone was fighting outside, and now Westeros was no longer what it used to be.

So Yoren thought this was someone who wanted to sneak into the Night's Watch to escape the guards and get out of the city.

But what Yoren didn't expect was that after leaving the city, this guy actually sneaked into his team again, which made Yoren very puzzled.

How could a person who could avoid interrogation by himself need to sneak into the night watchman team.

Could it be... Is there a family in the city planning to set up a spy for the night watchman?
Yoren had to wonder.

After all, Tywin is at war with Robb, if he can lure the Night's Watch out of Castle Black and attack Winterfell from the rear, he will definitely win.

Thinking of this, You Lun sized Lin Yi up again, then shook his head resolutely, rejecting the judgment just now.

No one would plan to plant such a secret post, and the Night's Watch was not that important in their eyes.

"Of course it came from behind."

Lin Yi sat on the carriage without notice, with a smile in his black eyes.

"Yoren, your team is too scattered, you don't even know that there is one more person, and you have brought so many troubles, it's strange that you can make it to the Great Wall alive."

He seemed very familiar.

"This is the recruiting team of the Night Watchman. No matter which lord it is, it has no right to intervene in the Night Watchman's affairs."

You Lun snorted coldly, he didn't seem to pay attention to Lin Yi's word "trouble", and he seemed to have heard it but pretended not to care.

"How long ago is this old calendar, do you think those 'newborns' in recent years will care about these ancient traditions?"

Lin Yi glanced at him, then turned his head, looked at the front of the road, and said with emotion.

"Of course, the night watchman was a giant. In the first year of the Aegon calendar, the night watchman was spread all over the Great Wall stretching hundreds of miles, guarding nineteen castles, and the number of permanent residents was about 1. But what about you now? How many castles are left, and how many people are left?"

Strange to say, Yoren could still see a hint of sarcasm on this guy's face even though he covered most of his face.

"Hmph!" Yoren snorted coldly, "No matter how many people are left, the Night Watchman will still be the Night Watchman and will never leave the Great Wall."

There is no time to leave the Great Wall.

Yoren thought to himself that he knew something terrible was going on on the other side of the wall, and the Night's Watch had no time to pay attention to the commotion to the south.

Yoren's scalp tingled at the thought of the moving corpse, and he called for a flagon for courage.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you night watchmen."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

"I just need a guide to take me to the Great Wall."

to the Great Wall?
Yoren raised an eyebrow, then shook his head.

"I advise you to give up, no matter what idea you have... Believe me, that's not what you want to see."

With that said, Yoren unscrewed the jug and took a sip.

It stands to reason that he should take this person down first, and then question him, but for some reason, whenever Yoren wanted to pull out the dagger, his keen intuition, which had experienced life and death dozens of times, would make his scalp tingle.

"You just need to take me to the Great Wall. As for my life and death, it has nothing to do with you."

With that said, Lin Yi threw away the dagger in his hand.

"But if you don't bring me to the Great Wall, then I can't guarantee your life..."


Seeing the familiar dagger, Yoren straightened up from the carriage in shock, and touched the back of his waist with his right hand, but it was in vain.

when? !

Lin Yi smiled, and threw the dagger casually. You Lun was very careful not to catch it with his hands, but waited for it to fall to the ground before picking it up.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have already died." Lin Yi said calmly.

Yoren put away the dagger.

He believed this sentence. He had never seen anyone snatch a dagger from an old night watchman while chatting and laughing like this.

Glancing at Arya behind him from the corner of his eye, Yoren paused for a moment, then nodded.

"...Yes, but I must know why you are going to the Great Wall."

"Because in the darkness, something began to quietly wake up again..."

Lin Yi said in a low tone.

"If I'm not mistaken, have some of your Rangers gone missing?"

"...It is inevitable to deal with the wildlings outside the wall." Yoren was secretly startled.

"It's more than that." Lin Yi shook his head, "I don't know if you have seen that kind of thing, but I believe that the night watchmen who are still staying in Castle Black should have seen it..."

"..." Yoren's pupils shrank, and he asked calmly, "What have you seen?"

Lin Yi glanced at him deeply: "Those blue-eyed, moving corpses."

Blue eyes!
A moving corpse!
Yoren's eyes widened in astonishment, "Who the hell are you?"

"It seems that you have seen it."

Lin Yi smiled. Now that he has seen it, the rest of the matter will be much easier.

"Tell me who you are, otherwise I will never be able to bring you to the Great Wall!"

Yoren did not deny it, but still drew the steel sword at his waist, speaking very firmly.

Stark's daughter is nothing compared to what those moving corpses can represent.

He has already made up his mind to let down his old friend Ed.

"All right……"

Lin Yi put his finger on the edge of the mask on the bridge of his nose,

"You delayed leaving the city for a few days, you should have heard about my deeds."

He concealed the fact that he had actually seen Yoren in the square.

"Although I don't know if you can recognize it, this face is on a wanted warrant."

Lin Yi pulled off the mask on his face, revealing a face that was very different from that of Westeros.

"As for who I am, these days in King's Landing, I have heard many different names. The nobles call me a black wizard and kingslayer, and the common people think that I am the thunder of the gods. The arrest warrant calls me ' The Red-Handed Demon', but actually..."

Lin Yi smiled slightly.

"I'm just a swordsman."

(End of this chapter)

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