Chapter 14 Faceless Man

It was another dawn, and after the team rested, they set off again.

As usual, they walked through the forest, through the orchard, through the farmland, rested in the villages and towns, and then set off again until dusk.

The only difference is that there is a strange person in the convoy, a person wearing a black mask with only hair and a pair of eyes exposed.

Arya was very concerned about this, because she felt that the man was looking at her very strangely.

Although many people looked at her head and showed strange eyes, but that person was different. She asked Daniel, and Daniel only thought that the mask worn by that person was weird, but he didn't think there was anything special about it.

Big Bull was nicknamed by Lommy the Green Hand because he often polished a bullhorn helmet but never put it on.

He has messy black hair and is the oldest of the orphans. Not only is his chest broad and strong, but his arms are also so thick that he doesn't look like a child.

Later, Arya asked Daniel, and found out that his name was Gendry, and he was a blacksmith's apprentice before. No wonder he had such a strong arm, and neither Romy nor Hot Pie dared to mess with him.

Thinking of Romy and Hot Pie, Arya felt a burst of joy.

Now those two nasty guys don't dare to provoke her anymore, because she just took a wooden sword and beat the shit out of them both.

Although Uncle Yoren beat her butt red with a wooden stick afterwards, Arya didn't regret it at all.

This is the first time she has not borrowed Stark's name, and has won awe and respect only by her own strength.

It was almost night, and everyone camped and rested as usual.

After rinsing her glass by the river, Arya turned and walked towards the campfire.

"Boy." A light voice came, "Lovely boy."

Arya turned her head and looked at the prison car.

It was one of the three in chains who was speaking to her.

It was a handsome young man with half red and half white hair. He was holding an empty bottle in his hand and smiling at Arya.

"Someone hasn't drank water for a long time, and someone is thirsty."

Saying this, the man stretched the cup out of the cage.

"Boys can have multiple friends too."

"I have friends of my own," said Arya warily.

She always remembered Yoren's instructions, the three in the prison van were all prisoners dug out from the black prison, and they were extremely vicious.

"I didn't see it."

That's what the noseless one of the three said.

He was very thick, with black hair on his chest and back, even his arms, like a talking gorilla.

Romy was most afraid of him because he had no nose and a very scary face,
Another bald man suddenly opened his mouth and lay down on the cage, hissing like a lizard.

The red and white haired prisoner smiled helplessly, looked at Arya and said.

"One can't choose one's companions, these two are somewhat ill-bred, and one must beg forgiveness."

"..." Arya's cheeks twitched.

Another weirdo...

After leaving Winterfell, the world was full of weird people, and she was no longer surprised by them.

"The boy's name is Ali?"

Arya nodded.

"It is my honor to be Jaqen H'ghar, from the Free Cities of Lorath."

Jaqen said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, brat! Get me some beer!"

The guy with no nose on the side said with a grin.

"You should be more polite!"

Arya was a little annoyed.

"Hurry up and get some beer, or I'll stick a stick in your hand up your ass!"

The noseless one clutched at the cage, clawing at Arya with his dirty, black-haired hands.

Arya took two steps back in fright, but then remembered what Syrio had taught her earlier.

Fear hurts more than a sharp sword.

Arya forced herself to lean towards the carriage, until it was in front of the prison cart.

At this moment, the noseless guy suddenly reached out to grab her. The hand was very long, and the iron shackles collided with the cage and made a loud noise.

But Arya was very calm, and she swung the stick with precision, hitting him hard on the bulge of the least fleshy wrist.

The noseless guy let out a cry of pain, then withdrew his hand.

"The boy is brave, but not rational." Jaqen had a strange smile on his face.

Arya frowned at them.

"Fierce like a wolf, calm like water."

At this time, an equally light voice came from a place behind her.

Arya immediately kicked her feet hard, turned around halfway, and pointed the wooden sword behind her.

But there was no one there.

Arya was slightly taken aback, and then heard Jaqen's strange tone from behind.

"Someone shouldn't tease a boy."

Arya hurriedly turned around, only to see that strange man who had joined the team standing in front of the prison car at some point, and the two prisoners who were fierce just now were obediently staying in the corner and not daring to make a sound.


Lin Yi looked at the red-and-white-haired Jia Kun noncommittally, and then glanced at the two people in the corner.

Looks like a beast, so the senses are also closer to the beast?
"Someone scared Rorger and Fang."

Jia Kun said something with a smile, and then explained.

"The one without a nose is called Rorger, and the one with fangs is called 'fang'. This is someone's name. Everyone must have a name, right? Fangs can't speak, so..."

Lin Yi glanced at him, ignored his nagging, and handed over a cup full of river water.

"Someone is grateful."

The strange prisoner with red and white hair suddenly looked serious, and took the cup.

Lin Yi smiled, he didn't want to have any in-depth communication with the faceless man for the time being.

So Lin Yi turned around, looked at Arya with a vigilant face, and said with a light smile.

"Quiet as a shadow, light as a feather, swift as a snake, still as water, soft as silk, swift as a rabbit, slippery as an eel, strong as a bear, fierce as a wolf, immovable as a stone."

"How do you know!" Arya blurted out subconsciously with her eyes wide open.

"This is the formula of the water dancer. I want to ask you, how do you know it, little... boy?"

Lin Yi looked at her with a half-smile.

He knows the formula of the water dancer!

Arya's heart skipped a beat, and she wanted to ask if he was a Braavos swordsman, but she held back—it occurred to her that there was no way Arlie, the orphan in Flea Bottom, could know the Water Dancer's formula.

Lin Yi squatted down, looked at Arya with a light smile and said, "Good job, but it's too late..."

"Smart people can hear something from your slip of the tongue just now-you should always be vigilant, and no matter how unexpected the situation is, you must maintain the correct first response."

With that said, Lin Yi reached out and rubbed her messy hair.

Arya looked at Lin Yi with a dazed expression, as if she didn't understand what he was saying.

Suddenly, Lin Yi stretched out his hand to his waist and pinched the rapier that stabbed at him silently, looked at Arya and smiled gratifiedly.

"Ruzi can be taught."

Arya's eyes widened, and she felt that her "sewing needle" seemed to be clamped tightly by a pair of iron tongs, unable to feed it in or pull it out.

How to do?
She is dead!

Yoren, who had been paying attention to this side, hurried forward, picked up Arya who was stunned, and walked towards the woods while muttering loudly.

"How daring! To attack your brother again. As I said, everyone is a brother when you join the Night Watchman. If I attack your brother again, I will deal with you with double my strength!"

"Let me go!" Arya cooperated smartly, struggling while thrusting the rapier into her waist.

No one in the camp cared what was going on here, because Yoren had used violent methods to discipline the orphans in the caravan more than once, and now even the naughtiest children dared not touch their companions.

Lin Yi had already let go of the hand holding the sewing needle in time, and watched Arya leave with a chuckle.

At this time, an empty cup was handed to him.

"Someone is grateful."

Jaqen said it again.

Lin Yi took it with a smile, but his eyes were still looking in Arya's direction, and he said in a questioning manner.

"A very gifted kid, isn't he?"

(End of this chapter)

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