A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 12 The Quietly Changing Future

Chapter 12 The Quietly Changing Future


The blade of the sword rubbed against the thick and tough trees in the northern border, sparking off handfuls of sparks, which echoed the young man's hoarse roar.


Caitlin's slightly trembling voice came, but the boy in front of him who was crazily wielding a steel sword turned a deaf ear to him.


Caitlin raised her voice.

The movement of Robb's hand finally stopped, and he turned around with the sword trembling in his hand.

Looking at the young face full of tears and hatred, Caitlin's tears also flowed out. She stretched out her hands and hugged her son.

Feeling his mother's embrace, the sword in Robb's hand fell to the ground, and he buried his head on his mother's neck, tears streaming down his face.

In front of his subjects, he was a military genius who lost ten to one in the first battle, and he was the Duke of Winterfell who everyone was loyal to.

But before his father went south, he was just a 15-year-old teenager.

Robb had to hold back his tears in front of the northern army, but in his mother's familiar and warm embrace, he just wanted to cry wantonly.

His father died, in King's Landing.

"The gods punished Joffrey, why not take them all away."

"Robb, the gods must not be criticized."

"I'm going to kill them..."

Robb opened his red eyes and said through gritted teeth.

"I'm going to kill them all and leave none behind!"

Catelyn stroked Robb's hair, as she had done when she was a child waiting for Eddard to return from battle.

How could she not be heartbroken.

Although she and Ed have no love, but these years together, even if there is no love, they have already had a closer family relationship.

She also wanted to kill all those people, but...

"They have your sister on their hands..."

Caitlin gritted her teeth and said.

"When we rescue your sisters, we will kill them all..."

"No..." Robb gritted his teeth and looked up, "The gods have already punished Joffrey for his mistakes, and Cersei would never dare to do anything to my sister, let alone we already have Jaime in hand." , when I defeat Tywin, they must trade my sister for it!"

"Robb..." Looking at Robb who looked like a hungry wolf, Caitlin was a little startled.

The gods' punishment of Joffrey slightly relieved Robb's hatred, and the blood in front of his eyes faded a little.

But Catelyn didn't see it that way, she couldn't understand Robb's plan.

The cold forest behind the camp cannot accommodate much warmth.

The two left the forest soon - Robb was about to hold a war meeting with his lords.

Looking at Robb who entered the big tent with steady steps, Caitlin waited silently outside the tent.

At the earliest time, she was waiting for Ed's brother Brandon, who before leaving Brandon said that he would marry her when he came back, but in the end it was his brother Ed who stood with her in front of the church.

After two short weeks of marriage, Ed left her again like his brother. This time, unlike the last time, he left her at least one child.

That's how Robb was born, and every time Caitlyn held the little baby in her arms, she worried about whether he would ever see her father.

But now, she was waiting for Robb, her son.



"Put breakfast on the table."

Mormont, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, looked up.

"Oh, it's all these every day, so you can't bring me a little beer."

Jon opened a shuttered window, took a beer bottle from the outside ledge, and filled a horn.

"Ed taught you well, Jon."

Mormont took the glass and looked up at the young man.

"It's no wonder you love him so much."


Jon gritted his teeth and said nothing. He didn't want to discuss his father, even if it was Mormont.

With that, Mormont took a sip of his beer, then frowned.

"Well, it would be great if I could have some more lemon juice... Why didn't you talk, you were so tired from riding a horse last night?"


Jon's throat was a little dry, and his eyes were a little panicked.

"Don't look at me like this. Do you think those people below will choose a fool to be the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch? Aemon told me after talking to you that you will definitely go, but I said you will definitely come back. "

As he said that, Mormont cocked his mouth with a little complacency.

"Look, as I said, I know my subordinates, and I know my children...Glory will make you go south, and glory will make you return."

"My friends brought me back," Jon retorted.

Mormont glanced at him. "I didn't say whose glory it was."

"They killed my father!"

"So you want to bring him back from the dead?"

Mormont retorted loudly.

"..." Jon didn't speak.

"Hmph, it's best not to have such a plan, you and I have seen what it looks like to be brought back to life."

Mormont stood up, went to the window, and pushed it open.

"At least you are lucky, and there are gods to avenge you."

Mormont teased, "But I've heard it was a wizard, and Maester Aemon saw wizards back then."

A gust of snow-streaked wind blew in, making Jon shiver.

"I know the punishment for running away, and I'm not afraid of death," Jon said.

"Don't worry, you're not a deserter anymore—those young and energetic children always secretly go to the Mole Village to prostitute, can I kill them all? If everyone who escapes from the camp at night must be killed If you die, then only ghosts will guard the Great Wall."

"Although your brother is on the battlefield, he has the support of the lords of the whole north behind him. Any vassal has more soldiers than the entire Night Watch Corps combined. Do you think they will need your help? "

Mormont glanced at Jon, who had nothing to say.

But there is one sentence that Jon doesn't quite agree with.

Although the night watchman's legion is only less than 1000 people, but in terms of combat effectiveness, these black-clothed crows are definitely much stronger than the northern army he has seen.

Even though the White Walkers haven't been born for thousands of years, even if the Night Watch Corps has been rotten to this point, it is still the only army on this continent that does not produce and trains all year round.

Here, they have to train in the harshest climate in all of Westeros, they have to adapt to the high altitude environment, and they have to face enemies like wildlings.

Perhaps these people were thieves, orphans, and rapists before they came to the Great Wall, but as long as they stay here for a few years, even a coward like Samwell will have the courage to draw his sword against the White Walkers.

Commander Mormont hadn't gone south for too long. He didn't know how the ten years of peace had ruined the troops in the north and south.

But Jon wisely didn't object.

"You are not the only one affected by the war. My sister, Meg of Bear Island should also bring her daughters to join your brother's army at this moment. If she is killed on the battlefield..."

Mormont crushed the egg in his hand with cold eyes, then took a deep breath, picked up the egg white and yolk in his hand, and ate them.

"But I know better that my duty is here."

"Snow, you and I swear here."

Mormont raised his head, looked at Jon and said seriously.

"Beyond the Great Wall, the rangers from the Shadow Tower found many abandoned mountain villages. At night, Sir Denys said that he could see the fire in the mountains, and the flames burned from dusk to dawn. A wildling captive said that Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall He is hiding in a new secret fortress, summoning all his subjects, and his purpose is known only to the gods in the sky."

"Cat Pike said that huge deformed footprints were found just three miles away, and they also found four blue-eyed bodies, but unlike us, they burned them judiciously."

As he spoke, Mormont approached Jon and looked at Jon.

"Do you think your brother's war is more important than ours?"

"...No." Jon felt his throat dry, so he swallowed.

"Your father is a descendant of the First Men, and you have the blood of the First Men in your body. I always thought there was a reason why he sent you here... So, tell me now, when the dead and those more terrible things cross this Great Wall, Do you think it makes any difference who sits on the Iron Throne when you slaughter us in the dark?"


Jon shook his head, he hadn't thought of this level.

"very good!"

Mormont patted him on the shoulder.

"Leave the matter of revenge to your brother, and you...and your wolf, will follow us across the Great Wall and march northward..."

"Over the Wall?" Jon's eyes widened.

"That's right!"

Mormont took the reforged Valyrian sword and held it out to Jon.

"I'm not going to sit here and wait for the storm to come. I'm going to find out what's going on beyond the Wall. I'm going to get your uncle back, dead or alive. I lead the army myself, fighting the King Beyond the Wall, or the White Walkers, or whatever."

"So tell me, Lord Snow, tell me your answer now, are you a blood brother of the Night Watchman... or an illegitimate child who wants to participate in the war..."

Jon frowned, and after pondering, he reached out and took the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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