Rebel Demon King

Chapter 948 see you again (7)

Chapter 948 see you again (7)
Cheng Mo took off the Uroboros on his wrist and put them in the hidden pocket of the inner armor, so that even if he was caught, he would not be killed immediately because of wearing the Uroboros.

After putting Uroboros away, Cheng Mo ran to the platform alone. At this time, there were only a few people queuing up to get on the train. He passed through the automatic door and entered the platform made of steel and concrete.The platform of the entire Ouyu Headquarters has only one railroad track, the area and space are not very large, and the culvert is not the traditional arc shape, but a square.The train is also in a boxy shape, the floor is gray square granite, and the walls and roof of the culvert are paved with square stainless steel blocks.Maybe it's because the lights are too dim, it looks very gloomy, like a wasteland-style underground bunker, without any futuristic atmosphere.Cheng Mo slowed down a little, and quickly walked towards the first carriage in the darkness.

White light shines through the glass windows of the subway train. This light is like a cloud, soft and white.Inexplicable emotions surged in Cheng Mo's heart, and he couldn't help thinking of that rainy night in Moscow, when he and Xie Minyun set foot on K20 to change their destiny.

This time it seems that he will embark on a journey with an uncertain destination again, as if his fate is always indissoluble with the train.

Cheng Mo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and followed a guard from Ou Yu into the carriage.Ten seconds later, the alarm sounded, followed by the sound of the air valve leaking.

The door is closed.

Cheng Mo grabbed the armrest and turned his head to glance at the carriage. The carriage was not full. The heavily armed Ouyu guards were holding guns and sitting on the chairs without turning their eyes.The black exoskeleton armor and pairs of solemn eyes make the whole car look cramped and depressing.

Cheng Mo is already familiar with how to hide among the enemies. In this case, it is basically impossible to take off the mask to verify the body. Besides, there is an electronic identification code on the vest, and the data tampered with by Nuwa, even if there is an accident He is also able to deal with all situations calmly and calmly.

Therefore, Cheng Mo stood in full view without any panic.

The subway moved slowly, and the guard in front of him had already moved forward, looking for a seat to sit down, but Cheng Mo didn't move immediately, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced outside the window, and vaguely saw a few figures coming from the automatic door in front of the platform. go through.Cheng Mo glanced at it, it looked like Fu Yuanzhuo and the others were about to leave the platform on the fourth floor.

Cheng Mo's mood at this instant was a bit complicated, although he didn't think Du Leng, Gu Feifan, Zhu Lingqi, and Guan Bojun had pure motives for following him back to Paris, but he had to admit that they were indeed of great help.

Even if they were a little noisy, a little self-righteous, and even made some mistakes, no matter what, things would not go to this level without them.In general, Cheng Mo felt that this was a fairly good cooperation, although the "Ouyu data" sent back to China could allow them to get enough rich returns.As a fair person, Cheng Mo still felt that they had earned it by gambling their lives, and he still owed them something, especially the selfless Fu Yuanzhuo.

It's just that rewards are rewards, and calculations are calculations. Cheng Mo has made up his mind to use this incident to tie the promising future Gu Feihua and Du Leng to his side.

These two people are ambitious and courageous, Gu Feiqiang in terms of background, and Du Lengqiang in terms of brains, and they will definitely be the key cultivation targets of Tai Chi Dragon in the future.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary must be myself, but the premise is that I and Xie Minyun can return to China safely.

As for Ou Yu's data, Nuwa is trying her best to download it, Cheng Mo didn't intentionally ask Nuwa to look it up, he has to concentrate on solving the clown Sith's matter first.

The train drove out of the platform and rushed into the culvert, and the sound of friction between the rails and the wheels suddenly became louder.Cheng Mo walked forward along the carriage, he thought that he could get on the train, maybe the clown Sith could also get on the train, maybe he could find clues on the train.

Cheng Mo glanced over the guards of Ouyu who were seated one by one, like a general inspecting his soldiers.He looked into everyone's only exposed eyes, trying to find Sith the Clown through the window of the soul.Those eyes were so clear in Cheng Mo's mind that Cheng Mo believed he could recognize him.

Cheng Mo walked forward along the carriage, those Ouyu guards sat quietly on their seats and waited quietly, taking out their mobile phones to look at them from time to time, no one talked, everyone's eyes contained a kind of heaviness, this heaviness is like gravity Let the light in their eyes fall.Cheng Mo seemed to see a bird struggling exhaustedly in the heavy rain.He has seen such eyes before, on the subway in the evening rush hour, those middle-aged men with briefcases and suits often have such emotions in their eyes.

They breathed step by step, their expressions were chaotic, and their eyes were sleepy.Life is consumed blindly and quickly, but they have no way out, and must persist in the city day after day.

What they see is the numbness that goes deep into the bone marrow.

The same is probably true for these Ouyu guards. The filter element in the respirator is counting down all the time, but they have nowhere to escape, and they have to desperately carry out the task, doing their best for the hope of surviving.

This kind of atmosphere is more terrifying than the poisonous gas like mist flying outside the window.

It's just that Cheng Mo is indifferent. When he sees some suspicious people, Cheng Mo will take a few more glances without any scruples. When these people see his epaulets, they subconsciously salute him and call him "sir". If there is nothing unusual, he will nod his head seriously, and then continue to walk to the back compartment.

Cheng Mo counted when he got on the train. The whole train has only six carriages. According to the current speed, he only needs three to four minutes to reach the end.

When entering the fourth carriage, Cheng Mo pretended to inspect the personnel just like the previous three carriages did.However, after walking a few steps, they found that something was wrong. The eyes of most people in this carriage were cold, even a little ruthless and arrogant, not as worried as those Ouyu guards in front.

Ice cold is the past, but fanaticism is hard to explain.And no one called him officer yet, which made Cheng Mo vigilant. He didn't even dare to observe these people as unscrupulously as before, but walked forward without squinting.

The glass reflected a fleeting scene, and the empty and dark corridor was as deep as an abyss.These people wearing Ouyu guards are like demons guarding the abyss.

Cheng Mo didn't dare to speed up his pace, controlled his heartbeat, tensed his nerves and walked towards the end of the carriage steadily.

The carriage is not spacious, and there are not too many people. Even if he doesn't look at it, everyone's eyes will still jump into his field of vision.Some people's eyes are like beasts, indifferent and arrogant, probably the kind of killers who rush through the sea of ​​swords and blood have such eyes.

But Cheng Mo knew that it was not the eyes of the clown Sith.

Clown Sith's eyes are blue fire.

The cold flame of madness that burns everything.

Cheng Mo already had a premonition that he might be able to see the clown Sith, his heart beat faster involuntarily, and he couldn't tell whether it was excitement or fear.

Maybe both.

Although Cheng Mo had prepared his mind well, when he walked to the middle of the car and saw the person at the end of the car, his heart still twitched.Although the exoskeleton that that person was wearing was the same as that of the others, his somewhat casual hunched posture made him look so abrupt in the deadly atmosphere of the carriage.

Cheng Mo barely stabilized his footsteps, stared at the narrow door at the junction of the carriages, and only used his peripheral vision to check out the suspicious man.The man was wearing a pair of black high-top leather boots, about a size 43 to 44, and his feet were very large, and the size was a bit weird.The black trousers were tucked into the leather boots, and they were a little tight. It seemed that the legs were too long and the trousers were a little short.There are obvious scratches on the black exoskeleton adjustment ruler on the calf, which are traces of wear and tear. Obviously, this exoskeleton should not belong to the person who is using it.Moreover, unlike others who sit upright and keep their body in a tense state, ready to fight at any time, he leans against the carriage, arches his back, and holds the gun in his arms very casually, with a relaxed posture, as if holding a gun. Office workers with briefcases resting on the subway.

Cheng Mo's breathing paused, and a dangerous feeling came to his heart.

He tilted his head, and the top of the somewhat large alloy helmet reflected a hazy white light. Cheng Mo couldn't see his eyes, but could only see the iron-gray respirator that grew on his cheek like an organ.Cheng Mo's eyes swept over the top, and found that there were faint white marks on the straps of the mask wrapped around the back of his head, and those white marks were densely covered on the black straps like sweat stains.

Cheng Mo walked through the three carriages and never had such a situation. It seemed that this little white mark was not worth studying, but Cheng Mo was keenly reminded of the bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is the most commonly used disinfectant in biochemical laboratories, as long as it enters the biochemical laboratory, it will inevitably be sprayed all over.

Cheng Mo's heart shuddered, and he immediately retracted his peripheral vision.He was [-]% sure that the Ouyu guard in front of him was the clown Sith in disguise, but he didn't dare to shoot rashly.Maybe I can kill the clown Sith in an instant, but with so many people here, I definitely can't escape.It is best to get out of the carriage and let Nuwa order other Ouyu guards to come and kill the clown Sith.

The length of the entire carriage is about 22 meters, and I have already walked half of it now, but the next half is longer than kilometers and ten thousand meters.Cheng Mo seemed to feel that he was walking on a tightrope, and below the tightrope was a dark and endless abyss.He carefully maintained his balance, taking each step well, without chaotic breathing, pace, or even heartbeat.

A little chaos, maybe it will be beyond redemption.

He seemed to feel the icy wind winding around him, shaking the slender rope.A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead to the corner of his left eye. Cheng Mo didn't dare to close his eyes. He resisted his soreness and took a step towards the other shore which was only a few steps away.

The closer you are to the other side of success, the closer you are to the sleeping devil.Danger is like pervasive venom, seeping in from the gaps in the exoskeleton, cold, sharp, and creepy venomous thorns are tentatively invading his pores, Cheng Mo feels that every inch of his body is moving toward him. Internal contraction, as if the body is instinctively trying to escape.

"A distance of about ten meters, a total of twenty steps." Cheng Mo counted down in his heart, making every step of himself step on the rhythm accurately.





He walked to the door of the subway junction with exactly twenty steps like a precise clock.

Finally, there is only one sliding door that is closed to victory.

Cheng Mo didn't dare to look at the clown Sith at all, but raised his heavy right hand, trying to open the door to hell, and then left the carriage.

"Don't be in a hurry, be natural, just like usual." Cheng Mo thought to himself, he seemed to be casual but his arms were stiff to touch the sliding door.Through the transparent glass window, he could see the situation of the next carriage. Everything was so quiet, as if he was the only one in the whole train.

"Success or failure depends on one action." Cheng Mo held the doorknob, wearing tactical gloves, he couldn't feel the temperature of the stainless steel handle, it must be cold.

He will open the gates of victory and glory, as Napoleon passed the Arc de Triomphe with his sceptre.


A deep and hoarse voice broke the eerie silence, like a shark lurking beside him, stirring up the peaceful danger of the deep sea.

Cheng Mo's pupils dilated, but his rapid heartbeat calmed down in this second, and his heavy breathing became lighter.The clown Sith speaks English, and he must never speak English, because he is a Frenchman.

"Qu'est-ce qu'll ya?" (Is there something wrong?) Cheng Mo deliberately lowered his voice, changed his tone and returned to French, while holding the doorknob and turning his head to look at the clown Sith, but when he saw When the eye circles smeared with black paint under the goggles and a pair of playful eyes, you know that the other party has shown his card, and no amount of camouflage is futile.

The clown Sith crossed his legs and looked up at Cheng Mo. He patted the empty seat beside him and said in a muddy voice, "Silent, I think you should sit down with me. Have a good chat."

The matter has come to this point, it is not important to think about how to reveal the truth, Cheng Mo knows that he cannot be afraid, as long as he shows a little cowardice, he will be spotted by the clown Sith, and the clown Sith will kill a person who is afraid of him without hesitation.Cheng Mo deeply understands that for the clown Sith, people who succumb to fear are not qualified to be toys or spectators.

At the time of life and death, Cheng Mo entered a state of no waves, he shrugged his shoulders very naturally, and let go of the handle of the gate of hell, as if he met an acquaintance on the subway by chance, and moved his back The submachine gun turned around and sat down.

His movements are natural and smooth, much easier than reaching out to pull the doorknob just now, with a kind of freehand brushwork that lifts the weight lightly.

However, the atmosphere in the carriage was not friendly at all, almost everyone was watching Cheng Mo, they grabbed their guns tightly, like a group of ferocious beasts watching their prey that had nowhere to escape.

Cheng Mo turned a blind eye to everything around him, he sat calmly next to the clown Sith, staring at the reflection of himself and the clown Sith in the opposite glass window.The yellow-green poisonous mist was flowing backwards rapidly, and the dark gray rock wall behind was looming. The phantoms of the two people trembled slightly with the shaking of the vehicle, like the images in the water passing by in time.

Clown Sith put the submachine gun in his hand against the carriage, then raised his hand to take off the helmet, shook his curly green hair, and said in a low voice, "This damn thing is too heavy."

"It's quite heavy, but it can save your life at critical moments. So... heavy is very valuable. I think you should wear it." Cheng Mo spoke in a nonchalant tone, just like he was chatting with the clown Sith An ordinary day.

The clown Sith held the helmet and looked down, and said, "Yes! Life is such a precious thing, it must be protected, and it cannot be wasted casually." The clown Sith turned his head and glanced at Cheng Mo, and asked: "But why do so many people like to waste their lives?"

"You can't think about this matter, because when you think about it, you will find that life is meaningless. Then you will fall into a vicious circle of self-inflicted boredom. The beauty in life is extremely short, and there are not many illusions that can be enjoyed properly, so it is better not to think about it. Simply live according to instinct," Cheng Mo said nonchalantly.

"Hehe!" The clown Sith smiled strangely, his laughter was satisfied and distorted, and he paused for a moment. He looked at Cheng Mo in the glass, and asked curiously, "Is this the one you killed tens of thousands of people?" The key to peace of mind?"

Cheng Mo looked at the clown Sith through the glass without flinching, and said without a trace of guilt: "About 1.8 people die every second in the world, and 106 people die every minute in places that are out of our sight. , there are 6360 people per hour, and 152640 people a day. Today, there are only tens of thousands more, and the fluctuation is not large. Looking at the long time dimension, such a number is even more insignificant. Death is nothing but the most common The thing is the metabolism of human evolution, just like human beings have 60 trillion cells, [-] of them die every day, and [-] of them divide and reproduce. Human beings need metabolism to survive. The same is true for human society.” Cheng Mo not only said this Yes, in fact, he really thought so in his heart.Now he has seen a lot of death, as long as it doesn't happen to him or someone close to him, he won't feel the slightest bit of death.In his perception, the mass death of human beings is indeed not a rare event.

Putting aside those distant histories, take the recent "Syrian Civil War" as an example, the death toll has exceeded 50.After World War II, the "Iran-Iraq War" with the largest death toll (140 million deaths) was only 30 years ago.

Call him cold-blooded or ruthless.As long as you think rationally, you know that death is inevitable.Compared with previous wars, although what happened in Paris is currently tragic, the death toll may not be particularly large.

What's more, this situation was not caused by him.He was just in the torrent of war and couldn't help himself.

"One will succeed and ten thousand bones will die" is not an exaggerated portrayal. In fact, the unit of "ten thousand" is still a bit shabby for the executioners.

Clown Sith shook his head, and said tenderly: "Dear Sairon, to be honest, you don't need to hide your true self from me."

The air began to freeze because of the strange tone of the clown Sith, Cheng Mo didn't look at the terrorists in the carriage, but also felt a kind of murderous aura that was about to come.

"The truth?" Cheng Mo also shook his head wearing a helmet and a gas mask, and he said calmly, "We have a poet in China who wrote a poem, and there is such a line in the poem: 'Killing one is a crime. If you kill 900, you will be a hero; if you kill 10 million, you will be a hero. If I can kill you, purely based on numbers, I can save tens of thousands of people. This deal is a good deal no matter how you look at it. "

"'People sin for murders but heroize for massacres; Millions of kill make one king of kings'. This is really a bloody and honest sentence. So your goal is to become the king of kings?" The clown Sith repeated, He asked another question, but he didn't wait for Cheng Mo's answer, and said in a regretful tone, "You just fill up the empty life like this? With women, books, and worldly ambitions? It's too vulgar, and it's a bit disappointing."

Cheng Mo thought to himself that he just wanted to be a librarian, and to be more awesome was to build a space library and be an administrator of a space library, but he never had the ambition to be a ham sausage (king of kings).But if you say such a worthless thing to the clown Sith, it will probably be regarded as a worthless waste.

A performer personality who craves attention, but doesn't want his chosen audience to be ordinary people.

So Cheng Mo offered that crazy "answer" again, he controlled his body to tremble slightly, and squeezed out a sentence from his throat with a low and depressed voice: "I want to know who is the Creator who created the Chosen One."

Cheng Mo felt that his performance was perfect, like a dubbing actor for the male lead of a dark drama, every word, sentence, tone, and tone of his performance was so perfect, it would definitely give the listener a shock in their brains excitement.

However, the clown Sith didn't seem surprised by Cheng Mo's answer, he just looked up at the white light on the roof, touched his chin, and said as if recalling: "How many times have I heard someone say that?" What about it?" He thought for a while, as if he hadn't found the exact number from his memory, and said nonchalantly, "In short, this is still a less boring way to die."

Cheng Mo ignored the clown Sith's blunt declaration of death, pretending to be curious and asked: "Who else has Mr. Sith said that?"

"Several people. It doesn't matter." The clown Sith spread his hands, "No matter what you want to do. The starting point is arrogance, and the end point is self-destruction."

Cheng Mo was disappointed not to hear the name, he sneered and said, "Mr. Sith, are you afraid of the Creator?"

"Afraid?" The clown Sith laughed strangely, "Heh, heh, heh", the laughter was like crying in a nightmare, both vague and direct, "Don't think that you know the truth of history because you participated in history .Dear child, do you know why the underground of Paris is full of poisonous gas? Do you know why God Philip will die? Do you know why Ou Yu's headquarters fell like this?"

Cheng Mo didn't know how "The Creator" was related to "The Death of the General", "The Paris Attack" and "The Fall of Ouyu", his brain was running crazily.First try to speculate why all this happened. According to the tone of the clown Sith, these disasters seem inevitable, which means that not only the clown Sith and Napoleon VII, but also powerful forces behind them are calculating Europa and Europe. Yu's idea.

There are only a handful of organizations that can count Europa and Ouyu.

Among them, the most likely are country A and "Star Gate".

Cheng Mo knows that just this year (2020) Country A broke out the most terrifying corporate debt bubble in history, the stock market plummeted, and the economic crisis broke out.

There is no doubt that Stargate has the will to launch a war, because war is the fastest and most effective means to solve the economic crisis.

However, the treatment of Europa and Ouyu cannot be directly plundered by war like other small countries.After all, France is a big boss with nuclear power, and Ou Yu is not a small organization.No matter how powerful the star gate is, they dare not risk the disgrace of the world and start a hot war against Ou Yu.

But if it's a civil strife in Europa, that's another matter.

Look at "poison gas", "internal conflicts" and "terrorist attack" again, they are still familiar flavors and formulas.

Back then, country A handed over the banned poison gas formula and poison gas production line to Yiwacker, and let Yiwacker start the war.Then a few years later, they launched a war against Yiwacker under the pretext that Yiwacker had chemical weapons.

Cheng Mo gasped, feeling a pain in the brain.In contrast, the death of the god general does not seem to be that important.He is just a small shrimp, but he got involved in a shocking conspiracy.Even though Cheng Mo has a big heart that is calm in everything, he can't help but tremble all over and break out in cold sweat.

Just when Cheng Mo's mind was in a mess, Nu Wa's voice came from the earphones: "The train is accelerating, and it is close to the limit speed."

Cheng Mo was startled, his pupils refocused, and the reflections of himself and the clown Sith reappeared in the glass. The poisonous mist behind the glass was still flowing fast like water, but the reflection of the clown Sith floating on it changed. It's confusing.

He didn't know why the clown Sith told him this, and he didn't know what role the clown Sith played in it. Now is not the time to think about it.

Because he saw the clown Sith pulling out a belt-shaped thing out of nowhere, with hooks on both ends of the belt, the clown Sith stuck the hook into the armrest, and fixed himself on the seat like a safety belt. chair.

The rattling sound of "clucking" foretells impending disaster.

Cheng Mo turned his head and looked, not only the clown Sith, but also the terrorist wearing the Ouyu exoskeleton sitting diagonally across from him was doing the same thing.

"Do you know! Sai Lun, I hate those schemers who hide in the dark!" The clown shook his head, half turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo from the corner of his eye, "So what if you know who the Creator is? You change Regardless of the fact that the world is ruled by capital, they are stubborn and old-fashioned, and they will do all kinds of dirty things to maintain the poor order. Only I am different, I never care about order and interests”

Cheng Mo heard the sound of licking his lips, but he didn't have time to figure out what the clown Sith was thinking. "It's about to crash!" A terrifying prediction jumped out of Cheng Mo's mind. He looked up at the electronic display, and the speed of the train had reached 221 kilometers per hour.Shirkov, who was divided into two by the train carriage, suddenly appeared in Cheng Mo's mind.

"Unless you can subvert the existing order, then no matter what you try to do, it will be meaningless. You will always be just a poor chess piece struggling on the chessboard, and you will never be able to jump out of the black and white chessboard."

There was a loud "bang" in the distance, followed by the ugly sound of steel tearing. The sound was so piercing that the steel body shook like waves, and even the floor heaved.The sharp and ear-piercing friction sound was like a life-threatening curse, continuously stimulating the eardrums.

The clown Sith laughed "haha": "Sairon, hurry up, don't die in a car accident."

Hearing the word "car accident", Cheng Mo's heart tightened silently. He firmly grasped the handrail, stared at the carriage in front, and watched as the connection of the train arched high, and the whole carriage was like a pendulum. In the violent shock, Cheng Mo also swayed.Through the deformed door, he could see the people in the front compartment being tossed around like rag dolls in the compartment.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the huge inertia was transmitted to the No. [-] carriage. Cheng Mo saw that several Ouyu guards without seat belts were also thrown up, screaming endlessly, and one of them flew out of the carriage, viciously It hit the gray rock wall, leaving a pool of blood, and fell into the poisonous mist.

Although Cheng Mo tried his best and desperately grasped the handrail, his body still slammed heavily on the side wall.Severe pain came from the back, Cheng Mo didn't have time to feel it, and heard the sound of "嗤啦" again, sparks flickered at the elbow, depending on the situation, the exoskeleton of the hand could not withstand such a large external force, the joints It was pulled off directly.

As soon as the exoskeleton broke, the strong inertia was directly transmitted to Cheng Mo's body. He felt as if he was weightless and was thrown several times. He was thrown out of the car amidst the turbulent waves.

Uninterrupted explosions sounded, and the flames illuminated the entire culvert, and the carriage behind was directly derailed and dumped on the rails.But their car was still moving forward, the glass window next to Cheng Mo couldn't bear it anymore, it burst open and hit the mask, which made Cheng Mo's heart tremble unavoidably.

The clown Sith sat on the deformed chair and laughed endlessly, as if enjoying some interesting mime.

The apocalyptic shaking lasted for several minutes, until the car was completely dark and all the lights were extinguished, and everything fell into darkness and calmed down.

Cheng Mo also fell heavily on the floor.

A few beams of bright light came over, and Cheng Mo, who was in pain all over, wanted to support the floor and stand up, but was kicked in the wrist by the clown Sith who stood up calmly, and fell flat on the floor again.Cheng Mo didn't try to stand up again, he knew that the clown Sith would not let him stand up if he wanted to kill him.He squinted his eyes, turned his mask to the floor, gasped and waited with pain.

The clown Sith squatted down, Cheng Mo felt the clown Sith pulling his numb right hand, Cheng Mo raised his head slightly, and saw the clown Sith glanced at his blank wrist, chuckled lightly, and handcuffed him. Put on a bright handcuff, and then the clown Sith handcuffed the other ring of the handcuff to the stainless steel armrest of the seat.

The beam of the bright flashlight swayed in the poisonous fog. Someone was using a crowbar to pry open the twisted car door, someone was groaning, and someone was shooting.

Cheng Mo lay on the ground silently, letting the clown Sith do his best.

"Oh! By the way, there is another one." The clown Sith took out another handcuff as if conjuring, and handcuffed Cheng Mo's left hand, and then handcuffed the other handcuff to the handrail on the side of the door, so that his left and right hands were handcuffed. It was pulled away by a long distance, unable to touch it, not to mention, it was inconvenient to use force.

"It's a pity that I can't help you with a more elegant shape, such as a cross." The clown Sith clapped his hands and stood up. When he saw Cheng Mo's backpack, he opened it again, waved his hand and said happily, "Thank you." filter element."

Cheng Mo was half lying on the ground like a seal with his head up, his chin pressed against the seat and said coldly: "You're welcome." The clown Sith unbuttoned the backpack strap and took Cheng Mo's backpack off his back. , held it in his hand, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You can do it! Sairon, I believe this difficulty will not be hard for you. I will wait for you in front with the 'God Gene', don't make me wait Too long."

"No problem. Mr. Sith." Cheng Mo replied in a tone of pretending confidence.

The terrorists behind Sith the Clown have used a crowbar to pry open the fully deformable car door.

"See you again!" The clown Sith waved his hand and jumped out of the car first.

Cheng Mo turned his head halfway, watching the clown Sith and his men walk along the railroad track with strong flashlights, heading towards the depths of the poisonous fog.He waved his hands in the dark and struggled desperately, the sound of "Ding Ding Bang Bang" resounded in the darkness, the armrest did not move at all, but the handcuffs hurt his wrists.

Cheng Mo will twist his body and barely stand up. The range of movement of the handcuffs on his right hand is larger, while the range of movement of the handcuffs on his left hand is very small. This makes him unable to stand upright and can only maintain a squatting posture.Cheng Mo stepped on the floor with both feet, endured the pain, and tried to use his left hand to break the armrest of the seat that had been damaged just now, but the pain made him tremble all over. Without the help of the exoskeleton, there was no way to do it with his own strength. arrive.

Cheng Mo took a few breaths and began to think of other ways, but after much deliberation, it seemed that he could only die slowly in the poisonous fog.He frowned and thought, "If you don't put away 'Uroboros', even if you can't activate the carrier, you can still use 'Seven Sins'. Right now, there seems to be nothing but to seek help from Fu Yuanzhuo and the others." No way. Just ask Fu Yuanzhuo and the others for help. It’s definitely too late to prevent the clown Sith from getting the God gene, let alone kill him. Don’t say kill him. My filter element is changed when I enter the negative ninth floor Yes, it has been used for 31 minutes, and it can be used for about 29 minutes. If the extreme state is calculated a little more, it will only be 10 minutes. If Fu Yuanzhuo and the others are too far away and there is no subway, it may be too late." Cheng Mo rolled I scratched my throat and thought, "It seems that I might die here."

But Cheng Mo didn't panic, as long as Fu Yuanzhuo and the others were a little faster, it shouldn't be a big problem to survive. He said calmly, "Nuwa, help me open the team channel."

But Nuwa didn't answer.

Cheng Mo frowned, and said in a low voice, "Nuwa, help me open the team channel."

Still no answer.

Cheng Mo's heart sank: "Could it be that when the car crashed just now, the headset and mobile phone were broken?"

Cheng Mo called again tentatively, only his voice echoed in the silent darkness.

Cheng Mo closed his eyes, pulled the corners of his lips, and said to himself with a wry smile: "Maybe the real confession is here today."

(End of this chapter)

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