Rebel Demon King

Chapter 949 see you again (8)

Chapter 949 see you again (8)
Of course Cheng Mo is not such a fragile person, let alone give up his life so easily, he laughed at himself and opened his eyes.Across the broken train junction, one could see burning carriages in the distance. The faint flames illuminated the dark culvert. It was clear that the carriages behind were not simply derailed, but that a bomb had caused an explosion.

Gunshots and explosions sounded intermittently again, Cheng Mo had no time to think, he arched his upper body, tried to get his upper body as close as possible to the armrest, and tried to use his right hand to touch Ouroboros in the hidden bag of the inner armor .

After trying it, I pulled the handcuffs to the limit and could barely touch them.

To make sure that you can touch it, you must solve the problem of how to put your hand into the clothes.The zipper of the jacket is an unavoidable barrier, and whether you want to open the zipper or reach in, you must first take off the bulletproof vest hanging on the outside of the jacket.

Cheng Mo twisted his body and lifted his waist up as much as possible, so that the waistcoat knot attached to his waist was close to his lower right hand. He pulled the handcuffs desperately, trying to use his thumb and forefinger to pull the slipknot, but it was usually easy. The movements that could be completed were so difficult, the cold handcuffs strangled his white arms and turned red, leaving streaks of blood.Cheng Mo gritted his teeth and resisted the sharp pain like needle pricks to forcefully pull the knot.

After completing such a simple action, Cheng Mo was already sweating profusely and trembling all over.Especially the right hand, Cheng Mo felt that this hand seemed to be so numb that it didn't belong to him.But he has no time to rest. At this moment, every second of his life is an imminent countdown.

After pulling off the knot, Cheng Mo squatted halfway and twirled the collar of the vest with his fingers. Every time he moved a little, he pressed the vest against the armrest with his chest, and then took a breath to continue, but his fingers really couldn't use the strength. It got stuck on the helmet and couldn't be pulled off.

Repeated failures made Cheng Mo, who has always been calm, a little anxious, and his sore arms and fingers constantly tested his endurance.Cheng Mo took a deep breath, discarded all distracting thoughts and forcibly concentrated, and began to work hard again to complete a simple movement
Just when Cheng Mo was oblivious and tirelessly trying to get the vest off, a bright light shone from behind him.

Someone shouted loudly: "Damn it! Cheng Mo, you are too wretched, right?? I didn't expect you to be this kind of person? You don't even let a stainless steel handrail go?"

Cheng Mo knew it was Guan Bojun's voice as soon as he heard it. He breathed a sigh of relief, gave up some vulgar movements, turned his head and said in a low voice: "Guan Guan, it depends on the time to complain, don't delay, hurry up and help me get the handcuffs off "

"That's all the fun! You might as well kill me if you don't let me complain!" Guan Bojun said indifferently.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhuo had already climbed up from the shapeless car door, and said, "I'll help you."

Cheng Mo didn't say anything more, and didn't ask why they came back, but just moved away from the position as much as possible, and signaled Fu Yuanzhuo to remove the handcuffs on his left hand first.

Fu Yuanzhuo grabbed the handrail and pulled it hard, and with the help of the exoskeleton, he forcibly tore the handrail off the fine steel wall.

"Now you know what a wrong decision it was not to take us with you?" Gu Feifei poked his head out of the window, sneering triumphantly.

Cheng Mo took out the handcuffs from the broken part of the handrail, glanced at Gu Feifei and said indifferently: "You shouldn't come anyway."

"Nuwa helped me get a mechanical dog mount. Not to mention walking, there is no problem in fighting. If the clown Sith appears here now, I will blow his head off!" Gu Feifan walked to the door and patted He patted the mechanical dog under him, and said arrogantly.

Cheng Mo looked towards the door, and saw Gu Feifei sitting astride a blue-coated robot dog like a horse. The size of this robot dog was closer to that of a donkey, much bigger than an ordinary dog.The torso is like a large bench, the four legs are bent, and the head is almost exactly the same as the tank turret, except that there are two barrels, which look like black fangs under the strong light of the flashlight.

Gu Feihua, who was wearing an exoskeleton, was holding the handle on the turret, as if he was holding the rein, and he looked like a steel knight from the future.

Although slightly comical, it still looks intimidating.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhuo had already pulled off the armrest of the seat that was handcuffing Cheng Mo's right hand. After Cheng Mo smoothly took out the handcuff ring on the armrest, he immediately straightened up his numb body, rubbed it Wrists in handcuffs said to Gu Feifan: "No, you have to leave now."

"Ah!!?" ​​Gu Feifei cried out in surprise, and then asked in an unbelievable tone, "We have all arrived here and saved you. You still let us go?"

Zhu Lingqi and Du Leng also walked to the door, looked up at Cheng Mo, and there was some incomprehension in their eyes.

Cheng Mo knew that Gu Feifan and the others arrived here so quickly, they must have not left in the first place.It is impossible for Gu Feifei alone to make everyone change their minds, which means that Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi actually don't want to give up the credit and benefits of killing the clown Sith.As for Fu Yuanzhuo, he always followed the trend and lacked his own opinions, and Guan Bojun definitely didn't dare to run away alone.

Then it is only natural to follow up against his orders.It's just that Cheng Mo can't accuse them of self-assertion at the moment, let alone a group of people who have already reached this point, and when they are only a step away from success, it is against human nature to ask them to give up.

Cheng Mo knew that it would be difficult for him to persuade them, unless he took the lead to leave, then Fu Yuanzhuo and Guan Bojun would go with him, and then no one else could stay here.

But for Xie Minyun, he had to go.

Even knowing that there is a bigger force behind the clown Sith, he still has to take the risk.Besides, he was sure that Sith the Clown would not kill him, only him.

But if Fu Yuanzhuo, Du Leng and the others follow along, although it is a lot of help, their ending is hard to predict.For the sake of their safety, Cheng Mo still intends to try his best to stop them.

So Cheng Mo frowned and walked to the door, jumped off the train, and said in a deep voice: "The clown Sith is not only behind the Teutonic 88 Knights. There may also be a star gate. We are not just fighting the clown Sith, It's the Clown Sith, the Teutonic 88th Knights, and the Stargate. The opponent's strength will be far beyond your imagination."

Gu Feifei raised his eyebrows and said, "So what? Haven't we been fighting the Stargate? There's nothing to be afraid of!"

Du Leng also said without hesitation: "Yes! What's more, Nuwa can still control Ouyu's guards now, and we are not the only ones. We all have advantages before we can activate the carrier."

"It only takes 10 minutes to activate the carrier." Cheng Mo said coldly.

"Then don't waste time!" Gu Feifei rode the mechanical dog and led the way to the depths of the culvert, as if he was a little afraid that Cheng Mo would forcibly drive them away.

"We will not act rashly. If the situation is not right, we will retreat tactically. Strategic shift!" Guan Bojun said with a "hehe".

Cheng Mo was very surprised that Guan Bojun changed his attitude. He looked at Guan Bojun and exclaimed in surprise: "Huh?"

Guan Bojun said sternly: "We are the last hope to save the people of Paris! Don't give up easily!"

"The clown Sith's bounty has now surpassed Nebuchadnezzar, the leader of the Black Death, and jumped to the top of the bounty list, with 30 billion US dollars, 30 contribution points, and one SSS skill, two SS skills, and three S Skills. 15 contribution points are enough for the five of them to replace the current strongest mechanical kit 'Bai Ze'. Gu Feifan and the others also promised that as long as Guan Bojun kills the clown Sith, he will give him the SSS skills." Nuwa said without hesitation It exposed Guan Bojun's true colors.

Cheng Mo didn't expect Nuwa to instigate him, so he shook his head helplessly.

"Such a good opportunity, we must try it. If we miss it, we will regret it for the rest of our lives!" After speaking, Du Leng also followed Gu Feifei to the depths of the culvert.

Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, driven by such great interests, it would be pointless to persuade him any longer.I can only look at Du Leng's back and say indifferently: "I will still say what I said before, I will not be responsible for your safety, and don't expect me to save you if something goes wrong!"

"Hey! It seems that we saved your life just now!" Gu Feifei said.

"Yes!" Guan Bojun couldn't wait to walk forward, "Cheng Mo, don't play tricks and tricks to grab my head!"

Gu Feifei laughed and said: "Guan Bojun, forget it! If you have the guts to shoot and kill people, let's talk about it."

"The clown Sith is not a human, he is a demon!" Guan Bojun replied.

"In short, I warned you that this is not a dungeon, let alone a game." Cheng Mo whispered in a serious tone, and at the same time, he looked back at Zhu Lingqi, who had lost his right hand and couldn't even hold a submachine gun.

With his right hand hanging down and a pistol in his left hand, Zhu Lingqi replied in a cold voice: "Life is determined by fate, and wealth depends on heaven!"

Fu Yuanzhuo took a long breath and looked at Cheng Mo and said, "We all know that you are doing it for our own good, but...who doesn't want to become stronger? I'm tired of being at the bottom too."

"Is life more important?" Cheng Mo asked in a low voice.

"Mario Ramias in "Gundam SEED. If you know you were wrong afterwards, then you should cry and make a fuss, and then think about the next time." Fu Yuanzhuo patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "I know it's hard to be a hero, like me I definitely can't do it with my qualifications, but at least I can't give up being a reliable partner by the hero's side."

After finishing speaking, Fu Yuanzhuo also walked forward, Cheng Mo was silent for a moment, took out Ouroboros from his hidden pocket, put it on, and cut off the handcuffs still on his wrists with the Seven Sins, while whispering Said: "Now everyone keeps silent, move forward quickly, everyone don't shoot easily, wait for my order."


The clown Sith led a group of people forward along the railroad tracks. The severely damaged carriages lay in a mess on the railroad tracks, and parts and debris were scattered everywhere.There are also carriages that are squeezed and bent at 90°, against the top of the culvert, sparking like electric sparks, and corpses sandwiched between the wall panels, even though wearing an exoskeleton, they are still squeezed to death. .

A group of Ouyu guards wearing exoskeletons were rescuing colleagues who were crushed under the wreckage of the train. Someone saw the clown Sith and his party and immediately shouted: "Come and help!"

The clown Sith replied loudly: "No problem, sir." Immediately, he raised a strange gun and fired at the gathered people.The lightning-like blue light wave swept across the air, and directly hit the speaking guard Ouyu. The man froze for a moment, and then the blue current spread all over the body along the exoskeleton, and exploded after being conducted to the battery. In an instant, the whole person exploded like a blown balloon, and fragments of flesh and exoskeleton flew everywhere.

A group of terrorists following the clown Sith also fired at the same time, and the Ouyu guards, who had their backs to the clown Sith, were immediately blasted by the blue lightning into clusters of blooming flesh and blood flowers.

The blue electric light shines in the narrow and dark culvert, casting their shadows on the black-gray rock wall, like an ancient mural that flickers on and off.

Seeing that the people who were being rescued seemed to be dead, the clown Sith stopped shooting, held up the gun, and said disappointedly: "I still prefer the impact brought by blunt or mechanical weapons." He looked down at the forty-four in his hand. Fang Fang has an electromagnetic gun without a barrel, "This kind of thing can't create art. It's like a painter can't use a sharp kitchen knife to paint on canvas. As a killing lover, we should resist it!"

"Mr. Sith, killing is never about beauty, but about efficiency." The man next to the clown Sith, who didn't hold any weapons, said in a low voice. England.

"So you are just butchers, and I'm an artist!" The clown Sith threw the gun to the man and then walked forward. His steps were light, and the flames on the train illuminated the wall, like a nineteenth-century The king of comedy, Chaplin, dances on the big screen.

The man glanced at the reflection of the clown Sith dancing on the wall and said lightly: "Artists? No wonder artists are crazy. It turns out that artists don't need logic."

"Oh! The Duke of Sutherland, this is not something a noble English nobleman should say. It is as vulgar as the oath spoken by the German SS."

As long as you are the chosen one, you must know that this man called the Duke of Sutherland is the deputy head of England's "Royal Red Lion" who ranks No. 30 in the sky list.The head of the English Red Lions has always been only the crown prince.

"Loyalty is a virtue, whether it is loyalty to the empire or the nation. It's just that you shouldn't have annexed Europa back then, and let people from other countries lower your IQ." The Duke of Sutherland raised his electromagnetic gun at the train wreck. The Ouyu soldiers at the station opened fire, and the blue electric light cut through the poisonous fog, penetrated the steel panel of the train, and hit the Ouyu soldiers who were hiding behind, and the explosion happened again in an instant. In the flickering gunfire, The Duke of Sutherland was fearless, facing the hail of bullets, he held up the electromagnetic gun in his hand and fired. In places where there are conductors everywhere, the high-energy electromagnetic gun is simply a murderous weapon.

Clown Sith shook his head and sighed, "It's so boring, there's no decent resistance at all."

In just a moment, there were not many Ouyu guards who rushed over. The Duke of Sutherland said lightly: "It has always been like this. The French are more suitable for cooking and surrender, just like us English people prefer to eat potatoes and serve as a stir-fry." Shit stirrer. But your German cuisine is not much better.” The Duke of Sutherland put down his gun and said in a worried tone, “I hope you don’t poison too many cooks this time, I’m already worried about my lunch What can I eat?"

Clown Sith shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh! Don't worry about things that are so far away, you may not be able to live until noon."

"I don't know how long I can live, but I can be sure that you will die before me if we two." The Duke of Sutherland's tone was humorous and relaxed, making it impossible to feel that this was a vicious curse.

"Oh! Your Excellency, who can say about fate? Maybe both of us will die here today. Fate usually likes to make such unreasonable jokes."

The Ouyu guards who intercepted appeared in front again, and the other party loudly ordered them to tell their departments, names and passwords. The Duke of Sutherland waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him scattered like ghosts, and immediately found a suitable soldier in the wreckage. attack position.The Duke of Sutherland walked forward with a gun in his hand, and said loudly: "I am a Sith, and the password from hell is. Long live French food!"

The sound of gunfire and the sound of electric current burning the air sounded at the same time, and the cramped culvert was filled with red and blue ballistic trajectories for a while. The scene looked lively, but the result was doomed from the very beginning. Unable to deal with electromagnetic guns, it is like a plane fighting a tank. This is a completely asymmetric war.

The team continued to move forward, and the Duke of Sutherland turned his head to look at the clown Sith and asked, "Where did we just talk?"

"Speaking of fate." The clown Sith jumped onto the rails, put his hands in his pockets, and walked on the narrow track.

"The so-called fate, most of them are the weak moans of being unable to control their own lives."

The clown Sith laughed "haha", standing on the railroad tracks laughing forward and backward, the whole culvert was filled with clown Sith's sharp ridicule for a moment.

Sutherland shrugged his shoulders and said, "You didn't do anything to Grosvenor, did you? He's just an honest boy who is loyal to his research."

"Of course, I just pulled out a few of his teeth, and I don't even need to live in the hospital"

"Thank you for your kindness." The Duke of Sutherland's tone was polite, and it didn't sound like sarcasm at all. After a pause, he asked again, "Then what made you show your kindness again? Lun's people?"

The clown Sith smiled "hehe" and asked in a low voice, "Will you kill someone who can help you take the blame? What's more, he's a member of Tai Chi Dragon"

"So it was him... that Chinese boy who forcibly detonated the poison gas?"


"Oh! Then we should really thank the Chinese people for their generosity! There is no better Christmas gift than this! We have to thank that child named Sai Lun, whose stupidity and impulsiveness will become our deadly weapon against the Tai Chi Dragon." Sa Seran's tone changed from brisk to regretful, "Young Chosen One thinks that he can become a hero, but he doesn't know that in reality there are no heroes, only sacrifices, and heroes are their own gravediggers."

"Stupid? Hero?" The clown Sith shook his head while shaking his index finger, "Your Excellency, the so-called gentleman character of you Englishmen is nothing but hypocritical straightforwardness, and I see a kind of arrogance that goes deep into your bones. "

"Thank you for your affirmation." The Duke of Sutherland said indifferently, "Being criticized by you is definitely something I can boast about."

"You will die of arrogance!" whispered Sith the Clown.

"Before that, let's deal with the French commander--Mr. Michel." The Duke of Sutherland stopped. At this moment, they had arrived at the second carriage of the hit car. The situation here was very normal, not only The carriage did not derail, and the body of the car was basically undamaged, only some glass was broken.The pieces of glass fell to the ground, reflecting a faint blue light, like the waves of the sea at night.

And not far in front of the front of the train stands a pure blue light curtain, only the highest-level energy shield can emit such pure light.This light illuminated the entire culvert, and the neat rows of explosion-proof shields behind the light curtain and the Ouyu soldiers wearing exoskeletons were fully illuminated, and they sealed the entire culvert tightly.

Right in the middle of the crowd, a man in a suit and a gas mask was particularly eye-catching, holding a black lockbox.

"The exciting moment is here!" The clown Sith said softly, he stepped on the rails and walked forward, as if he didn't care about the guns pointing in their direction.

"You just passed by like this?" the Duke of Sutherland asked in surprise.

The clown Sith said without looking back: "Just like you don't want me to die, Michelle also hopes to catch a living me so that she can keep her position."

The Duke of Sutherland didn't say any more, and made a gesture to ask his men to find a place to hide near the front of the car.

And the clown Sith went all the way to the open space between the front of the car and Ouyu's position, facing the blue light curtain and countless deadly black holes alone.He didn't even hold any weapons. He stood in front of the front of the car and clasped his hands into tubes. He looked in the direction of Commander Michel as if holding a telescope, and at the same time laughed brazenly: "You Frenchmen are really Good at running, it took me so long to find it.”

There was some commotion in the crowd, Michel rolled his throat, and had to take a few steps forward, but he still didn't dare to stand in the front, stopped behind two rows of Ouyu guards, and responded loudly: "The clown Xi Si, you didn't expect that you would throw yourself into a trap! Just wait for the ruthless trial!"

"Hey! Your Excellency the Grand Commander" the clown Sith put down his hands, put his hands on his hips, leaned forward and said, "Do you know what the true meaning of comedy is? It is to make people laugh?" The clown Sith straightened up and waved his index finger , "No, it's not just funny, but" he waved his index finger and twirled at the temple, "to make people think. Think about who is the real clown. Is it the dead general Philip? Is it the innocent poor People? Are these loyal Ouyu guards? Or are they fleeing everywhere with God's genes."

"Bastard! I don't know what nonsense you are talking about! You crazy!" Michelle yelled angrily.

The clown Sith raised his hands and shook his hands a few times, and said in a panic: "No, don't be angry! Because when you are angry, you will use your full strength, and others will know your true strength! So no matter when, where. "He pointed to the void with his index finger, "Keep smiling"

"You madman! You executioner! You're going to hell! Just put on a show, and you'll know later what regret is."

"Mr. Michelle, these two lines of yours are really terrible. I haven't heard anything such as confidence, courage, and strength other than the sense of powerlessness. You are full of fear. Don't let it go easily. People can hear that you are afraid, and when they know it, they will be even more unscrupulous. Hahahaha" After speaking, the clown Sith laughed uncontrollably.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Commander Michelle turned his head and looked at the commander next to him and shouted, "Kill him!"

"Commander, didn't you just say that you would catch him alive after Captain Luert came?"

"Kill him! Kill him now!" Commander Michel said through gritted teeth.

"The protective cover will reduce the kinetic energy of the bullet!" The commander whispered while holding the gun.

"Won't you go out and fight them?" Michelle pointed at the clown Sith, "there are more than ten of them in total."

"They have electromagnetic guns! If we go out, we will die." The commander said angrily.

Michelle gasped and said, "Waste! A bunch of useless waste! Then shoot through the protective shield."

The commander waved his hand helplessly, red tongues of flame sprayed out from countless black muzzles, and densely packed bullets passed through the blue barrier like water waves, arousing countless ripples on the surface of the protective cover.

"I just like an idiot like you!" The clown Sith smiled ghostly, and pulled out Oceanus from the void—the sword of the water bearer. Against the rain of bullets, he vigorously directed the water bearer towards a Throw the tube where the machine gun is firing.The water bearer turned into a blue streamer in the yellow-green poisonous mist, passing through some red bullet marks, and inserted straight into the place where the blue shield was hit by a black hole from the machine gun.

The electric current of "呵,呵,呵" rang a few times, and the blue barrier disappeared in the culvert like seawater at low tide.Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen blue electric lights rushed towards the Ouyu guards from the direction of the front of the car. Without the energy shield, the explosion-proof shield could not stop the electromagnetic gun, and there were explosions everywhere. Every Ouyu soldier wearing an exoskeleton was like It was a large bomb, rain of blood and flesh splattered in the culvert, and miserable cries resounded throughout the culvert.

Suddenly the whole culvert became a hell.

When Commander Michel saw that the energy shield disappeared, he immediately turned around and ran away.At this time, he was already out of the scope of the explosion, and his personal guards hesitated for a while, and dropped the Ou Yu guards who were resisting in front, and slipped away.

The clown Sith slowly walked towards the water holder who fell on the ground. He bent down and casually picked up the long sword emitting blue light, took a sword flower, and carried the water holder on his shoulders. On the ground, facing the sporadic bullets that have changed, they are chasing after Commander Michel step by step.

Sith the Clown licked his lips and stared at Michelle who was running wildly, and said in a low voice, "I'm so excited. I'll get a fun toy soon!"


The robot dog can't effectively avoid those debris, and it will make a noise when it steps on the glass and car fragments. Fortunately, the gunshots in the culvert are loud enough to completely cover the sound of Cheng Mo and the others.No one noticed that they were moving towards the two sides that were at war.

When he got to the third carriage, Cheng Mo could see the clown Sith standing in front of the blue light curtain from a distance, and he said softly, "Stop!"

Everyone stopped and looked at him. Cheng Mo looked around and said softly, "The other party has an electromagnetic gun. We can't rush forward like this. We have to wait for them to fight. We have to grab it with a dagger from behind." Otherwise, there is no chance of winning.”

Everyone nodded, Gu Feifei asked anxiously: "Then I can't go?"

"Me, Du Leng and Fu Yuanzhuo are going. The others will stay behind and wait for my notice." Cheng Mo took off the submachine gun hanging on his body, hung it on the tail of the mechanical dog, and then He removed some remaining exoskeleton parts from his body, then turned to look at Du Leng and Fu Yuanzhuo and said, "You and Fu Yuanzhuo just follow behind and cover me with assault rifles."

Fu Yuanzhuo and Du Leng nodded, and Cheng Mo walked onto the train from the back door of the third car. The front cars of the hit train were basically intact. The fourth car was off the track, but it was not inclined. As for the third car, except Aside from the shattered glass windows, it looked almost undamaged.

Cheng Mo walked forward along the aisle of the carriage, there was no light inside, only a faint poisonous mist permeated the air.Cheng Mo stepped lightly, and carefully distinguished from all the subtle sounds whether there was the enemy's breathing. Fortunately, the gunshots had stopped at this time, and only the hoarse and strange voice of the clown Sith echoed in the distance, allowing him to use the enhanced Through the listening to catch the other party's movements.

When he got to the No. [-] car, he finally heard the sound of conversation at the front of the car. Cheng Mo hurriedly stopped, hid at the junction of the No. [-] car and the No. [-] car, and waved his hands backwards, motioning for Fu Yuanzhuo and Du Leng also stopped and remained silent.

The three of them lurked in the darkness one by one and waited quietly. Cheng Mo closed his eyes and maximized his senses, using the sound to roughly lock the position of the other party.

I don't know how long it took, and finally there was a violent gunshot in front of him.Cheng Mo immediately opened his eyes, made a gesture of cover for Yuan Zhuo and Du Leng, then walked out of the joint between the No. There were two people at the junction of the No. car, three in the front of the car, and a few more under the train, he couldn't tell.

Cheng Mo is not worried about whether he can deal with five people with his bare hands. He has the "Seven Sins". At first, he didn't use it because he didn't want others to know that he had a magic weapon; Unable to obtain energy, he can only rely on limited energy use, and he must keep the good news on the edge of the knife.

Now there are no worries about these two aspects. The chosen system will be recharged immediately after restarting the system. There is no need to worry about the remaining energy of the Seven Sins. Fu Yuanzhuo and Du Leng are also behind, so they must not be able to see the process.

Amidst the fierce gunshots, Cheng Mo walked to the exit of the No. [-] carriage. He leaned against the wall panel for a while, held his breath, and once again confirmed the enemy's position with the help of his voice, took a deep breath silently, and directly bowed his body Rushing into the connection between the No. [-] car and the front of the car, the "Seven Sins" shot from his hand towards the sides of the car, and saw a white light almost as wide as the corridor directly penetrated the waists of the two terrorists who were caught off guard, and killed them. The two people were severed at the waist, and as their bodies slid down, blood sprayed like a fountain, and scarlet blood spots were all over the junction of the entire carriage.

In the rain of blood, Cheng Mo swung the radiant and restrained Seven Sins and opened the narrow door to enter the cab. The moment Mo Kick fell, the people inside also turned their heads, but before they had time to shoot, an unimaginable soft white light flashed across his neck.

The man fell backwards. At this time, his head did not leave his neck completely, and there was still a bit of flesh attached to his head. When it hit the back of the seat directly, that bit of flesh was completely torn off. The head hit the floor with a muffled sound, and blood sprayed on the ceiling and the shattered windshield like a water gun.

Cheng Mo's vision was blurred.

The other two people immediately turned around and shot. Before Cheng Mo came in, he had already figured out how to deal with it. The moment the blue lightning shot out from the muzzle of the gun, he fell to the ground abruptly, and just passed the man in the middle. The bifurcation becomes a "T" character, like an arrow, it instantly shoots through the heads of two people who have nowhere to hide on the left and right
Immediately, a mass of red, white and mixed brains covered the entire side panel of the cab.

Cheng Mo is really born to kill embryos. It is difficult for ordinary people to be cruel to enemies who are also human without a long period of practice. Without a process of adaptation, they will almost subconsciously avoid the opponent's vital points and try to cause less damage to the opponent. .But Cheng Mo belongs to the kind of person who has made a decision and will definitely implement it in place. There is no such thing as soft heart or hesitation.

"Come here!" Cheng Mo yelled, put away the Seven Sins, climbed into the bloody cab, picked up the electromagnetic gun that fell on the floor, hid behind the seat and aimed at the entrance of the cab.

The headless corpse in front of him was still bleeding, Cheng Mo turned a blind eye, staring at the entrance of the cab, listening to the surrounding movement.

When Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei ran over, Cheng Mo heard a sound at his feet. He lowered his head and glanced at it. It seemed to be the faint sound coming from the earphones of the helmet on his head. He put the heavy electromagnetic gun Put it on the chair, pull the trigger with your left hand, touch it twice with your right hand, grab the strap of the mask, lift the head up, listen to the conversation close to the earphone, and confirm that the other party has given up on rescuing the teammate on the front of the car, and chase Following the French commander, he went deep into the culvert.

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhuo and Du Leng also rushed to the front of the car. They saw Cheng Mo squatting behind a headless corpse, holding his head against his helmet and listening to something. They were dumbfounded.

Fu Yuanzhuo couldn't bear to watch, and closed his eyes subconsciously. Du Leng didn't hide, but he rolled his throat and was speechless for a while.

Cheng Mo took the helmet off the man's head, then took out the earphones, as if nothing had happened, he threw the dead white man's head aside, stood up and said, "Take the electromagnetic gun, let's go."

"Oh!" Fu Yuanzhuo quickly opened his eyes. He still didn't dare to look inside the cab, so he immediately turned around and picked up an electromagnetic gun at the connection, only to see another corpse that had been split into two, and he was frightened. Trembling, Fei also escaped from the subway.

On the contrary, Du Leng observed the smooth wounds of these dead people, squinted his eyes, and then took an electromagnetic gun handed over by Cheng Mo, and picked up another electromagnetic gun at the connection before getting out of the car.

Cheng Mo didn't care about the blood all over his body, and checked the wrists of the three people in the driver's cab. When he didn't find Uroboros, he got out of the car with two electromagnetic guns and said in a low voice, "Catch up. This is our last chance." Now, after 10 minutes, no matter whether you kill the clown Sith or not, you must leave."

Everyone nodded with their guns in hand.

At this time, a total of five electromagnetic guns were obtained, but there were six of them. Right now, Cheng Mo still has one more electromagnetic gun that has not been assigned. The ones without guns are Zhu Lingqi, whose right hand was injured, and Guan Bojun, who dared not kill anyone.

Cheng Mo looked at Zhu Lingqi and Guan Bojun who were at the end, and Zhu Lingqi immediately said, "I can still shoot with one hand."

Cheng Mo shook his head, handed the electromagnetic gun to Guan Bojun who was standing behind Zhu Lingqi, and said, "Don't think too much, your courage has been proven, now is the time to become a hero." Walk deep into the culvert.

Guan Bojun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Cheng Mo to hand over the weapon to him without hesitation, and Cheng Mo, who has always been serious and merciless, didn't even ask for it, but expressed his trust, which made Guan Bojun feel A complex emotion is flowing.He looked at Cheng Mo's blood-stained back, silently clenched his gun, and followed Cheng Mo's pace.

(End of this chapter)

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