Rebel Demon King

Chapter 947 see you again (6)

Chapter 947 see you again (6)
Clown Sith held a shotgun in his right hand, and dragged a man in a white research uniform with his left hand to the door of a biochemical laboratory marked with the number "0". He looked down at the dying handsome man, and said sincerely: "It's time for you to play again, baby! Take the opportunity to perform well."

As the clown Sith said, he lifted the man's right hand and pressed his bloody index finger on the electronic lock, and a soft and pure French accent sounded from the speaker: "Please verify the iris."

Clown Sith poked the man's head with a shotgun: "Hey! Mr. Black Prince, please open your eyes!" Then he grabbed the man's collar and lifted him up, bringing the man's face to the scanner in front of.A red light swept across the mask, and the electronic lock issued a "dip, beep, beep" error sound: "The iris was not detected correctly, please re-enter the fingerprint."

The clown Sith said angrily: "These bloody high-tech are simply insulting people's IQ!" He pushed the man away, raised the shotgun, aimed at the electronic lock and pulled the trigger, and there was a "bang" There was a loud noise, white smoke came out of the electronic lock, and the LCD panel was dented.

"There is no safety in this world." Clown Sith pushed the door open with a "Dragon Eye" shotgun, and a ray of light shone through the dark corridor, like light from another world.The clown Sith blocked the light, but after stepping in, he seemed to remember something, turned around and bent down, and brought in the man who collapsed at the door.

He said to himself, "I almost forgot about you."

The lights in the room are bright, and if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of the diesel generator running.The clown Sith looked around, wardrobe, protective clothing, and sink. This is a standard sterile laboratory changing room.He walked to the middle and looked through the thick observation glass. On the other side was the second dressing room.Clown Sith looked at the closet and the precautions posted on the wall, smacked his mouth, put the shotgun on the table, turned on the faucet to wash his blood-stained hands, and then casually wiped his pants , then picked up the shotgun, and dragged the man in white to the second locker room.

The moment the door was opened, a burst of white gas gushed out from the top of his head. Although the clown Sith wore a mask and couldn't smell the smell of hydrogen peroxide, he still raised his shotgun and waved his hand to blow away the white gas.

After passing through the second dressing room, I entered a not-so-big laboratory. In the middle stood a cylindrical petri dish surrounded by electronic equipment. There was an embryo in the green culture solution. Something like that is floating.The long table against the wall is full of various things in a mess, such as conventional instruments such as observation and analysis microscopes, electrophoresis instruments, as well as some prickly pear green plants, animal skulls and messy magazines.

At this moment, a man in a white protective suit was sitting at a desk and working on a computer.

The clown Sith put down the man in his hand, first observed the embryos in the petri dish with interest for a while, then went to the desk and flipped through the magazines on the table, then dragged a computer chair to the middle of the room, bowed Said loudly: "nice to see you again, Carolina (Carona)."

The man in the chemical protective suit didn't look back, but said in German: "Lange nicht gesehen, Sith." (Long time no see, Sith)
The clown Sith held the barrel of the longan shotgun with one hand, covered the hole with the other hand, and put the long shotgun between his legs as a crutch. He said with a smile: "It seems that it has been almost 30 years. !"

Hearing that Sith had switched to German, the man called Carona by the clown Sith put down his pen, closed the notebook on the table, and turned his head. Under the mask of the chemical protective suit was a pair of tired and deep eyes. Blue eyes, just fine lines around the eyes.He first looked at the clown Sith, then at the man in white who fell on the ground, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "No, it's 31 years and 47 days."

Clown Sith shrugged his shoulders: "Really? I didn't expect the Berlin Wall to fall for so many years."

"The visible wall has fallen, but the invisible wall has not yet fallen." Carona said softly.

"Don't be so deep." Clown Sith spread his hands, "It makes me feel a little bit sad."

"Sad?" Carona laughed, "It's too dark humor coming out of your mouth."

"Isn't black humor the highest level of humor? This is really a perfect compliment." The clown Sith's tone rose, "Just like our lives."

Carona was silent for a while, and said sadly: "I really didn't expect you to become like this."

"It really makes me sad that you would say such a thing." Clown Sith's tone also became low, "I thought you could understand me, Carona."

Carona stood up from the chair suddenly, and he said angrily: "No, I can't understand! You changed after you came out of the (Kaiser William) orphanage. I really didn't expect you to discredit the orphanage. In the past, he nurtured and taught each of us like a loving father. If it weren't for him, we would not be alive today."

Hearing Carona mention the "Dean" clown Sith fell into an indescribable state, he sat on the chair and trembled like sifting chaff, and only after a while did he cover his mask and let out a strange smile of "heh, heh, heh". , the laughter was like a leak squeezed from his throat, after laughing, he looked at Carona and whispered: "Oh~! Smear... Haven't you been excluded, ridiculed by others as no Parents' sodium piglet? You recall now, what did he ever do, just give cheap lip service to us when we were abused and bullied"

"But the dean, and those teachers did not conduct inhuman experiments on us! You are lying! You are slandering those who have taught and protected you!"

"Oh! Dear Carona! I'm just exaggerating a little bit, aren't we screened into the orphanage? Haven't we gone through countless physical tests? Haven't we been deliberately trained to be energy receivers? This You've been through it too."

"But we have not been abused! We have not been treated as guinea pigs locked in a cage! Especially the dean, he is a good man!"

"Yes, the dean is a good man, I know."

Carona sneered and looked at Sith the Clown with contempt.

"But you don't know that the dean asked me to say that to the West Germans. He told me that the West Germans didn't like to hear this, that they didn't expect the Kaiser Williams Club Orphanage to be a gifted or psychic control They hope that this is an evil, hidden, inhuman orphan concentration camp for the orphans of the source of life project. Everything is just like what the dean said, that's what the West Germans like to hear. They hope that we are just "the source of life" Victims of the "source" plan, they hope that East Germany will use us as test subjects to carry out inhuman experiments on us in order to study the "chosen ones". They hope that we will experience miserable lives in East Germany, so that they can be satisfied and use We use it as propaganda to warn other 'stalkers' not to trust the Soviets let alone the 'Sunflower Banner', they will treat us kindly only if they say what they want to hear." The clown Sith shrugged his shoulders, "You want to see Look, if I hadn't been giving those lyrical speeches about how evil East Germany and the Kaiser Wilhelm club were, would they have given us a good life? Would they have modeled us and given us the chance to go to a higher education institution ?They just make us workers and stuff us like piggies in factories! Seriously, you have to thank me"

Clown Sith's hoarse and eerie voice wafted in the laboratory, like the cold wind over the cemetery.

Carona was shocked at first, then fell silent.

"Look at the other people in the orphanage? They once rejoiced at the fall of the Berlin Wall, but what have they gained now? As you said, the Berlin Wall that surrounded you fell, but the wall in your heart did not fall. For the proletariat As far as the class is concerned, it's just changing from a uniformly distributed fence to a different fence that you have worked hard to buy, and it's called marketization! It's just adding various additives to the uniform feeding feed, and on the surface let your own Choose what to eat, but keep using ads to make you look like they want! They use money to lock people in concrete fences, and use junk food cheap sugar water to feed people's brains."

"No, not everyone is like this, people have the freedom to choose!"

"Hahahaha!" The clown Sith laughed wildly. He grabbed the shotgun and leaned back and forth on the chair laughing, "Carona, you are still so naive. Do you think you jumped out of the fence when you became the Chosen One? Dreamed about it! I said what the big West Germans like to hear, and the worse I told about my experience, the more I gained. It is true. But they soon got tired of it and put I was forgotten in the corner as a clown. I thought, it’s okay. Free competition is good, I study hard, and I regain the stage with my strength. You must not think how hard I worked, and you can’t imagine how close I am to success. I once thought that With my wisdom, I was successfully promoted to a member of the upper class. I finally got rid of the identity of a clown. I learned etiquette, exercised proper manners, mastered elegant conversation, and tried to integrate into the upper class. But every time you go to a party, you know they How will they introduce me? Time and time again, they take the trouble to say that I am from the Kaiser Wilhelm Club in East Germany, and then everyone starts to pity my origin and lament how difficult it is for me to walk to this luxurious palace! Behind his back, he contemptuously said that the East German experimental pig also wanted to become a nobleman?"

"At that moment, I realized that I could only be what they wanted, and not other things. I called it a class." The clown Sith paused, and he looked into Carona's lifeless eyes , said: "Remember that Demeier who taught us literature? The day the Berlin Wall fell, he was the first to rush in and tell us 'the Berlin Wall fell', and Germany was free again, and he took us out To participate in the parade on the street, shouting 'We are the people'. Two years ago, right-wing rallies, he took to the streets again, still shouting the old slogan 'We are the people'. After gaining 'freedom', they began to miss In the past, cheap housing, free medical care and free education, the curse of capital has wiped out humanity, and the only thing left is rampant materialism and endless extraction.”

"There is no perfect system in the world." Carona whispered, "No."

"Yes, Carona. Chaos and disorder are the perfect system. I will save the world in my own way, and open people's fences."

"It's ridiculous. You're just trying to find an excuse for your massacre."

"Do I need to find an excuse?" The clown Sith looked up at the sky, pretending to be thinking, "I just hate this pig farm-like world, which is stinky and dull, and I also hate you group of chosen ones who are always on top Herdsmen, you do nothing but maintain the rule. So, what is the meaning of the Chosen One to human beings? It is just a slaughtering tool made of money."

Carona sneered, "Aren't you also the chosen one?"

"Yeah! Me too, so I especially need the 'God Gene' to subvert the rule of the Chosen One."

Carona shook his head and said, "You are so fantastic."

"Really? Before Christmas, don't you think it's fantastic to kill General Philip?" The clown Sith's tone was sharp, and the sarcasm in it was palpable. pleasure?"

Carona was speechless, and after a while, he looked at the man lying at the feet of the clown Sith and said with a sigh: "Leave Grosvenor alone! He and I are just ordinary researchers. I don't even know where the God gene is!"

Clown Sith smiled: "Normal? Carona, you don't think I've chatted with you so much just to ask you where the god gene is?"

"Then what do you want? I have nothing to give you!"

"Carona, we all had the experience of intercepting energy from quantum satellites when we were young. I know that you must have a deeper understanding of the 'God Gene' than others, so you must have research results. If you can really unlock the 'God Gene' The Mystery of Genes Maybe I can turn the world upside down without killing so many people!"

Carona rolled his throat and said: "All the research data are in the database, and now the data center has been disconnected, and there is no way to extract it."

The clown Sith was about to speak, when the mobile phone in his pocket rang, he took out the mobile phone to take a look, then shook the mobile phone in front of Carona, chuckled and said: "Look at our lovely Mi Commander Xieer wants to escape with the 'God gene'. I can't agree to that."

Karona glanced at Sith the Clown's old Nokia phone, but said nothing.

Clown Sith stood up, put his phone in his pocket, picked up the longan shotgun, and said in a joking tone: "Carona, you should be a little confident, how could data be more important than you and your students?"

Carona stared at the shotgun in the hands of the clown Sith and said in a deep voice: "I will not agree to you, even if you kill me, I will not go with you."

"You will." The clown Sith turned and walked towards the door, he said without looking back, "Anyway, you have already betrayed Ou Yu three years ago! If it wasn't for your help, the Huaxia people wouldn't be able to steal it." God gene', now that Ou Yu's last 'God gene' can't be kept, what are you still doing here?"

Hearing the clown Sith utter the secret hidden in his heart, Carona trembled all over.Even the black prince Grosvenor, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, opened his eyes in surprise.

Carona looked at the back of the clown Sith in horror and said, "How do you know?"

The clown Sith walked to the door and opened the heavy isolation door. He stopped for a while, raised his left hand and drew a smiling lip on the mask: "Are you still angry because I slandered the dean? It looks like you I don't know him better than I do."

Carona fell to his knees, propping his hands weakly on the white marble floor, and asked tremblingly, "Where are you taking me?"

"Garden of Eden (Black Death headquarters)." The clown Sith raised the longan shotgun in his hand and waved it, whispering, "see you again!"


(BGM——"Tou Ming Zhang" GAI/Da Sha/Sheng Yu)

Guan Bojun dragged the computer chair and ran wildly in the corridor. He shouted in horror: "We are surrounded!"

"MD, I'm not blind, I can see it." Gu Feihua grabbed the bulletproof shield and stretched out the submachine gun from the movable hole in the middle of the shield to shoot. Unfortunately, the stability of the computer chair is too bad, and the accuracy of the submachine gun Even if he is not high, even though Gu Feifei has always been a good marksman, in this case, he couldn't hit the enemy's mask.

Fortunately, with the explosion-proof shield and exoskeleton, as long as the grenade is not hit, there will be no major problems.But safety also means poor maneuverability. Right now, Gu Feifei and Guan Bojun have not been able to escape the siege and interception of Ouyu's guards.

At this moment, the two of them were on the verge of desperation. They were forced into a long corridor without forks by Ou Yu's pursuers. It was only a matter of time before they were blocked inside. You said you should hide on the first floor, don’t come down, you still have to come down! What a shitty moving fortress”

"Fuck! Are you blaming me? If it wasn't for you not following Nuwa's instructions and going the wrong way, what would have happened?" Gu Feihua angrily scolded while shooting at the entrance of the corridor.

"I" Guan Bojun knew that he couldn't shirk the responsibility of going the wrong way, and argued softly, "In the final analysis, it's not because you want to come down here!"

"Are you so fucking arrogant? Are you going to be scared if you want to kill people? Take a gun and shoot!" Gu Feifei reluctantly moved the computer chair, revealing Guan Bojun who was hiding behind.

Guan Bojun was startled when he found out that the "bunker" had run away. He sat down on the ground and scrambled to hide behind the computer chair. Seeing the enemy blocking the entrance of the corridor, Guan Bojun also knew that he could not avoid it. , he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, lay down on his stomach, stretched out the submachine gun from under the chair in a hurry, and stammered at the same time: "Don't move around, I'm right in your crotch, under... output .”

"Save some bullets. You aim at their feet. Shoes are not bulletproof." Gu Feifei ignored Guan Bojun's nonsense and shot towards the entrance of the corridor. There were people ambushing on both sides. He was already overwhelmed. There is no way to catch them for the time being, but sooner or later, the bullets will run out, and when the person with the explosion-proof shield rushes over, they will have nothing to do but capture them.

Guan Bojun let out an "oh", and lay down on the ground to look around for a long time, but he didn't see anyone showing up. When he was feeling uneasy, he saw a group of people with explosion-proof shields coming from the corridor in the distance in the night vision device.Guan Bojun screamed: "What should we do now? Just now, Fu Yuanzhuo and Zhu Lingqi were catching a turtle in the urn. Are we closing the door and beating dogs?"

"Fuck, you fucking like being a dog so much! Just be a dog in your next life!" Gu Feihua said angrily.

"Where are you Du Leng? Come and save us!" Guan Bojun called out anxiously.

Du Leng said in a deep voice: "You have to persevere, there are people guarding the key positions, and they are going around!"

"Persist? If you still insist, you can only collect the corpse for us!" Guan Bojun said with tears.

Gu Feifei said lightly: "It's okay, we can still persist! You give priority to ensuring your own safety, and you don't have to come here if you have no other choice!"

Guan Bojun shuddered and said loudly, "How can I do that?"

"Don't you think the gourd babies should save grandpa, send them off one by one, and let everyone die together?" Gu Feifei said coldly.

"It's not a matter of sending them off one by one. We are a team. It is impossible to give up on you. Fu Yuanzhuo and I will be arriving soon!" Du Leng said solemnly.

"I knew President Du could rely on him!" Guan Bojun said gratefully.

Du Leng smiled wryly and said, "Don't mention the president? Now that I think about it, it's a bit childish."

"It's quite naive." Gu Feifei said.

Even though Gu Feihua was also laughing at himself, his tone was a bit sarcasm, it sounded like a sarcasm.

However, Gu Feifei immediately realized something was wrong from the silent team channel, and explained: "I'm not just talking about you! Du Leng. Although the two of us usually don't deal with each other very much, your performance today is pretty good. Let me It's a little surprising."

Du Leng said indifferently: "I'll take it as a compliment for you."

"Hey! It's important to save your life! At this time, don't do any 'the plot is not enough, and the memory is just a drama' for the sake of sensationalism. We need to reconcile and wait until we are rescued. Otherwise, our entire team can only be in a different place. Worlds meet!" Guan Bojun shouted eagerly.

Fu Yuanzhuo couldn't help admiring: "Brother Guan, I really admire your courage. Whenever we are in danger, your complaints always make me forget that we are now in a desperate situation!"

Guan Bojun did not respond to Ying Yuanzhuo, because he had no time to respond, and the Ouyu guard holding a shield came to the entrance of the corridor at this time.

Guan Bojun begged: "How about we surrender?"

"Surrender? Do you know what it means to kill yourself? My mind is full of William Wallace shouting 'freedom' in front of the guillotine!"

"'Freedom' you banana peel? Now we are the ones who kill and poison people in other people's hometowns. Are you still 'free'? William Wallace's coffin can't be covered!"

Ou Yu's guards quickly set up the shield wall, the corridor is not spacious, just enough for three shields horizontally, making one wonder if the shields are tailor-made according to the size.A set of shield walls was not enough, Ou Yu's guards "bang, bang, bang", and quickly set up another shield wall on the first layer of shield walls, covering the small half of the corridor, with a posture that water can't get in .

Gu Feifei scolded "Fuck" and yelled angrily while firing the gun: "Then Yue Fei will be fine, 'Aspirations eat the meat of the barbarians hungry, laughing and talking about drinking the blood of the Huns thirsty'."

Seeing that it was only a matter of time before he was captured, Guan Bojun yelled with tears streaming down his face: "Shit! Gu Feifei!" While shouting, he closed his eyes and shot indiscriminately forward. Pointless.

"Shit! Gu Feifan!"

"Shit! Gu Feifan!"

"Shit! Gu Feifan!"

Guan Bojun's hoarse shout echoed in the corridor, which was more shocking than "freedom" and more majestic than "Manjianghong".Coupled with the endless gunfire, it is full of explosive power.

Guan Bojun's cry mixed with crying is so touching, it seems that Gu Feifei's motivation to shoot is to eat shit.

But when the bullets were finished, Guan Bojun felt something was wrong when he fumbled for the clip with teary eyes, as if he was the only voice in the whole corridor.There was no other sound, neither the sound of gunfire nor the sound of bullets hitting the explosion-proof shield, as if he was the only one shooting in nothingness in the entire dark corridor.

Guan Bojun opened his eyes in shock, and there was no one in front of him, just like those Ouyu guards holding shields just appeared in a dream.He subconsciously let go of the hand that pulled the trigger, stopped crying and shouting, and opened his mouth wide in astonishment. He dropped the gun, touched his body vigorously, and said inconceivably, "I'm not dead, am I?" ?”

Gu Feifei on the computer chair sneered, "That's right! Guan Bojun, how dare you call me shit? You're not dead yet, but you'll be dead later."

Guan Bojun pretended to be deaf and dumb and changed the subject: "Ah? Why are those guards missing?"

"I don't know why those guards left, but I know you will die a miserable death!" Gu Feifei sneered.

At this moment, Du Leng and Fu Yuanzhuo also rushed to the entrance of the corridor.

Holding the gun, Du Leng glanced at the corridor full of bullet casings and bullets, and asked suspiciously: "What's going on, where's the person?"

"That's right! Where's the person? Probably my protagonist's halo has manifested!" Guan Bojun stood up tremblingly, ignoring Gu Feifan's fatal threat, and changed the subject firmly.

"Protagonist? You are not qualified to be a villain with your strength, and you will definitely not survive the first three episodes!" Gu Feifei sneered.

Guan Bojun snorted, and murmured, "The domineering president is amazing! All the skill points are pretentious, and the IQ is not enough!"

Gu Feifei turned his head to look at Guan Bojun, threw down the explosion-proof shield and squeezed his knuckles, and sneered at Guan Bojun, "What did you say?"

Guan Bojun was about to speak, when Cheng Mo's voice sounded in the team channel: "Everyone come to the subway platform on the fourth floor to gather immediately."

Guan Bojun exclaimed in surprise: "Cheng Mo? Can we leave?"

"Yes! You can leave now." Cheng Mo whispered.

Guan Bojun wept with joy, grabbed Gu Feifan's hand and said, "I just said that it's great to be alive."


Cheng Mo mingled among a group of Ouyu guards and came to the fourth floor. Through the glass door, he could see a large number of Ouyu guards gathering on the platform.The train with the blue "E·S·A" was on and was waiting silently on the dark platform. Ou Yu's guards, dressed in exoskeletons and holding various firearms, stepped into the train in an orderly manner.

Cheng Mo, who was at the end of the line, took a chance when entering the automatic door, and hid in the darkness on the side of the door.In order to facilitate the actions of Cheng Mo and others, Nu Wa only turned on the minimum lights.He quietly walked towards the toilet, walked to the door of the women's bathroom in three steps, and then opened the door to enter.

There was no light in the bathroom, and what greeted him were three beams of infrared crosshairs aimed at his heart.Cheng Mo looked down, although he didn't see anyone, and there were only three red dots, but Cheng Mo was sure that everyone was here, he didn't even raise his hand, and said calmly: "Come out!"

"I said I can't scare Cheng Mo." Fu Yuanzhuo smiled "hehe" and stood up from the side of the sink.

"Nuwa must have notified him in advance!" Gu Feifei said with a cold snort.

"I think so too." Guan Bojun also jumped out and quickly echoed, "If you hadn't prepared in advance, how could you not hide for a while! That's a human conditioned reflex, okay?"

"Don't wrong me, I didn't tell Cheng Mo!" Nuwa said in the angry and cute voice in the anime.

Guan Bojun waved his hand and said, "Cut! Nuwa is the most eccentric. She is really not a qualified artificial intelligence!"

"You guys are stupid, aiming at Cheng Mo's chest, of course he knew it was you, so he didn't even throw the grenade! You were going to aim at Cheng Mo's mask just now, and he probably just threw it away. Now everyone is really Let’s shit together here! You people are still too young.” Nuwa said triumphantly.

The crowd was speechless.

Cheng Mo had already seen that Zhu Lingqi and Gu Feifan, the two most powerful fighters, had lost their combat effectiveness. He frowned, looked up at his watch, and said seriously: "Stop talking nonsense, time is running out." He put Put the backpack on your back on the sink, "Give me some filter elements, and I'll give you some ammunition. Now you leave the underground bunker from the first floor and go to Le Bourget Airport under Nuwa's command."

"Ah? What about you?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked in surprise.

"I'm going to kill Sith the clown." Cheng Mo's tone was calm, and he continued after a short pause, "Just now Nuwa entered the data center and found out that the French commander Michel was carrying the 'God gene' four or ten minutes ago. and the 'Nuclear Button' took the subway to leave the Ouyu headquarters, but they didn't make it to the Ouyu office building. There is no doubt that they were trapped in the culvert where I blew up. The clown Sith will definitely Go there, so just now I asked Nuwa to use the order of the French Grand Commander to let the Ouyu guards who can move immediately rush to the accident site."

"Cranes and clams fight, fisherman wins! It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we have the opportunity to kill the clown Sith!" Gu Feifei exclaimed excitedly.

Cheng Mo glanced at Gu Feifei who was sitting on the computer chair and said lightly: "It's me, not us. You have to leave now!"

"Why?" Gu Feifei asked dissatisfiedly.

"I still need to ask why? You can go like this?" Guan Bojun blinked and said loudly.

"Zhu Lingqi can't fire the gun, he really can't go, I'm just a minor injury, a minor injury can't go through the line of fire!" Gu Feihua stood up stubbornly, leaning on the armrest of the computer chair, and beads of sweat dripped from his face. The forehead rolled down along the cheeks, and a faint mist rose from the mask.

"Brother, don't play to death!" Guan Bojun said bitterly.

Gu Feifei supported the computer chair, resisted the pain in his legs, and said in a trembling voice: "It turns out that I am the chosen one. If you don't kill the clown Sith, I am"

Cheng Mo raised his hand and pushed gently, Gu Feifei sat back on the chair involuntarily.

Gu Feifei cursed "Fuck" and tried to stand up again.

Cheng Mo pressed Gu Feihua's shoulder and said lightly: "All the data from the Ouyu Data Center is being sent to China, we have completed the task of epic difficulty, we can become heroes regardless of whether we kill the clown Sith or not. I'm going to take risks now because of Xie Minyun. You really don't want to go in this situation, not to mention that it's useless to go. It only takes 15 minutes to activate the carrier. Your level is still too low. The most important thing is your carrier. There is no teleportation, and there is no way to use the carrier to leave the culvert. So you have to go now. Even if it is me, I am just trying my luck. If I have no chance, I will not do it. I will only find a way to track him. It's just going to be a drag."

Gu Feifei said unwillingly: "But."

Du Leng interrupted Gu Feifei and said, "Don't delay Cheng Mo's time! We will withdraw now!"

Guan Bojun breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Feifei slammed his knee hard, and cursed "TMD" again.

Fu Yuanzhuo silently put half of his filter element in Cheng Mo's pocket, and then zipped up Cheng Mo's backpack. The entire bathroom was silent, only the sound of the zipper sliding tearing the silence.

Fu Yuanzhuo handed the backpack to Cheng Mo and said softly, "Wait for you to come back to the double row. And don't forget what you promised me."

Cheng Mo nodded, without saying anything, took the backpack from Fu Yuanzhuo, turned around and walked towards the door of the bathroom, while the others stood there and stared at Cheng Mo's back.

When the door was opened, a faint light hit Cheng Mo's side face, half of which was shining brightly, and half was hidden in darkness. He stopped for a moment and said, "Thank you." Hands down, and whispered while closing the door, "see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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