Rebel Demon King

Chapter 554 Catfish or Shark?

Chapter 554 Catfish or Shark?

(Two-in-one update, there will be another update before ten o'clock)
Just when Cheng Mo entered the corridor connecting the corner of the maze in the north and the south, he was besieged by a group of soldiers from the Qin Dynasty who jumped off the murals like zombies. the dilemma.

Because Qin Shihuang, who was in the center of the mausoleum, completed his summoning with just a wave of his hand, and the twelve golden men were resurrected with blood and demons in the twelve lightning lights on the eighth floor of the mausoleum.

There is no doubt that Qin Shihuang was just using the twelve golden men to delay time, waiting for the gaseous mercury to fill the entire interior of the tomb.

Seeing this scene, the public screen fell into silence, and seeing that the mission really seemed to be facing failure, the students of Tai Chi Dragon were not really happy, especially when they saw Cheng Mo's performance far surpassing theirs, they were disappointed and envious Yes, there is jealousy, there is admiration, but it is more of a burning urge, the urge to go on the field to fight hard, to complete the kill, to turn the tide.

The young people who enter the Taiji Dragon are all the favored children of heaven. Even if they have the faults of ordinary people, their excellence and pride in their bones will not be easily wiped out.

"I don't want to just watch the customs clearance fail but can't do anything. Even if Zero has some tricks, I don't want to just watch Zero become the savior. I don't believe that there is such a big gap between me and him." The first person to speak was Gu extraordinary.

Gongping went from silence to silence.

"To be honest, I don't want to either. I'm really not reconciled." The second person to speak was Du Leng.

"I don't want to either."

"I don't want to either!"

After one sentence after another of "I don't want to" swiped through the public screen, someone asked, "But what else can we do besides watching?"

"Although most of the mausoleum is already filled with gaseous mercury, if we don't go through the maze after resurrection, if we climb up the corridor, we can basically climb up to the eighth floor in time as long as we die once, but we must remember to set the Resurrect yourself, or you will lose a lot." Gu Feifei said.

"Yes, we don't have to be afraid of being snapped when we reach the upper floor. As long as we keep moving at the entrance of the maze, when Qin Shihuang releases the white ring skill, we won't be snapped if we hide in." Du Leng said.

"Should we do something? Just looking at it like this is meaningless, we still haven't released our big move!" Zhu Lingqi said.

"Yes! Isn't it just a loss of money and experience for resurrection? Isn't our Kanglong team unable to afford to die?"

"Just do it! Don't be cowardly!"

"Even if the mission really fails, you can't lose so foolishly!"

"Then let's resurrect together now. The closest to us is the south corridor. Don't hesitate, hold your breath after resurrecting and rush straight. Remember to reset the nearest resurrection point when you are about to die."

"Wait. What should we do if we encounter a cockroach?" Xu Jiyun asked.

"Yeah? What should I do if I encounter a cricket?"

"I have a solution." At this moment, Du Leng thought of the scene where Cheng Mo pushed Guan Bojun out.


(bgm - "krone" Hiroyuki Sawano)
Cheng Mo, who entered the tunnel, was fighting against a huge sense of numbness, just like when he was extremely sleepy and could fall asleep by closing his eyes, he had to cheer up and fight against sleep.

Standing at the entrance of the corridor, Cheng Mo could clearly feel the numbness that was swallowing his body pouring in from his head, as if he had been injected with anesthetics, gradually losing control over his body.

In a trance, he blinked his eyes, and he could clearly see the shadowless lamp shining white light, the group of doctors wearing masks surrounding him, and the graceful curvature of the sharp edge of the scalpel. the lines
It was poking towards his body with a cold light.

The huge music that was ringing in Cheng Mo's ears is disappearing, and the red boiling blood seems to be cooling down, and the tide is ebbing!
Just let yourself fall asleep like this, and you'll be fine once you wake up.

Cheng Mo thought.

He vaguely heard the sound of the violin, like Teacher Shen's voice, so gentle.

Cheng Mo wanted to close his eyelids, and fell asleep like this. He felt that he was too tired. He seemed to see a blue sky, and he was lying on the sofa, facing the floating clouds, and shouted loudly : "Dad! I can fly now."

"Dad! Daddy!"

This word suddenly exploded in his eardrums like drumbeats, the pitch of the strings was rising, the sound of the violin was rushing, and the impact speed of the drumsticks and drumheads became faster, faster, and faster. It came faster and faster, every stroke was like hitting his heart, and then suddenly solidified
After a brief blank, a deafening French horn sounded from head to toe.

A scorching force rekindled his body and blood that had gradually become cold. Cheng Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and saw countless armored Qin Dynasty soldiers rushing towards him like zombies, and Yu Qilin beside him was spitting out his mouth. With blue electric light, it penetrated his energy shield, which was lit like soap bubbles, and connected to his brain.
Looking at the soldiers rushing over with their weapons, Cheng Mo let out a ferocious "Ah" and mustered all the strength in his body, as if trying to break free from the ropes that bound him, his muscles swelled under his clothes, countless blood vessels protruding from his skin like earthworms
The moment those Qin Dynasty soldiers in armor approached him, a golden light shone from Cheng Mo's body, and then the clothes on his upper body were blown into powder, and those fine powders were like densely packed tiny lead bullets that shot in all directions. The shot immediately pierced the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty who rushed towards them into a sieve.
Blood gushed out, staining the entire tunnel red.

Cheng Mo struggled to break free from the blue lightning from the jade unicorn with the big golden seal in its mouth, and walked over the corpse in front of him, walking into the corridor.

But this is not the end. There is a steady stream of expressionless Qin Dynasty soldiers walking down the murals, as if behind the two walls is a huge barracks, and these armored Qin Dynasty warriors crowded the narrow corridor in an instant , shouting in Qin Chao's official language that Cheng Mo couldn't understand, and rushed towards him.

In order to avoid being splashed with blood, Cheng Mo snapped his fingers and released the freezing ray, and a gust of cold wind that penetrated into the bone marrow hung through the corridor. For Cheng Mo, these Qin Dynasty soldiers who were not too powerful in combat were frozen into ice sculptures.

But to no avail, these ice sculptures will be destroyed by the soldiers who just walked down the wall with weapons, no matter what skills Cheng Mo uses, he can't stop those soldiers from using their flesh and blood to stop him from moving forward
The long and narrow corridor between short breaths was filled with corpses.

In the narrow corridor full of human lives, Cheng Mo couldn't increase his speed at all, so he could only squeeze towards the direction of the elevator shaft while killing. At this moment, he didn't care about getting blood, turning his body into an awl, deep Deeply inserted into the extremely tight canned human flesh.

Although these soldiers did not pose too much threat to Cheng Mo, they were consuming Cheng Mo's physical strength and mana bit by bit. They filled the entire corridor like an endless tide.

Cheng Mo managed to squeeze into the elevator entrance. The exquisite bronze elevator was already packed with a group of Qin Dynasty soldiers. Cheng Mo released the freezing ray again, freezing the Qing Dynasty soldiers in the entire elevator into ice sculptures, and then blasted them into powder .

Cheng Mo walked quickly into the elevator paved with countless ice cubes, and countless Qin Chao soldiers squeezed in. No matter how Cheng Mo killed him, he still couldn't close the elevator door. Cheng Mo had no choice but to use the pulse laser Shun opened the top of the bronze elevator, then jumped high, grabbed the rope and climbed up.

Originally, Cheng Mo thought that he could be quiet for a while, but Cheng Mo did not expect that without his killing, those soldiers of the Qin Dynasty in black armor quickly destroyed the bronze elevator, filling the bottom of the entire elevator shaft in an instant, and many The soldiers, as agile as monkeys, also jumped up and grabbed the ropes to climb up with him. Some started to build ladders, and one person climbed along the bodies of others. The scene where zombies climb the city wall.

Even Cheng Mo felt his scalp tingle when he looked down at the scene of corpses flooding into the sea. He could only speed up his climb and kicked down the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty who were chasing him, but it was useless. Soon they Climbed up again, unable to kill at all.

What's more frightening is that the "crowd" in the elevator is also rising very fast. If he doesn't do anything, he will be swallowed by these crowds.

Cheng Mo wanted to use a freezing ray to seal the entire elevator shaft, but the beam was absorbed by the wall as soon as it shot out. Cheng Mo stepped on the head of the soldier who jumped up and wanted to grab his foot, and jumped up , fought for a little gap, and immediately used the pulsed laser beam, the same end
This is going to be caught, he can't use his skills, it is estimated that he can only be imprisoned in the human well, and he will be consumed alive
Cheng Mo has no choice but to speed up.He looked down and saw that there were cockroach-like people densely packed, except that there was a little space in the middle. He really didn't know how these "people" climbed up. Cheng Mo looked up again, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.
Countless soldiers jumped up below and on the side, trying to hug him, Cheng Mo could only expend more energy to deal with these soldiers, and could not calmly go up.

Unable to sit still, Cheng Mo took a deep breath, determined to give up the way of climbing by holding on to the rope, he jumped up, jumped high, stepped on the granite wall of the elevator shaft, kicked hard, and jumped backwards Facing the opposite wall, it used the method of refraction to keep rising, but after seven or eight strokes, Cheng Mo threw away the tide of corpses that kept boiling in the elevator shaft by a little distance.
As long as it can be a little faster, Cheng Mo felt more at ease, and focused on quickly heading towards the top of the mausoleum. Time is really limited.

Although this method consumes a lot of energy, it is much faster than climbing. It is not that there are no mistakes. When the mistake needs to adjust the posture, Cheng Mo will grab the rope in the middle and adjust it. Stance, then proceed to refract the jump.

In about 15 minutes, Cheng Mo arrived at Xiangtang. Cheng Mo pressed his hands on the edge of the wooden floor, jumped into the secret room, turned around and released his skills to create a huge ice block, blocking the entire elevator shaft, and then rushed out. The secret room, and locked the door by the way, turned left with ease, jumped out of the big hole in the wooden wall of Xiangtang, and jumped off the red-painted railing of the corridor.

There was a whistling cold wind blowing from the top of the mausoleum, and the hair was flying silently. When he jumped off the hall, a flash of lightning happened to flash over his head, casting his shadow on the marble floor of the square, but this illuminated The light on the top of the mountain was instantly extinguished.

As soon as Cheng Mo landed on the ground, there was a huge cracking sound of "嗤啦", as if to tear the dark world, and then another flash of lightning illuminated him who was squatting on the ground.

When Cheng Mo turned his head, he saw a scene like the scene of crossing the catastrophe.

The entire sky is overcast, and the tumbling dark clouds are connected with the mountains in the distance, pressing on the top of the mausoleum, as if within reach, one after another blue lightning is like the cracks splitting the dark clouds, at the tip of Xiangtang Bringing together on golden orbs
As he expected, this mausoleum was indeed the Wardenclyffe Tower that could be used as a weapon, but it was a pity that Qin Shihuang died before it was completed, and he did not have time to tell his son the secret of the mausoleum!
Cheng Mo didn't have time to sigh with emotion, he activated the pulsed laser beam, waved a huge blue sword and slashed towards the copper pillar supporting Xiangtang.

Bai Xiuxiu saw that Qin Shihuang summoned the Twelve Golden Men with a slight wave of his hand, her heart sank, she felt that today was a bad day, she looked at Qin Shihuang floating in the center of the mausoleum, the face that didn't have much anger seemed to be smiling, but That weird smile that looked like a dead person's face made Bai Xiuxiu a little terrified.
The golden people were divided into two groups again, one with long-distance output, and the other rushed towards her. Bai Xiuxiu gritted her teeth and decided to kill Qin Shihuang with all her strength before her mana was completely exhausted, regardless of the twelve golden people.

Bai Xiuxiu waved her wings, kicked across the rammed earth wall, passed the general golden man stepping on the golden wild goose at an extremely fast speed, and shot towards Qin Shihuang in the middle like an arrow.

The golden man's mobility is relatively poor, which is Bai Xiuxiu's only slight advantage at the moment.

But Qin Shihuang's mobility is not bad. He can appear in any other place without any movement when he floats in the air. It's not like teleportation has no delay at all, but the awesome thing is that the CD is extremely short. Generally, he can make the next move immediately before Bai Xiuxiu locks on to Qin Shihuang's position.
This made Bai Xiuxiu complain endlessly, and she couldn't use the "Time-Space Rift" skill, because the time-space rift was too mana-consuming, and she had to control the mana at this time, so not only could she not touch Qin Shihuang's side, but she also had to suffer ten times. The attack of the Erjin people.

The most important thing is that killing the Twelve Golden Men is a waste of time and meaningless. If you don't kill them, Bai Xiuxiu, who is entangled with them, can't go all out to deal with Qin Shihuang. Seeing that the gaseous mercury is approaching the eighth floor, Bai Xiuxiu thought: "Could it be true Can you delay it first, and wait until Cheng Mo destroys the hall on the mausoleum?"

"Is it just too late?"

The thoughtful Bai Xiuxiu glanced at the gaseous mercury floating under the corridor on the eighth floor like a thin mist, but saw an unexpected scene. Several students poked their heads out of the thin mist and grabbed The wooden support at the bottom of the south corridor hung to the edge of the corridor like an ape, then turned up the corridor, and then ran towards the entrance of the maze.

"Instructor Bai, we are here to help you!"

"Instructor Bai, don't blame us, even if we violate your order, we will fight with you until the last moment!"

"Yes! Our Kanglong team will never be a deserter!"

Amidst the shouts of the freshmen, the cockroach, which the freshmen of the Kanglong team had placed high hopes on, appeared on the edge of the south wall of the eighth floor, like a golden Lamborghini at full speed, heading towards several climbers. The students rushed over.

Bai Xiuxiu, who was flying in the air, naturally noticed this grandiose scene, and wanted to get rid of the entanglement of Qin Shihuang and Jin Ren to kick that annoying big gecko away, but she heard Du Leng shout: "Instructor Bai, don't worry about us, we can We can handle it."

Bai Xiuxiu was a little surprised. Cheng Mo's ability to repel the cockroach was beyond her expectations. How could this group of students who usually ran away when they saw the cockroach, how could they deal with it?

Although Bai Xiuxiu couldn't figure it out, she chose to believe it, so she didn't care about it, and concentrated on dealing with Qin Shihuang, trying not to give Qin Shihuang the opportunity to open the "silver halo" at this time.

Bai Xiuxiu, who was hovering in the air, knocked the three golden men into the air, and shot towards Qin Shihuang. After the forced Qin Shihuang "transformed and changed positions" again, Bai Xiuxiu, who was always paying attention to her students, saw Du Leng take the initiative to shoot at the earthworm skills, and distracted the cockroaches, allowing others time to climb up the corridor and find the entrance of the maze
Du Leng didn't last long, and was torn into pieces by the cricket's mouth and claws, but immediately a beam of DNA light shone on the corridor on the eighth floor. It was obvious that Du Leng had already The resurrection point is set on the corridor on the eighth floor.
Bai Xiuxiu opened the information sheet of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, glanced at it, and saw that Cheng Mo's name was still on, and he hadn't hung it up once, so he felt a little calmer. At this time, except for Cheng Mo, Guan Bojun and Jin Jinhan, who still hadn't died once , the other students basically died more than four times.

Re-entering the stage in this way was so heroic that Bai Xiuxiu felt a little distressed.

Gu Feifan, who was hiding at the entrance of the labyrinth on the south side of the eighth floor, shot an arc of ion light at the Twelve Golden Men and shouted loudly: "Instructor, we will help you attract the attention of the Twelve Golden Men, and you will deal with Qin Shihuang with all your strength, you Don't try to save us, we will die when we die!"

As soon as Gu Feifei finished speaking, skills from the corridors on all sides shot at the golden man flying in the air. Those low-level skills hit the golden man, only a small electric spark lit up, but it succeeded. It caught the attention of the Jin people, and the twelve Jin people turned around and rushed towards the corridors on all sides.

The students hiding at the entrance of the maze had nothing to worry about. When the golden man approached, he ran into the entrance of the maze. If the golden man wanted to leave, he jumped out and continued to launch skills to attract hatred.

For a moment, brilliant light illuminated the entire dark void.
(End of this chapter)

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