Rebel Demon King

Chapter 553 Experts are generally very cold

Chapter 553 Experts are generally very cold

(Thanks to "Maybe Goodbye Soloist" for the reward, a slightly shorter two-in-one update, there is another update today, and the word count will be completed)

Cheng Mo was running along the corridor, and five golden men were stepping on golden geese, chasing him in the vortex of lights. In the center of the vortex was a dark void. If you looked down, you would feel that it was surrounded by lights. The deep black color goes straight to the core of the underground.

Qin Shihuang, who is in the center, is like an ancient spherical nebula. The purple electric light around him is getting denser and denser, and golden people are revolving around him like satellites.And Bai Xiuxiu, who was waving her wings, was like an angel of judgment descending from the sky.

Bai Xiuxiu flapped her wings like a haze, scraping across the void like a river of stars; Qin Shihuang shattered the void like purple stardust gushing out from the Nine Netherworld.

This grand scene is so beautiful and solemn, just like the angel murals on the ceiling of Hagia Sophia Church, when you look up, you can feel the sacredness from your eyes to your eardrums.

An oppressive sanctity.

The battle progressed in a treacherous way, and it was still difficult for the students of Tai Chi Dragon to recover from the repeated twists and turns.

Especially just now, Cheng Mo saved Bai Xiuxiu with "a bridge flying across the north and south", and rescued Bai Xiuxiu with a wonderful move like a flying fairy. Everyone couldn't believe it, and what was even more annoying was the instructor Bai, who they usually didn't dare to take a second look at. , was actually embraced by the bastard from the Qianlong group of zero.
Even if they hugged the carrier, it made the students feel a little emotionally unacceptable, feeling that Zero had tarnished the goddess instructor in their minds.

There was a lot of scolding on the public screen, and everyone felt that a stinky hooligan like Zero should be cut to death.

So Cheng Mo's noble act of taking away the hatred of the five golden men was not praised by the students, and they all felt that the death of a person like Zero was not a pity, but instead gloated and turned their perspective to Cheng Mo, preparing to see how Cheng Mo, a pretending madman, would survive the five A golden man died in the siege, after all, he has no wings and can't fly.

Cheng Mo didn't expect that he would cause public outrage because of this kind of thing, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. At this moment, he is still in the supreme and mysterious state of burning his emotional bar, turning on the energy shield and galloping in the corridor.

Blue electric arcs and golden crossbow bolts shone in the darkness, shooting towards him overwhelmingly. At the same time, two generals and golden men jumped into the air from behind Cheng Mo's obliquely and jumped towards the top of Cheng Mo's head. Black eaves.

Although Cheng Mo didn't look back, he could clearly perceive all of this. Right now, Cheng Mo couldn't help but hide his strength too deeply. He had to reveal something real to kill the five golden men. What's more, time waits for no one. Cheng Mo must take With the highest evaluation of this special episode, who knows if the Chosen One system will give out any touching rewards?

So Cheng Mo stopped hesitating, condensed the pulsed laser beam into a blue lightsaber, and instantly transformed into a Jedi Knight in "Star Wars". At the same time as it came, it stood up from the black tiles scattered like snowflakes, and its eyes released the S-level skill--Abyss Gaze. At the moment when the two golden men were controlled by the black air, the blue pulse laser sword turned into a Liu Guang cut the two golden men in half
This sudden turn of events stunned the students who were waiting for Cheng Mo to die.Assuming that consciousness can transmit expressions, the public screen must be full of surprised expressions of "what the hell is this?"

The originally lively public screen suddenly became completely quiet, no one sent text or voice, and they didn't know how to explain the scene in front of them, which was much more incredible than the ice bridge that Cheng Mo cast just now.

After a long while, someone asked: "Instructor Bai wants to kill a mutant golden man who would take some time to kill, so he was killed twice by this Qianlong team? It's a hell of a hell. Who knows what the fuck is this?" A skill? Or a weapon? Isn’t it awesome?”

"It doesn't look like a weapon, and it can't be a weapon. Do you know how precious weapons are in the other world?"

"Anyway, this zero is hidden too deep, right? It's so powerful!"

"Perhaps instructor Bai has done enough damage, only one or two blows away, and Zero just made up for it."

"It's easy to say, the blue light on the golden man's body hasn't disappeared yet, so it means the blood is still thick, okay?"

"That's the 3C-level skill 'Pulse Laser Beam', one of the C-level skills with the highest damage, but the second process is very mysterious. I guess he used some other skills." Gu Feihua said this, He also deliberately @成黑 for verification. At this time, Gu Feifei already felt that Cheng Mo was qualified to be his opponent, so he @成黑.

"Slot! All 3C-level skills? The organization is too partial! I'm sloth!"

"It should be borrowed at zero time, and I have never seen him use it."


Cheng Mo naturally knows that there are people @ him, it’s not that he doesn’t have time to reply, but he’s too lazy to pay attention to the BBs of this group of people, and even less lazy to explain that two golden men in one move are not as easy as the people who eat melons imagined, “Pulse "Laser beam" is just the most insignificant reason. What plays a key role is the S-level skill "Gaze of the Abyss", which has super control power and the accompanying defense reduction effect.

What is more critical is Cheng Mo's triple-A skill - tenacity of will.This skill can provide double damage after Cheng Mo's mood bar turns red, plus triple the attack power after the gray mood bar enters the burning state, Cheng Mo's current damage value is even for a genius like Bai Xiuxiu who is not good at defense The chosen carrier can't resist hard, let alone two golden men?

In fact, even Cheng Mo himself didn't expect it to be so easy, and he didn't have time to calculate how much damage bonus the mood bar turned red brought him, leaving two golden men who were second to step on the black eaves Run up and avoid the arcs and golden arrows shot from a long distance.

Cheng Mo felt that he was running in the hail of bullets, the rammed earth walls hit by the skills that rained like raindrops, Saturn splashed everywhere, tiles flew around, and a good piece of roof was ruined in an instant.

Cheng Mo is not afraid of those long-range energy output with the energy shield on, as long as he defends against the golden arrows, but the problem is that Cheng Mo's return shot does not pose much threat to the golden people, although Cheng Mo will definitely win if it is used up, but he There was not much delay, as the gaseous mercury had already reached the seventh floor.

"Guan Bojun, where are you and Jin Jinhan? If it's okay, help me kill these golden men." Although Guan Bojun and Jin Jinhan are not strong, Cheng Mo thought of a trick so that they can help him kill these golden men who don't stand aside.

"Jin Jinhan and I are at the entrance of the labyrinth on the eighth floor, and we dare not come out! That big gecko is guarding the door, MD, I just burned its tongue just now, and it hates me!"

"Okay, then I'll come here now and get rid of that annoying gecko first." Cheng Mo said it easily, and in a state of burning emotions, he was confident in killing that annoying gecko.

Guan Bojun couldn't believe it, "Ah? How to solve it? Lure it away?"

"No, I mean, disassemble it into parts." After finishing, Mo quickly climbed up the corridor on the eighth floor, and while shooting the three golden men with pulsed laser beams, he looked for the direction of Guan Bojun and Jin Jinhan , and looked at Bai Xiuxiu's battle situation again.Since there is no way to reach the flying golden man, it is also a good choice to clean up that annoying gecko, anyway, it will be cleared sooner or later.

When he saw the gecko lying on the entrance of the secret door of the maze on the north side of the eighth floor, Cheng Mo didn't hesitate to shoot the remaining three golden men while running towards the north corridor.

In order not to be wasted by those traps, Cheng Mo jumped over a few traps and dodged countless golden arrows. Cheng Mo simply climbed up to the roof of the eighth-story corridor and ran towards the north.

The gecko lying on the wall also noticed Cheng Mo, and the enemy was extremely jealous when they met each other. The viper had completely forgotten the fear of being dominated by Cheng Mo two days ago, turned around and rushed towards Cheng Mo at full speed. Like a red-eyed bull in a bullring.

It's a pity that Cheng Mo is not a member of the "Animal Protection Association". He has no love for the cute-looking big gecko like Libi, whose attack power is exploding at this moment. The sword sliced ​​the protruding metal tongue of the Viper into slices, and then the lightsaber exploded, directly passing through the tail of the Viper's mouth that rushed over.
Dressed Viper as a barbecue crocodile, then jumped up lightly, and jumped over the head of Viper, which was never weakened.

This scene not only made all the students dumbfounded and speechless, but even Guan Bojun and Jin Jinhan who were hiding behind the secret door were stunned.

"Is this the same monster as the one that tortured and killed me?" Guan Bojun said with a wry smile.

Jin Jinhan's expression was gloomy, and he didn't speak, but his face recovered a little immediately, because Cheng Mo couldn't get rid of the Viper in seconds, and the blue light passing through its body quickly disappeared as if it had been eaten.

Everyone in the public screen changed their positions and praised the tomb guardian beast.

"I just said how could Zero kill the cockroach in seconds, it is worthy of being an ancient beast, it is really powerful!"

"Come on! Big gecko, show your true strength of the ancient beast!"

"Next, the cockroach will retaliate wildly. I have written the script. Zero and the cockroach will fight for ten rounds, and then the cockroach will bite off his head."

"Is that how you died last time?"

"I didn't have ten rounds last time."

But what happened next made everyone extremely embarrassed.

It's a pity that the cricket doesn't know that it has so many supporters. If it knows, it might hinder the face of the ancient beast, and stay to fight Cheng Mo to the death. A few bell-like roars, and then turned around and fled quickly towards the bottom of the mausoleum, like a bereaved dog.
"Is this a few furry tomb-protecting beasts? It's worse than looking at the door dog! Although my golden retriever doesn't dare to bite, it knows how to bark twice!"

"No way! Is the tongue the weak point of the cricket? If you cut off its tongue, it will be afraid?"

"Next time you try it, you'll know!"

This time Gu Feifei didn't say a word, because he knew that he couldn't beat the cockroach, and he could only run away when he saw the cockroach.

Cheng Mo hesitated for a while and still didn't chase, the ground was full of gaseous mercury, he was not sure of killing, it would take too much time to catch up, so Cheng Mo stood on the eaves while dodging the golden arrow, and said to Guan Bojun: "Guan Bojun, you Come out and shoot tiles at the golden man."

"Tile? Is it useful?" Guan Bojun asked puzzled.

"Just shoot it." Cheng Mo quickly ran towards Guan Bojun's position.

Guan Bojun let out an "oh", ran out from the secret door, punched a hole in the roof of the corridor, jumped on it, picked up the black tiles and shot towards the golden man in the distance like a frisbee.

"Shoot more, don't use too much force, don't stop" Cheng Mo said, then stopped running, stared at Guan Bojun's hand not far away, after observing for a while, seized the opportunity to shoot from the eaves Jumping up high, relying on the prediction, he directly stepped on the tile shot by Guan Bojun, and floated towards the three golden men as if stepping on the void.
A bunch of question marks flashed across the public screen. This unconstrained idea and amazing ability to predict made a group of students have to be convinced. This is not something that can be done with skills at all. It requires absolute courage. Absolute self-confidence and absolute calm, because if you misjudge a position, you will be doomed.

Following Cheng Mo's wonderful movement like a frightened bird, graceful like a dragon swimming, he stepped on a piece of porcelain and dropped a golden man in a void, and the question marks all over the screen disappeared, leaving only a silent silence .

After a long time, Zhu Lingqi was the first to speak on the public screen: "It's really awesome, there's nothing more to say."

"This is really outrageously strong. You must be convinced."

"It's also a newcomer to Tai Chi Dragon, why is Zero so good."

"The operation like ghosts and gods is too f*cking shocking."

"Is this borrowed from the Buddha's crossing the river with a reed? I feel that I have to practice it too. This forced pretending is really very stately!"

What Gu Feifei thought of was something else. How many levels and how much blue is this zero?After so many electric arcs from the goldsmiths, he didn't even change the color. This was the most puzzling thing for him. He believed that he could do the operation of stepping on the tiles after a little practice.

But what if you can do the same thing?I can't even beat the cockroach, I will definitely be killed in seconds
Thinking of what happened that day, Gu Feifei felt chills in his heart.

"I'm afraid I'm just a clown in his heart?"

At this moment, Gu Feifei's heart was broken into pieces.

Cheng Mo concentrated on jumping on the black tile shot by Guan Bojun, and jumped in front of the golden man three or four times. Today he is different from yesterday. He was chased yesterday because of twelve golden men. There are too many, but today there are only three; more importantly, his damage has been multiplied several times today, and has reached the second-man level. There is no difference between three golden men and three pottery figurines.

Unexpectedly, the escaped golden man was quickly taken away by Cheng Mo. Cheng Mo stepped on the tiles and jumped back to the corridor. Seeing that Bai Xiuxiu had almost wiped out the golden man, there was only one golden man guarding Qin Shihuang.

However, the situation has become more dangerous, because the gaseous mercury has reached the eighth floor, and Bai Xiuxiu's space for activities has become smaller and smaller. When the gaseous mercury reaches the ninth floor, everyone will undoubtedly die
Even if he ran outside the mausoleum, he couldn't change the evaluation of the failure of the customs clearance.

Cheng Mo glanced at Bai Xiuxiu, climbed to the ninth floor without hesitation, jumped onto the corridor, and ran towards the nearest elevator shaft.

Guan Bojun looked at Cheng Mo's back and asked loudly, "Zero, where are you going? Why don't you help Instructor Bai?"

Cheng Mo didn't bother to explain, and quickly entered the corridor at the corner. The moment he entered the corridor, a huge electric light pierced through the energy shield, and he felt paralyzed as he struck directly at him. Then he saw Qin Chao on the mural. The soldiers all jumped off the wall, like a group of zombies pounced on themselves
(End of this chapter)

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