Rebel Demon King

Chapter 555 is coming to an end

Chapter 555 is coming to an end
Cheng Mo waved the pulse laser sword and swept towards the copper pillar supporting Xiangtang. How could he know that the pulse laser sword disappeared without a trace as soon as it entered the range of Xiangtang, and at the same time, a huge force was generated to push Cheng Mo Bounce hard
If Cheng Mo hadn't reacted quickly enough to quickly set up an ice wall behind him to stop him, he would have been thrown out of the square by this inexplicable force.

Cheng Mo stood up in front of the shattered and torn ice wall, looked up, and saw the dark sky, the cold wind howling, the swirling sea of ​​black clouds above the mausoleum of Gaoruo Mountain, and a flash of lightning like a huge blue-white root buried deep in the ground It flashed, and the whole sky turned white, and the metal ball at the top of the spire was propped up to the center of the cloud vortex by a sharp thorn. At this moment, countless colorful, long snake-like electric lights were surrounding The metal ball crackled.

Every 15 seconds, the metal sphere attracts blue and white lightning that fills a small patch of sky.

This situation was somewhat beyond Cheng Mo's expectation. This time he activated a higher intensity laser, directly increasing the laser intensity to the upper limit of the laser intensity that he could control with his proficiency. However, the red laser sword slashed towards the bronze At the moment of the column, Cheng Mo was thrown away by a huge force again. Even though Cheng Mo had been prepared, he was bounced far away. This time, even the ice wall couldn't stop him, knocking him to the edge of the square. At that time, Cheng Mo reached out and grabbed the steps to avoid a more embarrassing situation.

Cheng Mo looked at his physical strength, and was actually knocked down by about 5.00% by this blow, which shows how strong the rebound was.

Cheng Mo walked back to the front of Xiangtang, looking at Xiangtang covered by the crackling electric light, his head was a bit big, the pulsed laser beam is the strongest output skill that Cheng Mo has now, and the pulsed laser beam itself is also a sharp weapon for cutting metal. Two days ago, he also used this skill to easily open the roof of the Bronze Temple, but today not only could he not touch the edge, but he was also hurt by the rebound
He was only one step away from success, but he was helpless. Thinking that he once boasted that Haikou would protect Bai Xiuxiu, Cheng Mo was even more depressed.He glanced at the time. According to his estimation, the gaseous mercury should have reached the ninth floor by this time, and it may have already passed half of the ninth floor. If he didn't hurry up, then this mission would really fail completely.

Cheng Mo had never felt the urgency of not having enough time during an exam. At this moment, his usually quiet heart actually had some strong fluctuations, and he didn't know if it was because of the influence of burning emotions.

But no matter what the reason is, Cheng Mo knows that at this time, he must calm down and find a way to crack it.
Cheng Mo didn't continue to fire the pulsed laser sword, and stared blankly at the arc-covered Xiangtang in front of him.The dangerous, mysterious and beautiful scene in front of him reminded Cheng Mo of the toy glow ball he bought. The principle of the glow ball is basically the same as the Tesla coil, so he dismantled the glow ball and changed it to A Tesla coil, both of which are medium and high frequency radio radiating devices.

However, it is obvious that the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is not the electroluminescence produced by the use of inert gas like the glow ball, but the artificial lightning produced by the distributed parameter high-frequency series resonant transformer of the Tesla coil.
It is reasonable to say that laser light with high intensity, high brightness, high monochromaticity and high coherence is difficult to be disturbed. If it is so easy to be disturbed, it cannot be used as a weapon. So how did the laser disappear?How did you get bounced off yourself?
For Cheng Mo, it is the key to solving the problem of "how to destroy Xiangtang".

Cheng Mo began to recall the various characteristics of laser and electromagnetic fields in his mind, and finally came up with an uncertain reason, perhaps because the discharge phenomenon of the Tesla coil would form a strong nonlinear electromagnetic field interference, while in the quantum At the same level, photons and photons can scatter each other, and the nonlinear absorption effect will increase rapidly with the increase of laser intensity.
Therefore, his pulsed laser beam could not break through the protection of the mausoleum's electromagnetic field.Of course, when the intensity of his laser is as strong as 1022W/cm2, which is enough to produce a nuclear reaction, how to destroy the bronze mausoleum Xiangtang is not a problem.

可强度达到1022W/cm2的激光那已经是另外一个技能了,成默的三C级脉冲激光束的强度最高只能达到275W/cm2~305 W/cm2,实在差的太远了
There must be another way. Cheng Mo closed his eyes and his mind turned sharply. He had to solve the problem in front of him in order to win the final victory.

Time passed by, and Cheng Mo had no idea. He felt that he should brainstorm and maybe find inspiration. He opened the information list of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.It was found that the names that had been brightened again were dimmed one by one.Cheng Mo glanced at the number of deaths, Gu Feifei died seven times, Du Leng died seven times, Zhu Lingqi died eight times
Cheng Mo guessed what happened in an instant. He forgot to think about other things. He watched the interval between death and resurrection of people getting shorter and shorter. Soon Guan Bojun, who had never died once, died, then he was resurrected, died again in less than a few tens of seconds, and then he was resurrected.

They are like those soldiers who charge forward one after another, knowing that there is little hope, but still going their own way regardless.

Cheng Mo can't understand the behavior of these people, it doesn't matter if they die?After a mission, you pay far more than you gain, so why do such thankless things?
These people are really stupid!
Maybe they don't care about money, experience points, or the time it takes to make up for losses. They only care about the word "victory".

But are these two words really that important?
Sometimes, isn't it more important to stop losses in time?It's irrational at all, if it were me, I would have died honestly, so why resurrect?

Suddenly Cheng Mo remembered the time when he was sitting in the classroom and watching the school football game through the window. Obviously, everyone’s level was poor and the game was not good, but why did he think it was more interesting than watching the football game on TV? ?

Maybe it's the undivided enthusiasm, maybe it's the cohesion that comes with yearning to win.

Therefore, despite the hot weather, you will be covered in sweat after a few steps; despite the poor greenery of the court, you will often rub the ball on the yellow ground with blood all over your legs when you tackle the ball;
But those teenagers still enjoy it.

They sweat in the sun and burn hormones in the confrontation.

Cheers happily when you win, and cries when you lose.

So, a ball game is not just a ball game.
After Cheng Mo saw it for a while, Jin Jinhan, who had never died before, also died, and only his and Bai Xiuxiu's names were left on the whole screen, an anonymous person 75699, and a White moonlight.

Cheng Mo knew that the gaseous mercury had filled the entire mausoleum.

He glanced at the public screen, but no one spoke.

But it's just a mission in the ruins, it won't work this time, but it can be done again next time.

But why are you so unwilling?

Bai Xiuxiu looked at her students going forward one after another, wanted to dissuade them, but didn't know what to say. Obviously at this time, everyone was showing blood and losing their temper. The spirit of not admitting defeat was advocated by Tai Chi Dragon. The way to become a powerful Chosen One.

But today's situation is a bit too tragic.

The gaseous mercury has passed half of the ninth floor, and Bai Xiuxiu still has some space on the top to move around. The students standing on the corridor can either escape from the corridors at the four corners, or they can only sit and wait for death.

But no one seemed to want to leave, and they were already standing near the secret door of the maze, helping Bai Xiuxiu to contain the golden man, while taking time to give Qin Shihuang a few hits, even if Qin Shihuang couldn't be hurt, it would be good to hit him twice to enjoy himself.

"MD, does that zero have a backup? Or, is he just trying to survive? Or, why hasn't there been any news until now." Zhu Lingqi once again displayed the sonic boom skill to perform for Xu Jiyun and Du Leng's skill. increase.
"Is there any point in escaping? Don't you have to die when the time is up?"

"But he hasn't come back at this time, and Qin Shihuang hasn't changed in any way. What did he do?"

"That's right! He's so strong, if we all work together, maybe Qin Shihuang will be killed sooner!"

"I thought he thought of something! It seems that Zero actually has nothing to do!"

"Hey! I lost a lot this time, and I fought hard, not to mention that I didn't gain anything, and I wasted so much money!"

"To be honest, I really shouldn't be resurrected later. Climb up and do nothing but die."

"Didn't you have to be resurrected? Is it interesting to say this now?"

"Forget it, stop arguing! Maybe there is hope for a comeback!"

"There is a fart hope. Wait for the group to be destroyed!"

As the gaseous mercury rises, it has passed through the entire corridor on the ninth floor, and the noisy interior of the underground tomb has become quiet. They have to shut down their breathing, and they can't speak. They can only talk through the system. Everyone knows that their carrier is in The state of shutting down the breath can only live for more than ten minutes, so the output is even more violent, and the mana is converted into skills to output to Qin Shihuang without any scruples.

Similarly, Bai Xiuxiu has also accelerated the pace. She has worn down a lot of Qin Shihuang's physical strength, but the opponent's blood bar is too thick, and the mobility is also very strong. The rift skills dealt Qin Shihuang a heavy blow, but these injuries were far from killing Qin Shihuang.

As time goes by, the students are basically hanging in the gaseous mercury. At this time, everyone has dropped at least two levels. It is meaningless to resurrect and die. There is no hope of winning, so everyone is no longer lighting up the DNA of resurrection beam of light.

"If everyone is more united, divides the labor and cooperates earlier, and Zero is not so independent, there may still be opportunities, but now we can only give up."

Following Du Leng's concluding statement, everyone's will to win came to an end.

As soon as the students hung up, no one held back the golden man's hatred, and the twelve golden man once again shifted the focus of attack to Bai Xiuxiu. The pressure on Bai Xiuxiu, who had no room to maneuver, increased sharply, and she was in danger of being forced in an instant.

Seeing that the gaseous mercury was about to fill the entire mausoleum, everyone knew that the end of the mission was not far away.

At this moment, Qin Shihuang opened the "Silver Ring" to force Bai Xiuxiu into the gaseous mercury in the lower layer. Bai Xiuxiu's speed dropped sharply after closing her breath, and Qin Shihuang immediately seized the opportunity. The golden seal smashed Bai Xiuxiu against the wall, and then a golden arrow wrapped in a black air spear pierced through the shoulder of the instructor Bai who couldn't dodge, nailing Bai Xiuxiu to the rammed earth wall
All the students closed their eyes when they saw this scene.

It seems that the task will be over without waiting for the gaseous mercury to fill the entire mausoleum.

(End of this chapter)

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