Rebel Demon King

Chapter 236 Li Jiting

Chapter 236 Li Jiting

(Thanks to "Su's family" for the two hundred big red envelopes, and thanks for the reward of "I don't want to watch the pirated version anymore". I hope you can read this chapter with an objective attitude. Regarding the issues of Eastern and Western civilizations, if you are interested People can read Fang Zhouzi's popular science article "Mr. Sai Comes from the West", and you will know things that many history books will not teach you)
"You mentioned Li Shanlan (Note 1) just now. I don't deny that Li Shanlan's identity equation is a remarkable achievement. It should be said that it is not easy for him to achieve such an achievement in a traditional way. But I think you should know that Li Shanlan's [-]th People of the Qing Dynasty in the [-]th century, you are looking at Euler, Lagrange, Legendre, Gauss, Cauchy, Jacobi, from the [-]th century to the [-]th century, how far these people have developed mathematics in Europe Need I say more? This gap is the gap between elementary school students and graduate students! I don’t know as much about Chinese history as you think, and I also admire those who can do research in ancient China. To be honest, Eastern civilization has been The confinement of Confucian culture is almost abolished."

"Cheng Mo, how did I find out that you have no sense of national pride? Since you know the history of China, you should know that before the 17th and 18th centuries, China's technology was at the leading level in the world. What did Europe have at that time? Bacon I just said: there are three technologies that brought Europe out of the dark ages, namely gunpowder, compass, paper and printing, all of which were passed down from our China. Without our Chinese civilization, would there be the current world civilization?"

"Senior sister, please don't be so excited, I don't deny the contribution of Eastern civilization to this world, but what we are discussing now is not this issue, what we are discussing is: if there is no Western civilization, what would the Eastern civilization be like! There is no doubt about this. Without Western civilization, you might be getting married with your feet bound, and I might be holding a hoe and preparing to join the peasant uprising army. If China can’t produce capitalism, there won’t be an industrial revolution, and even In the end, there is no science in China, only technology, let alone technology trees. Assuming that there is no Western civilization or other more advanced civilizations on the earth, and our Eastern civilization is the most advanced, then there is no doubt that this world will continue to grow. The dark feudal society has stagnated for a long time."

"I think you have also read "SCIENCE AND CIVILISATION IN CHIAN" edited by Joseph Needham (Note 2). Indeed, according to assumptions, we can still play feudalism in China for hundreds of years , but the probability of a Euclid and a Galileo being produced in a few hundred years is still very high, right?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "Einstein believed that the emergence of science was an extremely coincidental event. These are his original words: "The origin of science is a very unusual event, so don't be surprised that science did not appear in ancient China. It is worthwhile." It’s surprising that the West will develop science.’” After a pause, Cheng Mo continued: “You also know that the development of Western science is based on two great achievements: Greek philosophers in Euclid’s geometry Invented the formal logic system, and discovered during the Renaissance that it is possible to find out causality through systematic experiments. Since Euclid, no other civilization has seen a Euclid-style axiomatic masterpiece in 2000 years; in In the more than two thousand years before Galileo, there was no second pioneer of experimental science, including Europe. It doesn’t matter whether it is a genius born in the world, or it is the process of history. After all, the combination of these two conditions requires The unit is millennium. This is still Europe, and the way of development in Europe is a spiral, while the development of our China is a cycle of generations. The compass alone was lost eight times, and then it was invented eight times.”

Xie Minyun interrupted Cheng Mo's words, and said coldly: "Yes, the emergence of science and technology requires those two fires, and ancient China did not have science, just random skills, but the Qing Dynasty was already the pinnacle of the feudal system, and the Qing Dynasty has already It completely broke the backbone of the Han culture, so that as long as the next dynasty is the Han dynasty, it will definitely reshape the Han civilization. Looking back in history, from the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the rise of metaphysics in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, our Han culture has always been in my reflection on Confucianism. Where, after the fall of the Tang Dynasty and the integration of the three religions in the Song Dynasty, it was also the self-correction of Han culture. The Song Dynasty died in the Yuan Dynasty. After a catastrophe, the first thing Zhu Yuanzhang did was to restore the clothes of the Han family. The theory of mind appeared, the unity of knowledge and action was put forward, and the king's rule was also put forward. Throughout history, the content of Confucianism in each dynasty is different. Every time a dynasty changes, Confucianism will be reshaped. It is unreasonable to come out of the Middle Ages, and we Chinese people will not be able to come out!"

Cheng Mo was about to speak, when there was a crisp knock on the door, "Hey! What are you guys arguing about? I sound like giving advice and encouraging words!"

Cheng Mo, who was sitting on the bed, turned his head, and Xie Minyun, who was sitting on the chair, turned his head and saw Li Jiting in a blue suit with artist's long hair.

Xie Minyun and Li Jiting were very surprised to see each other.

"Uncle Li!"

"Xiao Jin!"

Li Jiting looked at Xie Minyun, then at Cheng Mo, and pointed at Cheng Mo with his finger, "I said why did you come to Europe and didn't say hello to me, and you came to me when something happened, so that's how it is!"

Cheng Mo admired Li Jiting's acting skills, and even he couldn't see any flaws. He was also surprised that Li Jiting knew Xie Minyun, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other.

Xie Minyun didn't even expect to meet an acquaintance in this situation, or an elder who had a good relationship with his parents. A faint blush appeared on his face again, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Jiting walked into the ward and asked, "Are you two classmates?"

Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun said in unison: "Alumni."

Li Jiting looked at the two people who had a tacit understanding, and said jokingly: "I said Xiao Jin, participating in summer camp is not your style! You are a drunkard."

"Uncle Li, how long has it been since we met?" Xie Minyun knew that Li Jiting always liked to joke, and he was the kind who dared to make any kind of jokes, and he didn't care about being polite, so he immediately interrupted Li Jiting's explosive teasing, anyway, this Uncle Li There has been no right line in front of her.

"It hasn't been long, has it? I remember seeing them in the capital during the Chinese New Year. Your mother actually allowed you to come out to play alone, which is really rare!" Li Jiting saw Xie Minyun's thin skin, so he clicked to stop.

"It's not alone either," Xie Minyun said.

Li Jiting nodded, knowing that there must be bodyguards near Xie Minyun out of sight, he smiled and said, "Let's go! Uncle Li invites you two to have morning tea."

"We still have to wait for our team leader Zhang to come over and explain to her?" Cheng Mo hesitated and said.

"I'll just make a phone call, you tell me the phone number of your travel agency." Li Jiting waved his hand and said casually.

"Cheng Mo, you don't plan to go back today?" Seeing that something was wrong, Xie Minyun asked suspiciously.

Cheng Mo gave a soft "hmm".

Li Jiting looked at Xie Minyun and said with a smile: "What are you going to do when you finally come to Europe once? I'll take you guys to have fun, Xiao Jin, don't go back."

Xie Minyun replied in a low voice: "I, I still have to go back today." She failed to walk last night, so she was told by her mother that if she didn't go back today, she would definitely feel less and less free in the future.

"It's okay, where is your mother? I told her that if she knows that I will play with you, she will only be happy and will not refuse." Li Jiting blinked at Xie Minyun.

"I'm not afraid that my mother won't agree, I just don't think there is much fun in Europe." Xie Minyun quickly denied that it was because of her mother that she didn't want to stay.

"Xiao Jin, you still don't believe in your Uncle Li? If I, an old driver, take you to play, I promise it will be different!" Li Jiting continued to encourage.

Xie Minyun looked at the silent Cheng Mo, hesitated for a while and said, "Forget it."

Li Jiting knew that Xie Minyun couldn't hold back, so he waved his hand, "Okay, okay! Stop nagging, go with Uncle Li, I'll call your mother right away and Cheng Mo, get dressed, let's go."

Cheng Mo let out an "oh", lifted the quilt, and tore off the electrode pads attached to his body. Xie Minyun saw Cheng Mo's naked upper body, fair skin, skinny bones, and every rib on his body was clearly visible, so he immediately turned his head, " I'm going to the bathroom."

Seeing Xie Minyun walk out of the ward, Li Jiting slapped Cheng Mo's shoulder and said, "Boy, don't tell me if you have a good eye, you are a few blocks away from your father for picking up girls! This girl Xiaojin is famously proud, but she is still so proud." I guarded you in the hospital all night! There is a future, it seems that I can rest assured that I can hand over the mantle of the Saint of Love to you."

Cheng Mo said helplessly: "You think too much, she just owes me some favors, so I just took the opportunity to repay it! Besides, Uncle Li, didn't you say that we have to do missions in Europe? It's not convenient to bring seniors, right? "

Li Jiting smiled "hehe" and said, "Your mission is to meet the senior sister..."

Cheng Mo's face immediately collapsed, "Uncle Li, if this is the case, I might as well study it myself, I don't need you to teach me."

"You child, it's not tiring to work with a man and a woman. You don't understand such a simple truth? [-] needs the assistance of a Bond girl when performing tasks! Besides, you are still a rookie." Li Jiting rolled his eyes. Strictly speaking.

"But senior sister can't help much, right? What if she finds out something is even more difficult!"

"This is also a kind of training for you. You said that you can't even hide Xiaojin. How can you survive in a world full of traps and intrigues? Besides, what's wrong with Xiaojin?"

"There is nothing wrong, but because everything is good, good is a bit too much"

Li Jiting put his arms around the shoulders of Cheng Mo who was already dressed, "Okay, okay, as your mentor, I will guide you how to walk the path of the chosen one, and as your father's friend, I will teach you how to walk." The road to life is good, why don’t you fall in love at a youthful age. Don’t worry about heart disease, I will get you a medicine when the time comes. I guarantee you will be fine.”

Hearing Li Jiting's words, Cheng Mo's face turned dark, and he shook off Li Jiting's hand without saying a word.

"Hey! I'll help you get some medicine to protect your heart so that you can run, play badminton, do some exercise? You still blame me? It's really kind of you to forget about the liver and lungs of a donkey!" Li Jiting immediately looked angry when he saw Cheng Mo was angry. He said with an exaggerated expression of grievance.

Cheng Mo bit his lips. If there is such a medicine, it will be too tempting for him, so he can only say helplessly: "Uncle Li, I will buy it with bitcoin."

"Do you think our old man can be bought with a few bitcoins?"

"Uncle Li, I'm sorry I want this medicine."

"Speak up."

"Uncle Li, I'm sorry, I want this medicine!" Cheng Mo could only increase the volume.

"Call Master!!"

"Master, I'm sorry, I want this medicine!" Cheng Mo almost couldn't help shouting, if it wasn't in the hospital, it was still morning.

"Okay! Remember to obey the teacher's arrangement" Li Jiting said with satisfaction, with his hands behind his back, looking like a villain.

Cheng Mo was speechless, and he didn't know why Li Jiting, who looked so literary and cultivated, turned out to be like an old urchin. Maybe it was because his mentality was too young!In fact, he looks very young on the outside, in his 30s.

As soon as Li Jiting finished speaking, Xie Minyun came over from the corridor and asked, "Cheng Mo, what did you just say? What medicine do you want?"

"Suxiao Jiuxin Pill." Cheng Mo's mouth twitched, and he said expressionlessly.

Xie Minyun was a little strange, she remembered that there was a "quick-acting heart-rescue pill" in Cheng Mo's small backpack yesterday, why do I need it?But she didn't ask any more questions, and followed Li Jiting to the nurse's desk.

 Note 1: Li Shanlan, formerly known as Li Xinlan, styled Jingfang, nicknamed Qiuren, nicknamed Uncle Ren.Born on January 1811, 1 and died on December 22, 1882, from Haining, Zhejiang Province, he was a famous modern Chinese mathematics, astronomy, mechanics and botanist. He created the power series expansion of the square root of two, and studied Various trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions and power series expansions of logarithmic functions (now called "natural number power summation formula"), this is the most important achievement of Li Shanlan and the Chinese mathematics circle in the 12th century.

  注2:李约瑟(Joseph Terence Montgomery Needham,1900年12月9日-1995年3月24日),英国近代生物化学家、科学技术史专家,其所著《中国的科学与文明》(即《中国科学技术史》)对现代中西文化交流影响深远。

  Needham's thinking on China's technological stagnation, the famous "Needham Dilemma", has aroused attention and discussions from all walks of life in the world.It has made extremely important research on Chinese culture and technology, and is called "an old friend of the Chinese people" by the Chinese media.

(End of this chapter)

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