Rebel Demon King

Chapter 235 Continuation of Hope (3)

Chapter 235 Continuation of Hope (3)

(Thanks to "Silly Huan who Loves Reading", "Boge and Children" for their rewards, and announced a full VIP subscription group: 564919797)

On July 2018, 7, almost half of the summer vacation has passed, the sky of Rome at five o'clock has turned white, and the moon has become an imperceptible cool color in the westward direction.

In an ordinary ward of San Giovanni Hospital, Cheng Mo slowly opened his eyes, the faint light drew a silhouette in the snow-white ward, the surrounding was very quiet, and the window beside the bed opened a thin The summer night temperature in Rome is just right, neither cold nor hot, and the comfortable burnout is like a warm quilt in winter.

Cheng Mo turned his head for a while and saw Xie Minyun lying on the edge of the bed and sleeping, the black hair flowed down her flawless cheeks and the corners of her rouge lips, like the pure and alluring scene in the works of Johannes Vermeer. painting.

Cheng Mo looked at Xie Minyun silently for a moment, and suddenly felt the warmth in his hand, only to realize that his hand was tightly holding Xie Minyun's soft and boneless hand. He quickly took his hand away from Xie Minyun's hand, and saw Xie Minyun Eyelids lifted, so Cheng Mo quickly closed his eyes and pretended not to wake up.

After a while, he heard the sound of Xie Minyun pulling out a tissue, and then he rubbed the corners of his eyes lightly. The thin tissue couldn't block the warmth of his fingertips. In this instant, Cheng Mo seemed to hear the sound of teardrops breaking.

"Did I actually cry?" Cheng Mo thought to himself, how long has it been since he cried?Whether it was ten years or nine years, Chengmo couldn't remember clearly, but he knew it was because he cried and said that his father was not good and wanted his mother.

He once hated this family deeply, felt angry at his unfortunate fate, and then felt sad. He resented his mother and his father, but now he has to admit that the three characters Cheng Yongze are deeply integrated into him. His flesh and blood, his soul, he is the continuation of his father's life, this matter is like the earth is a member of the solar system and cannot be changed.

And his father also silently shone on him like the sun.

It's just that when he realized this point, the two people were separated by eternity, and those misunderstood times, those ups and downs of gaps and gaps, just straddled the intangible life and death in front of him.

There was no longer any reconciliation.

Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, but he is not the kind of person who mourns the spring and autumn. He knows that only by living a good life can he comfort his father in the sky. Of course, the cause of his father's death must be found out.

Cheng Mo knew that his father must have expected his own death, so he made arrangements in advance. He should have started to make arrangements when he gave Sorge the [-]th anniversary edition of "The Ring of the Nibelungen" on his birthday. The movie of "Wu Wen Xi Dong" - is the farewell.
Reminiscent of what Li Jiting said that Cheng Yongze once hoped that he could enter the Tai Chi Dragon Group of the 749 Research Institute, but he failed.In addition, the last "Infinite Evolution" skill has not been used yet, so there is no doubt that Cheng Yongze actually prepared this Ouroboros watch for him.

As for the cause of my father’s death, it’s easy to speculate, it’s definitely not because of this Ouroboros watch, if it’s because of it, I’m afraid I’ve died so many times, then the only reason can only be the book "The Origin of Humankind" up.

Assuming that "The Origin of Man" overthrows not only the theory of evolution but also the theory of creation, then there are too many reasons for the death of the father, which is equivalent to offending the two biggest forces in the world today.

Before that, Cheng Mo was also a supporter of the theory of evolution, but now he has to be skeptical.

In fact, some people have been saying for a long time that there is no difference between the theory of evolution and creationism in "Origin of Species", and they are essentially a kind of belief, because anyone who has studied "Origin of Species" knows that there are loopholes in it.

The biggest loophole that proves that the theory of evolution can only be conjecture is that "there is no intermediate species", assuming that human beings were capable humans from 180 million BC (Note 1) - Homo erectus 150 million BC - 20 BC Pre-Homo sapiens, then there must have been a large number of half-human and half-ape human fossils in such a long history. In fact, so far, no fossils have been unearthed.

As for the ape-man skull found in Zhoukoudian, first, the fossil has disappeared, and its existence is doubtful; second, the ape-man in Zhoukoudian, including Yuanmou Man, has been completely extinct, not to mention that it is not the same species as Homo sapiens at all. There is reproductive isolation in the middle.

That is to say, no evidence has been found between Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens that can prove that Homo sapiens evolved from Homo sapiens.

Leaving aside this point, many intermediate species of other species can be found, but human beings have not yet been "discovered".

It can be said that the theory of evolution has no major problems for other species and is correct, "Natural selection, survival of the fittest".Therefore, we can infer that humans have also evolved in this way, but because of the lack of some key evidence, we can only prove it based on the evolution of other species.

Then another bigger problem comes!The theory of evolution cannot explain clearly how Homo sapiens appeared. Leaving aside, how did Homo sapiens generate wisdom?The theory of evolution cannot give a reasonable explanation at all, and then it is attributed to countless coincidences
Suddenly Cheng Mo heard a voice: "Wake up, and still pretend to be asleep?"

Obviously it was Xie Minyun's voice, he was taken aback, he didn't know whether he should keep pretending or just take the opportunity to wake up.

"When I spoke just now, your fingers twitched a few times. This was a subconscious reaction because of worry. How long are you going to pretend?" Xie Minyun's tone became a little colder.

Cheng Mo had no choice but to open his eyes, but he didn't dare to look at Xie Minyun, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry I just woke up and didn't pretend to be asleep on purpose."

"Xie Minyun stood up and said with a cold expression: "Why are you pretending to be asleep when you wake up?I don't know" and the second half of the sentence "I'm worried about you" but couldn't get it out, she lifted her blue LADY bag angrily and was about to leave.

"Senior sister. Me." Cheng Mo raised his head, staring at Xie Minyun's fair and slender right hand, but couldn't say the phrase "because of shyness".

Xie Minyun naturally noticed that Cheng Mo's eyes were fixed on her right hand, and her face was lit up with a red glow, and then she remembered that not long ago, Cheng Mo held onto her hand tightly in her dream. At that time, she thought Cheng Mo had woken up and shook him several times, but his lips were trembling, and tears were streaming from the corners of his eyes, maybe he had dreamed of something.

At that time, Xie Minyun looked at the monitor. Except for a slightly faster heartbeat, everything else was normal, so she didn't call a doctor, but she tried to break free from Cheng Mo's hand, but found that the more she wanted to break it, the more Cheng Mo held it. The tighter the pressure, in the end there was no choice but to let him go.

"It's really hard for you to keep watch all night." Seeing Xie Minyun stop, Cheng Mo said softly, full of apology and gratitude.

"You think I want to guard you? Your cousin got on the plane, and no one cares about you. It happened that I was at the end. Leader Zhang knew that we belonged to the same school, so he told me to stay. It just so happened that I still owe you a favor, Now it's all paid off." Knowing the reason why Cheng Mo pretended to sleep, Xie Minyun changed from angry to embarrassed, and immediately pretended to be very unwilling to get rid of himself.

As for why he said to stay at the airport, it was difficult for Xie Minyun to explain the reason clearly. He was a little impulsive, a little worried, a little sympathetic, and a little concerned.

"I said you don't owe me anything, now I owe you, senior, thank you!" Cheng Mo's tone was as soft as the summer night breeze, he had never spoken so sincerely to anyone.

Xie Minyun completely felt the softness, which is completely different from Cheng Mo's usual indifference. Thinking of his unexplained tears last night, his voice also softened, "I didn't do anything, I don't need you to thank me"

Cheng Mo propped up his body and leaned on the bed with his hands, "How about you sit down and rest for a while? Or, call the doctor to come over now for discharge. I'm fine."

"Wait a minute, Team Leader Zhang is still resting in a nearby hotel, and we'll talk about it when she comes over." Xie Minyun moved his feet and sat down again.

"Oh! Can you lend me your cell phone to make a call?"

Xie Minyun didn't ask either, naturally thinking that Cheng Mo was calling his uncle and aunt, took out the phone from his bag, unlocked it and handed it to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo dialed the number Li Jiting gave him just now, told Li Jiting his location in a few words, then hung up the phone and returned it to Xie Minyun.

"Didn't you call your uncle and aunt just now?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "A friend of my dad's." In line with the principle of saying as much as possible, Cheng Mo didn't explain much.

"What's the matter with you? Why can't you wake up all of a sudden?" Xie Minyun didn't get to the bottom of it, but frowned and asked Cheng Mo's condition.

"I don't know, but the body is like this sometimes. But this kind of situation rarely occurs, and it won't cause any serious problems. Just sleep for a while and it will be fine."

Xie Minyun hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "You have heart disease, so you should avoid participating in such high-intensity tour groups."

Apparently she thought that Cheng Mo was overtired. Cheng Mo was quite relieved about the heart disease at the moment, so he bent the corner of his mouth and said, "It's actually not that serious. Besides, I'm used to it."

"The doctor said that your heart disease is considered serious, and you must pay attention to rest." Xie Minyun couldn't help but said earnestly.

"Senior sister, I remember that every time I come to the hospital, what impresses me the most is not the doctors in white coats who save lives and the wounded, nor the advanced medical equipment. When I pass by the intensive care unit, I see those dying people lying On the bed, with tubes inserted all over the body, the intensive care unit is very quiet, only the beeping of the instrument vibrates in the air, but you can clearly feel those people's persistence in life, the kind of never giving up, the kind of never giving up, It's called hope." Cheng Mo looked into Xie Minyun's eyes and said firmly.

Xie Minyun also looked into Cheng Mo's eyes, she found that Cheng Mo was a little different, but she didn't know what was different, was it because the tears washed away the lingering haze in his pupils?Or maybe he had a sweet dream?
A dream that made him feel hopeful in life?
(You can still see two updates in the morning!)

 Note 1—Homo habilis is a species in the genus Homo.Homo habilis fossils were first discovered in the first layer of the Olduvai Canyon in Tanzania in 1960. At that time, the parietal bones, mandibles, and hand bones of children aged 10 to 11, and the collarbone, hand bones, and foot bones of adults were unearthed.Has been able to start crafting and using stone tools.Once known as "East African Man", it is now agreed to be a species of Australopithecus.

(End of this chapter)

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