Rebel Demon King

Chapter 237 Journey

Chapter 237 Journey

(Thanks to the two ten thousand rewards that waited for Quicksand 3000 years ago to be promoted to the leader!)

The morning sun in Rome was cool, Li Jiting led Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun out of the glass door of San Giovanni Hospital, then Li Jiting stopped in the porch, took out his mobile phone and called Xie Minyun's mother, Wang Jinyan.

Although Cheng Mo has a bad heart and low athletic ability, his hearing is very keen, so he can clearly hear the majestic and deep female voice coming from Li Jiting's cell phone, "Hey! Comrade Li Jiting, how come you suddenly Call me?"

"I said sister-in-law, although I seldom call you, there is no need to be so bureaucratic, right?"

"Stop, stop! I can't climb high, don't call me sister-in-law, when our old Xie calls you brother, it's not too late for you to call me sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, you are meaningless. Brother Xie is restricted by work and can't call others brothers and sisters, but he recognizes me as a younger brother in his heart. There is nothing wrong with calling me sister-in-law!"

"I dare you to live in our old Xie's heart? You have such a good relationship with him, why don't I know?"

"It must be good. If you think about it, we fight when we wear crotch pants. That is an incomparably deep revolutionary friendship!"

Wang Jinyan chuckled and said, "Don't think about the past, what's the matter with the phone call, just tell me?"

"You have a high position and authority, and you are busy with affairs, so I will make a long story short."

"If you can get rid of this poor mouth, you won't be so unpopular!"

"If people in the capital are not poor, are they still called people from the capital? You have to be like your old Xie, with a straight face all day long, looking at everyone like a spy, and wanting to arrest them and torture them. Is there any meaning in this world?"

"Okay, okay, I won't chat with you anymore, just talk about something!"

Li Jiting smiled "hehe", looked at the straight Xie Minyun and said, "Your daughter is in my hands now, I decided to kidnap her!"

"Xiao Jin? Why is she where you are?"

Cheng Mo heard the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly become a little more serious, so he glanced at Xie Minyun. At the moment, she didn't have much expression on her face, but her pupils were obviously dilated, which was an emotional expression of nervousness or fear.

"She and my unscrupulous guy happened to be at the same summer camp, traveling in Europe together, so we ran into each other in Italy, which wasn't going to take them around and learn a lot."

Xie Minyun heard the word "unworthy person", and turned his head to look at Cheng Mo. The eyes of the two met unexpectedly across Li Jiting. They touched each other slightly, and immediately retracted them sensitively, as if they were in the ocean. The tropical fish that accidentally bumped into each other flicked their tails desperately, turned around and swam away as if nothing had happened.

"Your apprentice? Whose child?" Wang Jinyan immediately asked alertly.

"As long as it is my apprentice? Is whose child important?" Li Jiting asked back with a smile. Although his tone was slightly teased, it contained a strong and unquestionable self-confidence.

"Okay, since you are the one who brought Xiao Jin in person, I don't worry."

"Thank you sister-in-law for your trust! I really want tears in my eyes."

"I should thank you. The opportunity to learn from Li University is not so easy to get."

"Sister-in-law, look at you blowing me up!"

"I have nothing else to do!"

"Would you like to speak to Xiao Jin?"

"no need."

"That's fine."

Li Jiting hung up his mobile phone and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, turned his head and smiled at Xie Minyun and said, "Look, it's easy to settle and let's go." After speaking, Li Jiting walked down the steps and led the way to the parking lot. Mo also followed without saying a word.

As for Xie Minyun staring at the backs of Cheng Mo and Li Jiting in a daze, she never thought that things would suddenly turn out like this. To spend some time with him.

All of this is so inexplicable, as if there are such things as fate and coincidence, Xie Minyun can't tell what she feels in her heart, her heart beats a little fast, it seems to be happy, it seems to be nervous, but why is she nervous?
"What are you doing in a daze? Come here!" Li Jiting looked back at Xie Minyun who was still standing on the steps and hooked his hands.

Seeing Cheng Mo, Xie Minyun also turned her head to look at him. In those two eyes that were so quick to turn just now, there was less of the usual sense of defense that keeps people away from thousands of miles away, and there was a little more warmth. She bit her lower lip lightly, heartbroken. He said: "I didn't stay because of you. I stayed because of Uncle Li. Uncle Li is a master of humanities and social sciences. He also has a lot of research in art. I can't miss the opportunity to exchange and learn with him."

After finding a strong enough reason, Xie Minyun, who was wearing a T-shirt, A-line skirt, and canvas shoes, walked down the steps briskly. The glaring underside is particularly dazzling, and it is a typical black long straight that makes people never get tired of looking at white.

Li Jiting turned his head to look at Cheng Mo and said in a low voice: "Disciple! I am a teacher for you, but my old face is sold at a low price. If you don't make it to Xiaojin, you will really waste all my painstaking efforts."

"Uncle Li, don't get me wrong. Senior sister and I are not familiar but we just know each other." Cheng Mo really didn't think he and Xie Minyun would have any chance, so he said helplessly.

"Yo? It's just acquaintance. Someone put you by your bedside in a foreign country to watch over you all night. You say you just know each other? When did the spirit of selfless dedication of us Chinese become so high?"

Although Xie Minyun didn't hear what Cheng Mo said, but he heard what Li Jiting said clearly, and immediately said with a straight face: "Who guarded him all night? If it wasn't for his pity, my cousin wouldn't care about him, plus The team leader begged me again, the devil cares about his life!"

Li Jiting patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "haha" and said with a smile: "Why can't I meet such a beautiful girl who is full of sympathy?"

"Uncle Li, can you say something meaningful?" Xie Minyun had already begun to feel that it was a mistake to stay, and said in a cold tone.

Li Jiting took out the car keys from his trouser belt and pressed the switch. A Mini with the Italian flag on the roof flashed twice among the Italian cars. Li Jiting walked over and opened the door, "Okay, but you have to first Tell me what makes sense?"

"As long as you don't make jokes, especially the joke between me and Cheng Mo, I'm not familiar with him."

Li Jiting opened the car door and sighed, shook his head and said, "The two of you make me feel that love is a game of tormenting each other, or you can only use the kidneys instead of the heart. If you use the kidneys, not only dopamine is secreted, but the kidneys also It doesn’t hurt! If you’re distracted, you need to prepare quick-acting heart-rescuing pills.”

"Aren't you just joking?" Xie Minyun said with a dark face, looking at Li Jiting with murderous eyes.

"I'll just express my feelings." Seeing that Xie Minyun was really angry, Li Jiting quickly waved his hands, expressing that he would never dare again, and then sat on the mini.

But immediately Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun looked at the car door and were dumbfounded, because this is a two-door version of the mini, and its rear space is relatively small, not to mention uncomfortable, and it can only be entered and exited from the co-pilot side, probably Li Jiting didn't expect Xie Minyun to be there, so he just rented a two-door Mini.

Xie Minyun thought that Cheng Mo had a heart attack, so he took the initiative to say: "I'll sit in the back! I don't want to sit in the same row with Uncle Li!" After speaking, he opened the door and prepared to get in the car.

"Yo! You little girl, why did you turn into a dynamite bag!" Li Jiting said while starting the car.

Cheng Mo quickly grabbed Xie Minyun's arm, "I'll sit in the back, and I don't want to sit in the same row with Uncle Li."

Xie Minyun refused, "Uncle Li is your master, if you don't sit with him, who will sit with him?"

"I didn't say that Uncle Li was my master, he said it all himself!" Cheng Mo refused to give in, and said lightly.

"I dare say that I, the bad guy, did a good job and contributed to the formation of your united front, right? That's fine, you two sit in the back row for me, don't hinder me from picking up girls! Save me and you two little ones!" Be careful not to explode when talking about explosives!"


The Mini with the Italian flag printed on it was running in the golden sunshine of Rome, and the beautiful and elegant buildings on both sides kept retreating. Li Jiting drove quite wildly. It felt like the Mini was driven out of the F1 formula. Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun Crowded in the small space behind, they would bump into each other as soon as they turned a corner, like two tumblers side by side, with physical contact occurring from time to time.

Although the scene is very ambiguous and charming, but for the two people who were shaken in a daze, it was not ambiguous or charming at all.

"Uncle Li, can you drive slower? I'm dizzy!" Xie Minyun finally couldn't help but speak.

"Time is money, we are going to Florence today"

"Not in a hurry for a minute or two?" Xie Minyun frowned.

"No rush, no rush, it's just that I'm used to driving." Li Jiting slowed down the car a little bit. When the speed slowed down, it made people feel that time slowed down and the air became quieter.

"When I entered the hospital just now, what were you two arguing about?"

Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun didn't know who Li Jiting was asking, so they didn't speak. There was an awkward silence, and then they both opened their mouths at the same time: "Just now."

"Can you stop being so tacit?" Li Jiting looked at the rearview mirror and smiled.

Xie Minyun glanced at Cheng Mo, and said softly, "Say it!"

"At the beginning, we were talking about ancient Roman civilization and Chinese civilization, and later we discussed the 'Needham problem', and then I put forward a hypothesis, if there is no Western civilization, what stage is Chinese civilization at now." Cheng Mo said lightly.

"This question is interesting. Apart from Europe, the entire world, such as Arabia, India, and Iran, are also caught in this problem. In fact, it is not that China has stagnated, but Europe has taken a leap. In fact, civilization can develop. , the biggest contributor is communication. If there is no communication between civilizations, then the whole earth will still be like the indigenous people of the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean, which is basically the same as just coming down from the tree. The highly brilliant Mayan civilization developed astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, art, and writing to such a high level, it is impossible to produce science, and it can only be destroyed." At the end of Li Jiting's tone, he was still a little heavy.

Naturally, Xie Minyun didn't think too much about it, thinking that Li Jiting felt sorry for the fact that the Mayan civilization was invisible under the Spanish artillery fire, but Cheng Mo naturally didn't think that what Li Jiting said was just that simple.

The three of them were discussing about the Mayan civilization in the car, forgetting the passage of time and the narrow and crowded compartment. Both Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun hugged the front seat and squeezed their heads into the gap between the two chairs to listen to Li Jiting's words Some knowledge that is difficult to obtain in class or even in books.

The two of them listened with gusto, and didn't even notice their faces were so close until the car arrived in Florence, but the city's other name is much nicer - Fei Leng Cui.

Here is the birthplace of the Renaissance movement, where one of the two sparks of science was born.

It was already noon at this time, Li Jiting first followed the navigation and drove the car to the St. Regis Hotel, then opened three rooms, led Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun to the hotel's Michelin two-star restaurant, when ordering, Li Jiting said: "Wait for us Eat first, I have something to do in the afternoon, you don’t seem to have brought anything with you? Go shopping by yourself in the afternoon, buy some clothes, see you in the evening.”

In the afternoon, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun visited the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the Uffizi Art Museum. The two had dinner together, and went to a store near the hotel to buy daily necessities. When they returned to the hotel, they still did not see Li Jiting.

So Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun went back to their rooms to rest. When it was close to eleven o'clock, Cheng Mo heard the sound of Li Jiting closing the door who lived in the opposite door. Cheng Mo couldn't wait and walked over to knock on the door. He wanted to ask Li Jiting how he wanted to upgrade the carrier. start.

However, when Li Jiting opened the door, he was hugging a hot blonde girl. Cheng Mo turned around and left without saying a word. Li Jiting stretched out his hand to hold Cheng Mo, then patted the fart of the blonde girl in a short skirt, and said in English : "You go to take a shower, I will say a few words to my son."

Cheng Mo looked at the blonde girl blowing a kiss to Li Jiting with a blank face, and then walked into the bathroom twisting her slender waist, thinking: How could my father be good friends with this kind of person?

Li Jiting patted Cheng Mo's shoulder and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, the upgrade of the carrier is not something that can be done overnight, you should think about it first, I don't have time to teach you tonight."

"Oh! Uncle Li, you are busy first! I'll go back and do some research on my own."

"I said Cheng Mo! Haste makes waste, you should understand, your father laid such a good foundation for you, and you have me with you, you can become a master by playing casually. Put your mind right and enjoy life. Heart disease is up to me." After a pause, Li Jiting said ambiguously: "Actually, I think it would be better for you to talk to Xiaojin. The stars outside are so beautiful, and the emerald night So romantic, invite her to the rooftop for a drink."

Without hesitation, Cheng Mo stretched out his hand to close the half-closed door with a "bang", and walked towards his room.

Standing at the door, Li Jiting shook his head with a smile and said in a low voice, "This kid is as virtuous as his father." Hearing the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, Li Jiting immediately rushed into the bathroom and shouted: "Daling! I'll come wash with you"

(Two-in-one update! Ask for tickets! There will be another update tomorrow morning!)

(End of this chapter)

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