Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1335 Ragnarok of the Gods (107)

Chapter 1335 Ragnarok of the Gods (107)

There was a bang in Cheng Mo's mind, as if he had been shaken severely by something, his pupils dilated, his body trembled, and his whole body fell into the deep still water, so Li Jiting's voice became distant.And those pictures that poured into my mind like water from my pupils bloomed into flowers.

This feeling is close to a miracle.

His eyes were wet for no reason, and it was not for no reason, but he finally understood what those great humans were thinking.

What binds human beings has never been gravity, but selfish genes.

Yes, we are nothing more than genetic machines, and our existence is meaningless except to reproduce.But we are different, literature, film, music, sports, technology, these are all proofs of our uniqueness.

And on this tiny planet, only humans, only we humans, have enough power to oppose our creator.

Only we, only we humans, can resist the tyranny of selfish genes.

Through Li Jiting, he saw the boundary of freedom, and saw that Li Jiting had become a golden colossus, slowly moving forward, towards true freedom.

That is not only a rebellion against humanity, but also a rebellion against the Creator!

That is freedom, or should we call it - liberation.

He shuddered.

He felt as if he had escaped from eternal chaos. He stood on the top of the mountain and saw the light gradually rising from the sky.It is the light that countless human beings try to lift up to guide human beings. The light is not blazing, but reveals a warmth.Even though life is never a long-term thing, their thoughts still shine brightly in history, not messy, not scattered, and calmly shining.You can regain your sense of direction just by looking up.

Cheng Mo stared at the light shining in the darkness in the death-like silence, feeling at peace in his heart.

Suddenly, the light began to flow, and Cheng Mo looked closely, and found that the nine "God's Rods" in the sky were slowly falling down in the frozen time, like shooting stars.In the picture where the pause button was pressed, they dragged a long stream of fiery red flames, running through the sleeping background at a normal speed.They first passed through the mirage-like statue, and the huge and majestic statue dissipated like mist.Afterwards, they passed through the dense cluster of aircraft, and as the flames splashed, more streamers followed them along the four corners of the diamond-shaped beam of light and shot towards the four light clusters floating in the air, forming a huge meteor shower.

The radiant movement contrasts sharply with the absolute stillness, creating an extremely shocking sense of montage.

Cheng Mo's line of sight followed it down, two beams of fiery red rods of God fell into the star gate line first, the other four beams accurately penetrated four bright light clusters, and the remaining three beams ignited like flowing fire. The sculptural Chosen One is like igniting a barren grassland, burning in all directions and deepening towards the sea.

The vast sea of ​​NF is illuminated by the fire in silence, and also illuminates every photo-like face filled with resentment. This resentment cannot be dispelled except by death.

So death came.

Like a storm.

like lightning.

The vast firelight illuminated the last twilight, and the stars disappeared.

When the four light clusters of the four-pointed star array were penetrated, Cheng Mo felt that he had also been released from the restraints. He was following Li Jiting, dragging the sun-like fireball behind him, facing the dazzling golden four-pointed starlight column, towards The red giant star cross flowing with the flames of hell.The energy shield rubbed against the beam of light of the four-pointed star to create bursts of sparks, and the sparks jumped and scattered away like colorful fireworks thrown by a firework stick.And the crimson flames tumbling in front of him shone like magma, making Cheng Mo sweat profusely and shudder even a few kilometers away.

But in the face of the sun-like fall and destruction, the four-pointed star beam and the red giant star cross are just a poor laser light.

No one can stop the sun from setting into the sea.

Cheng Mo once thought that he was used to seeing big scenes. Lake Baikal was evaporated, the Eiffel Tower fell down, and the whole of Paris was swallowed up by poisonous gas and floods. Nothing in this world would shock him anymore.At this moment he felt that he was still young.He was deeply sure that Li Jiting's statement that I was once infinitely close to God was not an exaggerated statement.

Compared with Li Jiting, even the number one general is nothing more than that.

At this second, Cheng Mo had no fear in his heart, only the excitement of going upstream.Holding his breath, he and Li Jiting dragged the sun into the sacred lava cross, as if rebels were about to break into the solemn sanctuary.

When they met, the fiery sky ushered in true destruction, and the sky burst into incomparable brilliance—that was a terrifying supernova explosion, sending a warning of the death of stars to the entire universe.

Cheng Mo felt that he should have seen the devastating destruction taking place, but the scene in front of him was too magical, as easy as Li Jiting took out a match and lit a painting, which made him wonder if everything was just an illusion.

When he heard the solemn announcement from the Chosen System: "The Tenth God will be killed!"

He finally understood that the picture in front of him was not his imagination, but the reality that was actually happening.

"The Eighth God will be killed!"

"The Sixth God will be killed!"

"The Fifth God will be killed!"

These unemotional announcements hit Cheng Mo's heart one after another, each time making his heart beat faster.This speed is so fast that it is a bit out of control, like racing against death on a winding mountain road, you can only survive if you step on the accelerator to the bottom and win.Fear and excitement rushed to his face at the same time, covering his mouth and nose, making it difficult to breathe.

His adrenaline soared again, as if the death race had reached the final moment, the finish line was in front of him, and he could survive by turning the hairpin turn on the edge of the cliff.He felt that he had stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly.Ahead was the shimmering sea, and he had to apply the handbrake, reverse the steering wheel, and cross the hairpin bend against the guardrail.He seemed to hear the sound of something breaking, like a car losing control and rushing out of a cliff.Four-wheel idling, flying weightlessness.Then, the world disappeared, everything disappeared, only the endless sea and the sunset sprinkled a beautiful column of stars on the waves, which was a harbinger of the coming night.

Neither death nor time is worth mentioning before such beauty.

In furious burning they split the ocean like rocks into a pool.The huge waves are like towering mountains, thousands of meters high, and the white sea water bulges into a mushroom cloud connecting the sky.

The roar of the rumbling explosion seemed to be a wail from the depths of the universe.Probably because of the vastness of the sky, it does not sound scary, but also has an inexplicable melodiousness.The majestic sound echoed in the sky, lingering, as if mourning in this ocean.

At the core point of the explosion, in the center of the wave standing like a mountain, all the seawater was evaporated, leaving only the dry seabed.On a raised seamount, there is a rusty shipwreck inlaid. In the surrounding seawater wall, countless fish are fleeing to the distance, as if through the glass curtain wall, turning this place into a bottle. boat landscape.It's just that this surrounded Caesar-class battleship has long since lost its majestic appearance, and the wreckage of the dying year does not show the domineering splendor of the past.

In the sky, all the chosen ones, fighter planes and drones disappeared like dewdrops.

The clouds in the sky also dissipated, leaving only a hazy blood color, like the smoke erupted from the flames of hell.

Li Jiting sat on the bow of the boat covered with seaweed, his gray wings drooping on both sides, like a sculpture of a dying angel.Colorful starfish crawled out of the boat and crawled along long stretches of seaweed to the seabed like flowers suddenly blooming on ugly vines.

Cheng Mo waved his wings and floated in the air to look at Li Jiting. His body was terrible, his abdomen was shriveled, his ribs were exposed, and he was so thin that only skin and bones remained. His face was covered by pale skin covered with age spots. There were only a few sparse strands of hair left, and she no longer looked as vigorous as before. She aged instantly and became a completely different person.

"It's been a long time since I worked so hard." Li Jiting panted. He took out a silver wine jug from his suit pocket with his skinny hands like firewood. With his movements, the red rose in his pocket trembled slightly. He raised his head and took a sip of the wine, and said with a long sigh of relief, "I already smell the fragrance of death."

Cheng Mo stared at Li Jiting, aware of some ominous omen lurking in his heart, he was silent for a long time, didn't know how to speak, let alone what to say, hesitated for a while, and then asked softly: "Are you really Have you ever thought about committing suicide?"

"Countless times." Li Jiting smiled, "About 250 years of life, you will continue to believe, question, believe, and deny that human beings are really simple and complex creatures, wanting to keep moving toward a goal that is too far away to be invisible. To go on, you need not only courage, tenacity, sacrifice, wisdom... even paranoia. In fact, I don't know how to persevere. I used to doubt whether I was obsessed with the unattainable ideal. Or... again Or just fell in love with the process of chasing ideals!" He looked up at the sky far above his head, where the stars were twinkling, "It terrifies me."

Cheng Mo also looked towards the sky.

The sky is clear, and the last sliver of the setting sun is hidden in the line of the sea and the sky. Through the faint blood color, the bright Milky Way is like a beam of light across the blue sky. It grows from the other side of the sky, exuding a hazy star brilliance .

Cheng Mo saw the most eye-catching Orion at first sight, and then he saw Taurus. To the northeast of Taurus is the pentagonal Auriga and the Great Bear.The most famous constellation in Ursa Major is the Big Dipper, which looks like a suspended spoon with the dipper pointing up and the head facing down.When you get lost in the wilderness, as long as you find it, you can tell the direction.

But even with the Big Dipper to judge the direction, in the vast sea, can you reach the other shore with an ark?
Cheng Mo is not sure.

"This kind of panic and disappointment in myself has made me think about giving up or committing suicide countless times. But every time I have such thoughts in my mind, I will dream of Heidi, my children and those who died Friend. In my dream, I would be afraid that they would ask me if the world has become what I want it to be.” Li Jiting panted hard, “I think, I have no way to answer their question.”

Cheng Mo opened his mouth, and wanted to ask Li Jiting why he didn't try to be an ordinary person, but he thought of himself, and because of guilt, he had to walk a path he didn't want to take.Li Jiting has more burdens than himself, how can he just forget it?

To cross others, cross yourself first, only sigh.

"I am not a qualified husband, not a qualified father, and not a qualified friend. I have not done a single thing that I promised them. I have no reason to give up. Even if I realize that what I pursue is nothing but illusory Phantom, I have to move on too, I have to move on. That's probably why I'm surviving. But now, I have more and more things in my head, and my brain starts to compile and delete redundancy. People When I get older, I only like to remember those beautiful things, and deliberately avoid or downplay those painful experiences. I have been fighting with my brain for hundreds of years, which makes me feel very tired." Li Jiting said with some melancholy, "I know Well. I don't dream of them now."

"Maybe. Maybe forgetting is not a bad thing." Cheng Mo hesitated, "As long as you have a clear conscience."

"If I forget them, I will lose my direction. It's like raising my head, and I can no longer see the starry sky." Li Jiting's voice became hoarse and weak, but his attitude was unquestionable, "Humans can't live without the starry sky. Humans can't forget the past. It's not only a betrayal, it's a surrender to oneself."

Cheng Mo knew that Li Jiting didn't need his comfort, and he couldn't comfort him with his short life experience.To some extent, this is Li Jiting sharing his life with him to trigger more thinking and more important content.So it doesn't matter what he says, just listen carefully.

Li Jiting smiled and said, "However, now that I have found a reason not to continue, it is still a valid reason. I can finally die with a clear conscience."

Cheng Mo quickly shook his head, "Master, don't place too much hope on me. My strength is limited, and I may not be able to fulfill your wish. In fact, I have no confidence in it."

Li Jiting also shook his head, "Cheng Mo, I chose you not because I thought you would do something. But because I heard your inner voice, I know that you are willing to take over the crown studded with curses, yes Because of love." He gasped, "and not because of... lust for power and immortality."

When he said these words, his pupils were filled with an indescribable and unpredictable emotion.Cheng Mo couldn't read such complex and deep thoughts, and could only feel the traces of guilt from his tone.

"I'm sorry, but because the motivation comes from love, the crown will be covered with thorns, and immortality will become a curse." Li Jiting said with some shame, "This is an extremely heavy load, I know it all, but I have no choice."

"There's no need to be sorry, master." Cheng Mo said, "This is also my own choice."

Li Jiting raised the jug and took another big sip of wine, "Anyway, I'm not a qualified master. In fact, your father wanted me to hand over Ouroboros to you, just to cure your heart disease. You can be a happy ordinary person, but I pushed you on another path. Of course, I didn’t mean to do this. In fact, I watched you secretly several times and saw you make changes. You have Got friends, got a lover, got married, not only had a child, but also a lover. I don’t know what your mother will think when she finds out, but anyway, I’m very happy, and I feel like my child has finally grown up.”

Cheng Mo wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh in such a sad atmosphere.

"When I saw you, I would also think of my child, so I hoped that you could be an ordinary person like your parents expected. I ignored you deliberately, but I didn't expect that Bai Xiuxiu would trust you so much, and you The potential that has exploded is far beyond my imagination, especially in the 'Remains of the Black Death', it is really surprising that you can get the 'Lord of the Black Death' and the 'Singer's Horn' in that situation However, it really makes me think that you can be the heir, or in Paris. I was at the top of the ghost building, watching Xie Minyun shatter into a holy light, watching you soaring from the Seine, I thought. Maybe this is Doomed!"

Cheng Mo trembled violently, as if a sharp arrow shot into his chest was pulled out with blood and flesh. In pain, he raised his hand and wanted to grab Li Jiting's collar, but he saw Li Jiting behind him. On the deck, the crown on his head was reflected in the remaining puddle of water stains, and he put down his hands dejectedly.

Li Jiting didn't care about Cheng Mo's actions. He took another sip of wine, handed the jug to Cheng Mo, looked at him with a smile and said, "I'm not shirking responsibility, whether it's in the 'Remains of the Black Death' or What happened in Paris was beyond my expectations. I was there because of the clown Sith and Napoleon VII. I really didn’t expect that Paris would be the stage for you and Xie Minyun, let alone the life that Xie Minyun took in K20. to be repaid."

Cheng Mo took the flagon dejectedly, and took a big gulp of the bland and tasteless vodka. When he put down the flagon, he finally heard the words that it was expected to come, and it finally arrived.

"You don't have to let go of your anger and kill me, Cheng Mo, the bad luck I brought to you will end here."

These words seem to have been foreshadowed many years ago, from the moment they met at the father's funeral many years ago, to the Hall of Valor in Rome, until now and here, they suddenly emerged.

Is it all bad luck?

The memories of Li Jiting in the past were swept over by the wind like a drizzle.He recalled the first time he met Li Jiting, it was in the restaurant of the funeral parlor. No matter what their hearts were, the expressions of the others were somewhat serious and heavy. The huge space was filled with the sound of the collision of bowls and chopsticks, as well as whispers of chatting. .He walked through the long aisle and saw Li Jiting sitting in the guest seat. Li Jiting sitting with other older leaders was really out of the ordinary. He had long hair parted in the middle and looked like an artist. His eyes Also bent, seems to be smiling.When asking Cheng Mo questions, he was even more casual, and he laughed unabashedly, which gave him a little bad sense.

After the banquet was over, Li Jiting gave him the Uroboros, but he didn't tell him how to use it, and he couldn't get in touch with him. Therefore, although Cheng Mo was grateful to Li Jiting, he didn't trust him more.Later, when he saw Li Jiting in the temple of the gods, he vaguely guessed that maybe this was a test, and it was very likely that Li Jiting had been watching him from behind, which only deepened his suspicion of Li Jiting.

How did the suspicion fade away?Probably during his travels in Europa, he still feels very happy in retrospect. He and Xie Minyun sat in the cramped back row of the two-door MINI, and Li Jiting drove in front, driving the car until it was about to fly. Xie Minyun sitting in the back seat is like a side-by-side tumbler.It was the first time he had such intimate contact with a girl, and he would never forget that feeling of floating in the air, all thanks to Li Jiting.

They traveled all the way from Rome to Prague, and he never thought that he would talk so much because he didn't like to talk. In fact, it was not talking, but debating.Every time Li Jiting brought up a topic, he and Xie Minyun began to refute each other by citing scriptures. Even if they had the same idea sometimes, they would try their best to pick out unconventional viewpoints to debate with each other.Li Jiting is like a cunning teacher, whoever has the upper hand will help the weaker side, maintain the balance of the debate, and prevent the debate from developing into vindictiveness.

Except for the time of "quarreling" in the car, they were very harmonious most of the time. Li Jiting took him and Xie Minyun to Salzburg, which is the hometown of Mozart and Karajan.The three of them listened to Mozart's famous songs in Mozart's former residence and bought a lot of Mozart chocolates.Went to Karajan's cemetery, Xie Minyun also specially presented flowers for Karajan.They went to Hallstatt and watched the sunset from this stunning town.After enjoying the concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in the Golden Hall, Li Jiting got the ticket with the best seat and gave Xie Minyun money to buy a beautiful dress for her and himself. However, when the performance started, Li Jiting did not Appearing abruptly created an opportunity for the two of them to be alone.

There was also a scene in Prague that he will never forget. When they walked to Prague Square, Li Jiting suddenly shouted at the most crowded place of tourists: I like the feeling of leaving, I love trains, they are the embodiment of love jade.Everyone looked at them at that time, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun lowered their heads at the same time, pretending not to know Li Jiting.Li Jiting didn't mind those gazes, like singing an opera, and then recited the famous line from "Love in Prague" - "Life is too heavy for me, but so light for you, I can't I am not strong enough to bear this lightness of life, but I cannot bear this freedom.” Because of this emotional chanting, the tourists whistled, applauded enthusiastically, and some women came up to talk to him.

That day in Prague, they also went to Franz Kafka's bookstore. In that small bookstore full of literary and artistic atmosphere, Li Jiting forced the three of them to take a group photo.He will always remember the green plaid window with the golden bells and Kafka's books. Although he doesn't like Kafka much, that photo is very important to him.When he and Xie Minyun met again in the capital, Xie Minyun showed him the wallet. She folded off the side of Li Jiting's photo and stuffed it inside.He remembered that Xie Minyun told him that he did not cut Li Jiting, which was his greatest gratitude to Li Jiting.

It was really a pleasant journey, one of the most important memories in his life.

But the journey does not end in Prague.They went all the way to Moscow. On the way, he studied with Li Jiting. What he learned was not how to become the Chosen One, but how to be an aristocrat and an agent, such as how to attend a nobleman's dinner party, how to distinguish the status of the other party, and how to recognize a corpse. , how to open all kinds of locks, how to find secret rooms and safe houses, and how to chat with girls are all messy knowledge that cannot be learned in textbooks, and these knowledge are very important, especially helping him survived on the K20.

Although he couldn't understand why Li Jiting gave him the "God Gene" at that time, he still has lingering fears about what happened on the K20.But he is still glad that the bad cause has produced sweet fruit.Without that trip to K20, maybe there would be no later stories between him and Xie Minyun.As for what happened in Paris later, Li Jiting really cannot be blamed.

Cheng Mo thought of the night when he met Li Jiting at the foot of Yuelu Mountain after returning to China, the words he said to himself hit his weakness like a bullet hit a red heart.

"In life you are full of rationality, you use data to judge gains and losses, which is actually not bad. But you are afraid of love, afraid of giving, and you regard girls as trouble. Regarding love, you have seen failure from your father, and you have seen it in books. I read the truth of human nature on the Internet. You think that human nature is profit-oriented, and love cannot be immortal. Instead of living in an uncertain short-lived sweetness, it is better to choose a way that is sure that it will not be hurt. You have never touched love at all, but you are trying to give it to you. Love defines."

"You calculate everything very clearly, and you also quantify the feelings between people. When you help others, the first thing you think of is what he has given me, or what I can get from him afterwards. What return. You don't believe in friendship, you think that benefits are eternal, so you will never experience the happiness brought by giving, and you don't know that it is a happy thing to work hard towards the goal with your friends."

"You didn't shed tears at your father's funeral. You think it's a kind of reason, a kind of detachment. You arm yourself with philosophical thoughts. That's because you only care about yourself. That way you don't have to feel the pain of loss. You don't have that kind of courage"

"Cheng Mo, don't still be stuck in your heart disease, don't think that you should be deep because you were once precarious, don't think that your mother left you is abandoning you, just like you shouldn't think that your father just doesn't love you You. You already have a lot, you have to get out of your past self, you have to learn to give”

These words were like a javelin, piercing through his weak heart, and like a hail, saving him from the self-righteous loneliness.

He also couldn't express his feelings for Li Jiting clearly, maybe he couldn't even talk about feelings. At this moment, Li Jiting was in his heart. It was like the photo folded by Xie Minyun.

No matter how he refuses, it has always existed deeply, hidden in the back of the soul.

Just like many years ago, he thought he could get rid of his father's influence on him.

"Kill him! Kill Li Jiting! Kill your master! The figure who taught you and protected you!"

Cheng Mo knew in his heart that this was extremely correct. Only by killing Li Jiting could he inherit 33% of the experience points from Li Jiting without suffering any loss.It doesn't mean much to other chosen ones who can only reach level [-], but it is very important to Cheng Mo.

His level cap is 99.

Cheng Mo had thought about this question a long time ago, but when this moment came, he found that he was far less calm than he imagined.His face was pale and he couldn't breathe like he was drowning.His hands and feet were cold, and he felt unable to hold anything, including the hilt of his sword.He bowed his head in silence, not even daring to look into Li Jiting's eyes.

There was a sound like trembling glass in the distance, and then the slight sound of wind, the whimpering whistling of the wind, as if it had drilled in from a broken hole somewhere, into this place where there should have been no time and no other things. place of existence.

"David is here. All you have to do now is kill me. Kill me and you will get all my skills and experience points, which will make you the real Nebuchadnezzar, maybe you can surpass me , and became the most powerful Nebuchadnezzar who ever lived."

Li Jiting's voice was erratic, like smoke blown thin by a strong wind.

Cheng Mo could feel that the fire of his life was about to go out.

When he came back to his senses, his out-of-focus eyes fell on Li Jiting's stooped body again.With his hands hanging between his knees, he was leaning against the railing, his head was resting on the ashen white wings, and a colorful starfish was boldly and slowly climbing up the wings drooping on the deck.The time that was still just now started to flow slowly, the surrounding wall-like sea water is slowly undulating, the light is also moving, and the reflected ripples are cruising on Li Jiting's old face, like time engraved on his face. wrinkles.

"Is this a curse?" Cheng Mo clenched his fists. He was not weak and never complained, but at this moment he still felt that fate was full of malice towards him.Why arrange him to end Li Jiting's life?This kind of inheritance is too cruel and boring.A chaotic and abstract sadness hit his heart, like thick oil paint firmly smeared on his heart, and he clearly waited for the oil paint to dry up, and it would stick here forever.

Li Jiting smiled, raised his thin and dry hand to rub the hair on his forehead, "Of course not, my child."

Cheng Mo smiled bitterly and said, "My father died because of me, my mother died because of me, and my wife also sacrificed herself for me. So you will die at my hands too? That's not considered Is it a curse? If I knew it would be like this, I would rather live in a false time and space."

Li Jiting raised his sluggish eyes and stared at Cheng Mo. There was still some light in his black pupils, which were faint like distant starlight. He said calmly: "No, in fact, everything we do is for Get rid of the curse of fate. However, behaviors that violate fate are themselves included in fate. Just like the starlight above our heads, when you look up and see it, its fate is already doomed, but we didn't know it at the time, we need Only after a long wait can we see the ending. Outside the cone of light, there is nothing to know. Inside the cone of light, there is nowhere to escape. Both you and me are like the stars in the sky, and the ending is already doomed." He He took a few tired breaths, "My child! Everything in this world has its time. So, don't linger on the warmth of the past, hesitate in place, keep this warmth in your heart, hold it in your arms, and be with you at this moment. Those who walk side by side move forward and don't look back, so that they can truly control their own destiny and walk out of the cone of light."

The sound of glass shattering became louder and louder, and Cheng Mo seemed to see countless lights, like glass shards reflecting bright light, they fell like snowflakes, creating the beauty of thousands of trees withered .And the surrounding wall-like waves rolled more and more intensely, like a caged beast, constantly bumping against the fragile fence, and would rush out at any time.

Cheng Mo didn't know how to respond, the fragmented plot buried in his mind flashed through his consciousness, like a flashlight scanning the photos bound on the wall.Those photos were enlarged again into images engraved in his heart.

"Probably in your opinion, this world is very bad. Most ordinary people are stupid, blindly obedient, paranoid, and fanatical. And the elites are cruel, cunning, mediocre, and indifferent. But Roman Roland said that true courage is knowing the truth of life, But still love life, if you just pretend to fit into this society, it's nothing but cheap compassion, shameless arrogance"

"What we have to do is still the same thing, that is to carry out a thorough revolution in us. It is always turbulent, full of crisis and possibility of transformation. How it ends up is not completely in the hands of individuals, even if you Refuse to admit that the fate of all of us in the world is connected at the bottom, and the great universe does not accept any refutation on this point!"

"I say this to tell you that today, you can enjoy the huge dividends brought by victory not because of the bloody battles of your fathers, but because of the great sacrifices of countless ancestors who can no longer speak."

The constant memory has exhausted all his strength, and he knows that he has no choice but to bow to fate, at least at this moment, he must bow his head, just like a devout believer bows to the gods and succumbs to indescribable power.

He mustered up all his courage, his hands trembling in the snow-like spots of light, he slowly pulled out the "Seven Sins" from the void.The sword was like a boiling torch, illuminating the huge dark space. Only then did Cheng Mo notice that the ancient battleship Li Jiting was on was covered with colorful sea anemones, inside the decaying gun barrel, and on the broken windows. Among them, on the rusty bridge, it stands here like a hill full of flowers.The undulating seabed on all sides is covered with colorful corals, and those rugged corals reflect gem-like light under the light of the holy light.

Suddenly, the whole space seemed to be surrounded by magnificent flowers.

It was so strange and so beautiful.

"Cheng Mo, I didn't ask you to do anything. Therefore, you can live the life you want without caring about the curse, and become the person you want to be. Ordinary people, decent people, and villains. Pursuing happiness is never a fault. But you must We must remember that the difference between humans and ants is that humans know what love is, and humans know how to express love through music, movies, and paintings. The stars that guide us humans are not only those great thoughts, but also the blazing Throbbing love!"

Cheng Mo was silent for a long time, as if he wanted to keep this moment in his heart, "I understand." He suppressed some emotion from growing out of his eyes, and whispered, "Master, I remember that you still have one wish Not satisfied?"

Li Jiting raised his hand and took off the ring on the ring finger of his left hand. He lowered his head and stared at the ring for a long time, as if recalling some past events related to it.As if a second passed, and a century passed, he stuffed the ring into Cheng Mo's hand, "Buried it under the oak tree inscribed with the names of me and Heidi in the academy."

After he finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes. In his pupils that were about to close, Cheng Mo seemed to see the corner of the girl's white skirt, and Li Jiting's shy smile when he was young.

Cheng Mo raised his sword, and seemed to see the letter again in the colorful light of falling flowers. It was still fluttering in the wind. Below was an oak garden with sparse branches and leaves. Canopy of the Cross.

And the cabin deep in the oak forest was burning, and the flames blew the letter higher, like a white bird without feet.

Li Jiting changed back to his youthful appearance, walked into the burning wooden house with a smile, and gently closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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