Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1336 Ragnarok of the Gods (108)

Chapter 1336 Ragnarok of the Gods (108)

"BGM-"Aurora XV 54"Trailer Bros/Immortal Music)

The letter paper was burning.

The moment the flame was extinguished, it collapsed into pieces of ashes flying in the air.

Cheng Mo stared at him, each piece turned into the shape of notes, and those black notes swirled around, playing a high-spirited song.

He seems to have seen Li Jiting walking on a rugged mountain road, which leads to emerald stars.

This shouldn't be a sad moment. Everyone comes into the world naked, and finally leaves alone. Everyone is like this.But for a living person, the emotion drawn by the memory is an unstoppable torrent, and this torrent is the gathering of every detail in his life.

At this moment, Li Jiting is by no means the Nebuchadnezzar sitting on the throne in the Hall of Extermination, nor is he the cold-blooded and ruthless Lord of the Black Death wearing a crown.It was the Li Jiting who drove the MINI to bouncing around in the narrow streets paved with ancient buildings and forests of cobblestones on a sunny afternoon in Rome, and then looked at him and Xie Minyun laughing in the rearview mirror.It was Li Jiting who was standing in front of the stinky tofu stall, twitching his nose, smiling and calling him to pay.

Cheng Mo's overflowing thoughts are like transparent butterflies, flying out of his eye sockets, following the notes and flying towards the distant and unreachable stars.Even a certain impulse was born in his heart, wanting to follow his back along the towering mountain road to the end.

He wanted to see exactly what kind of person Li Jiting was.

What kind of person will be who keeps looking back and moving forward in the fierce collision of thoughts in Europa.What kind of person would it be if he experienced massacre, extermination, lies, betrayal, chaos, terror, fell into the abyss, and still maintained his faith during the two long wars?In the tide of freedom, what kind of person will be able to stick to the past, say goodbye to the past, and cross the sea of ​​desire with the original intention.

He floated in the air, staring at the black ashes spreading, but he still couldn't find the answer in Li Jiting's complicated life.

The surrounding wall of sea water is collapsing, and the white sea water is rushing in like an avalanche.The sun has broken into the sea, night is about to rule the sky, and he is alone here.He knows that there are still many people waiting for him on the dark sea, waiting for him to bring hope or sink.But he still doesn't know where he is going, and if he can't find the purpose of going, it means that he can't start.

In the silence, he seemed to hear an old voice chanting in his ears. The voice was very familiar. It was the voice of Professor Brand played by Michael Caine in "Interstellar":
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and roar at sunset
Old age should burn and rave at close of day
Rage, rage against the passing of the light

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though a wise man at his death knows darkness is right

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

For their words did not burst with lightning, they
Because their words had forked no lightning they,

And didn't go gentle into that good night
Don't go gentle into that good night.
Kind people, when the last wave passes, shouting their fragile good deeds

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright,

how gloriously might have danced in the green bay
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the passing of the light

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The furious ones caught and sang the soaring sun

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

understand, but it's too late, they make the sun sad on the way
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

And didn't go gentle into that good night
Don't go gentle into that good night.
Serious man, approaching death, seen with dazzling vision
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes can shine and rejoice like shooting stars
Blind eyes could blaze like 4) meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the passing of the light

Rage, rage against the dying of the light"

This sound brought him back to the dark movie theater in the raging sea water. He was wearing 3D glasses and sitting in the seat, feeling the silence and vastness. , the spaceship flies in between.The beautiful background of eternity and loneliness that he will never reach is depicted on the screen.

But does he love this movie because of these eternal, lonely, beautiful pictures?
He recalled at this time that perhaps what moved and shocked him was the simplest father-daughter relationship between Cooper and his daughter, the "love" that can overcome all obstacles and restrictions.This kind of cognition is really vulgar, and it's not the self who hates superficiality and clichés as he thought.

But counting the past, he was able to overcome so many ups and downs, and he has come to the present, precisely because of those—the stimulation from chemicals, the short-term impulse of a momentary passion, and the human instinct to reproduce. These are what he considers to be Superficial and clichéd stuff for nothing.

Perhaps Li Jiting is just as he thinks—a hero of mankind, a giant of history, and a prophet of civilization.

But in fact, Li Jiting is just, just wants to be a good husband, good friend, and good father.

This is really a ridiculous joke.

Just as true greatness is hidden in the ordinary.

In a trance, a holy cry came from high above: "Nebuchadnezzar! You have rejected the Creator, and time will not protect you! You will bear all the sins of this world and be exiled for 1000 years. Truth: David's star!"

Cheng Mo raised his head and saw a hexagram of light flashing past, the invisible mask that stopped time suddenly shattered, and the slow flowing time suddenly returned to normal, and the surrounding angry sea flooded to the deck of the battleship, like snowflakes. The light spots scattered and disappeared.Before his eyes, only a few flaming feathers were still billowing in the storm.The tiny flame was like the last struggle before the sun sank, releasing the last touch of kindness and warmth with life.

Dusk is over.

Darkness is coming.

He took down the white rose on his chest, and gently inserted it on the top of the railing of the bow. The violent wind became gentle, caressing the white rose, just like a child's hand caressing a father's hand. cheek.

"I understand, master." Cheng Mo said softly, "But I will still follow my way and keep walking, and I will not look back."

The last ray of light dissipated like mist.

The waves rolled up huge white flowers under his feet. Amidst the roaring sound, the system sounded a solemn announcement that seemed to come from a high place in a palace. The announcement covered the tsunami and explosion, and reverberated throughout the sky.

"You killed the second general."

Cheng Mo looked down at the ring in his palm, and a drop of sea water fell on the top of the ring, like a diamond.In a blink of an eye, the diamond was swallowed by the sea.

"You have been promoted to the second general, and the damage immunity has been increased by 50.00%. The attack power has been increased by 50.00%. The recovery ability of the carrier has been doubled. The mana volume has been increased by 20.00%.

Cheng Mo closed his eyes, and saw that his various values ​​were skyrocketing, and the blue and red almost overflowed the screen.There was also power swelling in his body, and he felt himself as swift as electricity and as light as light.

"Your experience value has exceeded the upper limit of level 99. You are equipped with the Seven Sins, the Crown of Thorns, and the Lord of the Plague. You enjoy the name of Nebuchadnezzar and the Judge, and you have met the conditions for advancing to the 'King of Hell'."

In the boiling sea water, black flames burned around Cheng Mo's body, and the three pairs of white wings on his back began to turn into shining black, enveloping him.He could clearly feel his heartbeat, the once weak heart was so strong and powerful at the moment, as it jumped, his chest was surging with indescribable energy.A pair of new wings grew out of his back, bloodshot from his back, those broad black wings were unprecedentedly beautiful, like a brilliant nebula.

"You have obtained the ultimate skill of the 'King of Hell' - Doomsday Judgment. The "Seven Sins" ignores any defense bonus, and the carrier killed by the "Seven Sins" will also die!"

He opened his eyes, golden flames danced in his pupils, and the "Seven Sins" in his hand was condensing into an ice crystal-like entity. There were golden inscriptions flowing in the crystal-clear long and narrow sword body, exuding coolness in the silence of light.

"Your name will be changed to Star of Dawn—Lucifer!"

Cheng Mo shook his wings, smashed through the manic tide, and soared into the sky like a demon king.He soars into the sky alone, a cone of light glowing in the sea.

"Because these dark things haunt my heart, just because I see the dawn from the ruins, evil from the throne, and night from the altar, just because I search for what is gone, offend all righteous powers, and sympathize with the suffering people , I question the abyss, and I am also a black hole." He growled in a low voice, "Master, watch me purify this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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