Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1334 Ragnarok of the Gods (106)

Chapter 1334 Ragnarok of the Gods (106)

(BGM-"Hoolland" Novo Amor)

No matter what the situation is, Li Jiting seems to have returned to his youthful appearance, with incredible strength surging all over his body.

Cheng Mo felt that something was wrong, all the sounds disappeared, the world was as quiet as he was in space just now, only Li Jiting's ethereal and mysterious voice echoed in the sky.

Where the stars shine in the distant sky, it seems that a star is slowly falling, gradually changing into a tall and dazzling holy image. He has no physical image, only a shadow-like outline. He is stepping on the gentle moonlight, slowly walking towards Li Jiting , and turned into a violent light, like a helium flash.

This light was like a cold wind blowing through Cheng Mo's heart. He recalled this scene as if he had seen it in the "Hall of Valor". At that time, those famous human sages stepped through the historical temple, went straight to the starry sky, and became stars.

Now, they're back.

The violent sea breeze stopped, the turbulent sea fell into a dream, the clouds stopped flowing, and the warring chosen ones froze in the air, like ancient sculptures.The golden rhombic beam of light also stopped growing, and stood between the sea and the sky, reflecting the dark sea surface. The golden light cast on the undulating sea surface like a mountain peak, and the corpse like light rested on it, without any sense of agility and sparkle.Smoking drones, splashing flames, bullets and lasers, everything remains motionless, like oil paint lying on a canvas.

Time completely stopped.

It seems that even the earth has stopped turning.

Cheng Mo didn't think there was any skill in the world that could really make "time stand still". "Time-space distortion" and "absolute zero" were the closest, but they were far from being able to truly stand still. These two skills were just Can seal the movement of matter in a small area.

In fact, he knew that Li Jiting's "Einstein Clock Slowness" did not stop time in essence, but accelerated their speed to the speed of light.

Reaching the speed of light, that's something more awe-inspiring than standing still in time.

But there was a strange feeling in his heart again, this feeling was very subtle, probably because time flowed backwards on Li Jiting's body, but it didn't have any effect on him.He turned his head to see Li Jiting's face clearly during the crash, and to see if he had some kind of illusion.

In a trance, he looked at Li Jiting. It was pitch black at first, and then his eyes seemed to pass through a tunnel, and he greeted the red sunset and the vast sea. A beam of golden light seemed to be melting in the surging tide. .

Li Jiting stood on the edge of the light, with a handsome and cheerful face, braided, wearing a mandarin jacket and robe, standing on the side of a brig, waving towards the pier.There were a lot of men and women in ancient costumes standing on the shore, the middle-aged woman in the middle was a middle-aged woman wearing a light blue sleeveless jacket, with a sad face and tears in her eyes, holding Handkerchief to wipe away tears.Li Jiting, who was standing on the side of the boat, was full of youth, and although there was reluctance on his face, he was more excited.

The camera slowly rises towards the sails until the sun appears and sets, the waves are crushed by the tall bow, and the classic Gothic horseshoe towers of Notre Dame de Paris appear.On the banks of the Seine, the sycamore trees are surrounded by sparkling light. Li Jiting, wearing a long robe and mandarin jacket, attracted crowds on the streets of Paris. French people looked at him as if they were watching animals.The immature Li Jiting spoke in French in front of many blond and blue-eyed French people without showing any timidity.

Cheng Mo found the feeling of watching "foreign movies", like peeping through a small hole in Li Jiting's deeply buried memory.

Newspapers with his portraits printed on them, like black and white photos full of age, quickly slipped past his eyes.The Chinese-style characters drawn by the oil painting technique are somewhat weird, but it does not prevent Li Jiting from making headlines——"The thinker from the East has become the social darling of Paris."

He appeared like a star in the salons of the nobles, talking with Madame Stahl, Guizot, and Saint-Simon.He showed up at the Mazarin Library reading Rousseau, Voltaire, Kant voraciously.He discussed virtue, liberty, and equality with Les Chapelleus, Sieyes, and Robespierre at the Café Amaury at Versailles.He learned the first Latin word - "liberalitas", and noted in his notebook: it is a polysemous word for "liberty" and "generosity", and is the etymology of 'Liberté' (liberty).

In the pictures flipped through like a photo album, Li Jiting's dress and dress are becoming more and more French. He first put on a typical French attire, a velvet-cut flak coat, cropped trousers and white leggings. It didn't take long He cut off his braids again, and put on a two-cornered hat that looked like a dumpling.

In the rainy midnight, a transparent glass oil lamp illuminates the red lacquer dining table, as well as the leather-covered notebooks, quill pens with white feathers, gilt copper crystal ink cartridges and black coffee with a faint water vapor on the dining table.Li Jiting, wearing a white turtleneck shirt, sat at the table and wrote the word "révolution" with a quill pen.

When he turned to the next page of the notebook, a page of beautiful French flashed by.The screen changed to the tall fortress with gunpowder smoke, and Cheng Mo recognized at a glance that the fortress with eight towers was the famous Bastille.Holding a long sword, Li Jiting shouted together with Les Chapelle, Sieyes and other French people, rushing towards the fortress that symbolized the oppression of the king like the raging waves of the sea.The king's guards rushed over on horseback, bullets, artillery fire, motley crowds, blood, and spears. After that, there were cheering crowds. Louis XVI was beheaded, and the executioner lifted his head wrapped in cloth. .

Li Jiting was also standing in the crowd, and the camera followed his gaze back to the guillotine, but it was the elegant Queen Mary.The blood stained the white dress, and also stained the smoky Paris.Under the smoke, Napoleon, wearing a two-cornered hat and riding a white horse, entered Paris.Li Jiting stepped on the stagecoach and left the place known as the ideal land.The scenery is constantly changing, Geneva, Zurich, Vienna, Prague, and then Weimar.

Holding a German newspaper in his hand, he came to Jena University, the center of idealism introduced in the newspaper.The teaching building is covered with red tiles and pointed. The Gothic teaching building has a solemn beauty in sunny weather. The campus is full of greenery. Yinyin Lawn.Li Jiting walked through the peaceful and quiet campus, and met Hegel giving a lecture in the teaching building. He sat at the back of the classroom and watched Hegel write "Logic and Metaphysics" on the blackboard.

In the oil painting-like scenery, Cheng Mo saw some memory fragments of Li Jiting's study at Jena University.Among these fragments, the longest shot is of him wearing a dark blue rounded morning coat and white trousers, standing under a tall oak tree waiting for something.After a while, he waited for a woman in a light blue high-waisted dress and a pink top hat.

The brim of the hat is covered with tulle to cover the woman's face. Sunlight penetrates through the gaps in the leaves and hits the tulle, illuminating the beautiful outline and giving people a more hazy beauty.The two had lunch under the tree. After lunch, Li Jiting took her by the hand and led her up the oak tree. The two of them sat on the branches across the sky, looking at the mountains and forests in the distance.At sunset, Li Jiting held the woman's hand and carved "Li Jiting" and "Heidi" in Chinese on the thick tree trunk.

The warm and romantic scene disappeared in a blink of an eye, and then Cheng Mo witnessed the scene where Li Jiting was kicked out of the house by Heidi's father and brother.Li Jiting looked back at the castle-like manor. The family crest of the Grand Duke of Baden was shining brightly in the sun, and he left in frustration.

It was another trip around Europe, and after he grew a beard and matured, he returned to Weimar again.After some hesitation, he sneaked to Heidi's house and overheard the news that Heidi Karolini Friedrich had concluded a marriage contract with Prince Karl Egon II of Fürstenberg.

Li Jiting didn't stop for a minute. He went to the tavern next to the post station, drank wine with a blank face, and waited for the public carriage to Luxembourg.The carriage departed at night, the carriage had no roof, and he could see the boundless starry sky. He sat on the bench and looked up at the stars in the sky blankly under the surprised eyes of others.During the bumps after waves, he seemed to hear something, opened his eyes and looked back with the others.Under a full moon, a woman in a red velvet riding suit was galloping on a white horse, and the red skirt was flying like a torch in the starry night.He stood up, carrying his small suitcase, and jumped out of the carriage recklessly.And Heidi also jumped off the horse, the two looked at each other for a long time, and then hugged together.

Cheng Mo seemed to hear Heidi whispering: "Take me away, Li, take me away no matter where you are going, I am willing to go anywhere with you"

Tears hung on his breezy face, like broken stars.Facing the sudden tears, Cheng Mo couldn't react for a while, he wanted to laugh first, and as the tears of the two people mist in the cold night, the heavy sadness came over again, like encountering a cloud when he was in a bad mood .

In his impression, Li Jiting is like a Buddha statue sitting in a temple in the wilderness with a humorous posture. After a long time of baptism, he looks kind and friendly on the outside, but he is a hard rock on the inside, and he will never shed tears for anything.He forgot that Li Jiting was still young at this time, and he was not yet the icon carved by the wind and frost of the sword.At this time, Li Jiting probably didn't know what love is, but it was precisely when he didn't understand the most that he shed tears and had the courage to love without reservation.

In fact, their stories are a bit vulgar now, but they were absolutely incredible 200 years ago.

Sure enough, the next clip is an endless escape, and the emotional fruit brewed in danger is even sweeter. The plains, mountains, and lakes...their footsteps are like a glimpse.

Li Jiting took Heidi and fled to Heidelberg, found Hegel, and Hegel wrote a letter to Li Jiting, and arranged for them a carriage with a noble badge to help them break out of the siege.The two arrived in San Marino in a bumpy and romantic way, found Dr. Daniel, and handed Hegel's letter to him.

Dr. Daniel taught them medical knowledge, and gave them robes and beak masks, allowing them to pretend to be his assistants.They followed Dr. Daniel to practice medicine all over Italy, and later Hegel presided over their wedding.

After marriage, Li Jiting took Heidi to Rome, and Li Jiting found Minnan Trading Company in the port of Fiumicino, and also found a ship from his hometown.Just when Li Jiting was about to take Heidi back to his hometown, Dr. Daniel's assistant found him and told him that Daniel had been arrested by the court and sent to prison.

Li Jiting immediately gave up his plan to go back with Heidi. He asked Heidi to go to Hegel, but he cut open the skin under his armpit, hid tools in it, and voluntarily entered the prison of the tribunal after sewing it up.He used the tools hidden in his body to dig a tunnel, escaped from the prison cell of the tribunal, and escaped from the tribunal through the sewer.Just after leaving the dark and dirty sewer, they were greeted by a group of knights holding torches. They held up long swords and shields, and the coat of arms of the Furstenberg family was on the shields.Just when he thought he was going to die, Doctor Daniel cast fire magic, snatched the horse and led him out of the encirclement.The moment he broke out of the encirclement, Dr. Daniel was seriously injured and passed out. Li Jiting went straight to Fiumicino Port with Dr. Daniel on his back.He found the ship of Minnan Trading Company and forced the captain to sail the ship. In the pursuit of the court, the sailing ship headed east.

This memory is very messy, Cheng Mo can only rely on fragmentary pictures to guess.But once on board, everything became clear again.

The flame of the oil lamp swayed on the cabin wall, and Dr. Daniel lay on the bed and kept talking to Li Jiting. His left hand touched his chest, and he took out a silver Ouroboros ring from his shirt.Doctor Daniel held the ring and raised his right hand, but the shadow reflected on the wooden wall did not move, which was very strange.

Li Jiting also raised his right hand, solemnly swearing with Dr. Daniel.The shadow of Dr. Daniel on the wooden wall looked like a cobra with its head held high, and in Li Jiting's oath, the black leather rope with the ring on it burned like a flame and turned into a black snake-shaped smoke.When Dr. Daniel put the ring on Li Jiting's palm, the smoke disappeared invisible.

Cheng Mo had seen pictures of that simple and weird ring, and it was the most primitive Uroboros.

Doctor Daniel closed his eyes, Li Jiting put on the ring, and the picture suddenly started to speed up, accompanied by the ticking sound of the clock, flashing back in front of Cheng Mo's eyes like a revolving lantern.Those images mixed with historical events seep through the cracks like water, submerging him.

The war-torn hometown, domineering young soldiers, and countless sallow and emaciated refugees.The streets are full of oppressive halls with smoke like thick fog.The dying woman was lying on the bed with a pipe in her arms. Li Jiting knelt beside the bed and choked with sobs. His brothers and sisters looked at him coldly.Tombs, straw huts, pouring rain, he was driven out of the house alone.

At a noisy ball in Paris, a clown was so soft that people took off his mask, and the clown's face turned blue.Cholera was rampant, the hospitals were overcrowded, and the streets and alleys were full of people carrying corpses.The tall and thin Li Jiting took the train, and the scenery of the French countryside passed by the window.

The bumpy carriage, the breeze blowing through the oak garden, the shadow of the tree covered a clean but simple wooden house, and the castle with the flag of the Grand Duke of Baden looming in the gaps between the leaves.A child with black hair and blue eyes was chopping wood at the door, and the window of the wooden house was open, and the dusty light shone on Heidi who was cooking in the living room.

Li Jiting passed through the tree shadow, passed through the sunlight, passed through the tidy living room, opened the bedroom door, and held Heidi's hand.

The halo in the room floated, and there were a few wildflowers swaying in the wind outside the window. Heidi smiled and said a few words to him, and everything dissipated like mist.

Li Jiting walked back, as if regressing, the door opened automatically, light poured in like water, and the wooden house began to burn.

A letter in German fluttered in the wind, saying: "Darling, every day you're not here, I'm reliving every day I've been with you. If I'm gone, please take care of us child. I'll be waiting for you under the oak tree. Forever. Love you Heidi."

Li Jiting started to run, as if he was chasing the letter dancing like a butterfly. During the run, he put on the clothes of a worker, raised his gun and rushed into the streets full of soldiers, killing and occupying the Louvre and the Duyes. Lery Palace.As a result, his son was arrested and imprisoned in the ancient prison near Notre Dame. He sneaked into the prison, only to see his son being hung up and dying. He said: Dad, will everyone be equal and there will be a world without war?He nodded and replied: Surely, every child can live happily there.When we get to that world, will you be able to spend more time with me?Of course, at that time the world would not need a father.That's great, I didn't tell those people anything about you.The son closed his eyes.kill.After the bloodbath of the ancient prison, he escaped from France alone and came to London.His expression changed, cold and severe, like a rock.Under Big Ben, he held a book with a green cover, put his right hand into the clothes on his chest, and took a photo with a bearded man.The hunt never stopped, and he returned to his hometown with the book to join the Celestial Rebellion.He thought that he could save his hometown, but he could only helplessly watch as the corpses littered the field like a grate, the smoke from burning the corpses was endless day in and day out, and the killing never stopped.

He kept changing his identity, and when he returned to his hometown again, his relatives no longer knew him.He has always maintained an unconfused appearance, spanning a long century.He returned to Europa and had a new relationship, the same woman named Heidi, the same beauty, and the same strange beginning.The difference is that they didn't experience too much danger this time, and he protected her very well, but after the initial sweetness, there were endless conflicts, conflicts running in, and new conflicts emerged.She didn't understand what he was going to do, let alone why he did some dangerous things over and over again.

He has always been surrounded by war, he can't escape, and he can't escape, he is no longer who he used to be, he is the king of the black death.He couldn't explain, from the First World War to the Second World War, from the dark tide to the bloody storm, from the dead black and white to the chaotic color.He shuttled under the rain of bullets, wandering between the tip of the knife and the edge of the abyss.

She finally left him and took his child across the ocean to a distant shore.When Heidi looked back, he didn't show up. He stood in the shadow where the light couldn't shine, threw a coin into the sea, and made a pious wish.

He turned and walked into the darkness, the darkness was so deep that Cheng Mo felt the urgency, Cheng Mo seemed to hear the rapid heartbeat like a drum, the sound of messy footsteps, and the occasional flashes of fire accompanied by gunshots.

Boom!The darkness exploded with the sound of the guns, and the mud and flesh flew, and he was stained with blood. He pulled the steaming meat from his face, and smashed the sapper into the enemy's head, and the skull fragments and brains splashed again. all over.There was another gunshot, and someone threw him down at his side. He turned around and picked up Astaroth, who was only half of his body, and Astaroth said to him, "King, I feel I can't see my body, it's so dark, am I going to die?"

"Hold on, I will help you stop the bleeding, and I will definitely be able to save you," he said.

Astaru forced a smile, and held his arm tightly, "I know I can't live to the day of victory. But Wang, you must live, you must live, and help us see how far the future is. happiness!"

The light went out, as if he had closed his eyes.

In the darkness, someone lit a candle.He held the oil lamp and walked down the steps.He held his gun cautiously, guarding against the enemy step by step.When he walked to the basement of the cellar, Cheng Mo gasped, the whole cellar was full of corpses.These were all doctors lurking in the rear, some of them strapped to the frames of sawmills, the saw blades covered with blood and minced flesh.There are also some people whose hands and feet were sawed off abruptly.As a doctor, Li Jiting had seen enough of such scenes, and he was still able to maintain his composure, but when he raised the oil lamp to illuminate the entire cellar, he took a step back and fell down on the steps.During the fall of the oil lamp, Cheng Mo saw a pregnant woman in the middle of the cellar. She was wearing a kimono. At this moment, her torso was twisted and lying on the ground, her stomach was pierced into a sieve. At the moment when the oil lamp broke, Cheng Mo saw With a baby's face, Cheng Mo's hair was tense, but Li Jiting stumbled over and went to check the baby's breath with trembling hands.Then he ran out of the cellar in a frenzy and flew up to the roof, and there was no one around, so he could only shoot at the sky
Under the cloudy sky, fighter planes roared past.


A flare swayed and climbed to the very top of the sky, exploded, and a faint light illuminated the wheat field. There were gunshots and footsteps not far away.He was lying on a stretcher with a group of people hiding under the golden ears of wheat.Sporadic gunshots and shouts broke the silence from time to time, another flare rose into the sky, a baby who was still in its infancy was crying, sweaty faces were covered with fear, the child's The mother closed her eyes, covered the baby's mouth and nose with a cloth, tears fell silently, and after a short struggle, the world was quiet.

He turned his head, trying to forget that desperate face.What flickered in his hollow pupils, it was hard to tell whether it was the light of flares or the light of the moon.

Finally, this light turned into a mushroom cloud.

Cheng Mo couldn't tell if it was just a movie or if he saw it with his own eyes.When the details of history unfolded in his mind in the form of memory, his emotions at this moment, what he saw and heard at this moment exuded a disgusting horror.That is definitely not a few cruel pictures, a few simple numbers, a few lines of cold words, the hell that can be described.

Cheng Mo deeply realized that there are no exciting moments in war, no majestic background music, and no touching love, only killing.


Or kill.

In this long half century, either killing or on the way to experience killing.

The war is finally over.The torment did not end, he repeatedly attended the funeral, and the tombstones stretched into a sea, burying people who had never reached the other shore.There wasn't much pain in his pupils. They fought not for themselves to reach the other shore, but for human beings to reach the other shore.

But he still can't stop, he has to keep running forward, like Kuafu chasing the sun.His life is too long, longer than the mountains, longer than the river, longer than the coast sunset.

During his galloping running, black and white, colored, static, and moving images are stacked one after another, stuffed into Cheng Mo's pupils, as if this is the exit for escape.

Row upon row of high-rise buildings are brightly lit, the red and green numbers in the stock market are beating crazily, and some people are singing and laughing and talking about money, stuffing banknotes into women's bras.Someone was waiting by the lake in a car, refreshing his phone constantly. When the page showed that the value of the electronic money had returned to zero, he glanced at his wife and daughter sitting in the back seat and lit the coals.Smoke lingered in the majestic temple. Someone pretended to be a god and raised a microphone to spread the gospel. One after another, believers knelt down and bowed their heads, devoutly giving everything they had.Online pictures scrolled like flowing water, and celebrities with heavy makeup sang and danced under the spotlight.The chubby fat man is facing the camera, constantly stuffing fried chicken, pizza and burgers into his mouth.Some people broadcast live broadcasts of fine wine, beauties, and yachts.Someone was shooting live.Men and women adorn themselves with false pictures, for vanity, for deceit.The keyboard man tapped the keyboard recklessly, forcing the weeping person to the end.The media publishes scary headlines and fabricates novel content.

Scar-like slums, like colorful pustules growing on the edge of the bright city.Skinny children rummaged through the garbage piles for food, and shabby women stood at the door and pulled passers-by.The criminals rode motorcycles speeding through the narrow streets and alleys, and a bunch of bullets hit the police, causing blood to bloom.People praying at the Wailing Wall.Thousands of miles of yellow sand.White human bones grew out of the ruins after the war.The endless refugee camp is littered with mud-covered shoes, blindfold strips, women's clothing, more shoes, and skulls, teeth and bullet casings, flooded in sewage.Two fresh corpses lay on the shore, and a skinny woman in scanty clothes curled up on the beach full of rubbish with her baby in her arms.White maggots rolled in their eye sockets and bodies, and countless flies buzzed and circled.Someone set the corpse on fire, and white maggots and disturbing flies twisted in the flames, and they were reduced to ashes in an instant.

And more ordinary people, they live in simple rooms, in crowded subways, in factories with rumbling machines, in sunny construction sites, in front of computers with flickering screens.Day after day of mechanized labor, every day is not working, beware at work, worry at work, restraint at work, and be silent at work.Heavy pressure is everywhere, and a moment of joy is worth celebrating.

Yield to money, succumb to desire, hide in consumption, the only thing that is expected in the heart is to get rich.

Human beings are torn into countless circles, hostile to each other and intolerant of each other.

What is really worthy of attention has never been paid attention to.

The brilliance of the ideal is gone.

Man remains a prisoner of desire.

Li Jiting sat on the cliff of the moon crater, as if sitting on a throne.Holding a silver wine jug in his hand, looking at the earth, he suddenly raised the gun and pointed it at his temple. The sun stretched his shadow very long.

Cheng Mo seemed to hear him moaning angrily: "Really. What is it for?"

Cheng Mo didn't know whether he was asking himself or someone else.

In the absolute silence, he heard the crisp sound of glass shattering, continuous machine gun fire, fierce quarrels, children's cries, and instructions before death. Finally, he heard the sound of the trigger being pulled.

The sound stretched into a cello whimpering, like a section of mournful and tragic melody, which hovered in a vacuum and went directly into Cheng Mo's mind.

Cheng Mo can feel Li Jiting's pain, and these pains have become a ready-made image in his consciousness, just like he can tell the formula hidden under the color when he picks up the cup and smells the fragrance.

Family, friends, lover, ideal, belief, hope.
These hidden fulcrums that Li Jiting once possessed are now lost one by one. He sits there like a giant with nothing to rely on.

Cheng Mo stared at Li Jiting's profile, and really felt that the world was like a dream.

Everything is Qionghua morning dew.

Nothing lasts forever.

There is only repetition.


Cheng Mo felt cold again, as if Li Jiting's memory had taken away the last remaining warmth in his heart.

Li Jiting suddenly opened his mouth, "Didn't you ask at the beginning, what did Xie Minyun gain after sacrificing himself? There was no thank you, and no confession." He said quietly, "I have asked myself countless times."

Cheng Mo seemed to have opened his eyes again, what he saw just now was an erratic dream.In front of his eyes, Li Jiting was still burning in flames, like the sun, but his voice hid the sea.

The false sun is still sinking, towards the deep blue sea.

Maybe it's a parody of Fate of the Sun, making Lee Ji Ting look great and evil.

"What did you get?" Cheng Mo asked loudly with all his strength, as if asking the world in a storm.

"Freedom!" Li Jiting replied in a very soft voice, "Free will!"

(End of this chapter)

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