Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1179 Lord of the Underworld (4)

Chapter 1179 Lord of the Underworld (4)

(BGM-"at'aek ON taitn" by Miyu Kobayashi)

When the northern hemisphere is experiencing cold winter, the southern hemisphere is warm as spring.

The famous Darling Harbor, which is also known as the Sydney Harbor where the Sydney Opera House is located, has a beautiful scenery with calm clouds and breezy scenery.The golden sun shines on the azure sea waves, and white seagulls soar among the dots of white clouds and patches of white sails.Occasionally, seaplanes with tourists will swoop over the sea.

The Sydney Opera House, the Cross-sea Bridge, and the Sightseeing Tower are the three landmark buildings in Sydney, two of which are built on Sydney Cove.To the west of the botanical garden is the Sydney Harbor Bridge, known as the world's first single-arch bridge.Under the golden sunshine, it looks like a vigorous dragon coming out of the water and playing in the sea, and it also looks like a gorgeous long rainbow spanning the two sides of Sydney.

From the air, you can see the beautiful scenery of Sydney.On the headland of Benilang, surrounded by the sea on three sides, the southern end is far away from the Botanical Garden and Zhengfu Building in Sydney City.From anywhere in Sydney, as long as you climb up and look out, you will see this Sydney Opera House with novel, bold and uncanny ideas.It leans against the famous Sydney Iron Bridge on the bay like a large crystal clear white shell, and it also looks like overlapping giant sails waving in the wind.

December is undoubtedly the season with the most visitors to Sydney. Tourists from all over the world, as well as international residents who escape the cold like migratory birds, all like to visit the unique southern hemisphere countries in the world during this season.In December, apart from high-end hotels having a hard time finding a room, small hotels are also overcrowded.

At this time, the large-scale public restaurant that can accommodate more than 6000 people, the Benilan Restaurant, is crowded with tourists of all colors and languages, enjoying the most beautiful scenery of Sydney Bay while dining.Although the sun was blazing and people were dizzy, no one gave up the opportunity to take pictures.

It was originally supposed to be a leisurely and warm afternoon. People enjoyed the delicious food and the ingenious combination of nature and human power. They took pictures, posted on Moments, ate delicious snacks, and bought some tourist souvenirs. Have a good time.

However, a shrill siren broke the calm of the wind and sun.

No one realized what was happening.

Countless people at the pier, in the Queen Victoria Building, on the cross-sea bridge and on the observation tower saw countless people wearing the "Queen's Wings" battle suit take off, accompanied by the roar of fighter jets.

On the pier full of tourists, a little blond boy raised his mobile phone to take a picture, and shouted to his father beside him: "Look~~ That's our strongest fighter in Ozhou! Queen's Wing! I want to Be the Chosen One."

"Yes, Jerry, I think you can become a qualified candidate in the future." The tall white man hugged the little boy and said with a forced smile, "But before you become the chosen one, we have to Find out why the air raid siren was sounded!"


"Hey! Everyone, please look below. This is the most beautiful and authentic coastline in Sydney, where you can overlook the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge from an unparalleled perspective." The handsome pilot turned back and said loudly to the tourists in the cabin, "Pick up Take good photos with your phone, this is the royal treatment in England”

The sound insulation of this seaplane is very good, you don't need to wear noise-canceling headphones, it's not noisy at all, and the experience of the passengers is great.Hearing the pilot's words, they all followed the pilot's instructions, took out the plane from their pockets and looked down through the porthole excitedly.Sure enough, the three iconic buildings, the Sine Tower, the Opera House, and the Harbor Bridge, were all included in the camera under a blue sky and white clouds.

You can even see the reflection of the plane in the blue sea as it flies low over the stunning coast.

At this moment, countless black shadows flitted across the sea, like a fleet, and a passenger shouted: "Look, what is this? The Chosen One?"

The pilot glanced to the side and said with a smile: "This is the chosen one of Ozhou—Queen's Wing!" He turned to the porthole and asked enviously: "Hey! Hey! Are you going to train? ?”

He didn't expect anyone to pay attention to him, but he also enjoyed himself, and said loudly happily: "It's not easy to see our chosen one attend work once, everyone seize the opportunity to take pictures! Take a few more pictures, it's best to take me Take a picture too!"

Suddenly, someone was knocking on the window.

This startled the pilots and passengers alike. People looked towards the porthole next to the pilot. A chosen person in a blue "Queen's Wings" battle suit was flying with their plane like a superman. .

The pilot turned his head and asked loudly with surprise, "What are you doing?"

In the noise of the engine, he could only see the other party's mouth shape, but could not hear any sound.

The pilot raised his finger and pointed to his ear to indicate that he could not hear.

The other party directly smashed the window, and amidst the cracking sound of the glass, he uttered two heart-pounding words with a stern expression.

"Pull up! Run!"


Ozhou time, 13:38 pm.

All the TV channels in Aozhou suddenly switched to the ABC TV station in Aozhou. The blond hostess sitting in front of the news anchor said solemnly: "All citizens, an emergency will be broadcast now. The following will be broadcast by Scott Kaiting The leader delivered an important speech."

At this moment, all the TVs in Ozhou, whether it is the big-screen advertisements in the streets, the TV walls in the electrical shopping malls, or the homes, bars, restaurants, or movie theaters that are showing movies, all jumped out of the office of the chief executive of Aozhou screen.

The white-haired leader of Ozhou, Scott Kaiting, sat behind his desk with a flustered expression. Behind him on the right was the seven-star flag of Ozhou.He took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and asked in a trembling voice, "Are you all right?"

The blond female secretary at the side rushed out and snatched the handkerchief from his hand, "Okay, big boss, please hurry up."

Scott Keating moved his eyes to the camera and said with trembling lips: "All the citizens of Austria, I will now make a very important speech. Just now, I received the 'Queen's Wing Headquarters' passing through I have heard the news that a nuclear bomb is flying towards Sidney at a very high speed. Just now, the first interception has been declared a failure. Next, we will go all out to organize the second and third interception to prevent the disaster What happened. Today, all of us, the people of Ozhou, will fight against darkness and evil together with the Sidney people! Maybe we have different beliefs, different skin colors, and different orientations”

"Boss, the nuclear bomb has entered the atmosphere!" The blond female secretary rushed out again, "You have to evacuate to the underground shelter immediately!"

"But my speech." Scott Keating, who was sweating profusely, stood up and said blankly, "It's just begun."

"There is still a chance to give a speech after the nuclear bomb explodes!!" The blond female secretary shouted, she dragged Scott Kaiting out of the desk, and then several security personnel rushed forward, and the old and frail Scott Kaiting walked quickly to the door of the office.

A group of people rushed to the door in a panic, and the camera was knocked down. In the camera, the flag of "Miziqixing" in Ozhou slowly changed from vertical to horizontal, and only messy footsteps and beige flags remained on the TV screen. Cashmere rug.

The screen cuts back to the ABC TV station in Ozhou, the anchor station is empty, only a chair is left spinning

Ostate time, 13:41 p.m.

On the blue sea and cloudless Pacific Ocean, the Queen's Wing fleet and the Stargate fleet are connected to Aegis through the THAAD radar command center unit.A few seconds before the nuclear bomb entered the atmosphere, the Aegis computer transmitted to the fire control system and launched countless Stargate's latest standard-4BlockIIA missile interceptors. The fireworks of the missiles dyed the sky red, heading towards the The accelerating nuclear bomb rush.

All of a sudden, in every corner of the Pacific Ocean, various active interceptor bombs were rising towards the sky, densely packed in every corner of the sky, like fireworks celebrating festivals one after another.

If the nuclear bomb that fell into the atmosphere splits instantly, then the latest standard-4BlockIIA active interceptor bomb launched will automatically lock the target and give those split warheads a head-on blow.

The commander-in-chief of the Queen's Wings—three-star general Barrett, has already hung on the F-35's missile launcher and arrived at the forefront of the third stage of defense set by the star gate.Not far from his feet is the USS Brisbane equipped with the "Aegis System".At this time, the MK-48 vertical launch system of the 41th unit of Brisbane's core armament has been fully activated, and one standard-4 Block IIA missile interceptor bomb after another is launched one after another, staying in mid-air for a while, and then spraying flames , heading straight to the depths of the white clouds.

"In 15 seconds, the bomb will enter the atmosphere."

"The nuclear bomb has entered the atmosphere."

Floating in the air, Barrett looked up at the blue sky, counting down silently in his heart, but he didn't see the expected explosion, and the stargate commander's exclamation came from the helmet earphone: "Its speed is incredible. It's too fast, and it's not a multiple guided warhead, but a single alloy armor warhead."

"My god it's Satan! It's Satan!"

The Stargate Commander yelled in surprise, the voice was particularly ear-piercing.

"Interception failed!"

"Interception failed"

"All emergency evacuation!"

"Satan! Satan! Damn it!"

Barrett gave up his despair, took a deep breath, opened the communication channel, and said in a low voice: "Okay, guys, now we are the only ones left! Report the location of the nuclear bomb now!"

"Sir, there is no way to report. Its speed is too fast, up to 540 kilometers per minute. Now, now, it is only 35 kilometers away from Sydney! It will explode in Sydney in two minutes and thirty-five seconds!"

"To the southwest, you can see it when you look up!" Someone shouted in the communicator.

"Queen's Wings over Sidney and prepare for the attack!"

Barrett turned his head quickly, and immediately captured the red trail hanging in the blue sky with dynamic vision, followed by countless actively guided interceptor missiles, but those poor interceptor missiles were so small Small, the speed is so slow, they pulled the white smoke and chased after the red light spot weakly, but they were getting farther and farther away from it.

And that red spot of light is so blazing, with the power to destroy everything, it becomes more and more red, more and more obvious, like a raging fire that can ignite the sky, and the sun is eclipsed by it.

"Laser and strong neutron flow skills are ready! We are the last hope of Oshu!" Barrett roared, soaring into the sky, and disappeared over the Brisbane in an instant.

The F35 that took off from the Williamton Air Force Base flew across the clouds at high speed, like a flock of crows, and they fired "electromagnetic interference missiles" ahead of time towards the increasingly huge flames. Oncoming nukes crashed past.After the launch, the F35 quickly made evasive actions, and then turned away sharply.

In the intertwined web of electromagnetic interference bombs, hundreds of "Queen's Wings" who were ready to fight fired countless laser skills and neutron skills at the same time, and the entire sky was covered by various beams of light. The scene of a large-scale light show is illuminated, even in broad daylight, it is so gorgeous that it is dazzling.

With such a dense skill attack, no matter how fast the nuclear bomb is, it is impossible to dodge it.However, the mammoth red light broke through all the laser skills and neutron skills. Those skills that can penetrate everything on weekdays met it head-on, not only failed to detonate it, but even blocked it for a few seconds. I noticed that the laser and neutron streams were scattered in all directions, like the dazzling spherical laser lights in a nightclub. In the radiance, the "God of Satan" was still flying towards Sydney along the scheduled flight trajectory.

Its speed was so fast that it formed a huge matrix in the air, and the Chosen Ones who intercepted the nuclear bomb with their launch skills were pierced by the meteorite-like colored light ball before they had time to react.The brilliant light show disintegrated in an instant, and the red air pulled up by the nuclear bomb was like a hell fire that melted everything.

Barrett couldn't believe his eyes. Even if he turned on the light shield, those chosen ones couldn't survive for a few seconds, and they were lit up into spinning DNA helices.In the blink of an eye, only a few people remained in the huge matrix composed of hundreds of people. They turned around and launched their skills towards the nuclear bomb falling towards the clouds behind them, but they couldn't even catch up with the nuclear bomb's tail flame.

"It's over."

"Oh my God!"

"What to do now? Sir. The last interception has failed."

The headphones were full of frustrated cries, but Barrett did not give up. He flew with all his strength and pulled the "supersonic burning" to the extreme.At extreme speed, Barrett rushed through the clouds, and then saw the nuclear warhead that looked like a meteor.The terrifying monster that descended from the sky was about to pass through the clouds. Before it reached the clouds, the clouds began to steam and surge, and the air waves rose up like sea waves. In just a moment, it passed straight through, a huge hole Appearing above the thick clouds, looking down from this hole, you can see the outline of Sidney.
"No matter what! No matter what! I want to stop it!" Barrett's heart also burned, and he chased towards the nuclear warhead like an arrow off the string.The speed was pushed by him to the limit that the carrier could bear, the blue bar was consumed rapidly, and the battle suit, which had been ignited at hundreds of degrees, began to smoke, and burned to ashes like scales roasted by the fire, and a trail was pulled out behind him. The black smoke disappeared into the wind.The resistance and pressure are getting bigger and bigger, and the physical strength value is also starting to enter a state of depletion.

Seeing that the nuclear bomb was getting farther and farther away, Barrett made the right decision in a flash.

"I have to teleport behind the nuclear bomb to reduce the wind resistance! Otherwise, I won't be able to get close enough to teleport!"

After a little calculation, Barrett used teleportation and landed behind the nuclear bomb. Highly compressed air appeared in front of his eyes, forming a vortex visible to the naked eye, and the resistance was greatly reduced.

He speeded up again, and finally reached the tail of the nuclear bomb, like the trail of a meteor, and Barrett began to charge against the raging flames in the several-kilometer-long torrent of flames.In order to ensure that this is a fatal blow, he mobilized all the mana, the mana bar disappeared faster, and he had to turn off the energy shield.

The temperature suddenly rose sharply, and he felt that he was about to melt, and would soon turn into a ball of boiling liquid, or even directly vaporize.He had never experienced such torture, before him was a ferocious beast that could destroy the world, and the sound of air friction and air flow was like the roar of an engine, making it unbearable for him.The suffocating flames burned his combat helmet, and the cracking sound was clearly audible. He felt the carrier's stamina dropping wildly, and he had predicted that he would also turn into a DNA helix in more than ten seconds.

"I can't wait any longer!" Barrett thought, the moment his combat helmet shattered into pieces, he roared in the burning jet: "Truth: the light of neutrons!"

A huge beam of light that is more eye-catching than the sun burst out, and the "SSS" super attack skill "Neutron Light" covered everything, including the falling nuclear bomb.

It was like the roar of a giant cannon exploding in the sky, like a thunder that shook the sky and the earth!

The whole sky brightened up.

Barrett, who was already unconscious, was overjoyed, and prepared for the bigger explosions that followed. He thought that although he was sure to die, he would detonate the nuclear bomb in the air hundreds of kilometers away from Sidney.Although it cannot be said to be completely successful, at least it is much better than the nuclear bomb falling directly on Sidney.

However, the joyful mood has not been experienced for a second. After the "neutron light" disappeared in the air, the nuclear bomb continued to fall in the direction of Sydney intact, like a matchless demon descending from the sky.

It is hideous and unstoppable!

At this time, the paint on its shell has all peeled off, leaving only a line of silver traces in Russian—"Царь-бомба".

"The Tsar! The Tsar!"

Barrett's heart sank, and despair consumed him.

He closed his eyes in the air, unable to bear to see Sidney's destruction.

Cheng Mo and Paul XIV stood on the edge of the silo marked with the number "7" and looked down. The black intercontinental missiles in the scaffolding were like an ancient tree standing in the well.A thin mist floated at the bottom of the well, and fine droplets of water condensed on the egg-like round metal shell of the nuclear bomb, obviously because of the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the well.

Because there was a monitoring probe at the bottom of the well, Paul XIV just carried Cheng Mo and jumped off the first level of scaffolding at the dead end of the probe, instead of going straight down. When he got into the well, he heard the sound of "hum, buzz, buzz" from the fuel adding machine. It suddenly grew bigger, like countless bees flying in the silo.

"There's no need to worry now, 'teleportation' can be kept for now." Paul XIV looked down at the majestic and terrifying Colossus, "The nuclear bomb should have exploded, right?"

"It should be in time." Cheng Mo frowned and stared at the bottom of the silo. Through the thin layer of water vapor, he could see that there seemed to be some leaks at the bottom of the maintenance equipment, parts and tool boxes. The dimly glowing black cables looked like electric cables. He remembered that when he and Yan Yitong came to the silo, they didn't see the cables.

"Could it be because of the different silos?" Cheng Mo thought.

"How come we don't feel it when the time is up?" Paul XIV said, "It's not like the stargate really succeeded in intercepting it, right?"

Cheng Mo responded in a low voice: "How can it feel? After more than 9000 kilometers, even the Tsar is just scratching the earth." He turned his head to look at Paul XIV, pointing at the ICBM The black cable said, "Does that cable look weird to you?"

"What is that?" Paul XIV whispered in surprise, "It stands to reason that there shouldn't be such things in the silo? Nuclear bombs don't need to be charged!"

"Go down and have a look!" Cheng Mo said suspiciously, "Let Mr. Arnold divert Yan Funing's attention. Or you can simply teleport and take me to the entrance of the silo."

"Although Yan Funing can't use the carrier, we'd better be careful. Save the teleportation for the critical moment." Paul XIV said with extreme caution.

Cheng Mo nodded.

Paul XIV quickly used the carrier's communication system to send a message, then grabbed Cheng Mo's collar, and slowly floated down from the near blind spot of the camera against the wall of the silo.Soon they landed directly above the camera. Paul XIV waited for a while, probably after receiving the news from there, he jumped suddenly and rushed into the corridor.

Warm yellow light enveloped the two of them. Cheng Mo looked towards the gate into the silo, and could see the huge nozzles of the two rocket engines. The gray pipelines in the huge nozzles were densely covered like spider webs. A kind of meter that is beating, as if they are doing a self-test.

Cheng Mo didn't see the black cable at first glance, but when he lowered his head, he saw that the cable had retracted from the elevator shaft. After it retreated like a tunnel, the instruments in the silo also stopped rotating and resumed. Calm, the fuel injector stopped working at the same time, and the well was about to die.

"What is this?" Paul XIV was also extremely surprised, and when the tentacle-like cable shrank to his feet, he subconsciously flew up.

Cheng Mo also moved to the wall, and observed it closely, it was so crystal clear, it seemed to be alive, maybe it was more like a living machine?
"Is it your Tai Chi Dragon's secret weapon?" Paul XIV said, "No wonder Yan Funing was able to activate the nuclear bomb."

"I don't know." Cheng Mo felt inexplicable palpitations, as if there were unknowable monsters entrenched in the launch center, "We have to go to the launch center quickly."

The two people ran forward along the alloy passage, and then stopped at the intersection with another corridor. The civil defense gate was in front of them, because there was a camera directly above the civil defense gate, so the two people There was no rush to rush out.

Cheng Mo took out the mirror and looked at it, and saw a gap quite wide for a person in the heavy civil defense door. At this time, the shining black cable had just retracted to the other end of the door, but there was still a The cable is placed in the crack of the door, and it leads to the No. [-] launch silo on the other side. The light flowing on this cable is stronger than that of the previous one. Sections of blue light flow in it, like a straw in a straw. liquid.

The uneasiness in Cheng Mo's heart became stronger and stronger, but Paul XIV laughed strangely when he saw the open door, "I thought it would take a lot of work to get in! I didn't expect it to be so easy."

"and many more!"

Cheng Mo said softly that he thought they should go to the No. 8 well next door to see what was going on. He raised his hand to press Paul XIV's shoulder, but it was in vain.

Paul XIV had already jumped out like lightning, and jumped directly into the nuclear bomb launch center. He took a step forward, but he still held back not to rush out, and continued to hide in the corner. Shi "haha" laughed and said: "WOW! Yan Funing! Didn't expect it? Didn't you expect it? Surprised? Surprised?"

After a while, Yan Funing's gloomy voice came from the other side, and he sighed heavily, "Oh~ you shouldn't come, why did you come? Why didn't you agree to my conditions? I just want a winter palace, you Do you have to take the whole world to be buried with you?"


Ostate time, 13:42 p.m.

All the "Queen's Wings" and "Stargate" Chosen Ones, fleets, and planes have given up their resistance and quickly fled in a direction away from Sydney. The sea and the sky are full of wildly fleeing Chosen Ones, Aircraft and ships.

Only Barrett, the supreme commander of the "Queen's Wing", closed his eyes and stayed in the sky [-] kilometers away from Sydney with his face full of pain. He knew that this place was still within the explosion range of the "Tsar", but he didn't want to escape. Besides, he no longer has the energy to run away.

He made the sign of the cross on his chest and recited: "Almighty Creator, we change, you never change. We bow our knees before you, we cry out to you, have mercy on us. You are our Father , our interests are not outside of you, may you keep us. In today's age, the devil is like a roaring lion, prowling around looking for someone to devour. May the Lord grant us a strong faith. May the Lord be our refuge, so that we Rely on. So pray, in the holy name of the Lord, amen!""


At the same time, the whole of Sidney was in chaos, the streets were overcrowded, vehicles blocked most of the roads, horns, air defense sirens, screams, and glass shattering sounded into a song of despair.Panicked people ran down the street.Some people drive a motorcycle on a rampage, and they don't care how many people they hit.On the cross-sea bridge, people jumped on top of cars and fled through the gaps in cars.All are looking for underground bunkers, or entrances into underground car parks and subways.

Just when the huge fireball was visible to the naked eye, the frightened people stopped briefly, followed by deafening cries that resounded throughout the city.

Some people stood on the top of high-rise buildings and howled wildly, some people jumped off the sea-crossing bridge and jumped into the blue sea to become a wave, and some people knelt on the pier of Darling Harbor and prayed to the sea.

Despair enveloped the entire city.

An Asian girl with a calm face pointed her mobile phone at the fiery red light spot in the sky, and said calmly: "Look! It's coming, maybe in more than ten seconds, I will be reduced to ashes! This is me This is the last live broadcast, I hope the newcomers don’t pay attention, please click to follow, click to follow, don’t get lost, double-click to comment on 666.”

Numerous rockets fly across the screen, and countless "666" and hands folded in prayer slide across the screen.
In an instant, the reward reached 1000 million.

The girl held her mobile phone high and turned her back to the direction of the nuclear bomb, smiling, "Old irons, goodbye, the next nuclear explosion, I will take everyone to the scene directly."

At this moment, a white light streaked across the sky like lightning, and greeted the "tsar" at an incredible speed.

What started out as a small dot of white light turned into a huge black flare in the blink of an eye!The clear sky seems to be covered with overcast clouds, and the whole world is covered by unparalleled black, as if it has entered the night.

Only the "tsar" emitted this icy light like the sun eaten by a tengu. It was frozen in the air and did not fall.

Time stood still a second before the imminent destruction.


Stern King, who was sitting on the plane, stared at the screen and began to applaud, "Look! What I saw!" He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and shouted, "Philip, tell Honolulu to keep an eye on Nebuja! Nisa! He can't stop the Tsar from detonating, at most he can only change the landing position of the nuclear bomb, I don't believe he can escape from the nuclear detonation!"


"Yes! This is really a surprise! I didn't expect a 'tsar' to fish him out!" Stern King also made the cross on his chest, and sighed with joy, "It's really a godsend door!"

(End of this chapter)

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