Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1178 Lord of the Underworld (3)

Chapter 1178 Lord of the Underworld (3)

("Existence"-Immediate Music)

"Can this lead to the outside?" Paul XIV asked looking up at the six boiler-like metal cylinders that were five or six meters high and four or five meters in diameter.

The bald white man in a white coat standing next to him replied tremblingly: "In theory, it is possible. These are the six water storage tanks of the cooling station, and they are connected to an inlet located outside the wall of the Winter Palace. Water pipeline. But because in winter, the sea outside the Winter Palace often freezes, forming a huge ice layer. In order to prevent the water inlet pipe from being frozen, we designed this pipeline to be 300 meters deep This not only prevents the water pipe from being frozen, but also enables the cooling system to obtain a natural supply of cold water through a certain seawater pressure, which reduces the difficulty of water diversion." After a pause, the white coat said with appreciation, "This design Very ingenious, the seawater temperature below 300 meters is constant at 2.05 degrees Celsius, which greatly improves the efficiency of the heat exchanger and closed-loop cooling system, and saves a lot of energy for our data center.”

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just tell us how to get out of here." Paul XIV said impatiently.

"This. This is only theoretically feasible. I'm afraid there will be many difficulties in implementing it." The white coat stammered.

"What's the problem?" Cheng Mo asked.

The white coat glanced at the diving suit in Cheng Mo's hand, rolled his throat and said: "If you want to enter the water inlet pipe from the water storage tank, you must shut down the entire chiller. If the shutdown time is too long, it will cause the data center Automatically shutting down due to overheating may not only cause data loss, but also interrupt the service of the data center to the 'Nation of Underworld', causing equipment damage and even brain damage to residents of the 'Nation of Underworld', or even death."

"How long can the cooling system be shut down in an emergency?" Cheng Mo asked quickly.

"These six water storage tanks, four of them are for backup." The white coat pointed to the four metal tanks on the left, "In order to prevent unforeseen failures, such as power outages, water After common failures such as pipe blockage, diesel generators can be used to generate electricity and continue to let the cooling water enter the cooling system to maintain the operation of the data center, which can last for about three to four hours."

"Enough! Enough!" Paul XIV loudly said eagerly, "Now you are ready to stop the main unit and start the diesel generator set"

"Wait! Wait!" The white coat hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, but you are going to go out through the water inlet pipe! This will definitely destroy the water pump at the bottom of the U-shaped pipe. You broke that water pump, What are we going to do after those three hours? Let the people of the 'Nation of Underworld' wait to die?"

Paul XIV said angrily, "Then why don't you just say you're going out at all?"

The white coat had a timid look on his face, and he said eagerly, "Didn't I say that you can go out theoretically?"

Paul XIV jumped up and slapped the bare head of the white coat like an angry flea, "Where is the water pipe? Where is the water pipe?"

"The hot water from the outlet pipe is all supplied to the air-conditioning system of the Winter Palace, which can save a lot of electricity." The white coat whispered, "So the outlet pipe is still with the Winter Palace."

Paul XIV was speechless, silent for a moment, and said as if he had completely given up: "Then let's do it! We can't let Arnold and the others die for the sake of outsiders!"

"So you decided to hand over the Winter Palace?" Cheng Mo asked.

"Do you think I dare to hand over the 'Winter Palace' to Yan Funing, a lunatic?" Paul XIV sneered, "Even if I notify the people from the 'Ennos Sunflower Banner', it is impossible to hand over the 'Winter Palace' give him!"

Cheng Mo knew that Paul XIV was just talking, and he couldn't make such a choice unless he had to.But no matter what Paul XIV intends to do, as far as he is concerned, if it really falls into the hands of the "Ennoth Sunflower Banner", it will definitely not end well.Everything on him, whether it is the "Lord of the Plague", the "Book of Angels", or the black magic that makes the ontology carrier, is something that no organization can let go.

So what he has to do now is to get the Winter Palace back on the normal track.

But Cheng Mo felt strange again, could it be that Yan Funing didn't know that he was a kid with a pistol now.Indeed, anyone is afraid of him, but anyone can subdue him.As long as he doesn't shoot, maybe adults will satisfy him with some sugar, as long as he doesn't ask for too much.

But if he really pulled the trigger, then the grown-ups' way of dealing with it would definitely not be giving sugar and negotiating.

Why did Yan Funing dare to let the nuclear bomb explode?It was still a large city with a population of more than 500 million like Sydney.

Cheng Mo was puzzled, he felt that this could not be explained rationally, he always felt that Yan Funing was more rational than him.

The crowd looked at the water storage tank and fell silent.

"Is there any other way?" Zero said, "I seem to have seen a water pump on the fifth floor. Is it your backup?"

The white coat hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, there are indeed more than one spare pumps. But to install them, divers must install them externally, and they must be carrier divers. Ordinary divers cannot bear such a high water pump. The work intensity is 300 meters under the sea, and even the carrier must wear a diving suit." He said with a bitter face, "What's more, the dock on the fifth floor is closed now, and you have no way to transport the pump out through the submarine! "

"So it's still not okay?" Socrates Onassis said nonchalantly, "If it doesn't work, don't waste time, Alexei, take me to see Drovna, anyway, when the end of the world comes Before that, I have to give her an explanation."

"I said, you have no right to call me Alexei!" Paul XIV jumped up and slapped Socrates Onassis in the face again, "Call me King! Call me Your Majesty!"

The old man was not angry after being slapped again, he touched his red and swollen face and said with a smile: "Everyone's brother-in-law, there is no need to make such a mess!"


Paul XIV jumped up again, but Cheng Mo grabbed his collar and dragged him to the elevator, "Go and see how big the water pump is! Isn't Ms. Chloe still at the dock? If you say We can plug the sump pump into the side of the dock through the dock ventilation pipe. After we get out of the water inlet pipe, we can dive back to the dock from the bottom of the sea and bring the sump pump out of it, then there will be no problem!"

"Good idea!" Paul XIV snapped his fingers, "Without the assistance of a submarine, how many fucking carrier divers are needed to complete such a difficult job in three hours?"

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks, and said with a blank expression: "Don't tell me that the Winter Palace is so big! It's a world-renowned big organization, and even a few chosen ones can't be found!"

Paul XIV, who was held by Cheng Mo with one hand, lowered his head, "Why do you think Arnold valued Yan Funing? Because he knew that Yan Funing really wanted to stay in the Winter Palace and really loved the Winter Palace. Otherwise, how could it be possible for him to come into contact with so many people?" Confidential? Few of the chosen ones are willing to stay in such a ghostly place as the Winter Palace!"

"I'm already over 60 years old." Paul XIV said with some frustration, "Maybe when I enter the kingdom of the underworld, then the Winter Palace will really become the kingdom of the underworld."

Cheng Mo didn't expect the situation of the "Winter Palace" to be so dire, he hesitated and said, "Why don't you even have a gladiator? Mr. Arnold, Mr. Schnellerman, Mr. Bukhsitable, Mr. Barba Mr. En. Weren’t they all Ennos chosen ones before? They entered the kingdom of the underworld, did Uroboros stay behind? Wouldn’t you cultivate the chosen ones yourself?”

Paul XIV held his head and screamed: "How is it so easy? I tried to cultivate myself before, but until Arnold's son, the father of No. 91, left the Winter Palace and never came back, we didn't dare to take it easy. Spending money to cultivate the chosen ones. Besides, the construction of the "Utopia", the maintenance of nuclear bombs, and the maintenance of the Winter Palace are all astronomical expenses! After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 50, we no longer have financial resources. In order to maintain research , so that the Winter Palace can continue to maintain nuclear deterrence to protect Ennoth. Before the "Utopia" is not put into operation, we can only rely on selling Ouroboros and selling skills to raise funds." He lowered his voice, "Ahero When Marshal Mayev committed suicide, he only had a voucher of [-] rubles left in his pocket. All his savings were used to support the construction of the Winter Palace, and he did not leave a penny to his family," he said through gritted teeth. , "Mikhail, that bastard, has lived to this day, and brazenly published his memoirs."

At this time, No. [-] suddenly interjected: "Thank you for letting me know why my grandfather is so indifferent to me, but do you know why my father never came back after leaving the Winter Palace?" That shameless traitor!" Immediately afterwards, he sighed in a low voice, "It's just a pity that he didn't succeed and died in the pursuit of Stargate."

Thinking of Marshal Akhromeyev, the most famous tragic hero in history, Cheng was silent for a few seconds, and immediately said resolutely: "Don't worry about it, at least see if the water pump can pass through the ventilation pipe of the dock. past."

When they reached the elevator door, five people stood on a stainless steel plate hanging on the steel cable. Paul XIV grabbed the steel cable and dragged the steel plate manually to the warehouse on the fifth floor where the elevator door was broken.A group of people quickly ran to the position of the water pump under the leadership of No. [-]. No. [-] opened the half-covered waterproof canvas, and a black cylinder larger and longer than a torpedo was placed on the bracket. Silver gleaming turbofan.

The white coat first carefully observed the water pump, then turned to look at Paul XIV, and said cautiously, "That's it."

Cheng Mo looked at the water pump, then at the ventilation pipe whose grille had been smashed by Paul XIV just now, made a little estimate, and said disappointedly: "Not only do we need to remove the turbofan at the top, but also If the whole water pump has to be disassembled to a certain extent, and then assembled on the other side, it can barely be transported." He asked without hope, "Can it be disassembled?"

The white coat hesitated for a moment and said, "It should be possible to dismantle it."

Pope Paul XIV jumped up and tapped his bald forehead in a white coat again, "What should you mean?"

The white coat scratched his head and replied in fear: "We... this side... can be disassembled, but I don't know... can it be installed over there?"

"How can there be so much trouble?" Paul XIV said distraughtly.

Socrates Onassis sneered and said, "Sure, I don't want to see what my wife does? Maybe I can help you convert it into a more efficient water pump!"

Cheng Mo thought of the blueprints he saw in his mother-in-law's laboratory, and thought it should be possible, so he looked at Paul XIV, "Then there is only the last one left, we need enough divers, or the body The quality is excellent, and there is a certain foundation in mechanical maintenance.”

Zero whispered, "Count me in."

A cold female voice floated from the narrow gap opened by the rail freight car, "Count me in." After a pause, she continued, "Socrates, I have never been your wife. I've already said I'm tired."

Paul XIV hugged his belly and laughed "haha".

Socrates Onassis pretended not to hear, and said with a smile: "Since you are going, then count me in! Although I don't know much about mechanics, my ability to dive is not covered."

Paul XIV turned his head and asked the white coat, "Do you think three people are enough?"

The white coat wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It may be a bit strenuous."

Paul XIV picked up the walkie-talkie, "The command center, someone who is familiar with the water pump, call him over, let him organize the manpower to start dismantling the water pump, and pass it to the side of the dock. Also call Lermontov over Let him follow into the water and help install the water pump, anyway, he is also a chosen one." He threw the walkie-talkie to No. The collar flew towards the elevator shaft like lightning, and said without looking back, "I will leave the installation of the water pump to you, No. [-]!"

Zero took over the walkie-talkie, stuffed the walkie-talkie into his trouser pocket, bent down and hugged the torpedo-like water pump from the bracket, all the KGB uniforms on his body burst, revealing his thick arms full of veins and high protruding chest muscles , he blushed and whispered, "No problem."

The steel plates in the dark elevator shaft began to sink. Amid the howling cold wind, Paul XIV asked loudly, "How many minutes do we have now?"

Cheng Mo closed his eyes, and said softly: "There are still six to four minutes, and Satan will carry the Tsar into the atmosphere. At that time, the god Sidney can't be saved."


Earlier, Ozhou time, 13:24 pm.


Queen's Wing headquarters.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the blue Mi Zi Qixing flag and the "Double-winged Crown Flag" of the "Queen's Wings" are waving in the wind.Below the flag is a gray five-story building, the red police lights on the vaulted dome of the building are spinning crazily, and the shrill radio is blasting over and over again.The corridors of the building, the outdoor parking lot, and the equipment center not far away were all people running towards the entrance of the underground bunker.

"Level [-] combat readiness, please take your positions."

"This is not a drill!"


"This is not a drill!"

Queen's Wing Headquarters underground command post.

The supreme leader of the Queen's Wing, nicknamed "Sniper Rifle", three-star general Barrett, is taking the elevator to the underground command center.The elevator door opened, and people in the crowded passage and the elevator next to it were all asking "what's going on".

The anxious Barrett teleported directly to the command center from the elevator entrance.The dimly lit command center was crowded with people, and the siren blew rhythmically again and again, but the entire command post seemed abnormally quiet. No one looked at the computer on their desk, but all stared at the big screen in the center.

At this moment, there is a red line moving rapidly towards Ozhou on the map.

"What's the situation now?" Barrett asked loudly.

A white man with a crew cut and wearing the uniform of the Queen's Wings officer stood up, "According to the news from Honolulu, there is a nuclear bomb flying from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean!"

"Are you sure where to land?"

"Looks like Sydney."

Barrett gasped, and shouted with trembling lips: "Talk to Stargate immediately! Talk to Stargate immediately!"

"Sir, I've been connected," the crew-haired man picked up the phone and said, "Mr. Stern King, I'm talking to you on behalf of Hua Xing Dun and Star Gate."

Barrett hurried to the podium, picked up the black confidential phone tremblingly, and asked calmly, "Mr. Stern, is there a way to intercept it?"

"Barrett, now is not the time to be nervous. Now our THAAD system in Honolulu has locked the warhead. The fleets in Darwin Harbor and Pearl Harbor have all been dispatched and are moving in the direction of Sydney. You must send Whether your fleet, your anti-aircraft artillery, or even all your chosen ones are useful or not, we must stop it before it falls into the atmosphere." Stern King said regretfully, "I have already I persuaded you to install Sade, but you didn’t listen to me”

"How many minutes?" Barrett asked with a dry throat.

"It won't enter the atmosphere in another 10 minutes. Don't worry, our Sadgar Aegis system will definitely stop it, as long as it's not some monster like Satan or XX"

"Has the system been simulated?" Barrett asked anxiously.

"It was done," Stern King paused, "but it didn't work out."

"FXXK" Barrett almost crushed the phone, "Who the hell shot it? Ennoth?"

"It's not clear yet, we've asked about the Ennoth sunflower flag and they say they don't have one."

"If it was launched from the Arctic Ocean, who else would it be?" Barrett said angrily.

"We have been monitoring the main launch base of Ennos, and indeed there is none. The spies in Ennos also said that Ennos would not have such a crazy plan." Stern King said in a low voice, "It is not time to pursue When it comes to responsibility, the first priority is to stop it."

"What if it's not intercepted?" Barrett asked tremblingly.

"Then prepare for the worst. If it is a multi-guided multiple warhead, try to use a fighter plane to interfere with the guidance first, and then your strongest chosen one will use laser skills and strong neutron flow skills to detonate it, so that those warheads can High-altitude explosions can somewhat reduce losses.”

Barrett smiled wryly, "Is it useful?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But... do what you can, and obey the destiny." Stern King whispered, "Now I will notify the anti-missile forces in Honolulu and all the fleets in the Pacific Ocean to launch anti-ballistic missiles. You are ready with both hands .”

"That's the only way to go." Barrett said bitterly, "I will fight in person."

"Good luck! Barrett! The Creator bless Aozhou!"

Barrett over there had already hung up the phone, but Stern King blew his whistle, and Stargate Third Fleet Commander Kenneth Floyd looked away from the large screen with constantly flashing red dots , frowned and said, "Stern, why do I feel that you are still a little excited?"

"Kenneth, before we said to form a joint fleet to encircle and suppress the Black Death, those countries agreed verbally, but they each found their own reasons and refused to send the fleet. Now no one has any reason to prevent our fleet from jointly heading to the Pacific Ocean! No matter what Nebuchadnezzar is so powerful, he will be wiped out, and Tai Chi Dragon will forever and ever" Stern King smiled, "turned into a worm."

Kenneth Floyd stared at the big screen in silence.

Stern King walked towards the gate indifferently, and said without looking back: "Prepare the plane for me, I'm going to Honolulu now, maybe I can see a grand fireworks in mid-air "


Ostate time, 13:36 p.m.

All ships located at the Kutabar Naval Base, Wattham Naval Base, Cairns Naval Base, and Kunaval Naval Base have already left port.Among them, the three strongest destroyers of Queen's Wing, the only Hobart-class destroyer in the southern hemisphere equipped with the Aegis system, have arrived at the location designated by the star gate.

THAAD in Honolulu took the lead in launching 48 supersonic kinetic energy interceptor bombs, and 48 interceptor bombs were launched into the sky one after another. Even in the daytime, the rising flames illuminated Harvey Island, and the huge red fireworks shot toward the depths of the blue sky. fly straight away.

Almost all tourists can see this dazzling scene.

People stopped and cheered, but the Queen's Wing underground command center in Canberra was silent.There is not even the sound of breathing in the huge command center, only the sound of rapid heartbeat and the sound of mechanical timekeeping.

"200 kilometers away from the target!"

Someone covered his face, his hands were shaking.

"100 kilometers away from the target!"

Everyone stood up, holding hands, staring intently at the approaching red and blue dots on the big screen.

"The distance is fifty kilometers! The anti-missile kinetic energy interceptor bomb is about to meet the nuclear bomb!"

The sound of the heartbeat surpassed the sound of the alarm, and even Barrett clenched his fists. Some did not dare to blink, some closed their eyes, some held their breath, and some were short of breath.






On the big screen with the world map as the background, the red dots changed into missiles, and the blue dots also changed into missiles, and they collided in the flashing dotted lines.

At this second, the heartbeats of the people in the underground command center stagnated in unison.



In the next second, red and blue missile icons crossed.

"Nuclear warhead interception failed." The mechanical female voice announced coldly.

A huge sigh erupted in the underground command center. Some female workers began to cover their faces and cry bitterly. Some threw away the documents in their hands, some dropped their mobile phones, and some squatted on the ground with blank faces.

"Failed." A Queen's Wing member said to Barrett in frustration, "Mid interception failed!"

Barrett closed his eyes, was silent for a moment, raised his hands, slapped his hands, and said loudly: "Now we will start to implement the second phase of the plan. I will personally lead the team to intercept at the end. Tien, organize your manpower and calculate the impact." scope, and formulate a rescue plan after the explosion.”

The crew-haired man Tien asked softly, "Is it necessary to evacuate the people of Sidney urgently?"

Barrett took the combat helmet from the female secretary at the side and put it on, "Now, immediately, notify Sidney to evacuate everyone and send out all our gladiators who are in training."

"Yes, sir!" Tien saluted.

Barrett saluted back, disappeared in place without saying anything.

Tien turned his head and saw that the red missile logo was about to fall into the atmosphere. He crossed himself on his chest and moaned in a very devout voice: "May the Creator bless Aozhou."


Cheng Mo was wearing a black deep-sea diving suit and followed behind Paul XIV.The water pipe was dark, even if he activated the "Seven Sins", he could still only see a little bit of the surrounding area, the smooth alloy pipe wall and the filtered cold sea water.

With no wetsuit that fit, Paul XIV wore only a helmet and looked like Captain Teemo from League of Legends.Even if it is a carrier, there is no way to stay on the bottom of the sea for a long time, so Paul XIV still wore a helmet.The two of them went straight down the dark pipe, and soon sank into the bottom end of the "U-shaped" water pipe, and then turned around, which was where the high-pressure water pump was loaded.

Regardless of 21, Paul XIV directly shot two red lasers, and in the boiling water bubbles, the turbofan at the bottom of the water pump was destroyed, and a bright flame erupted in the water, and then he slammed the back The filter was torn open.Paul XIV, who was thin and short, was the first to pass through, pushing the long torpedo-like water pump out of the water pipe.

Cheng Mo waved the "Seven Sins", and split the filter to make it bigger, and then carefully swam over.Out of the water pipe, Paul XIV was left with only a dot in the dim light, but the slowly sinking water pump was still close in front of him, and a huge pressure suddenly hit him.He quickly turned on the flotation device on the diving suit, and swam up with all his strength.

In the pitch blackness, filled with the sound of the second hand turning and bubbles churning, he could even clearly hear his every heartbeat and every breath.Cheng Mo has also snorkeled before, but has never entered such a deep seabed.When snorkeling, you can still hear the sound of motors, the chirping of seagulls, and the sound of waves, but the silence here is terrible, and you can't see any creatures. Only some white spots can be seen under the illumination of "Seven Sins".

If you say what the abyss should look like, Cheng Mo thinks it is like this.

Although it is taboo to dive too fast, Cheng Mo believes that there will be no problem with his current physique.He could feel his heart beating extremely slowly, with a mountain-like weight on his body, and he was floating as if he was under a force field several times the gravity.But everything is within the controllable range. The lizardman is already hydrophilic, and his strengthened body resisted all these impacts. He used the "Seven Sins" as a flashlight, constantly exploring the surrounding situation.

He vaguely saw the black dock hidden under the water, and the jagged cliff above.With the continuous rising, the sea water gradually changed from black to blue, coupled with the light of "Seven Sins" and enhanced eyesight, Cheng Mo was able to clearly see the surrounding scene, as well as Paul XIV floating rapidly above his head .

Soon he was able to see the scenery clearly without the help of the "Seven Sins", the shore rocks like coral reefs, white shadows floating on the glass-like blue sea, and the huge arctic shrimp not far away from the little man There are grotesque creatures swimming past in front of his eyes, translucent seahorses, white flea-like bugs, beautiful jellyfish named "Sea Goddess", and a seal with big eyes not far away is watching curiously. with him.
Everything around was so dreamy, and he finally understood why Athena was so keen on diving and playing with whales.He thought that he would dive with Athena if he had the chance in the future, but it was a pity that now was not the time to fantasize about these things, and it was only about a minute before the nuclear bomb entered the atmosphere.

No one knows what the human world will look like in one minute.

But as long as they leave the Winter Palace, maybe there is still time.

Cheng Mo saw Paul XIV floating out of the sea, and he also jumped a few times, rushing out of the gap between several ice floes like a fish.The sky was dark and starless, and the howling cold wind was as loud as thunder. Paul XIV, who was standing on the ice, took off his helmet and threw it into the water.Then he grabbed the strap of the oxygen bottle, lifted Cheng Mo from the sea, and flew directly towards the snow-white island in the distance.

In the fast-moving scene, Cheng Mo saw the white to barren island, the only embellishment was the black reefs on the shore, other than that, there was only a patch of uneven white snow
"How long?" Paul XIV flew to a high place and raised his eyes to die.

"30 seconds" Cheng Mo replied, his heart had already sunk to the bottom, "Maybe it's too late."

"I saw it." Paul XIV said loudly in the bitter cold wind.

Cheng Mo followed Paul XIV's line of sight, and found a neat black circle in a complete white snowfield, which was very eye-catching. There was no doubt that it was the silo where the nuclear bomb had been launched.

Paul XIV accelerated his speed sharply and fell downward.

Cheng Mo felt his body cut like a knife, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already appeared on the edge of the silo.Cheng Mo's feet just landed on the ground, and he was still a little weak. He shook a few times before barely standing still. He sacrificed the "Seven Sins" to cut off the plastic sheet of the flippers, leaving only the shoes, "Seven Sins" "Zong" slid across the silo cover under his feet without leaving even a mark.

Cheng Mo is used to disappointment and has accepted the fact that the nuclear bomb is about to explode.He was frustrated, seeing that success was just under his feet, but it was only a little bit close.He closed his eyes and collected his emotions, "Actually, it's still far away, a distance of several hundred tons." Paul XIV jumped on the cover of the silo, and there was a dull sound under his feet, and he shot several times in succession Lasers, red, purple, white, the sound of "biubiubiu" can be heard endlessly, but those lasers also have no effect, only leaving burnt black spots on the green manhole cover.




Paul XIV was jumping and jumping on the manhole cover, impotent and furious, like a frog in a pot.Finally, he sat slumped in the icy snow and said angrily, "It's useless to come up!"

Cheng Mo, who had already hid to the side, took off his diving helmet, looked down at the silo cover weighing hundreds of tons under his feet, and said in a low voice, "We can only wait for him to launch the second nuclear bomb." South, "Now the first nuclear bomb has entered the atmosphere. I can only pray for a miracle, and the stargate can intercept it."

Paul XIV shook his head, "Impossible, unless it can be intercepted when the speed of the ascent is the slowest, as long as it enters the middle section, the possibility of interception is very small. It's a pity that we are not in the control center and cannot watch the live action!" He complained regretfully, "It would be better to come out later if I knew earlier."

At this moment, the earth shook, and the sound of stones and soil falling was mixed with the rumbling sound, echoing in the wind.

"FXKK! Is it so powerful? We can feel it from so far away?" Paul XIV jumped up and shouted in surprise.

"No." Cheng Mo looked at the black hole slowly revealed not far to the right, "It's the second silo that opened."

(End of this chapter)

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