Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1180 Lord of the Underworld (5)

Chapter 1180 Lord of the Underworld (5)

Ohio time, 13:42:32.

"Damn! Why can't I fly?"

The seaplane pilot who was fleeing Sydney under the guidance of the "Queen's Wing" Chosen shouted that he heard cries and screams from the back of the cabin, so he turned his head and saw what he would never forget scene.

The Pacific Ocean is full of towering waterspouts, waving tentacles from the sea into the sky.And there are countless things flying in the buildings of Sydney, and the whole world seems to be turned upside down in an instant. People, cars, billboards, bicycles, sofas... are all falling into the sky.

He realized that there should be something obscuring the sun above the plane, and that thing is attracting everything like a magnet plate to fly towards it against the gravity of the earth.

"UFO?" He was terrified, and looked up from the broken window.

A huge circular black spot hangs over Sidney, and the nuclear bomb, like a daytime meteor, is on the edge of the black spot, sliding towards the center of the black spot at a slow speed visible to the naked eye, like a stalled red billiard ball .The waterspouts sweeping the yachts and ships also disappeared into the blackness, and the sundries pouring down from Sydney, like garbage dumped by a garbage truck, are heading towards the sky like raindrops Black spots drop from
"My God! What is that? Satan?" The pilot shouted, seeing the flaming nuclear bomb, he said to himself again, "Surely not, Satan wouldn't be so kind as to stop the nuclear bomb for us."

If he is the chosen one, there will be no such doubts.Because all the chosen ones understand that it is actually not a black spot of light, but it swallows everything, including all the light passing over Sydney, so it looks black, but in fact it has no color.

Because it is - a black hole.

Nebuchadnezzar's unique and exclusive skills.


The Sidney Opera House, people running on the streets and on the pier all noticed the strange phenomenon in the sky. Some people took a look and continued to run. More people began to pray on their knees. The black flare was like the pupil of a cyclops. Look carefully, there are still spots of light rotating in the thick black, and there is a faint red light around its edge.

"Dad! UFO! UFO!"

The blond child who didn't know what happened was pointing to the sky in his father's arms and cheering, while the tall man who was holding him was sweating profusely and looked terrified.

Panicked, the tall man holding the child collided with a hyaluronic acid girl holding a selfie stick.Two people spoke at the same time, one said "sorry" and the other said "sorry".

No one cares what language the other party speaks, just when they were about to pass each other, the girl saw that the phone on the selfie stick was flickering like it was broken, and the live broadcast screen seemed to be stuck, only subtitles and The rocket is sliding.She grabbed the tall white man's arm and said angrily: "I'm live broadcasting in Doomsday! You broke my phone! My big brother just said that as long as I don't die, I will reward the Silver League! You pay me!"

The white man holding the child had no idea what the Asian girl in front of him was talking about. He could only keep saying "sorry" in a panic. He was struggling to escape, but the woman held on to his arm and said All strange words.

At this moment, an unbelievable suction force came from the air, and the mobile phone in the girl's hand shot straight towards the sky like an arrow off the string. arm.

"My mobile phone! My mobile phone!" the hyaluronic acid girl looked up at the windless mobile phone, which flew up like a kite and shouted, "I'm still live broadcasting!"

If this scene can be witnessed by the audience, they will definitely be amazed at the extremely pious professional attitude of Xia Guo's anchor, even nuclear bombs and doomsday can't stop them from carrying out this glorious and great cause to the end.

We have truly achieved "the world does not explode, we do not broadcast; the universe does not restart, we do not rest; we are here waiting for you in wind and rain, festivals, there are no four seasons, only two seasons, you see it is the peak season, you just change the channel low season"

In contrast, 996 is pediatrics.

The white man obviously does not have this kind of indomitable spirit. He saw countless water columns rising from the sea water. On the cross-sea bridge not far away, cars floated up one after another. The huge sign next to the Sidney Opera House The advertisement twisted and flew into the sky, the electric pot on the roof, and the towering Sini Tower not far away were shaking violently.
"The end of the world! The end of the world!"

The white man muttered to himself, and then he felt that something was wrong with the Asian hyaluronic acid girl holding his hand. He turned his head and looked over, and the girl's feet were also leaving the ground.At this time, the child in his arms finally realized that something was wrong and started to cry loudly. He slammed the Asian girl away and shouted, "Let go!"

As a result, the girl slowly floated up like a balloon while screaming.He wanted to run away quickly, but he couldn't run. He heard the sound of steel tearing, "creak, crunch" like the devil grinding his teeth, and he heard the sound of the raging tide, like a song from hell.

He also floated lightly, and not far from his eyes, the huge cruise ship Victoria also raised its bow, revealing the red-painted spherical dome
The whole of Sydney seems to be like a city on a soft cloud, following the wind.

In a horrifying post-apocalyptic scene, the hyaluronic acid girl grabs a cable tied to the pier, and her grip on the selfie stick is like a carp streamer billowing in an invisible, soundless wind.

The white man floated higher and higher, and the tables, chairs, flagpoles, and lamps that were lighter than him flew faster and faster around him. In desperation, he tried his best to hand his child to the hyaluronic acid girl who was about to pass by. He shouted with all his might, "Help him!"

The hyaluronic acid girl obviously understood what he said, hesitated for a moment, and threw away the selfie stick, but instead of picking up the little blond boy, she tried her best to grab his belt in an uncontrollable flutter.

So the three of them were like grasshoppers strung on a stick, swinging among countless floating objects.It’s just that a girl is just a girl after all, it’s hard for her to hold the cable with one hand, but now she’s dragging two people, she’s even more unable to hold the cable, a long bloodstain has been smeared on the brown cable, and the rope is about to arrive the end.

The white man closed his eyes in despair, and shouted: "Let go! You can't hold it!"

The hyaluronic acid girl still understands this sentence in English, but it may be that the effect of the show is too much. She did let go, but the loose hand is holding the cable. The three followed the "Elizabeth Cruise Ship" which was screaming miserable. "Fly to the sky.

They huddled together in fear, all closed their eyes, trembling and waiting for death to come.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sense of rapid falling. When I opened my eyes, the sky was bright again. The huge flare that covered the sun had disappeared, and the dense water column on the Pacific Ocean was collapsing, like a fountain that was turned off.Everything around was falling into the sea like raindrops crazily. The Elizabeth first smashed into the blue sea water, and set off huge waves amidst the roar. Those cars that flew up from the cross-sea bridge also fell fast. The sound of "plop, plop" is endless.
Soon the three people who hugged each other also fell into the sea. Before they could swim, they were pushed to the edge of the pier by the endless waves. Not daring to go up, he hid under the pier and grabbed the life buoy tied to the railing, watching the things that fell into the sea like hail, soon covering the entire bay, trembling his lips and not daring to move.

"Are we safe?" the white man said.

"Maybe!" the hyaluronic acid girl replied in broken English.

The white man rolled his throat and said, "Thank you just now."

"You're welcome!" The girl with hyaluronic acid replied uninterestedly.

Bai Nanqiang smiled and said: "I don't think you are very happy to escape from death?"

The hyaluronic acid girl thought that Bai Yinmeng, the big brother on the list, couldn't grasp it, so of course she couldn't be happy.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer things in the sky, and only some lighter things that went up earlier were left floating, the white man lifted the little blond boy out of the sea, "It seems to be safe."

The hyaluronic acid girl also saw her mobile phone among the sundries flying like snowflakes in the sky, "My mobile phone!" She grabbed the life buoy, climbed onto the pier, and stepped on the mess amidst the crackling sound of sundries falling to the ground. debris, caught the mobile phone that was spinning like a propeller.

Hyaluronic acid looked down at the mobile phone in her hand and smiled gratifiedly. She was about to try to see if she could turn it on again.

At this moment, a dazzling red light flashed in the distance, as if the whole world was ignited.The girl with hyaluronic acid, the white man and the little blond boy looked towards the Pacific Ocean at the same time. At the end of the sky on the side of the harbor full of garbage, the violent storm-like light was spreading rapidly, and everything became transparent wherever it went. , Even the clouds were instantly swallowed.

Then, amidst the earth-shattering bang, an orange sphere that was more dazzling than the sun in the sky burst out from the center of the white light.The sphere grew bigger and bigger like an inflating balloon, so powerful and arrogant it looked like Jupiter.

With a deafening roar, it slowly and quietly climbed up... After breaking through a thin layer of clouds, it continued to grow, as if to swallow the entire Pacific Ocean.

At this moment, it erupted with a strong light that was brighter than 100 million suns. Even though the distance was far away, they felt the intense heat and had to close their eyes.

When you open your eyes, it is a horrifying sight that is soul-stirring.

A mushroom cloud linked to the sky rises into the sky. The gray-black light mist condenses and climbs under the blue sky. White clouds revolve around it. It stands like a towering volcano on the horizon. The mountain is so high and so The blazing, daunting.Below it is a towering wall of waves, and even hundreds of kilometers away, the overwhelming tsunami can be seen advancing towards Sydney.

The three of them were all stunned, and they just found it unbelievable, like a dream, supernatural.


"It's really spectacular! It can be seen so clearly from more than 1000 kilometers away." Stern King looked at the place where the Tsar exploded from the porthole, "57 megatons! Respectable Nebuchadnezzar, you fight You tried your best to use the 'time-space distortion' and used the Einstein-Rosen bridge to move the nuclear bomb to an uninhabited sea five hundred kilometers away, so how do you protect yourself?"

The plane shook suddenly. After the warning sound of "Ding, Ding, Ding", the voice of the captain sounded, "We have encountered a strong airflow and electromagnetic storm brought by the nuclear bomb. Please fasten your seat belts and don't be in the air at random. Walk around in the cabin”

Stern King stared at the mushroom cloud, and said in a fascinated way: "A child who has lived for more than 200 years! You have to protect yourself when you go out, and don't let others take advantage of it."


"Words of victory need to be spoken with strength. You can't win with your mouth alone!"

Cheng Mo heard Paul XIV's chattering strange laughter, followed by a "bang", it seemed that Yan Funing was kicked on some metal cabinet by him, making a dull sound.

Yan Funing didn't speak, just chuckled "ho ho", that laughter was extremely weird, with a creepy sense of despair, but the voice was very small, as if Yan Funing didn't care at all.

"Look! I am the winner now! Yan Funing. You will pay the price for your failure!"

The collision sound of the body and the iron sheet box was heard again in the nuclear bomb launch center. Cheng Mo guessed that Paul XIV was torturing Yan Funing, but Yan Funing did not utter a single groan.

Cheng Mo was overwhelmed by uneasiness, he grabbed the wall, turned a corner, and frantically ran into No. The reverberation in the corridor was faster than his heartbeat.

Just when he reached the entrance of the silo, Cheng Mo was shocked by the vision in front of him. The entire intercontinental missile was entwined by creeper-like black cables, like a towering tree clinging to parasitic vines.Not only the outside, those scalp-numbing black cables are like living tentacles, protruding from the bottom layer is the missile gas diversion tank and three giant engine nozzles
The blue streamer, like water, flows from the intercontinental missile along the vine-like cable towards the nuclear bomb launch center.

Cheng Mo vaguely felt something, he finally knew why Yan Funing had to launch these nuclear bombs.

He turned his head and ran towards the launch center. After rushing out of the civil defense gate, he grabbed the railing and shouted at Paul XIV downstairs: "Your Majesty! Stop!"

Paul XIV, who stepped on Yan Funing's face, raised his head and smiled at him when he heard Cheng Mo's voice.

"It's just right." Paul XIV tilted his head and raised his foot that was on Yan Funing's face. "Finally, I can let you two bastards who have caused me a lot of trouble know what pain that goes deep into the bone marrow."

Cheng Mo said anxiously: "No! What's more important now is"

Paul XIV appeared beside Cheng Mo in lightning without hearing what Cheng Mo said, grabbed Cheng Mo by the collar, and threw him from the second floor to Yan Funing's side like a cannonball. Looking down at Cheng Mo and Yan Funing from the air, he said with a sinister smile, "I've endured it for a long time, just to wait for the ultimate pleasure at this moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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