Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1140 In the Black Dream (1)

Chapter 1140 In the Black Dream (1)

It rained all day in the sunny Utopia.

Cheng Mo opened his eyes and saw crystal raindrops sliding on the glass.Sitting cross-legged on the bed and meditating all day didn't make his body feel stiff, but he didn't feel the sense of vigor and vitality after a good rest either.He put the double-barreled shotgun across his knees on the bedside table, jumped out of bed, walked to the window and began to observe the world in the rain.

In the wind and rain, patches of tulips hung their heads, and the bright petals fell to the ground, giving people a feeling of wind and rain.Cheng Mo remembered that he was in a trance last night, dreaming that he had returned to Star City, holding his daughter by the hand, walking on the bustling Jiefang West Road.

In the dream is a bright day.

The weather is warm and the whole city is full of tourists.He took his daughter to eat ice cream, the daughter laughed very sweetly, and even held up the ice cream for him to have a bite too.It was really a good dream, and it also gave birth to a homesickness that Cheng Mo had never had before. He originally thought that he would not have such an overly poetic emotion, but now he does.

He had only been away for less than a month.

This is definitely a change that Cheng Mo himself did not expect.

"Is it really so different to be a father?" Cheng Mo thought, "But you still have to make a plan that you won't be able to go back."

Cheng Mo walked back to the bed and continued to rest with his eyes closed.In order not to be prying into his secrets, he never tried to practice "snake yoga" once in the "Utopia", and it is the same today. big meaning.

It soon darkened.After nightfall, the rain did not stop, it was still falling.

At seven o'clock, Cheng Mo found a beige windbreaker in the cabinet and put it on, picked up the long-handled umbrella on the umbrella stand at the door and went out.For some reason, perhaps because of the wind and rain outside the window, the lights in the corridor were extraordinarily dim.The sound of raindrops hitting the window lattice is endless, and the dense sound makes the world that is clear to the ears even in the dark become blurred.He walked through the long and ancient corridors, the dim light illuminated the carpets and oil paintings, especially when he walked through the oil paintings of portraits, the eyes staring into the distance seemed to move with him.

The atmosphere is like a horror movie.

Even Cheng Mo felt a chill down his back. Without looking back, he went straight to the entrance of the Winter Palace. After hesitating for a while, he opened the long-handled umbrella, and then walked into the dense rain with the black umbrella.

A moist, fresh aroma wafts through the garden.Cheng Mo no longer needs a map at this time, and the map of Utopia appears in his mind.Yesterday, he climbed to the roof of Building "0" in the "Universal Thinking Garden" to observe, which enabled him to complete the three-dimensional map of the entire Utopia.Looking down from a high altitude, Utopia is roughly a circle. The "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" is at the central point, and the imperial palace is in the center of the north of the Garden of Cosmic Thinking. It forms an equilateral triangle with the Winter Palace and the government affairs town in the north. The line connecting the Winter Palace and the government affairs town is like a north The tropic cuts in a quarter of the utopia.Further north of this straight line is an endless vast forest, and close to the white mist is a winding mountain.The nearly elliptical Swan Lake lies in the south, almost occupying most of the southern area. Although it is called a "lake", it looks similar to the sea.There are also some raised hills between Swan Lake and Baiwu, but the terrain is not high, unlike the mountains in the north.

According to the map, the vast majority of people live on the side of Swan Lake, and there are fewer people living in the forest and mountains north of the palace.The "Dark Dream Bar" is located in the southwest of the Universal Thinking Garden, where there is a triangular peninsula protruding into the "Swan Lake", and the "Dark Dream Bar" is on the tip of the triangular peninsula extending into the Swan Lake.

As for Laozhangren’s Western Style Palace, it is in the southeast of the Universal Thinking Garden, and it is almost on the east and west banks of the oval Swan Lake, similar to the “Dark Dream Bar”.

It would take an hour to walk from the "Winter Palace" to the "Dark Dream Bar" if it was fast. According to Cheng Mo's estimate, it would be at least five kilometers.Rain will affect the speed more or less, so Cheng Mo went out at seven o'clock.There is a stone road about two lanes wide around the lake. On both sides of the road, there will be an old-fashioned bronze kerosene lamp style street lamp about ten meters apart.

This light is of course a drop in the bucket in the dense night rain, but it can't have much impact on Cheng Mo today.Occasionally come across houses and strange houses along the way.For example, at the corner of the road leading to Swan Lake from the "Winter Palace", there is a black triangular wooden house with only one round window in the whole wooden house, which looks like a sacrificial tower for some evil ceremony.

When Cheng Mo walked past it with an umbrella, he saw the blood-red light in the round window, even though he was a staunch atheist, he couldn't help shivering.

Before walking to the peninsula, there is another building worthy of a few more glances. It is a medieval stone tower with only a few small windows in the whole building. There are arrow stacks on the top of the building. conical spire.Looking up, you can see knights in silver armor guarding behind those arrow stacks.It is not known which Chosen One lives in such a strange stone tower.

Cheng Mo walked along the Swan Lake to the peninsula by stepping on the stone road that had accumulated some water. From a distance, he could already see the light of the lighthouse in the swaying wind and rain.At this time, a red antique car was honking its horn and galloping from behind, Cheng Mo stepped aside, and waited for the antique tractor car dragging a square box to splash countless water sprays, and then continued to follow the swans rolling in the waves lake walk.

Utopia's means of transportation are sky-high prices, and a cheapskate like Cheng Mo hasn't bought one for the time being.But looking at this situation, Cheng Mo felt that it was still necessary to buy.

At 07:30, Cheng Mo finally crossed the wind and rain and came to the isosceles triangle peninsula. There is only a windmill-shaped lighthouse on the peninsula, and a circular glass pipe extending into the lake at the sharp corner. The circular glass pipe It is the entrance of "Dark Dream Bar".When Cheng Mo walked to the top of the peninsula, several vehicles were parked in the small square at the entrance of the "Dark Dream Bar", including carriages, cars, motorcycles, and that antique car that looked like a tractor, all of which were rarely seen on the ground. style.

Four black super special police officers in black suits and sunglasses stood in the drizzle, guarding the circular entrance with a height of only two meters with expressionless faces. On the raincoat, it flowed down smoothly.

Holding the umbrella in one hand, Cheng Mo took out the brass lifesaving whistle given by his mother-in-law from his pants pocket with the other, and walked towards the entrance.Unexpectedly, when he reached the circular entrance of the black hole, the Heichao special police officers standing on the left and right stretched out their hands at the same time and stopped him.

Cheng Mo turned on the whistle in his hand, but the two black super special police did not respond. Cheng Mo's heart sank slightly, he put away the long-handled umbrella and asked, "Do you need to put the umbrella away?"

One of the Heichao special police said coldly: "Hang the life-saving whistle around your neck."

Only then did Cheng Mo feel relieved. He threw the umbrella aside and put the brass whistle tied with a red string around his neck. The two black super special police immediately put down their hands in front of him.Cheng Mo stepped onto the circular glass entrance, and walked down the glass steps surrounding the entrance. After walking a few steps, the steps turned downward and completely entered the range where the glass pipe was submerged into the lake.

When you walk around the corner, everything in front of you changes.A three-masted sailboat with a dark body and bright lights appeared in front of Cheng Mo's eyes.Even though he was prepared for such a huge "ship in a bottle", Cheng Mo still felt extremely shocked. He stopped on the suspended steps and held his breath for a long time. The white sail full of holes and stains towered high in the air. It formed a dilapidated tall tower with black masts. The mast inlaid with watchtowers pierced the sky, and the sharp mast with a skeleton pirate flag hanging almost pierced the sky.There is a huge red rose blooming on the bow of the ship, that rose is so delicate and beautiful, it forms a strong contrast with the tattered white sails and black hull, revealing a strange sense of depraved elegance.Look closely, in fact, the hull is not only black, but mixed with mottled tones of smoky gray, which makes people feel decayed.There is a row of narrow windows on the side of the ship, and the lights in the windows are flickering and flickering, and faint singing voices crawl over the lights like vines.There are also some strange people on the deck, some of them are not even human.

From a distance, the ship is like a giant question mark floating in the ocean.Dark clouds loomed above, and endless waves of darkness swirled around it.

It was spectacular.Cheng Mo was amazed in his heart.This sudden spectacle gave him a great shock, and his sense of calm was taken away, leaving only anxiety, as if the end was slowly approaching.He looked around, and found that he was actually standing on the glass stairs with no support at all, and the rough waves under his feet were exactly like the waves in the depths of the sea.He walked forward slowly, as if he would fall into the bottomless sea along with the stairs at any moment.As the glass staircase got closer and closer to the three-masted sailing ship, the angle of view changed, and soon he saw the old black hull covered with barnacles, with the faintly written white German - Fliegender Hollnder.

Cheng Mo saw the line of German clearly, and felt as if he was swallowed by the shadow of the ship, maybe it should be said that he was buried alive.

"The Flying Dutchman" - this is a legendary ghost ship that can never return home, and is destined to drift on the sea forever.

It took a long time for Cheng Mo to suppress the throbbing in his heart. He told himself that all of this was just an illusion, so he quickened his pace and walked across the long transparent glass steps like a covered bridge, and jumped onto the bow deck.There was no rotten smell, but a rose scent mixed with a little salty smell, which made Cheng Mo feel better.

He looked around and felt like he had entered the world of "Pirates of the Caribbean". A group of people in strange costumes stood on the deck. He saw Captain Hook wearing a three-cornered hat and an octopus with eight tentacles. The lady nurse, and the mermaid sitting on the side of the boat. Cheng Mo was looking around curiously, when a man in a medieval sailor suit quickly walked towards him. He also had a brass lifesaving whistle around his neck and wore a Arlecchino Venetian mask, red mask and long nose, makes him look like a lying Pinocchio.

Under Cheng Mo's gaze, the Pinocchio sailor and Cheng Mo passed by. When passing by him, Pinocchio whispered Cheng Mo's familiar voice: "Come with me."

Cheng silently followed behind Yan Funing, walked along the edge of the ship towards the stern, passed the ship building on the deck along the way, in the open window was a medieval bar, with wooden tables and chairs, and a woman in medieval costumes was carrying plates Shuttle inside, there are two mermaids singing beside the boat on the other side.

Wearing a sailor suit, Yan Funing walked to the stern, lifted a cover, and there was a ladder hanging in the dimly lit narrow passage.He signaled Cheng Mo to go down, Cheng Mo didn't hesitate, and took the lead to climb down. After he got down for a while, Yan Funing also got out of the cabin and closed the cover.

After climbing more than ten meters deep, a corridor with lights appeared in front of Cheng Mo.Cheng Mo stood in the corridor and waited for a while, Yan Funing also stood in the corridor, he didn't speak, just passed Cheng Mo and walked towards the end of the corridor.Cheng Mo followed quickly, and soon the two reached the end of the corridor, Yan Funing pushed open the wooden door.The surging music leaked out in an instant, the sound was deafening, the lights danced wildly inside, and the shadowy people swayed inside, making it impossible to see the scene clearly.

Yan Funing continued to walk forward without saying a word, Cheng Mo lowered his eyes and glanced at the dance floor where the demons danced wildly, but he couldn't tell who these people were, in short, most of them must be robots or clones.The two walked through the modern bar and left through the back door of the bar, followed by a long and narrow corridor with a row of unisex restrooms.At the end of the corridor, there is a downward spiral staircase, which is the cabin where the goods are piled up.

At this time, they had walked from the bow to the stern, and then to the bow again.Yan Funing led Cheng Mo to the stern of the cargo warehouse, found a cover plate inlaid with copper rings, and then Yan Funing jumped in directly.

This is probably the bedroom of some low-level sailors. There are seven or eight beds densely packed, but there is no one person, and there is no inhuman thing.Quiet strange.

Yan Funing found an oil lamp from the bedside, took out a lighter from his pocket and lit it, then turned his head to look at Cheng Mo, his eyes fell on the "life-saving whistle" on Cheng Mo's chest, and then said lightly: " I also thought maybe you'd need me to go out and get you."

Cheng Mo didn't respond, but just looked at the cramped cabin, "What are you doing here?"

"This is a bug in Utopia, and no one will be able to monitor it." Yan Funing paused and said, "Since you can come to Heimeng, you must already know the true face of Utopia."

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "Know something."

"This is the time, we must cooperate sincerely, otherwise we will not be able to escape." Yan Funing said in a deep voice.

"Do you think we can escape?" Cheng Mo asked.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Yan Funing replied.

Cheng Mo felt that even Yan Funing would not be able to see through the truth of the "Utopia" so quickly without anyone prompting him, so he asked blankly, "Since we are sincerely cooperating, we shouldn't treat each other differently." Concealment, how did you know the truth about Utopia?"

Yan Funing immediately asked back: "I should ask you this question."

Cheng Mo thought that from the date of Yan Funing's disappearance, it was impossible for him to know his relationship with Athena, so he said calmly, "I have someone I know here."

"No wonder." Yan Funing nodded and said in a low voice, "I discovered it by accident when I entered the Cosmic Thinking Garden."

(End of this chapter)

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