Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1139 Utopia (11)

Chapter 1139 Utopia (11)

(Get home tomorrow, and the normal update time will resume tomorrow. I don’t know if this chapter will be blocked.)

Cheng Mo walked on the simple anti-corrosion wood pier, and the sound of "creaking" and "creaking" was particularly loud in the silent night. The robot butler behind him was still tying the rope, and he could hear the clear sound of waves shaking the speedboat.Slightly fluttering his nostrils, the faint smell of lake water mixed with the sweet smell of mountains and fields emanating from the fir forest poured into his nostrils, which made his brain clearer.He raised his eyes, and not far away, the layers of fir trees swayed in the moonlight, like a huge shadow. Under the whitening sky, this shadow outlined the outline of the manor centered on the white palace.The palace is brightly lit, like torches in the wilderness, giving Cheng Mo some false comfort.

But anyway, it sounds, smells, and looks like nothing more than a lovely woodland wetland.

However, all of this has now become extremely weird in Cheng Mo's brain.

He walked down the pier and saw a beige tent on the grass not far away. The old man in a hunting suit was sitting by the tent, ready to light a bonfire with a drip lighter.

"Hey! Dear Cheng, how did it turn out?"

The smell of diesel permeated the cool air, followed by Socrates Onassis and Cheng Mo's own shadows rising up on the grass along with the flames.

Cheng Mo looked down at his own shadow, and by the way, saw the double-barreled shotgun at Socrates Onassis' feet. The brown wooden handle was lubricated like water in the firelight, and the connection between the barrel and the wooden handle was carved with exquisite carvings. The coat of arms of the Onassis family, the whole gun has an ancient smell, like something used to hunt vampires.

However, Cheng Mo's eyes only stayed on the double-barreled shotgun for a moment, and he immediately raised his head and said, "I don't know what to say. In short, the harvest is quite big, but it's hard to say whether it's good or bad. "

Socrates Onassis smiled slightly, winked at Cheng Mo and said, "It's a good thing to gain something."

"hope so!"

"It seems that you are not as optimistic as when you were on the island." Socrates Onassis picked up the baking tray on the folding chair beside him, "Come, have some barbecue with the old man and have a drink." Drink, pick up another girl, and all your troubles will be forgotten.” After a pause, he continued, “No, forget about picking up girls, just look at your elm head, you are the kind who will only wait for girls to pick you up. "

Cheng Mo thought that the father-in-law was a good judge of people, glanced at the row of scarlet meat on the tray, and thought of the secret of the "Utopia", he didn't have much appetite, so he forced a smile and said: "No, Uncle Socrates , I don't want to eat right now."

"Oh! That's such a pity. This is a sika deer that I killed myself. It hasn't been long since the blood was bled. It will definitely be the supreme enjoyment when paired with a glass of deer blood wine."

After talking, several glamorous maids in bikinis brought up the grill and lightly placed it on top of the campfire, so Socrates Onassis began to grease the venison on the grill.

From the movements of the maids, Cheng Mo couldn't tell whether they were robots or clones, but it didn't matter now, he looked at the solemn father-in-law, and said, "Uncle Socrates, then I'll go first."

Socrates Onassis waved his shiny brush in the firelight and said with a smile, "Go! Go!"

Cheng Mo said "goodbye", then turned around and walked toward the exit with a heavy heart, and after only two steps, he heard the old man say loudly behind his back: "Cheng, although this is not our country, there is no need to worry about it too much." Worry, it has its operating logic, just take a good look at the "Rules"."

He stopped, turned around and forced a smile and said, "Thank you for your teaching."

"Teaching is not worth it." Socrates Onassis picked up the double-barreled shotgun at his feet and threw it at Cheng Mo, "Take it, don't trust anyone except yourself."

Cheng Mo caught the shotgun steadily and replied, "Understood."

Socrates Onassis pointed to his head with a brush, and said with a smile: "Remember, this gun is fired with your brain! And to have to use your heart."

Cheng Mo nodded and put the shotgun on his back.

"That's it." Socrates Onassis put the freshly buttered venison on the campfire with a steel fork, and began to focus on roasting the meat.

Cheng Mo continued to walk towards the gate. When he reached the gate, the butler in a tuxedo had already opened the gate for him. The deep forest trail outside the gate was dotted with a faint light several meters apart. From a distance, it looks like a small firefly in a dark forest.

However, the shotgun on his back gave Cheng Mo a lot of sense of security, he walked out of the gate unhurriedly, and headed towards the "Winter Palace" along the way he came.


After sleeping peacefully for so many days in a row, Cheng Mo couldn't sleep this night. He put the shotgun at hand, but he still felt that there were countless creepy dangers lurking in this nineteenth-century decorated room. .He stood up slightly and looked towards the corner where Sisselaberg was standing. Those blue pupils were shining in the darkness, like cat's eyes reflecting the moonlight.

"Sis Raberge, Sis Raberge, turn on the light."

"Yes, master," said Sisselaberger.

All the lights were turned on immediately, instantly illuminating the room brightly, Cheng Moxu closed his eyes, not daring to close them completely.Even if the intelligent robot is not very intelligent, it is very funny to have to call its name twice to respond every time. Cheng Mo has no plan to spend money on upgrades for Sisselaberg.He got up and leaned against the head of the bed and began to think about the "Utopia" that kept him awake, but the more he thought about it, the more numb his scalp became.In order to calm himself down, Cheng Mo decided to temporarily forget everything about the "Utopia", and began to try to connect all the information about "Judas" and "Youtai" in his memory.

For the Chinese, because of the translation, "Judas" and "Youtai" can be easily associated together, but few people can really tell the relationship between the two.When it comes to "Youtai people", because they have many similar experiences with Xia people, Xia people can easily empathize with "Youtai people", so they have a natural intimacy with Youtai people.

But if you really want to understand the core of power in this world, it may subvert your cognition.

The influence of this nation on the entire human history is extremely far-reaching and profound. It can be said that it has fully understood the important race of the media since the civilization was not fully civilized.

Today's two major religions in the world, the Bishop of the Creator and the Church of Saint Laurent, have their origins in "Utahism", and the Creator and his twelve disciples are all Utahs.

As for the relationship between Judah and the Udahs, it's actually not that complicated. It's just that when Cheng Mo didn't connect the Lizard Man with Judah, it was easy to ignore it.Putting it all together now, the truth is clear at a glance.

According to historical records, Jacob had twelve sons, who were the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Iserel. "Judah" is the name of Jacob's fourth son, which means "praise".Among the twelve Jewish factions, Judah is the most powerful one, and the "Messiah" the savior of Iserel predicted by the prophet is the descendant of Judah.

At the height of the kingdom, one branch of Judah dominated. Later, the kingdom split, and the other ten tribes formed the "Kingdom of Iser", opposing the remaining "Kingdom of Judah" of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin.The kingdom of Iserel was first destroyed by the Assyrian Empire, and the ten tribes of Iserelites were scattered in all directions, and their beliefs and bloodlines were mixed with most other races.The Kingdom of Judah was later destroyed by the Babylonian Empire led by Nebuchadnezzar, and then briefly restored and conquered, but it took on the important task of continuing the faith and lineage of the Judah people.

For a long period of time in later history, the people of Iserel have been collectively referred to as the people of Judah.

It was not until the Roman Empire that the Roman rulers and Gentiles collectively called the Judahs, the remnant of Iserel, the "Judahs".This is similar to Xia Guo’s translation. “Judah” is called “Judah”, which is not only a simple conversion of Greek and Latin, the languages ​​​​common at the time, to Hebrew, the language of the Israelites, but also a translation of the Jewish people. The discriminatory meaning of the Serene people is contained in it.This name is commonly used today, but the discriminatory meaning has long since disappeared.

If you understand this entire period of history, you will be clear that "Judah" is already a general term for all "Iserelites" at this time, and the "Judah" that has disappeared from the media refers to people with pure blood. of the Judas.

When it comes to the control of the Judas over the world, apart from the religious influence from ancient times to the present, after all, history is a bit far away for modern people, and it is very difficult to understand the real situation.But it is easier to understand the reality of the situation.

Take France, the birthplace of democracy, as an example.Xie Minyun once told Cheng Mo that the top elite in France has a private organization called "Century Club". This club has more than 2000 people and belongs to the ruling class of France, including top people in politics, economy, justice, media, etc. Almost all the main elites, high-ranking officials and corporate celebrities are listed, and the leftists and rightists who fight each other to death on TV are all friends inside.On the last Wednesday of every month, these important people will gather in a luxurious restaurant (Clion Hotel) on the edge of Concorde Square to discuss the affairs of the state and how to distribute their respective interests.

This dinner is very famous, called the "Century Dinner".

It sounds very "conspiracy theory". Cheng Mo never trusts people easily, even if the other party is Xie Minyun.When he was in Paris, he checked a lot of information, and finally saw Dati cryptically mentioned the name of the "Century Club" in the autobiography of the Minister of Justice of the Sarkozy government.Then he searched for "Dati" and found even more shocking things.

In fact, the "Century Club" was discovered by some media a long time ago and made public, but it was quickly denied by other big media and turned into absurd conspiracy theory rumors.

Thinking about it now, these big media that have mastered the mouthpiece of France, including "Le Figaro", "Express", SCOPRESSE Publishing Group, etc., all of the more important media belong to the Dassault Group.The Dassault Group not only controls these major media, but also owns 71 media in France.The Dassault Group, from the founder Marcel Dassault, to the founder Serge Dassault, to today's Roland Dassault, is a pure Utah.

In addition to media such as "Le Figaro" controlled by the Dassault Group, important French media include "Le Monde" (LEMONDE) and "LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR" (LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR). Pierre Bergé bought it.

They are all under the control of the Yutai Chaebol.

In Western countries, controlling the media can easily manipulate public opinion.For example, in the 2012 French general election, there was a candidate named Cheminade who was quite famous among French elected officials. He was able to obtain the signatures of 500 elected officials for three times. This is a very remarkable achievement.But he was described as a lunatic by the media. Sheminade, who is center-left, was also turned upside down by many media and portrayed as an extreme rightist. No matter how capable he is, he is still supported by most elected officials. It's also impossible to get on stage.

The reason why he was smeared by the media is because he has anti-Youth tendencies.

France is just the tip of the iceberg in the world.

In addition to France, the mainstream media in England include Reuters, BBC, The Times, The Guardian, and The Daily Telegraph.Reuters in England was founded in 1850 by the Jewish Reuters. The Times was owned by the Jewish Murdoch (Murdoch’s Jewish blood is not very pure). The BBC was jointly invested and established by several major consortia. The "Daily Telegraph" is in the hands of Canadian Conrad Black, whose Hollinger company also has the "Chicago Sun" and "Jerusalem Post", and the Guardian is now owned by a foundation.Just look at their names to know their ingredients.

As for the most powerful lighthouse country today, it is even more terrifying.

Walt Disney Pictures boss Joe Ross is Jewish.The big boss of Time Warner, Gerald Levine, is from Judas. The famous ESPN, HBO, Warner Music, "Time Magazine", "Sports Illustrated", "People" and "Fortune" are Gerald Levine. Wen family. Viacom boss Sumner Redstone is a Jewish, and Sumner Redstone not only controls the largest publishing house in the Beacon, but also owns more than 4000 Blockbuster video chain stores. In addition, Showtime and MTV are Sam Na Redstone's.As for ABC TV, it is controlled by the Jewish Lawrence Deutsch; NBC is controlled by the Jewish David Sarnoff; ", as well as 7 TV stations, 12 magazines, 3 book publishing companies, etc.; "Washington Post" is controlled by Utah Meyer; and "Wall Street Journal" belongs to Utah Peter Kane.

In addition, the founders of Warner Bros., Universal, Paramount, MGM, Columbia, and 20th Century Fox in Hollywood are almost all immigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia.

In addition, there are well-known Facebook and Twitter, which are also social media for Jewish people.

It can be said that the mainstream media in the world, except for a very small part, is under the control of the Youtai people.

Among these very few parts, one is Xia Guo.

The other one is Germany, Xia Guo doesn't need to explain much.As for why Germany could not be controlled by the Judas, the reason is actually very simple. The hatred between the two countries is actually too deep.However, everyone can only see Germany’s repentance for World War II, and the media’s verbal criticism of Germany, but it does not mention the many historical events in which the Utai people helped Britain and France to oppress Germany before World War II, and even ignored the Utai elite’s sponsorship of West Germany. history.No media dares to say a word for Germany.

Yet media in both countries are marginalized internationally.

It is an indisputable and terrifying fact that the Jewish people control all the world-class first-class media in the world.

So you won't see a word in any media that speaks badly about the Jewish people.

Cheng Mo couldn't help but think of the domestic situation in Xia Kingdom. Although it doesn't look as bad as other countries, the media has actually been infiltrated into a sieve.The folk situation seems to be better, but if you study carefully, you will find that all the foreigners in Xia Kingdom are from Youtai.

The names of these people have great influence among students, and they are all KOLs under the MCN organization Y-Platform established by Yiserel in 2017. They have a total of 8000 million fans in China, and their monthly broadcast volume can reach 40 billion.

Suddenly there was a thunder outside the window, and then crackling raindrops hit the window.

Cheng Mo shuddered and turned to look out the window.

Utopia has been swallowed by a little rain.

Moisturizing is silent.

(End of this chapter)

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