Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1141 In the Black Dream (2)

Chapter 1141 In the Black Dream (2)

(Focus on Zhu Rong! It will never be too late tomorrow! Update before 9 o'clock)
"When I first entered the Utopia, I searched the terrain everywhere, trying to figure out where this is. I naturally noticed the peculiar 'Cosmic Thinking Garden'. I think anyone who is interested in mathematics will be deeply impressed by it. Attracted, so I wanted to go in and take a look at that time, but the Cosmic Thinking Garden was not open at that time, and I didn't pay much attention to it, it was just a pity. Then I continued to wander in the Utopia, only to find that the "Law" warned us not to go near the edge White mist, that is simply a bad idea to attract attention. The mountains surrounding the Utopia are all the king's private domain. If you want to buy a territory leading to Baiwu, even if it is calculated based on the smallest area, it will cost hundreds of billions of dollars .”

"Have you tried to enter?" Cheng Mo asked curiously.

Yan Funing calmly narrated: "Of course there is. I entered tentatively once, and the punishment I faced the second time was too huge, so I didn't try again."

Then Yan Funing told Cheng Mo about his experience, which was what Cheng Mo had planned to do all along. He said that he crossed the mountains north of the palace and met Indians who looked like aborigines with hunting bows. A roundup was launched for him, and he snatched a horse, fled far away in a panic, and finally escaped from the woodland, but the horse was taken away by an eagle flying out of nowhere.He also had a broken leg and could only limp across grass and swamps.

Even though Yan Funing didn't explain the process in detail, Cheng Mo could feel his thirst, his faltering steps, and fatigue from those detailed words.

"When I returned to a safe place, I was arrested very quickly. I was locked up for half a month, and said that I would be locked up for a year next time. For me, a year's lockup is not a problem. The problem is that I want to get closer. That white mist, I need not only transportation, but also weapons and food, but I really don’t have much money, I think maybe I am one of the poorest people in the entire Utopia. In order not to waste time, nor waste my punishment I can't bear the punishment of ten years of confinement for the third time, so I plan to find a way to get transportation, weapons, and food, that is, to make money. I can only give up the investigation temporarily. It didn’t take long for April Fool’s Day, the day when the “Garden of Cosmic Thinking” was open, of course I had to join in the fun, the questions that day were not difficult, so I got the chance to enter the “Garden of Cosmic Thinking”

Cheng Mo couldn't help interrupting Yan Funing and asked, "What's the problem?"

"It's related to chess," Yan Funing replied, "The problem is: in chess, it is always a big problem for a horse and a elephant to kill the king, but in theory it must win, but in actual operation, even a grandmaster can't win." A draw may be caused by a mistake. The problem is to describe the winning process of the chess horse and elephant killing the king with a formula."

Cheng Mo made a gesture of thinking, Yan Funing waited for a while, and when he was about to stop Cheng Mo's thinking, Cheng Mo said: "The main reason is that sometimes the king is forced to come together, but the king must be put on purpose. Two-way and three-way can kill chess. This thinking is a common technique no matter in Gaussian integral or probability. Take two independent and identically distributed random variables, X, Y, and then {formula}, this is actually right Simplification of complex processes."

Yan Funing nodded, and said with a sigh of relief, "Yes."

From the time Yan Funing wanted to speak, Cheng Mo judged that Yan Funing wrote the answer faster than him, but it is not surprising, after all, Yan Funing is a serious math genius, and even carrier skills are majors in mathematics, and My major is physics.Ke Chengmo's speed is really not slow.Realizing that Yan Funing seemed to be in a hurry, Cheng Mo asked, "Are you short on time?"

"No," Yan Funing said, "but it is still necessary to reduce the use time of the BUG as soon as possible. If it is discovered here, we may no longer have a safe place to talk."

Cheng Mo thought of the fish observation room under the mother-in-law's laboratory, and it was similar to this place, both of which were deep underwater, and I don't know if it was a coincidence or what.He stopped talking, just made a "you say, I won't interrupt you" gesture.

"Into the 'Garden of Cosmic Thinking' I just wanted to visit and then left, but I couldn't get out at all. The first fun was admiring the wonders of architecture and plants, and then joining their discussions, like 'Euclidean' The compatibility of Reed's geometry', the Lie concept of continuous transformation groups, the irrationality and transcendence of certain numbers. Those who can enter here are undoubtedly geniuses, everyone has whimsy, everyone They all have in-depth research on these difficult problems. To be honest, I was completely stuck. In those days, I didn’t even think about making money, getting transportation problems, and I never even thought about escaping. .For a long time I thought it was good to stay in it. Until one day I met Vladimir Arnold, the titular manor owner in the 'black hole'."

Speaking of this, Yan Funing paused for a moment, as if recalling.Cheng Mo stared at Yan Funing who was wearing a mask, his eyes could hardly be seen through the narrow gap of the mask, it became impossible to judge his emotions.So Cheng Mo could only wait patiently.

It took a while for Yan Funing to speak again, his voice was rational and pleasant, without any confusion at all, "We talked a lot that day, and we talked very happily, so Mr. Arnold took me into the 'black hole' located in the center of the 'Universal Thinking Garden' , where I saw Alexander Gelfond and Theodor Schneider, and a man wearing a straw hat and round glasses." Yan Funing rolled his Adam's apple, and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "David Hilbert."

Although Cheng Mo had been prepared in his heart, he was still quite surprised, but he still restrained himself from making a sound after all.It never occurred to him that the famous David Hilbert was also in Utopia. (Hilbert is one of the mathematicians who had a profound influence on mathematics in the twentieth century. He led the famous Göttingen School, making the University of Göttingen an important center for world mathematics research at that time, and trained a group of scholars An outstanding mathematician who has made significant contributions to the development of modern mathematics.)
"When I saw him, I thought I was mistaken, or his clone or something. It wasn't until I talked for a while that I was sure it was him. In the 'black hole', they chatted not only about math problems, but also There are many issues related to the construction of the "Utopia", so they do not shy away from the fact that the "Utopia" is a digital world. In fact, most residents of the Utopia are aware of this, but for them, there is nothing Not good, although the scope of activities is limited, life can be extended almost infinitely here, and their expectation is not only in the ideal country, but to let the technology of the ideal country develop to be used on a large scale, mainly Everything in the Utopia, no matter the sun, water, forests, or houses, requires a bottomless pit of manpower and money. Otherwise, the consumption of the Utopia would not be a sky-high price. Now the Utopia claims to be 150 acres, but it is actually the core that can be used. The area is only 50 acres, even if it is only [-] acres, the daily maintenance cost is an astronomical figure, without the support of countless rich people and geniuses in the world, this place would not be able to survive long ago.”

Regarding the fact that the "Utopia" is a digital world, Cheng Mo already knew it from his mother-in-law, so he was not surprised.In fact, he had doubts about the strange environment here very early, such as the lack of biological chains, the constant temperature, etc. It's just that he lived for a short time, and everything in Utopia was too real, so he didn't focus on it. over this suspicion.

Later, the mother-in-law told him about the real appearance of Utopia, and Cheng Mo had more information than Yan Funing. The technology of "Utopia" is quite different from computer virtual technology. It originated from the "Land of Relics", and it is much more advanced than the brain-computer interface that the watch world is researching.Back then, the mother-in-law participated in the construction of the "Utopia" in exchange for the opportunity to read the Gospel of Judas.

Yan Funing sat on the edge of the bed, put his hands on his knees, and his posture was correct, "Seeing David Hilbert gave me a great shock, especially when he jokingly showed me that he and the textbooks When I looked exactly like the black and white photos, I felt that I woke up instantly, and I realized that I might have a long life, but there are still many things outside that I can’t let go of.”

Even if Yan Funing didn't continue talking, he avoided his inner concerns.Cheng Mo also knew that he was referring to Tong Tong.

".Later, I often went to the black hole to chat with David Hilbert and others. People like him have no scheming at all. Besides, they have confidence in the Utopia. I feel that no one will want to leave the real paradise of human beings, so there is no Beware of me. This allows me to easily get a lot of important information, such as the "Garden of Cosmic Thinking" is the data center of Utopia, and the "Dark Dream Bar" is a channel for all data to the outside world. We want to To leave the 'Utopia', we must not only find a way to let the data center of the 'Universal Thinking Garden' release our identity restrictions, but also let the consciousness break through the passage in the 'Dark Dream Bar' to return to the body." Yan Funing smiled wryly Say, "The problem is that this is not enough, because none of us know what's going on outside, and even if we wake up in the real world, we can't predict what we will face. Maybe as soon as we open our eyes, there will be a gun on top of your head; maybe open your eyes and find yourself locked in a petri dish. Anyway, I don't think I'll be able to escape when I wake up."

Both of them understand that it is impossible for the "Utopia" to leave too obvious loopholes, and moreover, returning to the ontology will create greater uncertainty.

Everything is unknown.

All fear also comes from the unknown.

The two of them were silent in the cabin for a while, Cheng Mo knew that Yan Funing was waiting for him to make a choice, he secretly took a deep breath, and said calmly: "Anyway, we have to try it out first."

Yan Funing nodded immediately, "I haven't tried it, because the two things of unlocking the identity and passing the 'Dark Dream' cannot be done at the same time, because we only need all the money when everyone's consumption is settled on the first day of each month in the 'Utopia'." People only have a chance to enter the password to pay this month’s consumption bill in Utopia, so we only have one chance to try every month. If we are found out, we may really have to stay in Utopia for the rest of our lives.”

Cheng Mo lowered his head, he wasn't sure if Yan Funing was treating him as a guinea pig, but at this moment he seemed to only trust Yan Funing, and he had to trust Yan Funing, at least their goals were the same, there was no doubt about it.He closed his lips tightly, and then pondered: "Then I will leave the matter of unlocking the identity to you, and leave the matter of returning to the main body from the 'Black Dream' to me, but how should I do it specifically?"

"That's why I brought you here." Yan Funing said in a deep voice, "On the first day, 'Black Dream' will be closed, so you have to hide here one day in advance, that is, NO.30. And on NO. At 30:23:59 on the 59th, you must complete a purchase, and make sure you are the last one to place an order, so that I can be sure that your consumption is the last data. After 0:[-], you will go from here to The captain’s room, find the data exit in the captain’s room. I don’t know exactly where the exit is in the captain’s room. It’s up to you to find it yourself, but you must enter the exit before six in the morning. The key is that you must make good use of it. Time, you may only have four to five hours, as for how to return to the Utopia, generally speaking, you only need to restart the external device, this should not be difficult, if you can go out, you can figure it out yourself.”

Cheng Mo nodded, "I understand."

"As for the situation over there, it's up to you to figure it out. In short, if you are caught, you must not reveal the secret of how you left."

Cheng Mo nodded.

"Then you come directly to 'Black Dream' on No. 30, and I'll come here to find you on the night of the second." After speaking, Yan Funing got up and walked towards the exit of the crew room with the ladder hanging.

Yan Funing walked quickly, and he reached the ladder in the blink of an eye. When he was about to climb the ladder, Cheng Mo stared at his back and said, "By the way, you talked to the dwarf in the thatched hut next to the Universal Thinking Garden ?"

"Thatched cottage?" Yan Funing looked back at Cheng Mo, "I've never seen anyone there, let alone a dwarf."

"Oh!" Cheng Mo nodded.

"Are there any other questions?" Yan Funing asked.


"Then I wish you smooth sailing and success!"

"Bless us" Cheng Mo said.

"Bless us!" Yan Funing repeated with emphasis, then climbed up the ladder and disappeared from Cheng Mo's sight.

Cheng Mo explored the cramped crew room before choosing to leave.
(End of this chapter)

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