Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 92 The Way Is Endless

Augustus was very fond of this eagle-winged horse-bodied beast named Buckbeak. These griffin-like animals are naturally very aggressive. Only when they are completely deterred can they be obtained. acknowledgment.

All the students got encouragement from Augustus and entered the paddock cautiously.Hagrid unchained them one by one, and soon there were nervous bows all over the paddock.Several times Neville fled back from his monster, which didn't seem to want to bend its knees.Ron and Hermione bowed to a sorrel monster, Harry and Malfoy both choosing Buckbeak.

It took a lot of effort and respect for Harry to get Buckbeak's approval. It is worth mentioning that after gaining the friendship of these hippogriffs, he can try riding and experience the joy of flying.

After Harry withdrew, Malfoy walked up with a carefree look, and after a while, it bowed to Malfoy, and Malfoy was patting its beak, looking disgusted.

"It's easy," Malfoy drawled, loud enough for Harry to hear, "if Potter could do it, I know it must be pretty easy... I bet you're not dangerous at all. Yes No?" he said to the monster, "you are not dangerous, you big ugly beast?"

A wave of steel-gray claws.Malfoy let out a shriek, and Hagrid tried to slip Buckbeak back into his collar, which was still struggling to pounce on Malfoy; Malfoy curled up in a ball on the grass.There were blood spots on the robe.

"I'm dying!" Malfoy yelled, and everyone panicked. "I'm dying, look! It's killing me!"

Augustus walked up helplessly, and cast a first-level magic restoration technique. The white holy light stopped Malfoy's continuous bleeding. Augustus called Crabgore to carry Malfoy to Hoag Watts Infirmary, it seems that there is nothing serious about the situation, and Mrs. Pomley will complete the next work.

The Care of Magical Creatures students were shocked and followed behind.The Slytherin house yelled about Hagrid together. "They should fire him right away!" Pansy Parkinson said, tears streaming down her face. "It's Malfoy's fault!" snapped Dean Thomas.

"Okay, it's true that Malfoy was at fault for this incident, and Hagrid has reminded him beforehand, so let's take it as a lesson for this unlucky boy." Augustus waved his hand at the Slytherin students, signaling As soon as they clicked, all the Slytherin students fell silent, and Harry and the others cast grateful glances at Augustus.

"This Draco is so stupid that he actually mocked in front of these dangerous creatures. His venomous tongue attribute doesn't discriminate at all, and he even mocks animals. Now it's all right, let's see how he will use his words in the future Kung Fu." Lilian's red pupils were optimistic, and she was obviously not worried about Malfoy's injury at all.

"Well, his shortcoming really needs to be corrected. You must know that disaster comes from his mouth. With his trouble-making skills, this time's injury is not a good thing. Let him understand that he can't say anything at will." Gusdu touched his forehead rather helplessly. In name, Malfoy was also considered his disciple. To have such a poisonous apprentice, there was nothing he could do about it.

In the Response Room, Loki, Lilian, and Augustus are observing Thor's attribute test. Although Thor's ability shows that the thunder system is true, but without verification, it is still impossible to determine its true system. In terms of magic physique, a slight difference is a thousand miles away. If it is not confirmed that the physique is suitable for cultivation, the promotion will stagnate in the future, and the qualification of the avenue of magic will never be lost.

Sol strolled into the magic formation made of stone monuments. Countless mysterious runes flickered in front of the formation. Black energy lines passed into Thor's body and from the other side into the stone formation. A powerful magic The energy surged out, and among the fourteen stone tablets, countless lightning flashed on a dark stone tablet, and the pure blue thunder energy burst out a dazzling light on the stone tablet.

"It seems that it is undoubtedly the Thunder system. The number of mages in this system is still quite scarce, but its combat ability has always been strong. At the same level, its combat effectiveness can be ranked in the top three. Sol is so lucky, or It's enviable." Augustus nodded, and after confirming Sol's system, he briefly introduced it.

"Even if his combat effectiveness ranks well at the same level, as long as he is completely suppressed in terms of level, even the thunder system cannot fight a few levels higher, one step ahead, step by step, since he is ahead of him by a year, he will never give up. I want to catch up." With inexplicable confidence in Loki's eyes, he completely dismissed Sol's Thunder System physique.

"You can stand and talk without back pain. For those of us who have no talent, Sol, a talented junior, may catch up in a short time. Hey, there is no human rights." Lilian said pitifully. Glancing at Loki, his tone was quiet.

Next, Augustus explained to Sol in detail the theoretical knowledge of building magic strings, and the method of meditating to observe the elements of heaven and earth. What Augustus was not disappointed was that for the first time in meditation, Sol saw the space between heaven and earth. The thunder element shining with huge light everywhere shows that its spiritual power is indeed quite astonishing. Even in another world, there are only a few disciples who can observe the magic element for the first time.

Sol is full of expectations for this brand new magic system, as if a new world has never been explored before his eyes, all of which make people feel unknown and full of desire to explore, and there is no doubt that this The power of this new magic system, in Thor's view, his previous ability is completely like a young child, completely unbearable compared with it, the power of this complete magic system is completely indescribable in words , for Sol, perhaps the most wise decision in his life was to follow Lord Augustus.

After explaining Sol's main points about building the magic string and linking spellcasting, Augustus began to check the progress of Loki and Lilian. The eighth-level magician stage, the next stage is to break the shackles and reach the great magician, and Lilian has also entered the fourth-level magician. For these two people, they both started together. Not to mention talent.

The world of magic is so cruel, there is a huge difference between one step and one step, and the way is endless. If you want to live a prosperous life, you must seize the day and night.

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