Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 93 The Charm of Privilege

Time flies. In the following time, Sol started much faster than ordinary people. It took only one week to be promoted from a magic apprentice to a first-level magician. Most of this has something to do with his lightning power, although It does not belong to a system, but in terms of power structure, there are still some methods that can be used for reference. Augustus is very satisfied with Thor's speed. Even Loki, it took about ten days.

Malfoy didn't appear in class again until Thursday morning, when the students in Slytherin and Gryffindor were halfway through Double Potions.He staggered into the keep, his right arm wrapped in a bandage and suspended by a sling.

"What's up, Draco?" Pansy Parkinson asked with a smirk. "Does it hurt?" "It hurts," Malfoy said, making a brave grimace on purpose.But Harry saw Pansy wink at Crabbe and Goyle when Pansy looked away. "Sit down, sit down," said Professor Snape lazily.

Malfoy sat beside Augustus, and Lilian had a sneer on her face, "Hey, our great hero is back. He just came back from the battlefield. How do you feel? Do you want to make a battle speech, so that we civilians can feel it too?" Your heroism."

"Cough," Malfoy covered his mouth with his hands and coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said proudly, "This small injury is actually nothing, and it can't be a line of fire, so even though my hands can hardly move, I I still applied to come to the class, Madam Pang Lei was also moved by my bravery, and specially allowed me to come to the class, ha ha."

"Tsk tsk, that's really brave. I don't usually see it at all. You still have such bravery. Even the knights in the Muggle world who are known for their bravery may not be comparable to you in this regard." Lilian's eyes Hypocritical envy, a look of extreme admiration.

"Well, that is, of course. It is my mission to fight against the evil force like Hagrid who persecutes students for pleasure. Even with such a serious injury, I will not succumb to his despotic power. The wound, It will only make me understand my mission better!" Malfoy didn't blush at all, and after speaking, he actually started to chant, his voice was high and his face was holy.

"You can get out! I usually feel that you are very shameless, but I didn't expect that after getting an injury, your face will become so thick, and you can't stand it at all!" Lilian finally couldn't bear it, and angrily shouted.

"Cut, stupid human beings." Malfoy's face was indeed much thicker, and he didn't care about Lilian's ridicule at all, "Sir," Malfoy continued, "Sir, I need someone to cut the roots of these daisies for me, because I arm?"

"Weasley, root for Malfoy," Snape said without looking up.

Ron was as red as a brick with rage.

"There's nothing wrong with your arm," he said to Malfoy angrily.

Malfoy smirked across the table.

"Weasley, you heard what Professor Snape said, cut the roots."

Ron grabbed the knife, pulled Malfoy's root in front of him, and began chopping roughly, in varying sizes.

Augustus looked at Ron's ugly root system and shook his head slightly. Based on his understanding of Malfoy, Ron would only make himself suffer by doing so. He is such a cute boy.

Sure enough, as expected, "Professor," Malfoy drawled, "Weasley's chopped up my roots, sir."

Snape approached their table, looked down from his hooked nose at the table, and gave Ron an unpleasant smile from under his long, greasy black hair.

"Swap roots with Malfoy, Weasley."

"Despicable tricks." Lilian, who watched the whole process of acting, couldn't help but sneer. Malfoy really deserves to be a qualified Slytherin, and his shameless actions have been deeply rooted in his bones, which is completely indescribable.

Ron had just spent a quarter of an hour carefully chopping his own roots so they were exactly the same size.

"Now," said Snape in his most dangerous tone.

Ron pushed his own so beautifully cut root across the table to Malfoy, and picked up the knife again.

"Also, sir, I need someone to skin my figs," Malfoy said, with a malicious mirth in his voice.

"Potter, you can skin Malfoy's figs," said Snape, giving Harry the disgusted look he had always reserved for Harry.

"Potter, pay attention to my figs, I don't want them to be peeled in a mess like before. Be careful." Malfoy ordered with a thorn in his face.

With anger on his calm face, Harry peeled the fig viciously, as if he were peeling Malfoy's skin.

"Calm down, calm down, the two of you probably don't know what's going on with that big fool." Malfoy's face was mysterious, and his tone became inaudible.

"What do you want!" Harry said angrily, throwing a peeled fig on the table.

"Oh, don't get too excited, as you know, my father has always been concerned about my life at Hogwarts, and this time I suffered such a serious injury, my father was furious, so, of course, Hagrid has not been sent yet. Entering Azkaban, but I'm afraid he won't be able to be a teacher." Malfoy's face was indifferent, as if he had done something to crush a bug.

"Come on, Malfoy, don't scare Harry and the others. Your father has long since stepped down from his position as a principal, and now he has no right to fire Hagrid. You're bragging a little too much." Lilian I really can't understand Malfoy's calm expression, and said sarcastically.

"Cough." Under Harry's puzzled eyes, Malfoy's face slowly turned red, "Don't look at me with such suspicious eyes, Potter, although my father has stepped back, but with his position on the board Popularity, it won't take much time to fire Hagrid for such a trivial matter." Malfoy said slowly with a drawn-out tone.

Harry looked sad, yes, with the power of the Malfoy family, how could a weak individual like Hagrid be able to resist, and it would be a blessing not to be sent to Azkaban. For a moment, Harry suddenly felt a different kind of hatred for the so-called wizarding world, and a sense of powerlessness he had never felt before. He could face Voldemort directly, protect the Sorcerer's Stone, and break into the Chamber of Secrets bravely, even after doing so. There are many things that he has never thought about before, but he is powerless to protect Hagrid for such a simple matter. Looking at Malfoy's complacent face, he suddenly feels that the purest and softest part of his heart has already was broken.

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