Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 91 The tame Buckbeak

Hagrid found that Augustus had found the trick, and he was obviously more confident, so he demonstrated to everyone standing there, "You must read these books." Hagrid said, as if this is the most obvious thing in the world, "Look..." He took Hermione's book and tore off the tape that bound it.The book wanted to bite, but Hagrid's forefinger slid up and down the spine, and the book shuddered, then opened, and lay peacefully in his hand. "Oh, how stupid we are!" Malfoy sneered. "We should be reading these books! Why didn't we think of that!"

"Okay, shut up, Draco, we don't need a second Hagrid here." Lilian cast a glance at the complacent Malfoy, and said contemptuously.

Hagrid looked downcast. "That's right," said Hagrid, who seemed to be losing his mind and couldn't find the words, "then...then you all have books...oh...now all you need are magical creatures. Yes. I Just go find them. Wait." He left the students and walked into the woods.After a while it was out of sight.

"Oh my God, what is this for? Everyone, this stupid big man might bring out a werewolf later. If I tell my dad about this dangerous lesson, it's no wonder he doesn't lose his temper!" Mal Seeing that Hagrid had gone far away, he yelled in fear of chaos.

"Hey, Draco, haven't you been weaned yet? Whenever something happens, your first reaction is to find your father. I don't know how you got into Slytherin." Lilian touched her forehead with a smile on her face. smile.Everyone in Harry laughed inexplicably, and Malfoy's face turned red.

"Scarhead, what are you laughing at? Didn't the dementor on the train give you an unforgettable lesson by scaring you into a faint? How about asking Hagrid to bring some dementors over to give you a good night kiss, maybe you will Get comfortable!" Malfoy threatened Harry with a few vicious glances.

"Don't be ashamed. I heard that you were scared and hid in George and Fred's compartment on the train, so you dare to say something casually like that? It's really shameless." Harry pushed his eyes and said calmly. countered.

Malfoy pulled out his wand angrily, and wanted to cast a curse on Harry. Not far away, Hagrid came back suddenly. Malfoy just took back his wand and gave Harry a few malicious glances.


A dozen of the strangest creatures Harry had ever seen in his life walked quickly towards them.They have the body, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but their front legs, wings, and head appear to be that of an eagle, with sharp steel-colored beaks and large bright orange eyes.The claws on their front legs are half a foot long and look deadly.Around each beast's neck was a thickly feathered collar, to which was fastened a long chain, and the ends of these chains were held in one large hand by Hagrid, who trotted after the animals to paddock. "Go over there!" he yelled, shaking the chain, and yelled at these guys to come over to the fence where the class stood.Everyone backed away a little as Hagrid approached and chained the guys to the fence. "The Hippogriff!" Hagrid roared happily.Waving a hand at them, "They're pretty, aren't they?"

Augustus had a good impression of this beautiful and streamlined animal. His eyes of inquiry were opened, and various data of these animals were instantly transmitted to his brain. Augustus' silver pupils were filled with interest.

"The first thing you have to know is that they're proud," said Hagrid, "and it's easy to offend them. Never offend a hippogriff, because that's probably the last thing you want to do ’” Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were not listening, they were talking in low tones; and Harry had the most unpleasant feeling that they were trying to ruin the lesson. "You always wait for the hippogriff to make the move first," Hagrid went on, "that's polite, see? You walk up to it, you bow, and you wait. If it bows back to you, You can touch it. If it doesn't bow, get away from it quickly, because these claws are going to hurt people." "Okay...who will come first?"

All the Slytherin students looked at Augustus. No matter what tasks in the classroom, Augustus was always able to handle them with ease. The Slytherin students who attended the class with Augustus had long been used to Augustus Sidu has the habit of completing tasks easily, so whenever the teacher makes a request to the students, generally everyone will unanimously wait for Augustus to come forward to complete it.

"I'll do it." Augustus walked out slowly, looking at these eagle-headed, winged horse-bodied beasts with interest.

"Good job!" cried Hagrid. "Well... let's see how you get on with that monster named Buckbeak." He untied a chain and dragged Buckbeak away from his companion. Open and take off its collar.All the students across the paddock seemed to be holding their breath.

Hagrid said quietly, "You and it have to look at each other, try not to blink... if you blink too much. The monster doesn't trust you..." Augustus walked slowly towards Buckbeak. The way he said it didn't matter at all.Seeing that Augustus was very close to Buckbeak, Hagrid said, "Now, bow down.."

Augustus didn't do so, but took a step closer to Buckbeak. The students onlookers gasped, and Hagrid anxiously shouted, "Don't come any closer. Bow. Bow!" The creature in front of him is very similar to the griffin in the previous life. Augustus still has some experience in taming this kind of creature. For these unruly creatures, he must suppress them in his own breath at first It, now, with a powerful spiritual power in Augustus' eyes, is slowly conveying his aura to Buckbeak.

With horror in his eyes, Buckbeak actually stepped back a few steps. As Augustus' spiritual power gradually became warmer, Buckbeak shook his head in doubt, and slowly approached Augustus, placing his huge head It lowered down slowly, bowed to Augustus, and then let Augustus pat its head in enjoyment.

Hagrid stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. He knew very well the arrogance of these Hippogriffs, and now it was the first to bow down to humans, which was simply inconceivable.

The surrounding Slytherin students erupted into cheers, the breeze blew in, and layers of wavy greenness rolled on the grass. Augustus looked at Buckbeak's orange eyes, with a smile on his face. warm smile.

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