"This is a foreign gun!"

Lin Jiu looked at the screen in the live broadcast room. He had heard of this thing before, and it was a weapon of foreigners.

"What is a foreign gun?"

Duan Yu asked curiously, Kakashi thought of those human weapons seen in the Ultra world, which also had the word gun, is it the same thing.

"Foreign guns are weapons of foreigners. They are filled with bullets. Once fired, they are very powerful."

Hearing Duan Yu's question, Lin Jiu was a little proud. He was doing science popularization for people from another world. How incredible it is.

"Uncle Jiu's explanation is fine."

"That's right, the guns in One Piece World are all old-fashioned flintlock guns. They are indeed pellets, not bullets."

"It's just that the description of the power is a bit exaggerated. This can't be regarded as a huge power."

"It really doesn't count now, but in Uncle Jiu's era, it is indeed very powerful."

The audience in the live broadcast room had a different opinion from Uncle Jiu. They all knew the power of guns in One Piece World.

Those things are nothing compared to modern weapons.

But they also understood that, after all, for Uncle Jiu, the power of those foreign guns was indeed very powerful.

"Is this a gun? Why does it feel different?"

Sero looked at the gun in the hands of Saint Charros, why did it feel different from the guns he knew?
Isn't this power too small?

"It is indeed a gun, but it is a very primitive gun. The laser guns you have seen also have them, but they are not on them."

What Sero saw were all humans from the interstellar era, and their weapons had already been upgraded, which must be different from the original firearms in the hands of the Tianlong people.

But there are also laser guns in this world, or laser guns.

Those laser cannons are still very powerful, and they were not matched with the Tianlong people, they were all installed on the pacifists.


Just as Bai Feiyang was speaking, another two shots were fired, and Saint Charles Rose was obviously very dissatisfied with not killing Bai Feiyang.

"Why aren't you dead yet?"

St. Charles Rose looked at Bai Feiyang, and he had already shot several times. Why is this pariah still alive?

Bai Feiyang looked at St. Charles Rose, didn't want to say anything more, and directly exchanged for Amaterasu, the pupil spell.

With Bai Feiyang's eyes on St. Charles Rose's body, a pitch-black flame suddenly burned in his sight.

"Ah ah ah..."

Burning at high temperature, St. Charlos immediately uttered a scream, subconsciously slapping his body with his hands, trying to extinguish the black flames on his body.

It's a pity that Amaterasu's flames would not be extinguished because of his slapping, but his hands were also stained with flames.

"Father, save me!"

Saint Charles Rose had just asked for help from his father, but before getting a response from Saint Roswald, he was reduced to ashes in the black flames.


Even greater screams and confusion arose instantly.

Although Amaterasu did not affect the people here, the death of the Tianlong people is likely to affect them.

People from the auction immediately began to flock outside.

The surrounding guards also quietly contacted the navy and reported the incident here.

"How dare you, a pariah! Take him down for me!"

Saint Roswald pointed at Bai Feiyang's trembling arms, and the Tianlong people were usually offered by others.

There was no one who disobeyed them, but now his son was killed!
"What happened to them?"

Naruto looked at the scattered crowd, a little confused, why did he still run after Amaterasu had already been extinguished?
"Afraid of being affected."

Xiao Feng understands it, after all, when martial arts masters fight, ordinary people will hide as far away as possible.

Soon the auction house was emptied, and the three pirate groups Kidd, Luo, and Luffy remained, as well as Bai Feiyang and the others.

The guards of the auction house rushed in immediately and carried out the order of the Tianlongren.

"Aren't you running?"

Bai Feiyang turned to look at Luo, Kidd and Luffy, they still chose to stay here, no wonder they can have such great achievements in the future.

"Why are you running?"

Luffy tilted his head with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Idiot, of course it's because it's a Tianlong person. If you offend a Tianlong person, there will be an admiral coming."

Kidd looked at Luffy, and couldn't help but wonder, did his brain really turn into rubber, without any thinking ability?

"I heard that the head of the Straw Hat was very messy before, but I didn't expect there to be more messy, but you don't seem to be supernovas."

Luo glanced at Luo Fei, originally thought that Luffy was the most messy person this time, but he didn't expect that there would be Bai Feiyang and the others who were even more messy.

But this group of guys who dared to kill even the Tianlong people were not supernovas, which made it difficult for Luo to accept. Is there a back door for this to become a supernova?

Can such a fierce person not become a supernova?
"We are indeed not supernovas, or we were not pirates before."

Bai Feiyang shook his head, they came to this world recently, they were not pirates before, how could they become supernovas?
"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto directly made multiple shadow clones, punching and kicking the rushing guard.

"Can those disgusting guys be killed?"

Sai Luo looked at Saint Roswald and his daughter, these two Celestial Dragons were not good things to think about.

"Of course you can, please."

Bai Feiyang nodded, he had no reason to stop him.

"Xiao doesn't hit women, Brother Sai Luo, leave that old man to me."

Xiao Feng flew forward, stopped Roswald Saint first, and was going to beat him up before killing him.

"Tch, it's as if I like beating women very much."

Sai Luo curled his lips, if he didn't want to make the two of them so cheap, Sai Luo would have killed all the Tianlong people with a single light.

"These guys are really lawless!"

Kidd, who is known as the most insane supernova, was dumbfounded. After killing a Celestial Dragon, this group of people did not intend to let go, and planned to kill all the remaining Celestial Dragons.

This is too bold.

You must know that the status of the Tianlong people is very high, even higher than that of the royal family. Killing one is already piercing the sky, and now they are all wiped out.

That is really going to make the whole sea boil.

Even when Roger died, it may not have been so boiling.

"Looking at it this way, there's no point in escaping."

Luo watched Bai Feiyang and the others' movements, neither obstructing nor running away. He didn't know what kind of storm would be born next, but it didn't make sense to run or not now.

When the three Tianlong people died, the wind and waves on the sea would inevitably turn into a huge tsunami, and everyone would be swept away.

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