But Luo and Kidd are not the navy, and they have no responsibility to protect the Tianlong people, so of course they will not do anything.

As for the subsequent turmoil, they don't care at all, becoming a supernova itself represents some targeting and turmoil.

The murloc wanted to stop him, but he was not strong enough, and he was held back by the Straw Hats. It was impossible for him to take risks. It would be worthless if he was killed by Bai Feiyang and the others.

"Damn pariah!"

Saint Roswald wanted to say something, but Xiao Feng had already come in front of him.

The palm wind issued, the dragon chant sounded, and a blow full of anger landed on Saint Roswald.

St. Roswald's body was sent flying with a palm, flew onto the auction stage, and hit the wall fiercely.

"I'm... a Celestial Dragon!"

Saint Roswald looked at Xiao Feng in disbelief, he is a Tianlong man, the most honorable person in the world.

These untouchables are all his slaves, and now this slave beat him, what a rebellion!
A figure rubbed St. Roswald's body and hit the wall behind. It was his daughter, but at this moment, her helmet was broken, and blood was continuously flowing from her head. It was obvious that she couldn't survive.


St. Roswald's eyes contracted. Of course he is not afraid of blood. He can even see countless blood, blood and screams every day, which can make St. Roswald feel excited.

However, that was the blood of slaves, and St. Roswald hadn't seen the blood of a Celestial Dragon for an unknown amount of time.

Today, the blood of the Tianlong people appeared in front of him again, it was no different from the blood of the slaves, it was also bright red.

"Sorry, too much force, I haven't controlled the direction yet."

Seeing Xiao Feng's puzzled eyes, Sai Luo said embarrassedly.

"Listen, people inside, you are surrounded, stop your atrocities immediately!"

The navy's action was very fast, and it had already started preparations as soon as the Tianlongren and Bai Feiyang clashed.

But they still haven't seen the Tianlong people rescued.

And the moment Tianlongren was killed, all the navy immediately dispatched to arrest him.

Although these navies are not used to the Tianlong people, they feel admiration for those who killed the Tianlong people.

But they can only follow orders.

And it's not a good thing for them not to be able to catch the person who killed the Tianlong people this time.

"Hahaha, the navy is here, and those trash are finally here! You untouchables, mobs, all of you will be killed!"

Hearing the shouts from the navy outside, Saint Roswald showed joy on his face. The navy finally came, and with the protection of the navy, his safety was guaranteed.

"This guy, do you think those people can save his life?"

Bai Feiyang looked at St. Roswald, but unfortunately even if the navy came, he couldn't keep him.

"Ah, the navy is here, are we going to run?"

Luffy realized later that it was the navy who came.

Should they run away?

"Isn't it too late to run at this time?"

Kidd glanced at Luffy, did he just think of running at this time?Is it too late?

Luffy tilted his head and looked at Kidd, not understanding what he was talking about.

"The navy has surrounded this place, all of us are targets, and we can't get out by running."

Luo explained next to him.

This auction house has been surrounded by the navy, and it is not so easy to escape.

"What, just blow them away."

Luffy laughed, wouldn't it be enough for those navy to fly away?

It can be seen from this that Luffy is indeed a messy person.

"That's right, just call it out."

Kidd stood up, since the person he wanted to see had already been seen, there was no need to stay here any longer.

And they are about to start running for their lives now, the admiral of the navy headquarters is very scary.

"Are you going to do it? Eustace's master?"

Luo saw that Kidd started to move, so he didn't sit still, and they also needed to rush out from here.

"Of course, I'm not as stupid as the straw hat. The longer I stay here, the more navy will gather, and it's time to leave."

Kidd gave a wild smile.

He's not the fool that Luffy is, if he doesn't go, he'll be facing the admiral.

"makes sense."

Luo nodded, ready to leave with his men.

"What are they talking about?"

Luffy still doesn't understand, but he has an advantage, if you don't understand, you can put it down and do something else.

"That's right, let's rescue Kemi first!"

Luffy let go of his doubts about Kidd and Law, and asked his partners to take this opportunity to rescue Kemi first.

As for Luffy himself?

Of course, he rushed out to grab the head with Kidd and Luo.

Sauron and the others looked helpless and had no choice but to watch the captain messing about, and waited for someone to rescue Kemi.

Seeing the actions of a group of pirates, Saint Roswald's face turned blue. These pirates blocked the navy, so wouldn't there be no one to stop these lunatics?

This left St. Roswald with no confidence in his own safety, and these thugs might really kill him.

Although his sons and daughters are dead, Saint Roswald doesn't have any thoughts of revenge now, and only wants to save his own life.

After all, he is not the idiot that his son is. He has lived to such a great age, and some basic safety and danger can still be judged.

"If you let me go, I won't hold you accountable for offending the Tianlong people."

Saint Roswald said with an ugly face.

As a Tianlongren, uttering this sentence means that he is cowardly, which makes Tianlongren's face darkened.

"As long as I can survive, all these mobs will die!"

Saint Roswald thought viciously in his heart, he had never been wronged like this, and naturally he also had a huge killing intent.

If he can survive, it is impossible for him to let everyone here.

"Think we'll let you live?"

Naruto, who had seen all the guards dealt with, brought the remaining dozens of shadow clones to Saint Roswald.

"Brother Naruto? Are you?"

Xiao Feng looked at dozens of Naruto who were exactly the same, and was completely stunned. What's going on?
He had seen clearly before that these were real Naruto, and they could still launch attacks.

"It's a clone technique."

Sai Luo was also a little surprised. The Ultraman of their Kingdom of Light also has the ability to clone, such as a certain Max.

So Sero was not surprised by the avatar.

"Well, that's right, this is the technique of shadow clone."

Naruto let his clone beat Tianlongren violently, and answered Sai Luo and Xiao Feng's questions by himself.

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