"Slave? What's that?"

Naruto asked curiously, what is a slave, the current Naruto is too innocent to understand what a slave means.

"Just read on and you'll know."

Bai Feiyang looked at Naruto, and then he would know.

Not long after, the host of the auction came, introduced the rules here, and then started the auction.

"Is this a slave? There is still an auction, these guys, what do they think of people!"

Sai Luo clenched his fists angrily. He didn't know what a slave was before, but now he knows it. He absolutely doesn't allow such a thing.

"These guys are really too much!"

Sai Luo still restrained himself, but Naruto didn't care about it at all, and yelled out loudly.

Immediately, everyone in the auction house looked at Naruto.

"Who is this guy?"

"How dare you say such a thing?"

"It's just some slaves. What's the point of shouting?"

"That's right, no education at all."

People around put their eyes on Naruto, they didn't care about Naruto's words, they just thought Naruto was yelling like this.

Really lack of education.

"Hehe, I didn't expect someone to make trouble here."

Kidd looked at Naruto, he didn't expect that these so-called supernovas hadn't made trouble yet, and someone walked ahead of them.

"Speak up for slaves, is there such a person in the sea? Especially in this Chambord Islands?"

Luo looked at Naruto and felt very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be people speaking out for slaves on the great route.

You must know that on this sea, there are the most pirates, and the vicious pirates will not feel angry for the slaves, nor will they sympathize with what happened to them.

Unless these slaves are people related to them.

And the Chambord Islands are the middle of the great route, the end of the first half, and those who can get here have long had the consciousness of being a pirate.

So Luo was really surprised to hear that someone could speak for slaves.

"Why is it so noisy?"

An ugly man with a bubble cover on his head became dissatisfied. He came to buy mermaids today, but why is it so noisy here?

Hearing Tianlongren speak, all the people were quiet for a moment, they were afraid that their voice would disturb Tianlongren.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

The sudden silence made Naruto look around suspiciously, not knowing why it suddenly became so quiet, he really didn't get used to it.

"What is his identity?"

Sai Luo saw that it was because of that person's words that quieted the surroundings, which surprised Sai Luo.

"They are Tianlong people, the most noble and powerful people in this world, although they are essentially a bunch of waste and scum."

Bai Feiyang looked at St. Charles Rose in the crowd, and his tone was merciless.

"That person dared to say that about Tianlong people!"

"Is he dying?"

"Let's go, I feel like something is going to happen today!"

"Don't kill us and don't implicate us!"

When the people around heard Bai Feiyang's words, they immediately showed surprise expressions, and then turned into panic. They realized that Tianlong people are not something ordinary people can insult.

If these Tianlong people really pursue it, the people here will count as one, and they will not be able to escape.

That's why they were so surprised.

However, there are also some people who feel that today's matter is not simple, and now is just the beginning.

So some people left quietly.

"A group of untouchables are so bold!"

Saint Roswald stood up suddenly with anger on his face, and turned his head to look at Bai Feiyang. This untouchable had no respect for the Tianlong people.

should be punished.

"It turns out that you can understand human speech, but I thought you couldn't understand it."

Bai Feiyang looked at St. Roswald with a sneer, without restraining himself at all.

"This guy is so strange, why did he put a fish tank on his head?"

Naruto felt very strange looking at the three Tianlongren. Isn't it too strange to wear a fish tank?
"That's their helmet. The Tianlong people don't bother to breathe the same air as ordinary people, so they use the helmet to separate themselves."

Bai Feiyang looked at Tianlongren, these guys are really arrogant to a certain extent.

Hearing Bai Feiyang's words, both Sai Luo and Naruto were stunned, they never expected such a person to exist.

"How noble do they think they are, they even have to separate the air from ordinary people!"

Kakashi was dumbfounded, aren't these people really crazy?
"Such a move is already insane."

Lin Jiu looked at the Tianlongren and felt that it was outrageous. How could there be such a person?
Are you sure it's a human?
"It's unbelievable, but this is this world. The Tianlong people have an extremely noble status. They can basically do whatever they want. Ordinary people, including the navy or the general kingdom, have to listen to them.

These people don't have to do anything, but enjoy the world's offerings, eat, drink, and have fun. Everything is allowed. It is not wrong to say that they are scum. "

Facing the unbelievable gazes of Xiao Feng and the others, Bai Feiyang talked about the specialness of Tianlong people.

The world is so twisted.

"Hmph, the ancestors of our Tianlong people united together to form a world government and bring peace to this world. This is a great achievement and deserves the respect of the world."

St. Roswald stood up and talked about what their Tianlong ancestors had done before, which was the reason why they were able to obtain their honorable status.

"Just relying on the shadow of these ancestors, can they be so unscrupulous!"

Xiao Feng looked at St. Roswald, this guy's words are totally untenable, the ancestor's credit is his ancestor's, not theirs.

"Their logic is so strange. After being high above the ground for too long, they really don't regard themselves as human beings."

Bai Feiyang smiled, not to mention anything else, the world is not peaceful at all, and it is also very chaotic.

And the source of this confusion is them, the Celestial Dragons.

"Father, why are you talking so much to these unreasonable bastards?"

St. Charles Rose stood up from the side, took out his beloved small pistol, and pulled the trigger at Bai Feiyang.

The pistol fired, and the bullets flew out, but there was no blood spray.

"Unexpectedly, your trash gun is quite accurate."

Bai Feiyang was a little surprised, the shot did hit him, but he dodged it with divine power.

Originally, he thought this guy was a waste, but he didn't expect that this shot was quite accurate.

"This is... a hidden weapon!"

Xiao Feng was startled, he didn't expect this small iron rod to be such a powerful hidden weapon.

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