Seeing this, Li Cuo took a rope for Yang Hao to hold, tied the other end of the rope around his waist, and then slid down the slope. Liang Wan was already panicked by the Hydra cypress behind him. , almost crying, Li Cu grabbed Liang Wan and ran away with her.

Fortunately, the two arrived in time, otherwise it would have really become Hydra's lunch. After returning to their place, the place where they heard the truck was out of Hydra's attack. Fortunately, there was such a A place, otherwise it would really be a scene of escape in the desert.

"What the hell is this thing? Why did I encounter such a thing." Liang Wan was already on the verge of collapse when he encountered such a thing. After all, Su Wan and Yang Hao are boys. Not the slightest bit of fear, but somewhat excited.

"In this Gutongjing, the Hydra cypress is the leader, and where we are now is near the truck, the Hydra cypress will not attack, of course, the Hydra cypress will attack based on the sound, as long as we don't If you make a sound, it won’t come, Doctor Liang, go and rest first.” Li Cuo repeated the explanation given to him by the black glasses, and Liang Wan’s mood is not very good now, so let her rest well before she can sleep. keep walking.

Liang Wan went to rest, and the three brothers were sitting outside the tent chatting messily, a figure suddenly appeared not far away, and was walking towards them, Li Cuo's eyelids twitched, who is this, in the middle of the night I don't know if people are scary, can they scare people to death?What's more, it's unknown how many people died in Gutongjing.

"Stop! Who are you? Don't go any further!" Li Cu was a little scared. After all, in the middle of the night, a person suddenly appeared, and he was afraid of anyone, but there was no timidity in his voice.

"Li Cu! Congratulations on coming to the desert again. You need to go on your own for the rest of the journey. Next, you will meet a group of people. They are the Wang family. You must establish a good relationship with them to ensure your safety. They want you Do whatever you want. Of course, the journey ahead may become more and more dangerous. However, there is no way to resolve it. The girl in the tent has a way. With her around, you will be fine, okay? I'm leaving now, and I look forward to our meeting later." It was Wu Xie who came, and he didn't die, yes, he really didn't die, but Li Cu was shocked, he thought that this psychopath would die, but he didn't expect to die still alive.

"Wu Xie! What about you? What are you going to do?" Li Cuo saw that Wu Xie was about to leave after talking to him, and immediately asked back, this person disappeared without a trace all day long, and now he appeared again Disappeared, and he was asked to meet the Wang family who was so troublesome. He knew it was not a good family.

"I'm going to do the next thing. Of course, the black glasses will protect you." Wu Xie said again, and then turned around and slowly disappeared from the eyes of several people. Only then did Li Cu sit down. Where is Wu Xie? What the hell, it suddenly appeared and disappeared inexplicably.

"Li Cu, was that Wu Xie just now? Is that the one who kidnapped you?" Yang Hao watched the person walk away before he started to ask Li Cu. It seems that the relationship between Wu Xie and Li Cu is quite close, otherwise , and it would not be necessary for Wu Xie to go to such great lengths to notify Li Cu.

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